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OFfice Cory 


Numismatic Gold Specialists Since 1950 

P.O. BOX 1565 * BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33429-1565 
Tel: 954/781-3455 ¢ Fax: 954/781-5865 
E-mail: coins @ * Web site: 

Summer 2002 


Dear Clients: Welcome to our Summer price list! We are proud to offer a wonderful selection of 
new purchases! Check out the assortment of ancients (all ICG certified!) as well as older numismatic 
world gold along with interesting modem issues! We also have reduced prices on unsold ttems from 
our previous list! There should be something here for everyone! We look forward to hearing from you 
and have a great Summer! Bob & Mike 

i ANCIENT GREECE-Ionia Mytilene (Lesbos) Electrum Hekte (1/16 stater) ND (521-478 BC) 

FR. 332 Dewing # 2233 Lion’s head/Rev: Incuse calf’s head. ICG EF40--------------------------- $950.00 
2 ANCIENT GREECE/ITALY-Syracuse (in Sicily) gold | 1/3 Litrae ND (circa 405 BC) 

FR. 65 Dewing # 866 Head of Herakles/Rev: Female head in incuse square. Scarce 

(cats. $3500 in FR) ICG EF40----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
3 ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold 1/12 stater ND Philip [I (struck 323-315 BC) 

FR. 105 S. #6676 ICG VF25---------------------------------------------------------- =n nn nnn $750.00 
4. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip Il (struck 323-315 BC) 

FR. 97 ANS SNG #178 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Pella mint (cats. $4000 XF in FR) 

ICG AUS0-------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~ = ~~ $$ nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip Il (struck 323-316 BC) FR. 97 
S. #6661 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Abydus mint (cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUS5------- $2,450.00 

6. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip II (struck 323-316 BC) FR. 95 

ANS SNG #310 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Magnesia (in Ionia) mint Scarce 

(cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUS8------------------------------------------------------------ $2,750.00 
a ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Philip Il (359-336 BC) FR. 97 

Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Amphipolis mint Scarce (cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUS3------- $2,250.00 
8. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great ND (336-323 BC) 

FR. 107 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint ICG EF45----$1,750.00 

ICG AUS0-------------------------------------------------------------------- $n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
9: ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 333-327 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 3004 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Tarsus mint 

ICG AUS0-------------------------------------------------------------------- =n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
10. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (st.uck 332-323 BC) 
FR. 107 Price # 3968 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Memphis (Egypt) mint 
ICG AUS0------------------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 

Michael D. Sottini Robert L. Steinberg 
A.N.A. Member # R175304 A.N.A. Life Member # 1958 




William Fox Steinberg 
7 PN.G.#285 In Memorium 1913-1995 

qu iin 






ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 330-320 BC) 

FR. 107 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Amphipolis mint ICG EF40---------- 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 325-320 BC) 
FR. 107 Price #3100 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. 

Citium (Kition in Cyprus) mint ICG AU55----------------------------------------------------------- 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-317 BC) 
FR. 107 Price # 1524 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Abydus mint 

1s Ri ee S1°750,002, ICG ALSO a ee 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-319 BC) 
FR. 107 Price #2276a Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Teos mint 

BOGE VR Sn rn ee ee 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-319 BC) 
FR. 107 Price # 1943 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. 

Magnesia ad Maeadrum mint ICG AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------- 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 311-305 BC) 
FR. 107 Price #3748 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint 

MESES) AS 0 a ae ee Am ea a 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 311-305 BC) 
FR. 107 Price # 3749 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint 

HORA Sa re eee 

ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 300-295 BC) 
FR. 107 Price #2136 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Miletos mint 

ICG VF35---------------------------------------------------- $= 2-22 n nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnnnnne 
ANCIENT GREECE/EGYPT-The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt gold Octodrachm ND Ptolemy II 









Philadelphos (285-246 BC) FR. 528, Sear 7789, Svor. 603 (sometimes attributed to Ptolemy III, 

Euergates) Conjoined busts of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II/Rev: Conjoined busts of Ptolemy I 
and Berenike I. Scarce (cats. $10000 in FR) ICG EF40------------------------------------------- 

ANCIENT GREECE-Thracian King Koson (44-42 BC) gold stater FR. 124 S. #1733 
Consul walking left between lictors/Rev: Eagle on sceptre holding wreath in claw. 


Probably issued for Brutus for the Civil War. (cats. $3000 XF in FR) ICG MS62-----$850.00 -/ 

(ICG Ms6g— 2 a $995.00 ICG MS64(Scarce this nice!)--------------------------------- 

ANCIENT ROME -Julius Caesar (60-44 BC) gold aureus ND FR. 16, C. #2, Syd. #1017 
Veiled female head/Rev: Priestly implements. Struck at Rome in 46 BC by A. Hirtius 
as praetor. Possibly struck to commemorate Caesar’s triumphs in 46 BC (he distributed 
5000 denarii each to all of his soldiers plus 100 denarii per man to the populace of Rome!) 

ROGER AS a ee ee 

ANCIENT ROME-Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 51 Laureate head right/ 

Rev: Caius and Lucius standing. Augustus was the first Roman Emperor, a great nephew of 

Julius Caesar whose proper name was Octavian, assumed the name Augustus in 27 BC. 
Lugdunum mint. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! Scarce (cats. $2000 VF in FR) 

Our specimen has a couple of small scrapes and marks which keep it from being “slabbed”, 
but still a decent looking specimen which would otherwise grade a nice Fine or better!--------- 

ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 65, S. #565 Variant 
Head/Rev: Livia seated. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! (cats. $2500 VF in FR) 

ICG VF25------$1,750.00 “ICG VF30----------- $1,950.00 ICG VF35-----------------------—--- 

ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 94, RIC 63, C. #118, 
BMC #77 Head/Rev: Jupiter seated. (cats. $3000 VF in FR) Struck at Rome 66-67 AD! 

One ‘of the-“Twelve.Ceasars”! =. 1CG. VP20-—— 

ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 98, RIC 71, C. # 315, 
BMC #98 Head/Rev: Salus seated. Struck at Rome 67-68 AD! (cats. $3000 VF in FR) 

One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! ICG VF20--------- $1,750.00 ICG VF35----------------------- 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Galba (68-69 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 105 RIC 164 Cohen 286 
Sear 2093 One of the “Twelve Caesars”! RARE (cats. $6000 VF/$20000 XF in FR) 

ICG VF30-——___—-_—__ $$ $$$ $$$ $$. 




---$2,250.00 >! 














ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Vespasian (Titus Caesar) (69-79 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 132, 

RIC 169 Head/Rev: Pax seated. Struck at Rome in 74 AD. One of the “Twelve Caesars’! 

feats $3000.VE 0 FR) ICG VE30.- OO $1,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Vespasian (69-79 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 127, RIC 97, C. #116 

Head/Rev: Cow. Struck at Rome in 76 AD. One of the “Twelve Caesars”! 

Fate GOI or sain RT Ye EL EL mae $2,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Trajan (98-117 AD) gold aureus ND RIC # 368, C. #153 Bust/ 
Rev: Salus seated feeding snake twined round altar. Struck 114-117 AD. ICG VF35------------- $2,250.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Commodus (177-192 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 346, RIC 648, 

C. #760 Bust right/Rev: Castor holding horse by the bridle. Struck 178 AD. 

(eat= sho 500 Br int R)) Scarce this nicet ICG MS63 ee $7,500.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Severus Alexander (222-235 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 477 

Cohen 280 Struck 230 AD! Bust/Rev: Emperor walking to right holding spear, 

military trophy over shoulder. (cats. $6000 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! ICG MS64------------ $5,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Licinius I (308-324 AD) gold aureus ND RIC # 20 Bust right/ 

Rev: Jupiter seated holding Victory on globe and sceptre; at feet, eagle with wreath. 

Struck 317-318 AD at Nicomedia. RARE (type cats. $8000 EF in FR) ICG AUS0------------- $5,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constans (337-350 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 857, RIC 135 

Bust right/Rev: Two Victories facing one another, holding between them a wreath. 

Struck 347-348 at Trier. (cats. $1800 EF in FR) Scarce this nice! ICG MS62------------------- $2,250.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constantius II (as Augustus) gold semis ND (337-361 AD) RIC# 155, 

Depeyrot 10/3 Bust right/Rev: Victory seated right inscribing on shield supported by Cupid. 

Struck circa 351-355 at Thessalonica. This coin referenced in both RIC & Depeyrot! 

EXTREMELY RARE Apparently UNIQUE and with a fine pedigree (ex Bank Leu 

MueiclaaWiay tye to hie oo 1) 1G EEA Sr ee pe $2,450.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constantius II (as Augustus) gold solidus ND (337-361 AD) 

FR. 868. RIC 122, C. #261 Bust right/Rev: Victory standing holding trophy mounted on 

long pole and palm branch. Struck 343-344 at Trier. Well struck on a round flan. 

(eaten POOU EE se PR) SIGs A) 99 ee ne eee $1,750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius I (379-395 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 894 Bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding sceptre and globe, resting 

right foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $1500 XF in FR) FEGAUSS-———_$995-60 

ICG hs. a $1,450.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Honorius (393-423 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 903 Helmeted bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $700 XF in FR) 

icc AUS $3 — nn nn nan er—owawr le $595.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Honorius (393-423 AD) gold solidus ND RIC # 1287, C. #44 

Cf.S. #4244 Bust right/Rev: Emperor standing with foot on captive foe. 

Struck 402-403 at Ravenna. ICG EF45-—-------------------------—-_-__—_————————— $950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 14, RIC 361-3 
Bust/Rev: Emperor standing. Struck 424-430 at Thessalonica. ICG AUS8-------------------------- $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 15 Bust/ 

Rev: Victory holding long jeweled cross. Constantinople mint (struck 420-422 AD) 

[CGMS $750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16 Bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (struck 433 AD) 

ICG AUS5------------------------------ $550.00 ICG MS63-----------------------3 nnn $950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16, 

RIC 257 Bust/Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing left with foot on prow. 

Struck 430-440 AD at Constantinople. ICG AU55---------—________--__--_-———- $550.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR 16, 

RIC 293 Bust/Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing left with foot on prow 

Struck 441-450 AD at Constantinople. FEG-AUS8===--==-$650.00 ICG MS62-------------------—— $850.00 





y 1. 




ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 18 Bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing right holding Victory on globe. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 2nnnnnnnnnn- =a =a = $550.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Aelia Pulcheria (circa 414 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 24, RIC 205 Bust right/ 

Rev: Victory seated right on cuirass, pointing to shield she is supporting on her left knee. 

Aelia Pulcheria was the sister of Theodosius II and wife of Marcian! (cats. $2500 EF in FR) 

Nice luster and strike on a full round flan. Scarce this nice! ICG AUS0---------------------------- $2,450.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Valentinian III (425-455 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 918 Bust right/ 

Rev: Emperor standing holding cross and globe with right foot on human-headed coiled snake. 

Ravenna mint. (cats. $950 XF in FR) ICG AU58------ $750.00 ICG MS60------------------------- $995.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Marcian (450-457 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 23 Facing bust/ 
Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint ICG MS62--------------------------- $995.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Leo I (457-474 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 25 RIC 605 Facing bust/ 

Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Struck 462-466 AD at Constantinople. 

KEG AUSS==--$495-00 ICG MS61------ $595.00 ICG MS62------- $650.00 ICG MS63------------ $750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Zeno (474-491 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 40 Second Reign Facing bust/ 

Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint (cats. $800 XF in FR) 

ICG MS03---------------------------------------------------------- = 2-2-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn enna nnn nnn nnn nnn nana $750.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding staff with reversed Chi-rho. 

Constantinople mint (struck 498 AD) Very Rare transitional type! ICG MS64------------------- $1,250.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint 

(struck 498-518 AD) ICG MS63----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justin | (518-527 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 68 
Berk# 38 Facing bust/Rev: Victory holding long cross. Constantinople mint ICG EF40---------- $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justinian | (527-565 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 73 

Facing bust/Rev: angel holding long cross and globus cruciger. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS0----$395.00 ICG AUS8------ $495.00 K0G MS641—-—--$595-00 ICG MS62------------ $750.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justin I] (565-578 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 77 

Bust/Rev: Constantinopolis seated. Constantinople mint ICG AUS8--$350.00 ICG MS62-------- $450.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Maurice Tiberius (582-602 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 88 Berk# 82 Bust/Rev: Victory standing holding cross. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS55----------- $325.00 ICG AUS8------------- $350.00 4€G-MS62----------------------------- $450-00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Focas (602-610 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 93 

S. #620 Bust/Rev: Victory standing holding cross/“ICG AU58------- $350.00 

ICG MS60----$395.00 ICG MS61------ $450.00 ICG MS62------ $495.00 ICG MS63------------ $595.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 101 

Sear # 733 Bust/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint ICG AU55---------------------------------- $395.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD) gold tremissis ND FR. 104 

Berk # 128 Bust right/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint ICG AU58--------------------------- $295.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD) gold solidus FR. 105 

Busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS5 --------------------------------------------- n-ne nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $350.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD) gold solidus FR. 107 

Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas standing/Rev: Cross potent. 

Constantinople mint ICG AU50----------- $350.00 ICG AUS3----------------------------------------- $325-00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constans II (641-668 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 110 
Bust/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint t€@-Aw55-——-$356.00 ICG AU58------------------ $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constans II (641-668 AD) gold solidus ND 
FR. 119 Busts of Constans II and Constantine IV/Rev: Heraclius and Tiberius standing. 
Constantinople mint ICG MS61------- $395.00 ICG-MS64(Scarce this nice!)------------------------ $Y95-08 















ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constantine IV (668-685 AD) gold solidus ND 
FR. 122 Berk # 169 Bust/Rev: Cross potent between Heraclius and Tiberius 
Constantinople mint +€ 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE- sEnieerar Justinian II (First Reign 685-695 AD) gold solidus 
ND FR. 129 Berk # 185 Bust/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint ICG AU58---------------- $495 00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperors Constantine VII and Romanus II (945-959 AD) 
gold solidus ND Sear #1751 Bust of Christ facing/Rev: Facing busts of Constantine VII 
and Romanus II and holding between them a long patrimarchal cross. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS0----------------------- $650.00 K©G AUWS5S5-------------------------------------------------------- $856-00 
AFGHANISTAN SH1304 (1925) | Amani Amanullah Khan FR. 34 (KM912) PCGS MS63----------- $250.00 
AFGHANISTAN 1978 10000 Afghani “Marco Polo Sheep” FR. 43 (KM982) 

Conservation Coin Series Only 694 Uncs minted! NGC MS65S----------------------------------------- $550.00 

AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 25 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 6 (KM36) NGC PF63------- $175.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 50 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 5 (KM39) 

NGC PF63------------------ $250.00 NGC PF66------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 100 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 4 (KM40) 

NGC PF62--------------------------- $395.00 NGC PF65--------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) complete 3 pc. gold & | pc. silver “Save Venice” PROOF set 

KM#PS12 GEM PROOF in original case-------------------------------------------- n-nonane nn nnn $850.00 
ALBANIA 1926-R 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog 1 FR. 4 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,900 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS63------------------- $350.00 
ALBANIA 1927-V 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog 1 FR. 6 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,053 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS64------------------- $350.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga PROVA ZogI FR. 1 (KM#Pr29) Bust with no stars below/Rev: 

Chariot with PROVA in field above. Scarce (cats. $1500) PCGS MS62--------------------------- $1,250.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga ZogI FR. | (KMI1a.1) Bust with no stars below/Rev: Chariot. 

(cats. $1250 in KM) NGC MS02----------------------------------------- = $3 nnn $950.00 
ALBANIA 1937-R 100 Franga Zog I “25" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 11 (KM21) 

One year type! Only 500 minted! (cats. $3000 in FR) PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ALBANIA 1938-R 20 Franga “Marriage of King Zog” FR. 14 (KM22) 2,500 mintage 

One-year type! P/L surfaces! NGC MS64-—_——_—__  ——— ——— $450.00 
ALBANIA 1968 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.1) NGC PF67-------------------------- $250.00 
ALBANIA 1969 20 Leke “Sword and helmet in wreath” FR. 22 (KM51.4) Only 650 minted! 

Listed an: KM as Reported but. not:confirmed”!- NGC PF65——----_—__ $295.00 

ALBANIA 1969 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.2) only 500 minted! NGC PF67------ $295.00 
ALBANIA 1969 200 Leke “Buthrotum Ruins” FR. 19 (KM55.2) Scarce only 200 minted! 

NGC PF65----------------------------------------$----—-- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn $750.00 
ALBANIA 1969 500 Leke “500” Anniversary-Death of Skanderbeg” FR. 18 (KM56.2) 

Contains 2.8574 oz! Scarce only 200 pcs. struck! GEM PROOF ------------------------------------ $1,450.00 
ALBANIA 1970 20 Leke “500” Anniversary-Death of Prince Skanderbeg” FR. 22 (KMS1.5) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF68-—--—--------_-_____-_---_-__-_----_____-____________-___——— $150.00 
ALBANIA 1987 100 Leke “Seaport of Durazzo” FR. 23 (KM59) Arms/Rev: Ship in harbor. 

NGC PF69------------------—------------------~--$---$--$ nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
ALDERNEY 1995 | Pound “V.E. Day” KM12a Only 500 minted! Contains .4653 oz gold! 

(cats. $350) $295.00 
ALGERIA 1996 2 Oia Republic “L’ Emir Abd El Kader” Not yet listed in KM! NGC MS66---------- $295.00 
ANGUILLA 1970 $5. “Methodist Church” FR. 4 (KM20) NGC PF67-—----—_--—_--_-------__---— $75.00 
AWGN ILGA 1970 $10: “Sea Creatures “FR. 3 (KM21) NGC PF66——————— ———_——_—_—_—— $125.00 
ARGENTINA 1843 2 Escudos “Sun over mountain” FR. 12 (KMI17) Scarce one year type! 

PCGS VF25---------------- $550.00 PCGS AUSS-------------------------------------------- == $950.00 
ARGENTINA 1885 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6)_ PCGS AUS5S5---$125.00 

PCGS-US 8 -------------------------------------------------------- === nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $1480 

ARGENTINA 1889 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) Rarest date of the series! 
BC NT tendencies nnennee $450.00 
















ARGENTINA 1995 5 Pesos “50" Anniversary of the United Nations” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF68--------- $195.00 GEM PROOF in original capsule with certificate------------------------ $195.00 
ARGENTINA-Tierra del Fuego 1889 5 Gramos FR. 1 (KM#Tn2) EXTREMELY RARE 

One year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR-highest grade listed there!) PCGS MS62------------------- $4,950.00 
AUSTRALIA 1855-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9 (KM2) Scarce two year type! 

(cats. $3000 VF in KM) PCGS VF30--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

AUSTRALIA 1856-S '2 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9a (KM1) Scarce two year type! PCGS VG10------- $250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1857-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3---------------------------------------____------_______-_-______________________-_-_-____-_---____-- $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1859-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 
PCGS AUS3-----------------------------------------------------__------_-----___-------------------------------- $495.00 

AUSTRALIA 1861-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS55------ $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1862-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 

ESCH AUIS eee ee $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1863-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1250 XF in KM) 

POGS XPS 6350 00 PCGS AUS Sean are $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1864-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUS5------------------------=----==--==- $350.00 
AUSTRALIA 1865-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) 

PEGS RS $250.00: BCGS AUIS Sees ees a eee ee $350.00 

AUSTRALIA 1866-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS62-------- $1,450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1867-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS VF35------- $150.00 

PEGSAGS3--=-$250.00 PCGS AUS55---------- $295.00 NGC AUS55----------- $350.00 

RCE IS Ba ak eles ee $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1868-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUS53---$250.00 PCGS AUSS5------- $295.00 
AUSTRALIA 1870-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------ $295.00 
AUSTRALIA 1873-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 15 (KM7) PCGS AUS53------------------------------------- $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1878-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 11 (KM6) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------ $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1879-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 11 (KM6) PCGS AU58------------------------------------ $225.00 
AUSTRALIA 1879-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 16 (KM7) PCGS MS61----------------------------------- $175.00 
AUSTRALIA 1880-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) RARE date! (cats. $2250 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 -n 22a nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn n nnn nnnnen $1,450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1883-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) Scarcer date! (cats. $875 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------- 22-2 2-2 nnn nena nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nena ens $650.00 
AUSTRALIA 1895-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 24 (KM13) NGC MS62------------- $175.00 
AUSTRALIA 1895-S 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 23 (KM13) PCGS MS61------------ $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $5 Platinum “Koala” FR. 67 (KM122) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR67------------------ $65.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $15 Platinum “Koala” FR. 66 (KM123) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR68--------------- $100.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $25 Platinum “Koala” FR. 65 (KM124) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR68--------------- $225.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $50 Platinum “Koala” FR. 64 (KM125) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR69--------------- $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $100 Platinum “Koala” FR. 63 (KM126) 2,400 mintage 

Contains | oz Platinum! PCGS PR68----------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
AUSTRALIA 1991 $500 “Red Kangaroo” FR. 58 (KM150) Contains 2 oz gold! 

Scarce only 491 Proofs minted! (cats. $1700 in KM) PCGS PR67------------------------------------ $950.00 
AUSTRALIA 1998 $200 (2 oz gold) “Kangaroo” Not yet listed in KM! Scarce NGC PF68----------- $850.00 
AUSTRALIA 1999 $100 (1 0z gold) “Two Kangaroos” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------- $450.00 

AUSTRALIA-Hutt River Province 1986 medallic Sovereign “Statue of Liberty Centennial” 

Bruce #X20 Statue of Liberty with sailing ships in harbor/Rev: Two kangaroos. 

NGC PF61----------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
AUSTRIA-Austrian Netherlands 1796-B 1 Souverain d’or Franz II FR. 348 (KM64) NGC MS63----- $1,250.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1688 % Ducat Johann Emst FR. 725 (KM255) Saint seated/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $600 XF in FR) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------~- === nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $350.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1729 | Ducat Leopold Anton Eleutherius von Firmian FR. 745 (KM323) 

Saint seated/Rev: Arms. (cats. $1500 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62----------------- $1,250.00 




















AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1761 1 Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 760 (KM381) 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS MS61 ------------------------------------------------ ~~ $995 00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1771 1 Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 767 (KM407) 

(cats. $1400 XF in FR) PCGS MS02----------------------------------------------------------------—--——— $995 00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1777 '4 Ducat Hieronymous Graf Colloredo FR. 779 (KM443) 

Three year type! Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------—------—- $495 00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 % Ducat Hieronymous Graf Colloredo FR. 779 (KM443) 

Three year type! PCGS MS62-----------------------------------------------~~~---- 3m n nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 1 Ducat “1200" Anniversary of the Bishopric” Hieronymous Graf 

Colloredo FR. 781 (KM452) Rare one year type! Bust/Rev: Temple. PCGS AUS55------------ $1,450.00 
AUSTRIA 1584 1 Ducat Archduke Karl FR. 32 Ruler standing/Rev: Arms. Rare this nice! 

NGC MS64---------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
AUSTRIA 1590 1 Ducat Archduke Karl FR. 32 Ruler standing/Rev: Arms. Klagenfurt mint 

PCGS AUS3---------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
AUSTRIA 1908 100 Corona “Lady in the Clouds” FR. 429 (KM2812) One year type issued 

on his 60" year of Reign! (cats. $1600 XF/$2250 Unc in FR) NGC AUSS------------------------ $1,100.00 
AUSTRIA 1908 100 Corona PROOF “Lady in the Clouds” FR. 429 (KM2812) Scarce Proof strike 

of this popular one year type! PEGS-PR64+—-$4495.00 NGC PF63 (Scarce this nice!)---------- $2,450.00 
AUSTRIA 1912 100 Corona Franz Josef FR. 424 (KM2819) Scarcer date with only 3,591 minted! 

(cats. $1150: XF/$2000 Unc'in KM) PCGS .AU58———- $950.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 20 Kronen Republic FR. 434 (KM2830) Scarce only 10,337 minted! 

(cats. $2500 Unc in KM) NGC MS63------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 100 Kronen Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce only 2,851 minted! 

(cats, $4250 in: FR/$3500 m KM) P/L:surfaces! _PCGS'MS62————— $2,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 100 Kronen PROOF Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce Proof striking 

(not listed in Proof in KM!) and Rare this nice! NGC PF64------------------------------------------- $4,450.00 
AUSTRIA 1927 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) Eagle/Rev: Value between branches. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS65-------------------------------$--- nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
AUSTRIA 1929 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) PCGS AU58--------------------------------- $295.00 
AUSTRIA 1933 25 Schillings Republic FR. 436 (KM2841) Rarest date of the series with 

only 4,944 minted! (cats. $1850 Unc in KM) Wonderful quality! NGC MS65------------------ $1,750.00 
AUSTRIA 1935 25 Schillings “St. Leopold” Republic FR. 439 (KM2856) 2,880 mintage 

Scarcer date! NGC MS64------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
AUSTRIA 1936 100 Schillings “Maria Zell Madonna” Republic FR. 437 (KM2857) 

Scarce four year type! (cats: $2250 m:FR): NGC MS61-—_=+——____— $1,650.00 
AUSTRIA 1937 100 Schillings “Maria Zell Madonna” Republic FR. 437 (KM2857) 

2,900 mintage Scarce four year type! P/L surfaces! (cats. $2250) NGC MS62------------------ $1,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1976 1000 Schillings “Babenburg Dynasty Millennium” FR. 797 (KM2933) 

NGC MS65------- $175.00 NGC MS66------------- $195.00 NGC MS67----------------------------- $225.00 
AUSTRIA 1993 1000 Schilling “Maria Theresa” KM3013 NGC PF69--------------------------------n--=~ $395.00 
AUSTRIA 1994 medallic 25 Ecu “Peace/Christmas Bell” not yet listed in KM or Bruce! 

900 minted NGC PF67---------------------------nr nnn nnn $150.00 

AUSTRIA 1998 1000 Schilling “Habsburg Tragedies-Empress Elizabeth” _KM3052 NGC PF68------- $395.00 
BAHRAIN 1978 50 Dinars “50 Anniversary of Bahrain Monetary Agency” FR. 4 (KMI1) 

NGC PF64---------------------------------$nr nnn nnn $295.00 
BELARUS 1996 1 Rouble “50” Anniversary of United Nations” KM31 National arms/ 

Rev; Crane tying over map and UjN. logo, "NGC PE69———-———-= $195.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant 1 Peter d’or ND Joan and Wenceslas (1355-1383) FR. 21 Bust of St. Peter/ 

Rey. Cross. (cats. $2500:XF) PCGS AU383-——_____-_______________—_——_——— $1,650.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant I Mounton d’or ND Joan and Wenceslas (1355-1383) FR. 23 Lamb/ 

Rev: Cross. (cats. $2750 XF) PCGS MS61-_-___---_-—____---______----_---___--___-—_---_-—-—— $2450.00 

BELGIUM-Brabant 1647 2 Souverain d’or Philip IV of Spain FR. 85a Crowned bust with 
flat collar/Rev: Arms. Scarce (cats. $3750 XF) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------- $1,950.00 

le 155 















BELGIUM-Flanders | Chaise d’or ND Louis de Male (1346-1384) FR. 96 Ruler seated 
on throne holding shield (lion on shield)/Rev: Cross. Nice round planchet and fully struck! 

(cats. $1300 XF) PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
BELGIUM-Flanders | Franc a Cheval ND Louis de Male (1346-1384) FR. 99 Ruler on horse/ 

Rev: Cross ‘Scarce. (cats: $2250 XF). PCGS MS63———— eee $1,950.00 
BELGIUM-Flanders | Lion d’or ND Philip the Good (1419-1467) FR. 118 Lion seated/ 

Rev: Arms omeross:: (cats: SE250: KF) PCG A 9 ieee $1,250.00 

BELGIUM 1853 (100 Francs) “Marriage of Duke and Duchess of Brabant” FR. 6 (KM#M11.1) 
RARE One year type with only 482 pcs. minted! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc) NGC AUS55-----$3,950.00 

BELGIUM 1865 20 Francs Leopold I FR. 7 (KM23) One year type! NGC MS61----------------------- $175.00 
BELGIUM 1993 50 Ecu “Belgium Presidency of the E.C.” KM202 (cats. $375) NGC PF68------------ $225.00 
BELIZE 1978 $250 “Jaguar” FR. 5 (KM56) GEM PROOF in original case-------------------------------- $225.00 
BELIZE 1992 $250 “Jabiru Stork/10" Anniversary of Central Bank” FR. 19 (KM105) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
BERMUDA 1981 $250 PIEFORT “Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana” 

KM#PI Only 690 pcs. struck! (cats. $750) NGC PF69------------------------------------------------ $550.00 
BHUTAN 1981 2 Sertums PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P1 

(type of KM60 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE (cats. $1450) NGC PF69------------ $750.00 
BOLIVIA 1805 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 

(cats. $2500 in FR) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BOLIVIA 1806 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 

BOLIVIA 1822 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 19 (KM91) Four year type! Scarce 
(cats. $4000 XF in Friedberg!) NGC AUSO------ $1,250.00 PCGS AUS50------ $1,250.00 

PCGS AUS3----------------------- $1,450.00 PCGS AUS5---------------------------------------------- $1,650.00 
BOLIVIA 1837 8 Escudos Republic FR. 21 (KM99) Uniformed bust of Bolivar/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) NGC MS062---------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
BOLIVIA 1839 8 Escudos Republic FR. 21 (KM99) Uniformed bust of Bolivar/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$1650 XF in KM) PCGS AUS53----------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BOLIVIA 1842 8 Escudos Republic FR. 26 (KM108.2) Laureate bust of Bolivar to right, 

his name below/Rev: Arms. (cats. $2000 in FR) PCGS VF25------------------------------------------ $650.00 
BOLIVIA 1852/1 '2 Escudo “Bolivar” Republic FR. 36 (KM113) Scarcer overdate variety! 

PCGS MS02-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-22-22 2-22-02 20---------- $395.00 
BOTSWANA 1976 150 Pula “10” Anniversary of Independence” FR. 2 (KM10) One year type! 

NGC PF68--------- $225.00 NGC PF69-------------- $250.00 NGC PF70------------------------------ $295.00 
BOTSWANA 1981 150 Pula PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM16 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69---------------------------- $750.00 
BRAZIL 1727-M 10,000 Reis Joao V FR. 34 (KM116) Arms and value/Rev: Cross of Jerusalem. 

Minas Gerais mint Scarce date (cats. $3500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5S---------------------------- $3,450.00 
BRAZIL 1732-M 12,800 Reis Joao V FR. 55 (KM139) Laureate head/Rev: Italic arms. 

Minas Gerais mint NGC AUS0---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
BRAZIL 1771/69 4000 Reis Jose I FR. 73 (KMI171.2) Arms and value/Rev: Plain cross in 

quadrilobe. This overdate unlisted in KM! PCGS AU53------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
BRAZIL 1778 2000 Reis Maria I and Pedro II] FR. 83 (KM209) Arms and value/Rev: 

Plain cross in quadrilobe. Lisbon mint (no mintmark) PCGS AU50----------------------------------- $495.00 
BRAZIL 1803-R 6,400 Reis Maria I FR. 87 (KM226.1) Bust in decorative headdress/ 

Rev: Italic arms. Rio mint Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------------------------------------- $950.00 

BRAZIL 1832-R 6,400 Reis Pedro If FR. 115 (KM387.1) Child head/Rev: Imperial arms and value. 
Scarce two year type! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5---$1,250.00 NGC AUS55-------- $1,250.00 

BRAZIL 1855 20,000 Reis Pedro Il FR. 12la (KM468) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------- $450.00 
BRAZIL 1857 20,000 Reis Pedro II FR. 121la (KM468) PCGS AUS58----$275.00 PCGS MS61------- $350.00 
BRAZIL 1867 20,000 Reis Pedro II FR. 12la (KM468) NGC-XF45.-$495-00/ NGC AUS0--------- $225.00 

BRAZIL 1889 10,000 Reis Republic FR. 125 (KM496) 7,302 mintage (cats. $600 XF/ 
$1000 Unc in KM) AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF40----------------------------------------- $450.00 











BRAZIL 1897 20,000 Reis Republic FR. 124 (KM497) Scarce PCGS AUSS---------------------------- $950.00 
BRAZIL 1972 300 Cruzeiros “150" Anniversary of Independence” Republic FR. 126 (KM584) 

NGC MS01---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 == == 22 == === =---- $295.00 
BRAZIL 1972 “150" Anniversary of Independence” 3 pc. Mint set Consisting of the gold 

300 Cruzeiros (FR. 126/KMS584) plus two companion coins. All three coins are GEM BU and 

housed in the original leather case----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295 00 
BRAZIL 2000 20 Reais “500 Years-Discovery of Brazil” KM655 GEM PROOF in original case 
with certificate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 

BRUNEI 1978 $1000 “10" Anniversary of Sultan’s Coronation” FR. 1 (KM22) Scarce 
Only 1000 struck! Contains 1.4742 oz gold! (cats. $1450 in KM/$1250 in FR) NGC PF69------ $950.00 

BULGARIA 1894 20 Leva Ferdinand FR. 3 (KM20) One year type! NGC MS60------------------------- $195.00 
BULGARIA 1912 20 Leva Ferdinand “25" Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FR. 6 (KM33) One year type! NGC MS61 --------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
BULGARIA 1912 100 Leva Ferdinand “25™ Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FR. 5S (KM34) Scarce One year type! PCGS AU58--------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BULGARIA 1963 20 Leva “1100™ Anniversary-Slavic Alphabet” Republic FR. 9 (KM68) 

NGC PF617--------------------------------------------- $2 nnn nn nnn anna nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nana nanan $295.00 
BULGARIA 1993 5000 Leva “European Community-Slavonic Alphabet” KM207 

2,500 mintage NGC PF67-----------------------------------------------~------~ =n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 

BURMA (Myanmar) 1971 complete 3 pc. gold set Issued by the Government in Exile 
(Patriotic Liberation Army) Set consists of the 1-2-4 Mu FR. 8-10 (KM43-45) Scarce set 

(cats. $850) All three coins are Choice BU----------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
BURUNDI 1962 25 Francs “Independence” FR. 3 (KM3) NGC PF66-------------------------------------- $150.00 
BURUNDI 1965 100 Francs “50 Anniversary-Reign of Mwambutsa IV” FR. 5 (KM10) 

NGC PF65---------------------------------------------- =n 2 nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnnnnnnnnnn $450.00 
BURUNDI 1967 100 Francs “1“ Anniversary of Republic” FR. 9 (KM15) NGC PF66------------------ $450.00 

BURUNDI 1967 complete 5 pc. gold “1 Anniversary of Republic” PROOF set 
KM#PS3 Set consists of the 10-20-25-50-100 Francs. (cats. $1200) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
CANADA-Newfoundland 1865 $2 Victoria FR. 1 (KMS) PCGS AU53------------------------------------ $350.00 
CANADA-Newfoundland 1870 $2 Victoria FR. 1 (KM5) PCGS AUS55------------------------------------ $450.00 
CANADA-Newfoundland 1872 $2 Victoria FR. | (KMS) 6,050 mintage Second scarcest date 

of the series! PCGS AUS5S------------------------------------------- === = 2mm nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
CANADA 1908-C 1 Sovereign Edward VII FR. | (KM14) RARE only 636 specimens minted! 

Scarce in this grade! PCGS SP64------------------------------------------------- nn $4,950.00 
CANADA 1997 $50 (1 oz gold) “Guaranteed Gold Mountie” KM305 12,913 minted! 

First we’ve handled! GEM BU in original card-------------------------------------_---___----_----— $450.00 

CAPE VERDE 1976 2500 Escudos “1" Anniversary of Independence” FR. | (KM14) NGC PF68------ $250.00 
CENTRAL AMERICA 1970 50 Pesos “10 Anniversary-Central American Bank of 
Economic Integration” Bruce# X1 Sun over five mountain peaks/Rev: Tree. 

Rol0mmiaces oltans 376/07 Sold) NOC PE65————— $295.00 
CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC (Guatemala) 1825-NG '%2 Escudo FR. 30 (KMS5) 
Scarcé this nice! PCGS MS63-——_____—______________— $450.00 

CHILE 1749 4 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 6 (KM2) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $5500 XF in FR) 

Scarce. Recovered from the “Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! 

PCGS AUS5----------------------- $1,250.00 NGC MS61------------------------------------------------- 1,750.00 
CHILE 1751-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 5 (KM3) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $6500 XF 

in FR- highest grade listed) Santiago mint. All of these pcs. recovered from the 

“Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! ANACS MS61----$2,250.00 

PCGS MS6@2------ $2,450.00 PCGS MS63------------ $2,950.00 NGC MS64---------------------- $3,950.00 
CHILE 1775-So 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 1S (KM27) Bust/Rev: Arms with value. Santiago mint 

(cats. $1250 XF in KM) AU details but sea-salvaged (not sure the exact wreck!) 

ANACS Net EF40--------------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $950.00 
CHILE 1795-So 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 23 (KM54) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------- $950.00 













CHILE 1801-So $-Escudos. Charles TV FR, 23 (KM54)-PCGS AUS5 ee $950.00 

CHILE 1805-So 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 23 (KM54) PCGS AU53—-—____________ $850.00 
CHILE 1810-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 22 (KM72) Large uniformed bust/Rev: Arms. 
(cats. $3000 XF in FR) NGC AUS5S5------- $1,750.00 PCGS:AU583——_———_—______.___—_ $1,950.00 
CHILE 1815-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 29 (KM78) PCGS AU53-——------------------—--------- $950.00 
CHILE 1834 8 Escudos Republic FR. 33 (KM84) Sun, mountains and volcanos/Rev: Crossed flags. 
PCGS XF45----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-2 nnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnen- $650.00 
CHILE 1838 1 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 40 (KM99) One year type! 
PCGS VF30--------------------- $175.00 PCGS VF35——-—--_________________ $195.00 
CHILE 1838-So 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 37 (KM93) Four year type! 
(cats. $900 XF in KM) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
CHILE 1842-So 8 Escudos Republic FR. 41 (KM104.1) NGC MS61------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
CHILE 1926 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM170) One year sub-type! NGC MS62------ $250.00 
CHILE 1958 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM175) NGC MS64----------------------------- $295.00 
CHILE 1962 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM175) NGC MS66----------------------------- $295.00 
CHILE 1968 50 Pesos “150" Anniversary of Military Academy/O’Higgins” Republic FR. 60 
AEM WATE Not carnenticn mes IC PP a ra $175.00 
CHILE 1968 100 Pesos “Liberty head and coining machine/150" Anniversary of National coinage” 
7, ER: So (KMEISS) 1.915. mintase NGC PFO) —s $350.00 
CHINA-Yunnan Province 5 Yuans ($5) ND (1919) FR. 12 (KM#Y481) Facing head of General 
Tang Chi Yao/Rev: Numeral “2” below crossed flags. Scarce PCGS AU58------------------------- $750.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1966 2000 Yuan “80" Birthday of Chiang Kai-shek/ 
Two cranes and flowers” FR. 17 (KM#Y544) Choice BU---------------------------------------------- $495.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1971 medallic (2000 Yuan) “60" Anniversary of the Republic” 
Bruce #XM616 (cats. $550) NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------ $495 00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1976 medallic (2000 Yuan) “Chiang Kai-shek 90" Birthday” 
Bruce #KM635 (cats. $650) NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 

CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1980 300 Yuan PIEFORT (double thickness) 
“1980 Olympics-Archery” KM#P20 RARE only 500 pieforts struck! 

GEM PROOF with certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1980 300 Yuan “1980 Olympics-Archery” FR. 6 

(KM#Y23) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1986 100 Yuan (1 oz) “Panda” FR. 42 (KM#Y105) 

NGC PF61------------------------------------------------ 2-2-2 =n 2-2-2n none nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nen ec en nn neces $450.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1986 5 pc. gold “Panda” PROOF set KM#PS20 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 50 Yuan (2 0z) “50 Anniversary-United Nations” 

KM#Y488 NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND Charles II (1665-1700) FR. 3 (KM14.1) Arms/Rev: Cross of 

Jerusalem. NGC VF30----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 

COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND (1701-1715) Philip V FR. 8 (KM17.1) Arms/Rev: Cross. 
Santa Fe de Bogota mint. Recovered from the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk off 
the east coast of Florida in a hurricane! VF and comes with a fancy Mel Fisher Center, Inc. 

photo-certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------ == === === === $1,750.00 
COLOMBIA 1768-PN 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $550.00 
COLOMBIA 1770-PN 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $650.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P | Escudo Charles II] FR. 42 (KM48.2) Popayan mint PCGS MS62--------------- $550.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 40 (KM49.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45-------------- $350.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 36 (KMS50.2) Popayan mint 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 

COLOMBIA 1774-NR 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 35 (KM50.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 
(cats. $1200 XF in FR and KM) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 









COLOMBIA 1781-P 1 Escudo Charles II] FR. 42 (KM48.2a) Popayan mint PCGS VF25-------------- $175.00 
COLOMBIA 1787-NR 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 35 ( Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

(cats. $1200 XF in both FR and KM) PCGS AUSS----------------------------------------------------—- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1789-P 8 Escudos Charles [V FR. 44 (KM53.2) Popayan mint Scarce 

three year transitional type! (cats. $1200 m FR) PCGS XF45—-_—___—_________— $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1791-P 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Scarce date! (cats. $2000 XF 

in KM compared to $875 for the common dates!) PCGS AUS0---------------------------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1799-NR 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

PCGS MS62 (Scarce this nice)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1801-P 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint PCGS AU53------------ $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1802-P 8 Escudos Charles [V FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint Scarce this nice! 

NGC MS02-------------------------------- mn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1807-NR 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

EF details but cleaned=ANACS Net VF30--------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn $450.00 
COLOMBIA 1808-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS3-------- $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1810-P 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS AU58---------- $295.00 
COLOMBIA 1811/10-NR 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 60 (KM66.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

Interesting overdate! About Fine----------------------------~--~~----—— nnn $395.00 
COLOMBIA 1812-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AU5O-------- $725.00 
COLOMBIA 1814-P 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF40------------ $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1816-NR 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 65 (KM64.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

Scarce in this quality! NGC MS64-----------------------------~--~~~~-$~~--—- nnn nnn $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1853-P 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada “Liberty head” FR. 80 (KM116.2) 

Phish cain TUT INTE  Ga SS rn ee $550.00 
COLOMBIA 1857-B 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 79 (KM116.1) Bogota mint 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) NGC MS62-—--—_---__-______-_-_--____________——— $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1858-P 2 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 83 (KM121) PCGS XF40------------- $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1860-B 10 Pesos Granadine Confederation FR. 88 (KM129.1) 9,687 mintage 

EF details but ex-jewelry=ANACS Net VF20----_------------_______—__----__-__-_----- $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1868-M 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 101 (KM142.2) 

Medellin mint 7,984 mintage (cats. $2000 XF in FR/$1500 XF in KM) NGC AUS3----------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1870-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

Popayan mint 8,247 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1600 in KM) PCGS XF40---------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1871-M 2 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia FR. 106 (KM-A1I54) 

Medellin mint ANACS VF20-----------$100.00 PCGS XF45--------------- $150.00 

3 00 NGC MS64(Scarce this nice!)----------------------- $350.00 

COLOMBIA 1875-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

Popayan mint 5,240 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1700 in KM) PCGS XF40-----------------—- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1968 complete 5 pc. gold “Pope Paul VI’ PROOF set KM#PS1 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate----------------------n--mn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
COLOMBIA 1988 70000 Pesos “100™ Anniversary-Birth of President Santos” FR. 144 

TMG ea TORO RSE Ur Fee LS G8 6 Fe ae cra eg a a SIE $395.00 
CONGO 1965 complete 5 pc. gold “Sth Anniversary of Independence” PROOF set KM#PS 1 

(cats. $1290) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------~-------mnn nnn $995 00 
COOK ISLANDS 1979 $200 “Legacy of Capt. James Cook” FR. 7 (KM26) 

1.939 Proofs minted NGC PF64-—-------____-_--_-__--______-______________--_———— $250.00 
COSTA RICA 1974 1500 Colones “Giant Anteater” FR. 28 (KM202) Conservation Coin Series 

2.418 Uncs minted NGC-MS63—---==-$450-00 NGEMS68-------------------------------------=-F49S-00- 
COSTA RICA 1987 25000 Colones “Dr. Oscar Arias S.” KM226 NGC PF69---------------------------- $250.00 
CROATIA 1941 500 Kuna Dr. Ante Pavelic FR. 1 (KM#A3) RARE only 170 pcs. minted! 

Wonderful luster! (cats. $2250 XF/$3000 Unc in KM) NGC AUS8-------------------------------- $2250.00 
CROATIA 1941 500 Kuna “Kneeling peasant woman” FR. 2 (KM#B3) RARE One year type! 

(cats. $3000 in KM) NGC MS61———--_______-______________—___- $2,750.00 

CUBA 1915 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) Scarcer date of the two year type! PCGS MS62--------- $395.00 









CUBA 1916 5 Pesos “Marti” FR. 4(KM19) NGE=4658-------- $5000 PCGS AUS8------------------ $150.00 

CUBA 1916 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) UNC details but scratched=ANACS Net AUS55--------- $195.00 
CYPRUS 1966 medallic (Sovereign) “Archbishop Makarios III’ KM#M2 One year type! 
NGC PF65-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1923 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. 1 (KM9) 4,000 mintage NGC MS63------$395.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1928 4 Ducats “10" Anniversary of Republic” FR. 6 (KM#M3) 

One year type! NGE-MS64--------------- $450-69 NGC MS65------------------------------------------ $495 00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 1 Ducat “1000" Anniversary of Christianity in Bohemia” FR. 10 

(KM#MS5) One year type! Only 1,631 minted! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------- $495 00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4(KM14) 1,564 mintage 

NGC MS63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1931 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) NGC MS63------ $100.00 

NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $125.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1932 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. | (KM9) 5,496 mintage NGC MS62------ $350.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 | Ducat “Dr. Svehla/Homage Issue” FR. 12 (KM#M12.1) 

One year type! 1,000 mintage UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AU55------------------------ $175.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) 
NGC MS63-----$100.00 NGC MS64------- $125.00 NGC MS65------------------------------------ $175.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. | (KM9) 4,671 mintage NGC MS61------- $350.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 5 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 5 (KM13) 1,752 mintage 

NGC MS63-—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4 (KM14) Scarce 

1,780 minted NGC AUS58----------- $1,495.00 NGC MS63------------------------------------------ $1,950.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1934 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4 (KM14) 1,298 mintage 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS65------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 

DAHOMEY (Benin) 1971 complete 4 pc. gold “10 Anniversary of Independence” PROOF set 
Set consists of the 2500-5000-10000-25000 Francs. KM6 thru 9 (cats. $2920 in KM) 

GEM PROOF each coin in an original case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $2,750.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1904 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian LX of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM72) Two year type! PCGS MS63-----$650.00 PCGS MS64---------------- $750.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1905 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian 1X of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM72) Scarcer date of the two year type! PCGS MS63----------- $750.00 

PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------2-- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnnne $850.00 

DENMARK 1645 “Hebrew” Ducat Christian TV FR. 39 (KM141) Ruler standing/Rev: 
Hebrew legend. Copenhagen mint Scarce (cats. $1800 XF in FR/$1600 XF in KM) 

PCGS MS62 (Rare in this grade!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.4) PCGS AUS0---------- $295.00 

PCGS AUS5----------------------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice!)------------------------------ $750.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.5) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------- $350.00 
DENMARK 1783 12 Marks Christian VII FR. 281 (KM641.1) Bust/Rev: Crown and value. 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------9 22-922 - nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $850.00 

DENMARK 1828 1 Frederick d’or Frederick VI FR. 287 (KM699) Rare one year sub-type! 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS MS61------ $2,750.00 
DENMARK 1847 2 Christian d’or Christian VII] FR. 289 (KM722.3) Head/ 

Rev: Arms supported by wild men. PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
DENMARK 1857 2 Frederick d’or Frederick VII FR. 291 (KM750.3) Scarce three year sub-type! 

(cats. $2000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR and $2550 XF in KM-highest grade listed) 

PCGS. AUS§————— ree $1,950.00 
DENMARK 1873 20 Kroner Christian IX FR. 295 (KM791.1) NGC MS64----------------------------— $195.00 
DENMARK 1876 20 Kroner Christian IX FR. 295 (KM791.1) Scarcer date! NGC MS63------------- $195.00 

DENMARK 1877 20 Kroner Christian LX FR. 295 (KM791.1) Scarcest date of the type! 
(cats. $320 in KM) NGC MS03------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn $250.00 


(~ 303. 







1 Gao. 



DENMARK 1908 20 Kroner Frederik VIII FR. 297 (KM810) NGC MS65------------------------------— $195 00 
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1955 30 Pesos “25" Anniversary of Trujillo Regime” FR. | (KM24) 

PCGS MS062------------------------------$------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
EGYPT 1916 100 Piastres Hussein Kamil FR. 24 (KM324) One year type! NGC MS63--------------- $250.00 
EGYPT 1930 100 Piastres Fuad “Military bust” FR. 32 (KM354) Two year type! NGC MS63------ $250.00 
EGYPT 1938 100 Piastres Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 36 (KM372) One year type! NGC MS64-----$225.00 
EGYPT 1938 500 Piastres PROOF Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 35 (KM373) 

Scarce this nice! NGC PF66----------------------------------------------------—-- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $2,450.00 
EGYPT 1976 5 Pounds “Reopening of Suez Canal” FR. 58 (KM460) 2,000 mintage 

Arab Republic NGC MS66-__—_——__-__-______________________— $395.00 
EGYPT: 1984 '100:Pounds. “Cleopatra™ FR- 117.(KMS62); NGC PF66——__—_____-__—_______-— $750.00 
Rie  oos. 50: Pounds..Cleopatra KM I56. .NGC: PROS ——————---— nn $225.00 
EL SALVADOR 1971 complete 4 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver 150" Anniversary of Independence” 

PROOF set KM#PS4 (cats. $770) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------- $550.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1970 750 Pesetas “Centennial of the Capital Rome/Forum and Coliseum” 

RRe FO M27)- 1-550. mmtace NGC PFO) ——— $195.00 

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1970 complete 12 pc. gold PROOF set KM#PS3 Scarce 

Only 330 sets issued! (cats. $3150) All twelve coins are GEM PROOF 

(but no case OF CEemt.)----------------------— nnn nn $2,750.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1992 7,000 Francos PIEFORT (double thickness) “Lions” 

Type of KM105 but double thickness! Not yet listed in KM! First we have seen! 

VERY RARE NGC PF617-----------------------$-nn-mn nnn $450.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1993 30,000 Francos (1 oz) “African Elephant Protection” 

Niotivet listed am Mi» NGC. MS 66 ae $450.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 $20 Haile Selassie I FR. 33 (KM39) NGC PF66----_—--_—_—________--__----_— $195.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 complete 5 pc. gold “Haile Selassie ! PROOF set KM#PS1 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate----------------------mn nnn $2,250.00 
ETHIOPIA EE1974 (1981) 500 Birr PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P4 (type of KM68 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69---------------- $750.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 1979 150 Pounds “Falkland Fur Seal” FR. 5 (KM13) 

Conservation Coin Series Scarce only 488 Uncs minted! NGC MS65-------------------------------- $650.00 

FALKLAND ISLANDS 1983 50 Pence gold (1.40 oz) “150™ Anniversary of British Rule” 
FR. 7 (KM19b) Queen Elizabeth II/Rev: Ship. Scarce only 150 minted! 

(cats. $1750 in FR) GEM PROOF in original’ case with certificate—______—____-—— $1,250.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 1995 50 Pence “S50" Anniversary-V.E. Day” KM45b Scarce 

only 100 pes. struck! Contains 1.40 oz gold! (cats. $1150) NGC PF68------------------------------ $950.00 
FIJLISLANDS 1978 $250 “Banded Iguana” FR. 3 (KM43) Conservation Coin Series 

Ghcilrgy Se nies mente tied NGG yh 6 mm a er $495.00 
FIJLISLANDS 1986 $200 “Ogmodon Snake/25™ Anniversary-World Wildlife Fund” FR. 5 

(KM56) NGC PF67------------- $225.00 NGC PF68---------------------------n3 nnn nnn $250.00 
FINLAND 1913-S 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS65-----$100.00 NGC MS66------------------- $125.00 
FRANCE-Orange 1| Florin ND Raymond III & IV (1340-1393) FR. 189 St. John the Baptist/ 

Rev: Lily. (cats. $750 VF in FR-highest grade listed!) Scarce this nice! PCGS AUS8------------- $995 00 

FRANCE 1 Ecud’or ND Philippe VI de Valois (1328-1350) FR. 270 King with sword and shield, 

seated on Gothic throne/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe. (cats. $1500 XF) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64-—_____—__ n> eee $1,950.00 
FRANCE | Franca Pied ND Charles V (1364-1380) FR. 284 Armored king sword and sceptre, 

standing under Gothic dais/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, fleur de lis in 2 angles, 

crown in 2 angles. (cats. $1100 XF-highest grade listed) PCGS MS62---------- $950.00 

CGS MSO —— $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecu d’oralacouronne ND Charles VI (1380-1422) FR. 291 Crowned arms of France 

Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, crown in angles. (cats. $750 XF) PCGS AUS8----------------- $650.00 













FRANCE | Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

polylobe. (cats. $2000 XF) PCGS MS63------------ $1,450.00 PCGS MS64-------------—_---——_ $1,650.00 
FRANCE | Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

polylobe. St. Lo mint Scarce PCGS MS64------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecud’or du Dauphine ND Francois 1 (1515-1547) FR. 358 Arms of France and 

Dauphine/Rev: Crowned F and dolphin in angles of cross. (cats. $1100 XF) PCGS MS61-------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1640-A 2 Louis d’or Louis XIII FR. 409 (KM108) Scarce denomination and type 

and Rare in this grade! (cats. $8000 XF in FR) NGC MS63----------------------------------------- $6,500.00 
FRANCE 1651-D 1 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 418 Scarce this nice! NGC MS64---------------------- $2,250.00 
FRANCE 1690-D 1 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 429 (KM278.3) Scarce (cats. $1150 VF in FR/ 

$700 VF in KM) AU details but damaged/cleaned=ANACS Net VF35------------------------------- $450.00 

FRANCE 1694-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 432 (KM303.6) Lyon mint Scarce 

(cats. $4750 XF in FR/$3850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS AU53------- $3,450.00 
FRANCE 1696-BB 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 432 (KM303.4) Scarce (cats. $4750 XF in FR) 

NGC MS602---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $4,950.00 
FRANCE 1702-I 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 435 (KM335.7) Scarce Only 1,253 pes. struck 

for this date at the Limoges mint! Rare in this grade! (cats. $4750 XF in FR) NGC MS63-----$5,500.00 
FRANCE 1717/6-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) This overdate 

variety is unlisted in KM! Scarce three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS62--------- $2,750.00 
FRANCE 1717-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) Scarce 

three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------- $2,750.00 
FRANCE 1786-AA 2 Louis dor Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.2) Metz mint NGC AUS8-------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.5) NGC AUS58------- $595.00 

NGC MS61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $695.00 
FRANCE 1786-I 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.7) MGEAUS8—~---—$595.00 

NGC MS03---------------------------------- 2-92-2222 2a nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n ence nnn nnee $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1786-K 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.8) Bordeaux mint 

PCGS AU53-------- $550.00 PCGS AUS55-------------- $550.00 NGC AUS8------------------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-N 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.11) NGC AUS8----------------------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-T 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.14) Nantes mint Scarce this nice! 

NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------- 22-22-9222 22-222 n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn n nnn ne $1,450.00 

FRANCE 1786-W | Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KMS591.15) Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------ $950.00 
FRANCE 1787-A 1 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KM591.1) PCGS AUS5------- $350.00 

NGC MS602----------------------- $550.00 NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1788-AA 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.2) NGC AUS58--------------------------- $695.00 
FRANCE 1811-A 40 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 505 (KM696.1) 

REGS AWS3------------------ $2580 NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice!)-------------------------------- $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1816-Q 40 Francs Louis XVIII “Bare head” FR. 535 (KM713.5) One year type from 

the Peripignan mint! Scarce PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------- nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
FRANCE 1818-A 20 Francs Louis XVIII FR. 538 (KM712.1) PCGS AUS58------------------------------ $150.00 

FRANCE 1822-H 40 Francs Louis XVIII “Bare head” FR. 537 (KM713.3) RARE one year 
type from the La Rochelle mint with a mintage of only 611 pes. struck! (cats. $2500 XF/ 
$5750 Unc in FR and cats. $3500 XF in KM-highest grade listed with a price!) 

NGC AUSS-------------------------------------------------------n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn $2,250.00 
FRANCE 1830-A 40 Francs Charles X “Bare head” FR. 547 (KM721.1) REGS-AGSS----$358°00 

NGC MS0)--------------------------------------- n-ne nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $550.00 
FRANCE 1831-A 40 Francs Louis Philippe I “Laureate head” FR. 557 (KM747.1) 

(cats. $500 XF/$1200 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------------- $425.00 
FRANCE 1848 20 Francs gold Essai pattern by Farochon KM#E14 (Mazzard # 1249) RARE 

(R4) NGC PF64---------------------------------------------------------- 2-292 -n nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nanan $2,950.00 

FRANCE 1850-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) 

Three year type! PEGS-Ad 5 S$ —aeeeneee$100-40 NGC MS6|_———— $195 00 













FRANCE 1851-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) Three-year type! 
NGC_ALS3----$85-06 UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AUSS5----$85.00 
NGC AUS8----$125.00 PCGS AUS8----$125.00 NGC MS61------ $165.00 NGC MS62-------- $225.00 
FRANCE 1854-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” Reeded edge FR. 578 (KM/783) 

Two year type! NGC MS63------------------------------------------------------------------- === $250.00 
FRANCE 1857-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63-------------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 20 Francs Napoleon II] “Bare head” FR. 573 (KM781.1) 

UNC details but scratched=ANACS Net AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------- $65.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63------------ $850.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 578a (KM787.1) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) 

Lowest mintage of the five year type from this mint! PCGS MS63-------------------------------------- $850.00 
FRANCE 1862-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

6.650 mintase NGC MS64.{Scarce this 11ce!) ———————— $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1863-BB 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 581 (KM802.2) 3,745 mintage 

PCGS MS63----------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 10 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 586 (KM800.1) PCGS MS62--------- $250.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62---------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

5,536 mintage PCGS AU58--------------------____--__-------_------_-___________________—_——— --$595.00 
FRANCE 1865-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) Scarcer date! 

3,740 mintage NGC MS63------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $950.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 588 (KM803.1) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64-------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62----------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 9,041 mintage 

NGC. MS63---------------------$---$---- nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $1,100.00 
FRANCE 1867-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) 

2 000' PUGS A) —— $350.00 
FRANCE 1868-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

2,315 mintage PCGS AUS8———_____________ $650.00 

FRANCE 1869-BB 20 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 585 (KM801.2) NGC MS63-------- $125.00 
FRANCE 1869-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

NGC MS60------ $650.00 PCGS MS62------------ $750.00 PCGS MS603---------------------------- $950.00 
FRANCE 1878-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) 5,294 mintage 

Scarcer date! (cats. $1350 XF/$2000 Unc in KM) PCGS XF40----$750.00 NGC MS63------ $1,950.00 
FRANCE 1878-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC AUS8-------- $495.00 
FRANCE 1882-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) 

ANACS MS60----$525.00 NGC MS61---------- $550.00 NGC MSo2———__ ——__ $595.00 
FRANCE 1886-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) 
NGC Ms $595.00 NGC MS64—-----------—--—--—-__—__--_________-—-— $950.00 

FRANCE 1899-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC AUS58-------- $495.00 
FRANCE 1900 20 Francs “Rooster” Third Republic FR. 596 (KM847) Low mintage scarcer date! 

NGC. MS63----------------n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
FRANCE 1900-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS62-----—- $595.00 
FRANCE 1904-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) PCGS MS64-----$1,450.00 
FRANCE 1906-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS62------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1908-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS02------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1910-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MSo4----—- $850.00 
FRANCE 1912-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS02------ $550.00 
FRANCE 1935 100 Francs “Bazor” Third Republic FR. 598 (KM880) NGC MS63-------------------- $650.00 
FRANCE 1936 100 Francs “Bazor” Third Republic FR. 598 (KM880) NGC MS0603------------------— $650.00 
FRANCE 1979 | Franc gold PIEFORT KM#P639 600 mintage NGC MS67----------------------------- $295.00 








FRANCE 1979 2 Francs gold PIEFORT KM#P642 600 mintage NGC MS69----------------------------- $395.00 
FRANCE 1986 100 Francs “Centennial-Statue of Liberty” FR. 602 (KM960b) 

NGG Pr6s $225.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------- $225.007/ 
FRANCE 1988 100 Francs “Fraternity/Ceres head” FR. 608 (KM966b) NGC PF67-------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1989 100 Francs “Human Rights/Angel Writing” FR. 611 (KM970b) NGC PF69----------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1990 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Charlemagne” KM990a 

Contains .6431 oz platinum! 2,000 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------ $550.00 

FRANCE 1992 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Jean Monet” KM1013a 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------ $550.00 
FRANCE 1993 100 Francs “Maria-Marguerite/Bicentennial of the Louvre” KM102la NGC PF69------ $295.00 
FRANCE 1993 500 Francs (1 0z) “Topless Venus de Milo” KM1025 NGC PF68------ $750.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------------------------------------------_-_-_____- $750.00 
FRANCE 1994 500 Francs “Winston Churchill” KM1049 2,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------- $350.00 
FRANCE 1994 500 Francs-70 Ecus “St. Marks Cathedral-Venice” KM1069 

GEM PROOF in onginal case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 

FRANCE 1999 1 Euro=6.55957 Francs “EUROPA-The Euro Conversion Coin” KM1257 
Contains | oz gold, .999 fine! 2,000 minted (cats. $750) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1999 100 Francs “Rugby World Cup” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69----------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 500 Francs “Yves St. Laurent” KM1237 Contains | oz gold, .999 fine! 

1,000 mintage (cats. $850) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $550.00 

FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “Conquest of Space” KM1243 1,000 minted (cats. $475) NGC PF69------ $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “XXth Century-Automobile” KM1241 1,000 mintage 

(cats. $475) NGC PF70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “XXth Century-Flight” KM1242 1,000 mintage 

(cats. $475) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
GAMBIA 1977 500 Dalasis “Sitatunga” FR. 1 (KM19) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 699 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------ $550.00 

GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1916-T 15 Rupien FR. 1 (KM16.1) Elephant with mountains 

in background/Rev: Eagle. One year type! 9,803 mintage This was an emergency issue 

struck at Tabora! Scarce in this grade! PCGS AUSS=====~-$1.4560-00 PCGS MS63------------ $1,950.00 
GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1916-T 15 Rupien FR. 1 (KM16.2) Elephant with mountains 

in background/Rev: Eagle. One year type! Scarcer of the two varieties of this issue 

with only 6,395 minted! Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
GERMANY-Augsburg 1763 1 Ducat Franz1 FR. 107 (KM178) Scarce two year type! 

(cats. $3000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1877-G 5 Marks Friedrich I FR. 3759 (KM266) One year type! 

Scarce this nice! NGEAUS5----------- $495.00 NGE€-MS63-------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1911-G 20 Marks Friedrich Il FR. 3760 (KM284) NGC MS61--------------------- $295.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1913-G 10 Marks Friedrich Il FR. 3761 (KM282) Scarce 

(cats. $2000 in KM) PCGS MS61 ---------------------------------------------- $n nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn $950.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1913-G 20 Marks Friedrich Il FR. 3760 (KM284) NGC MS63--------------------- $395.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1914-G 20 Marks Friedrich II FR. 3760 (KM284) NGC MS64--------------------- $350.00 
GERMANY-Bamberg 1802 1 Ducat “Union of Bamberg with Bavaria” FR. 156 (KM154) 

Scarce one year type! (cats. $2000 in KM) PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Bavaria 1854 1 Ducat Maximilian I FR. 277 (KM457) Bust/Rev: Arms supported 

by two rampant lions. 5,707 mintage PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------------— $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Bavaria 1893-D 10 Marks Otto FR. 3770 (KM5S10) NGC MS62---------------------------- $295.00 

GERMANY-Bavaria 1910-D 10 Marks PROOF Otto FR. 3771 (KM514) Scarce NGC PF64------- $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Brandenburg-Ansbach 1680 % Ducat Johann Friedrich FR. 337 (KM98) 

Arms/Rev: Figures of Piety and Justice. Scarce two year type! NGC MS62------------------------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Brandenburg-Ansbach 1769 | Ducat “Acquisition of Bayreuth” Christian Friedrich 

Karl Alexander FR. 363 (KM286) Scarce one year type! Facing busts of Georg Friedrich and 

Alexander/Rev: Altar with book on top and crowned shield on each side. (cats. $1750 XF/ 

$2750 Unc in KM) UNC details but bent=ANACS Net AUS0--------------------------------------- $1,750.00 

























GERMANY-Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 1832 2% Thaler Wilhelm FR. 747 (KM1125) 

Arms supported by wild men/Rev: Value and date. Scarce one year type! PCGS AU55----------— $950.00 
GERMANY-Cologne | Goldgulden ND Friedrich Il of Saarwerden (1371-1414) FR. 792 

St. John/Rev: Arms. (cats. $800 XF in FR-highest grade listed) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS63---------------------------------------------------------------------- $n nn nnn nnn nn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Cologne | Goldgulden ND Dietrich Il of Mors (1414-1463) FR. 793 

St. John/Rev: arms. (struck 1414-1419) Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS62------------------------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Cologne 1 Goldgulden ND Hermann IV of Hessen (1480-1508) FR. 802 

St. Peter/Rev: Arms. PCGS VF30------------------------------------------------------------------------— $395.00 

GERMANY-Frankfurt 1652/1 1 Ducat FR. 976 (KM104.2) Crowned eagle with head to right/ 
Rev: Inscription. This overdate not listed in KM! (cats. $800 XF in FR/$750 XF in KM- 

highest ¢racedisted i both books) -PCGS MS62-—--_-- $950.00 
GERMANY-Frankfurt 1817 1 Ducat “300 Anniversary of the Reformation” FR. 1026 

(KM302) One year type! PCGS AU5S8----—-------_-----_----_-----__----_____________---—_— $495.00 
GERMANY-Hamburg 1663 1 Ducat FR. 1100 (KM69) Madonna and child on each side. 

(cats. $1000 XF in FR/$600 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books!) NGC MS62---------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1814 5 Thaler George III (of England) KM101 PCGS MS62------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1815 5 Thaler George III (of England) FR. 619 (KMI01) 

Three year type! Arms/Rev: Value and date. PCGS AUS5------ $750.00 NGC MS63----------- $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1823-B 10 Thaler George IV (of England) FR. 1158 (KM133) 

Bust/Rev: Value and date. PCGS AU55----------------------------------------~- nnn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1829-B 10 Thaler George IV (of England) FR. 1158 (KM133) 

PCGS AUS8-------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1839-S 2% Thaler Emst August FR. 1174 (KM185.1) 

Thies yeartype! o scarce this nice! PCGS MS63. et $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1843-S 2% Thaler Emst August FR. 1174 (KM185.1) 

Three-year-tyie! NGG. AUS 3 ree $495.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1846-B 2% Thaler Emst August FR. 1178 (KM185.2) 

Four year type! PCGS AUS8 > nai eee eee $750.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1850-B 2'% Thaler Emst August FR. 1178 (KM215) 

Qus. year tyoc!: Scarce this nice! / NOG MS63 = $995.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1850-B 10 Thaler Emst August FR. 1175 (KM212) 

Three-year ype (cats: 51 00K 8 mn FR)*PCGS: AUS ee $995.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1853-B 5 Thaler George V FR. 1180 (KM224) 

Titeo.eeaL type. (cats ob) 2 oak ER) GGS AUS ere $750.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1855-B 10 Thaler George V FR. 1179 (KM226) PCGS AUS5---------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1866-B 1 Krone George V FR. 1183 (KM232) PCGS MS63------------------ $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Hesse-Cassel 1629 “Storm” Goldgulden Wilhelm V FR. 1250 (KM110) Arms/ 
Rev: Willow tree bending in storm with Hebrew letters (Jehovah) above. Rare 

(cate¢ 2000 XF.m:FR) PCGS AUS —— eee $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Hesse-Darmstadt 1835 5 Gulden Ludwig II FR. 1232 (KM301) 

Scarcest date of the type! (cats. $3250 in KM) NGC MS63-----------------------n-wnn nnn nnn mnnmnn $2,950.00 
GERMANY-Hesse-Darmstadt 1840 5 Gulden Ludwig II FR. 1232 (KM301) Four year type! 

fost 50 i > 100 1M) POGs M02 $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Hesse-Darmstadt 1877-H 5 Marks Ludwig III FR. 3787 (KM357) One year type! 

Sraice fcais. So 0.kb/o12)0-Uncin KM) NGC:.A)pNS $950.00 

GERMANY-Mainz 1655 1 Ducat Johann Philipp FR. 1656 (KM107) Bust left/Rev: Arms. 
(cats. $1200 XF in FR/$1000 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

Scarce in. this grade! PCGS MS62—____—______—_——_——__ $1,650.00 
GERMANY-Mainz 1795 | Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1682 (KM410) 

Beri PSUR CTS LG Yk NS oo eV Oi ge esr renner $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mainz 1795 “City View” Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1685 (KM411) 

Scarce one year type! Bust/Rev: City view. P/L surfaces! PCGS MS61--------- $1,450.00 

PCGS MS 6 3--------------------- n-ne nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 






av 434. 















GERMANY-Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1782 2 Thaler Friedrich FR. 1723 (KM210) Bust/ 

Rev: Value and date. Scarce four year type! Only 1,625 minted! PCGS AU58------------------- $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1792 2 Thaler Friedrich Franz FR. 1724 (KM232) 

Scarce one year sub-type! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Mecklenburg-Strelitz 1748 5 Thaler Adolf Friedrich III FR. 1737 (KM32) 

Initials/Rev: Ox head in shield. RARE one year type! Only 2,616 minted! 

(cats. $2500 XF in KM) NGC AUS8--------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 

GERMANY-Numberg 1650 “Treaty of Westphalia” 1 Ducat FR. 1839 (KM168) Scarce 

One year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$1750 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

Rare in this quality!) NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GERMANY-Nurenberg 1/16 Ducat ND (1700) FR. 1895 (KM246) GEM BU----------------------------- $250.00 
GERMANY-Pfalz-Neuburg 1750 1 Ducat Karl Theodor KM86 (this type unlisted in FR!) 

Bust/Rev: Order of St. Hubert. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1750 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1872-A 10 Marks WilhelmI FR. 3819 (KM502) NGC MS66---------------------- $195.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1887-A 20 Marks PROOF Wilhelm I FR. 3816 (KM505) 

Scarce this nice! NGC PF65-----—-_—_______-_____________-_______-________-_--_________--___-___ $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1898-A 10 Marks PROOF Wilhelm I FR. 3835 (KM520) 

Scarce this nice! NGC PF65—----______-__----__________-______-__---_______---_____--_____—-_-__-_____ $1,100.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1616 | Ducat Sophia FR. 2642 (KM126) Initials/Rev: “HIS” with 

the eye of God above! One year type! PCGS AUS58---------- $450.00 PCGS MS63----------------- $750.00 

GERMANY-Saxony 1630 “Centennial of the Augsburg Confession” 2 Ducats Johann George I 

FR. 2662 (KM421) One year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS58-----$1,950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1638 2 Ducats Johann Georg I FR. 2682 (KM400) Elector standing/ 

Rev: Arms. Scarce (cats. $3000 XF in FR) PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1697 “Coronation of Friedrich August I as August II of Poland” FR. 2830 

Arm with Polish sabre/Rev: Crown over legend. Dresden mint (cats. $1200 XF in FR) 

ANACS EF45S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-7-2222 22-2222 == === $950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1749 1 Ducat Friedrich August I] FR. 2845 (KM887) Bust/ 

Rev: Crowned arms. (cats. $950 XF in KM) Nice luster! PCGS AUS58---------------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1913-E 20 Marks Friedrich August II] FR. 3848 (KM1265) 

Three year type! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 

GERMANY-Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg 1660 1 Ducat Georg, Ludwig and Christian FR. 3200 
Three half-length busts/Rev: Arms with three helmets. (cats. $1000 XF in FR) 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------ === $= $2 - n-ne n nanan annem nnn ne $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Stolberg-Wemigerode 1768 “Stag” Ducat Christian Ermst FR. 3360 (KM#C16) 
Bust/Rev: Stag. Scarce one year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AU55--------------------- $1,750.00 

GERMANY-Waldeck 1741 % Ducat Karl August Friedrich FR. 3496 (KM#C30) Head/Rev: Arms. 
Three year type! (cats. $800 XF in FR-highest grade listed) Scarce this nice! NGC MS62------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1927-D medallic gold (5 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#Mla 22.47 grams NGC MS61------$550.00 NGC PF62----$650.00 NGC MS63---------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#MS5 NGC PF63-----------------------------------------------------7 nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bemhart 

KM#M3 NGC PF6] ------------------------------------------n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $225.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (20 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bemhart 

KM#M4 NGC PF62------------------- $325.00 NGC PF64--------------------------------------------- $395.00 
GERMANY-Westphalia 1808-C 20 Franken Hieronymus Napoleon FR. 3517 (KM#C33a) 

EF details but cleaned=ANACS Net VF30------------------------------------------------------------ > $350.00 

GERMANY-Westphalia 1813-C 5 Franken Hieronymus Napoleon FR. 3519 (KM#C31) 
Laureate head/Rev: Value. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 XF/$2500 Unc in FR) 
PCGS AUSS----------- $750.00 PCGS MS63 (Scarce this nice!)-------------------------------------- $1,450.00 













GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1841 4 Ducats “25 Anniversary of Reign” Wilhelm FR. 3615 
(KM#M1) Head/Rev: Seated female and children. Scarce one year type! 6,236 mintage 

(cats. $2000 XF/$3000 Unc m FR) PCGS AU53-_____—___________________——_ $1,950.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1877-F 5 Marks Karl FR. 3875 (KM627) Two year type! 

Lovely-onuma! colot and scarce tis nice! NGC. MSG 3 $750.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1897-F 20 Marks Wilhelm If FR. 3876 (KM634) NGC MS62------------- $275.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1900-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) NGC MS63-----------—- $295 00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1905-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) 

NGECAUSS---------------- $T95-00 NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------—-——-—- $350.00 
GERMANY-Wurzburg ‘2 Ducat ND (1724) Christoph Franz FR. 3699 (KM273) Arms/Rev: 

Sword and stola. (cats. $800 in FR) PCGS MS62------_-__-______--___----—_________-__ $750.00 

GERMANY-Wurzburg 1 Goldgulden ND (1729) Friedrich Karl FR. 3715 (KM#M4) Bust/ 
Rev: Banner arms in ormamental cartouche. Scarce one year type! (cats. $2000 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS5------------------------------——- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Wurzburg 1776 1 Ducat Adam Friedrich FR. 3725 (KM409) Bust in square/Rev: 
Madonna and child in square. (cats. $2050 Unc in FR) PCGS MS62------------------------------- $1,750.00 

GERMANY-Wurzburg 1779 1 Goldgulden Franz Ludwig FR. 3730 (KM414) Bust over arms/ 
Rev: Palm tree and shield. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR) 

PCGS AUS8-------------------------_-__---__---_________——— errr $1,750.00 
GHANA 1960 2 Pounds “Republic Day’ KM#MS NGC PF63----------------------n--mnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
GHANA 1965 2 Pounds “OAU Summit Meeting” KM#M4 2,020 mintage NGC PF67------------------ $295.00 
GHANA 1981 500 Cedis PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM28 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68---------------------------- $750.00 
GIBRALTAR 1980 50 Pounds “175™ Anniversary of Death of Admiral Nelson/Ship” FR. 4 

(KM13) NGC PF67----------------- $275.00 NGC PF68----------------------------------------------——— $295.00 
GIBRALTAR 1994 % Crown (1/2 0z gold) “World War II-Seaplane Squadron 202 in Gibraltar” 

Not yet listed in KM but same design as the silver KM260a!_ NGC PF67---------------------------—— $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN % Noble ND Edward III (1327-1377) FR. 88 Arms/Rev: Omamental cross. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS63-------------------------$---nnn nnn nnn $1,450.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1 Noble ND Edward III (1327-1377) FR. 89 Fourth Coinage/Pre-Treaty 
period 1351-1361. King standing in ship with sword and shield/Rev: “E” in center of 

PORN OSS AT AT SSH ECCISS A meg ee ee $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1662 Pattern Gold Broad Charles Il KM#Pn32 RARE (cats. $3750 in KM) 

NGC AUS — ne cc OT $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1701 1 Guinea William III FR. 313 (KM498.1) PCGS VF35---------------------—- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1713 1 Guinea Anne FR. 320 (KM534) Scarce in this grade! 

(cet 5250 es at TE Sy) Na ee a $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1714 1 Guinea Anne FR. 320 (KM534) Scarce (cats. $3250 in FR/ 

$1400 in KM) PCGS XF40---------------------—-—--— nnn $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1726 1 Guinea George I FR. 327 (KM559.1) FINE details but ex-jewelry— 

ANACS Net VG8------------------------------------ "OOO $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1734 1 Guinea George II FR. 339 (KM573.3) Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR/ 

$1350 XF in KM) PCGS AUS0---------------------------------------____——— $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1745 1 Guinea George II FR. 341 (KM577.3) Scarce two year sub-type! 

PCGS VF30--------- $650.00 PCGS XF45 (cats. $1950 XF in FR/$1850 XF in KM)--------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1748 1 Guinea George II FR. 344 (KM588) PCGS VF20------------------------------ $450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1790 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) PCGS AUS0---------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1797 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 365 (KM620) NGC MS63------------------------— $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1798 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) NGC MS60-------$556-00 

PCGS MS63------------------------------------------- $750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1802 Guinea George III FR. 363 (KM649) Three year type! PCGS AUSS------$295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1804 1/3 Guinea George Ill FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUS3------$195.00 
PCGS AUS8—<——————— $250.00 













PCGS AUS55-------------------- $295.00 PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1806 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUS58------------------------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1810 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) AU detatts-but 

seratched/cleaned=ANACS Net EF40---$150-00 PCGS AUS55----$225.00 PCGS AUS58---------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 1/3 Guinea George II] FR. 367a (KM650) Scarce date! PCGS AU5S-------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 '% Guinea George III FR. 364 (KM651) PCGS AUS8---------------------------- $395.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1813 % Guinea PROOF George III FR. 364 (KM651) RARE NGC PF63------- $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1817 % Sovereign George IIl FR. 372 (KM673) First year of the “modern” 

¥2 sovereign series! (cats. $750 Unc in FR/$550 Unc in KM) PCGS MS63------------------------- $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1818 '2 Sovereign George III FR. 372 (KM673) PCGS AUS58----------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1820 '2 Sovereign George III FR. 372 (KM673) NGC MS63------------------------ $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1820 1 Sovereign George III] FR. 371 (KM674) PCGS AU55------------------------ $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 376 (KM682) PCGS AUSS———-$595-00 

PCGS MS603--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 % Sovereign George IV FR. 378 (KM681) Rare one year type with 

omately gamished shield! (cats. $3000 Unc in FR/$2700 Unc in KM) NGC MS63-------------- $2,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1823 2 Pounds George IV FR. 375 (KM690) One year type! Scarce 

(cats. $1650 in FR/$1800 in KM) PCGS MS62------- $1,450.00 NGC MS63------------------- $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1825 '2 Sovereign George IV FR. 379 (KM689) Three year type! 

PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1825 | Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS MS64---------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 '% Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 380a (KM700) Scarce 

(cats. $2250 in FR) NGC PF63---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 380 (KM700) PCGS MS62----------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 | Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS AUS8------------------------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 | Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 377a (KM696) Scarce 

(cats. $3250 in FR/$3500 in KM) NGC PF64---------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 2 Pounds PROOF George IV FR. 374 (KM701) Only 450 Proofs struck 

of this Proof only one year type! (cats. $5500 in FR/$6000 in KM) NGC PF62------------------ $3,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1828 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 380 (KM700) Three year type! 

NGC AUS58-------------------- $595.00 NGC MS62-------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1830 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) NG€-VF30-----=-$250-00 

PCGS XF45 ----------------------------------------------------------- 22-222 n on nnn nnn nena nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nanan $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1835 '% Sovereign William IV FR. 385 (KM722) Three year type! 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------—--- nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1836 1 Sovereign William IV FR. 383 (KM717) ICG MS61------------------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1839 % Sovereign PROOF Victoria FR. 389a (KM735.1) Scarce only 

1,230 Proofs minted! (cats. $3250 in FR/$3000 in KM) NGC PF62------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1841 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 387c (KM736.1) RARE date! 

(cats. $5500 in KM) PCGS XF40-------------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $1,950.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1857 '% Sovereign Victoria FR. 389b (KM735.1) Super quality! NGC MS64------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1858 '% Sovereign Victoria FR. 389b (KM735.1) Rare this nice! NGC MS64------$595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1871 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 3871 (KM736.2) NGC MS61-------- $195.00 

NGC MS6@2------ $250.00 PEGS MS63========---—---$295-.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1872 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS63----------------------------- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1874 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 387j (KM736.2) Rare date! (listed as RARE 

and without a price in FR/$1800 VF in KM-highest grade listed there!) PCGS XF45------------ $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1876 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) PCGS MS64--------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1878 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS62---------------------------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1885 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) ANACS-MS6t----$T95-00 

PCGS MS02---------------------------------------- 2-2-2 non n nn n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana $250.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1887 1 Sovereign PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 392a (KM767) Scarce 
Only 797 Proofs minted! PCGS PR64-----------------------------------------------------—-----------——— $1,250.00 

nA WN 
—_ © 

GREAT BRITAIN 1887 2 Pounds Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 391 (KM768) One year type! 

PCGS MS6@2------ $550.00 PCGS MS63--------------- $650.00 NGC MS64-------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 2 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 39la (KM768) 

Scarce one year type! Only 797 Proofs struck! NGC@=PF63-==-$1+256-00 NGEPF64----------- $4456-60 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 5 Pounds Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 390 (KM769) One year type! 

NGC MS03-------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn naan $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 5 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 390a (KM769) One year type! 

Scarce only 797 Proofs minted! (cats. $4650 in FR) NGC PF63------------------------------------ $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 '2 Sovereign Victoria “Widow's head” FR. 397a (KM784) Scarce 

PROOF only 773 proofs minted! NGC PF64-------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 | Sovereign PROOF Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 396a (KM785) 

Scarce only 773 proofs struck! PCGS PF64------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 2 Pounds Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 395 (KM786) One year type! 

PCGS MS063 ------------------------------------- 29-29-22 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnnnne $950.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1899 | Sovereign Victoria “Widow's head” FR. 396 (KM785) NGC AUS58------ $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 '2 Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 40la (KM804) 

OT he aa a ee ee $225.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 | Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 400a (KM805) 

Bag Te ae ee ed $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 2 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 399a (KM806) 

One year type! PCGS PR61-----$595.00 PCGS PR62-------- $650.00 PCGS PR63---------------- $750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1902 2 Pounds Edward VII FR. 399 (KM806) One year type! PCGS MS62------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 5 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 398a (KM807) 

One year type! PCGS PR61--------- $1,100.00 PCGS PR62----------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1910 1 Sovereign Edward VII FR. 400 (KM805) PCGS MS63--------------------- $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 '% Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 405 (KM819) Scarce this nice! 

NGC PF63------------------- $295.00 NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 404 (KM820) NGC PF64------------------ $450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign George V FR. 404 (KM820) PCGS MS63------- $125.00 

PEGS-MS 04 ------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn St56-66- 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 2 Pounds PROOF George V FR. 403 (KM821) One year type struck 

in Proof only! 2,812 minted! PCGS PR63---------- $950.00 NGC PF64--------------------------- $1,150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1980 1 Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 418 (KM919) PCGS PR68----------------------- $125.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1984 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS46 Set consists of 
the 4-1-5 Pounds. (original issue price $1275, currently cats. $910) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------——-—--—-—-—- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 5 Pounds Elizabeth I] FR. 419 (KM924) NG€-MS66-----$4600 

PCGS MS67------ $475.00 NGC MS68--------- $495.00 in original card---------= 5-00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 5 Pounds PROOF Elizabeth II FR. 419 (KM924) This coin comes with 

a certificate stating it is serial # 0001 of the mintage! PCGS PR68------------------------------------- $750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1985 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS48 Set consists of 
the %-1-2-5 Pounds. (original issue price $1395, currently cats. $1175) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-——--_--_-----__-_-------__-__________----_____-_—- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1985 | Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 424 (KM943) NGC PF68------------------------- $150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1985 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 422 (KM945) 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-—_—__—__—_______-___—-—___——_______—_——- $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1986 2 Pounds Elizabeth II “Commonwealth Games” FR. 426 (KM947c) 

One yeat type struck in Proof only! PCGS PR68————$_—$--—_--____-____-______—— $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1986 5 Pounds Elizabeth Il FR. 422 (KM945) 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-——__—___--___—__-___--___--_-___--________-_____—— $495.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1986 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth Il PROOF set KM#PSS0 Set consists of 
the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $675, currently cats. $535) 
GEM PROOF in onginal case with certificate---------------------------------------------—-----------—-——- $395.00 















GREAT BRITAIN 1987 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PS52 (original issue price $1595) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth If PROOF set KM#PS53 Set consists of 

the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $675, currently cats. $535) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 | Sovereign Elizabeth II FR. 424 (KM943) GEM PROOF in 
original case with certificate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 5 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 427 (KM949) NGC MS64------- $450.00 
93-00 GEM BU in original case with certificate--------------------------- $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 100 Pounds Elizabeth II “Britannia” FR. 428 (KM953) 

Contains | oz gold! PCGS PR68---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1988 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth If PROOF set KM#PS57 Set consists of 
the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $775, currently cats. $510) 

GEM PROOF in onginal case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PS60 (original issue price $1595) 
2,500 sets issued GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------- $950.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 4 pc. gold Elizabeth II “500™ Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” 

PROOF set KM#PS61 (original issue price was $1595, currently cats. $1600 in KM) 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 3 pc. gold Elizabeth II 500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” 

PROOF set KM#PS62 Set consists of the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $775, 

currently cats. $675 in KM) GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate----------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 '% Sovereign “500™ Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 435 (KM955) One year type struck in Proof only! PCGS PR68 DCAM------- $110.00 

NGC PF00------------------------------------------------------- 222922 n 2 nono nnn nn nn nnn nnn n nnn en nn nnn nn en nen $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 | Sovereign “500” Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 434 (KM956) One year type struck in Proof only! PEGS PR68-DEAM-——$210-00 

NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------- 27-0 7-72-2022 22-2222 n2 n-nonane =n == $225.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 2 Pounds 500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 433 (KM957) One year type struck in Proof only! NGC PF69--------------- $350.00 

PCGS PR69 DCAM --------------------------------------- 7-2-2 n nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 5 Pounds “500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 432 (KM958) One year type! NGEC-PF68========$650-00 PEGS PR6S-DEAM-------------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 5 Pounds “500” Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 432 (KM958) One year type! NGE-MS67---------------------- $595-60 

GEM BU mn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1990 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth If PROOF set KM#PS68 Set consists of 
the %-1-2-5 Pounds. Set also contains a gold plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and 
the Chinese lunar year of the horse symbol! (original issue price $1595, currently cats. $1400) 

2,500 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------- $1,100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 2 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 423 (KM944) NGC PF64---------------------------- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 5 Pounds Elizabeth II “90" Birthday of Queen Mother” FR. 436 

(KM962b) 2500 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------------------- $750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1991 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS74 Set consists of 

the 2-1-2-5 Pounds. Set also contains a gold plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and 

the Chinese lunar year of the goat symbol! (original issue price $1750, currently cats. $1500) 

1,500 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1991 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth If PROOF set KM#PS74 

(original issue price $1750, currently cats. $1500 in KM) 1,500 sets minted! 

All four coins have matching slabbed grades of PCGS PR69 DCAM-------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1993 5 Pounds Elizabeth II “40™ Anniversary of Reign” _KM965b 

One year type struck in Proof only! 2,500 minted (cats. $950) GEM PROOF in 

original case with certificate-----------------------------------------------------=-----~- ~~~ 3am nnn nnn nnn $750.00 










GREAT BRITAIN 1994 | Sovereign Elizabeth II FR. 424 (KM943) PCGS PR68---------------------- $225.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1994 2 Pounds Elizabeth II “300" Anniversary-Bank of England” KM968c 

(cats. $470) One year type struck in Proof only! PCGS PR68------------------------------------------ $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 2 Pounds “50" Anniversary-United Nations” KM97lIc (cats. $475) 

NGC PF068 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-22-22 no nnn nena nnn nn nnn nnn enna nnn $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 | Ecu “Sir Walter Raleigh and his ship” (colorized) 500 mintage 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1996 medallic 50 Euro “Royal St. Albert’s Hall” NGC PF69--------------------------- $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 minted PCGS PR68--------- $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds “Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip’s Golden Wedding 

Anniversary’ KM977b Mintage limit was 2750 — actual number struck was 2,574. 

(cats. $995) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1998 5 Pounds “Prince Charles’s 50" Birthday” KM995b Mintage limit 

was 2000 — actual number struck was only 773 pcs! (cats. $900) GEM PROOF in original 

case with certificate---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---== $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS108 Set consists of the 2-1-2 Pounds. 

The 2 Pound is a special “Rugby World Cup 1999” bi-color one year type! The set also contains 

a gold-plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and the Chinese lunar symbol the rabbit, 

for 1999! Only 1250 sets issued! (cats. $955) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----$750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PS110 (original issue price $1595) 

Only 750 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------- $1,100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 5 Pounds “Princess Diana” KM997b One year type struck in Proof only! 

7,500 mintage (cats. $925) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 5 Pounds Elizabeth II “Millennium 2000” KM1006b 2,500 minted! 

(cats. $995) PCGS PR69------ $750.00 in original case wi ficate=-------- 

GREAT BRITAIN 1999 5 Pounds Elizabeth If KM1003 Only 1,000 minted! 

GEM BU wn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $695.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set Not yet listed in KM! Set consists of 

the 2-1-2-5 Pounds. The set also contains a gold-plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown 

and the Chinese lunar symbol the dragon, for 2000! Only 1,000 sets issued! Issue price was 

probably $1725 — same as the 1999 set) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 '% Sovereign Elizabeth If KM1001 PCGS MS69----------------------------------- $75.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 | Sovereign Elizabeth If KM1002 NGE€-MS67---$110-00 PCGS MS68------ $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds Elizabeth If KM1003 NGC MS67-------- $550.00 

PCGS MS60(listed on the slab as being #187 of the first strikes!)--------------------------------------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds “100 Birthday of The Queen Mother” KM1007b 

3,000 minted! (cats. $950) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------- $750.00 
GREECE 1876-A 10 Drachmai George I FR. 16 (KM48) One year type! PCGS XF40----------------- $450.00 
GREECE 1884-A 20 Drachmai George] FR. 18 (KM56) One year type! NGE-MS6+—$495S-60 

|- NGC MS62------------------ $225.00 NGC MS63---------------------------------------------- === $295.00 
GREECE 1984 5000 Drachmai “Los Angeles Summer Olympics” Republic FR. 29 (KM146) 

Scarce GEM PROOF -----------------------------------------------$---- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
GUATEMALA 1859-R 2 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 35 (KM180) One year type! 

AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF40------------------------------------------------------------------ $150.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 5 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 42 (KMI191) One year type! 

PCGS AUS5------------------- $225.00 PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 4 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 43 (KM187) PCGS AUS8-------------------- $350.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 20 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 38 (KM194) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------- $n nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn $950.00 
GUATEMALA 1877 5 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 45 (KM198) NGC MS62------------------ $595 00 
GUATEMALA 1926 10 Quetzals Republic FR. 49 (KM245) One year type! 

AU details but ex-jewelry=ANACS Net VF20------------------------------------------------------------—- $250.00 

GUATEMALA 1926 20 Quetzals Republic FR. 48 (KM246) One year type! PCGS MS62------------- $850.00 











HAITI 1967 complete 5 pc. gold & 3 pc. silver “10" Anniversary of Revolution” PROOF set 

KM#PS1 and PS2 Set consists of the gold 20-50-100-200-1000 Gourdes KM66-68-69- 

(FR. 1-5) Set contains almost 8 oz of gold! (set cats. $5480 in FR) 2,525 sets minted 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
HAITI 1969 complete 5 pc. gold “10™ Anniversary of Revolution” PROOF set KM#PS5 

Set consists of the 30-40-60-250-500 Gourdes. Scarce only 435 sets issued! 

(cats. $3375) GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------------- $2,950.00 
HAITI 1970 200 Gourdes “Revolt of Santo Domingo” FR. 2 (KM70) Scarce date! NGC PF64---------- $495 00 
HAITI 1970 250 Gourdes “King H. Christophe” FR. 7 (KM75) Contains 1.4286 oz gold! RARE 

Listed in KM without a price! GEM PROOF -------------------------------------------------------------- $995 00 
HONDURAS 1888 I Peso FR. 7 (KMS56) Liberty head/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS MS62-------------------- $850.00 PCGS MS603---------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
HONG KONG 1975 $1000 “Royal Visit” FR. 1 (KM38) NGC MS62------------------------------------- $250.00 
HONG KONG 1975 $1000 “Royal Visit” FR. 1 (KM38) Scarce (cats. $1750 in FR/$1250 in KM) 

GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 

HONG KONG 1976 $1000 “Year of the Dragon” FR. 2 (KM40) Scarce (cats. $1750 in FR/ 
$1150 in KM) NGC PF69------- $950.00 in Original case with Certificate----------- 

HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) NGC MS64------------------------------ $295.00 
HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate -——-—-——-—_—____----------—_-_—_----------__-____-_---_-__-___--_-__________________--__--_--- $495.00 
HONG KONG 1979 $1000 “Year of the Goat” FR. 5 (KM45) GEM PROOF wn original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
HONG KONG 1980 $1000 “Year of the Monkey” FR. 6 (KM47) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $275.00 
HONG KONG 1981 $1000 “Year of the Rooster” FR. 7 (KM48) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $275.00 
HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) NGC MS68--------------------------------- $395.00 
HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
HONG KONG 1984 $1000 “Year of the Rat” FR. 10 (KMS52) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
HONG KONG 1986 $1000 “Year of the Tiger” FR. 12 (KM54) GEM BU--------------------------------- $295.00 
HONG KONG 1987 $1000 “Year of the Rabbit” FR. 14 (KM58) GEM PROOF------------------------- $350.00 
HONG KONG 1997 $1000 “Return of Hong Kong to China” KM71 NGC PF69------ $295.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------= $295.00 
HUNGARY 1536-KB 1 Ducat Ferdinand! FR. 26 St. Ladislas/Rev: Madonna and child. 

Rare this nice! PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
HUNGARY 1538-KB 1 Ducat Ferdinand! FR. 26 St. Ladislas/Rev: Madonna and child. 

(cats. $750 XF) PCGS AU58--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
HUNGARY 1751-KB 1 Ducat Maria Theresia FR. 74 (KM329.2) Ruler standing/Rev: 

Madonna and child. NGC MS62----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
HUNGARY 1799 1 Ducat Ferencz Il FR. 81 (KM410) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------- $295.00 
HUNGARY 1834 1 Ducat FerenczI FR. 8la (KM419) NGC MS62---------------------------------------- $295.00 
HUNGARY 1880-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1881-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1889-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) NGC MS64------------------ $125.00 
HUNGARY 1890-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1891-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM477) PCGS MS63---------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1906 20 Korona Ferencz Jozsef FR. 92 (KM486) PEGS-MS6+—$400-00 

NGC MS6] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $100.00 

HUNGARY 1907 100 Korona “40" Anniversary-Coronation of Franz Josef” FR. 95 

(KM490) Scarce original striking! (not one of the modem restrikes!) (cats. $1750 in FR) 

One year type! NGC AU58-----$950.00 PCGS MS61------- $1,150.00 NGC PF62-------------- $1,250.00 
HUNGARY 1966 100 Forint “400" Anniversary-Death of Zrinyi” FR. 106c (KM569) NGC PF65------ $175.00 









8 7 8 Ose 


ICELAND 1974 10000 Kronur “1100" Anniversary-1" Settlement” FR. 2 (KM22) 

One year type! NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $295 00 
INDIA-Bikanir VS1994 (1937) 1 Nazarana Mohur Ganga Singh FR. 537 (KM#M3) NGC MS62------ $350.00 
INDIA-British India 1862 1 Mohur PROOF Victoria FR. 762 (KM480) NGC PF63--------------------- $750.00 
INDIA-Hyderabad AD1343 (1924) | Ashrafi FR. 623 (KM#Y57a) NGC MS64-------------------------- $350.00 
INDIA-Kutch VS1920 (1863) 25 Kori Maharajah Pragmalji Il FR. 559 (KM#Y17) 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------—- $250.00 

INDIA-Madras Presidency AH1172 Year 6 (1817) 1 Mohur FR. 652 (KM418) RARE 

One year type issued by the English East India Company! Urdu legend on each side. 

This specimen was recovered from the “FAME” shipwreck which sunk off of South 

Africa in 1822! Choice AU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency | Mohur (1819) ND FR. 567 (KM421.1) Issued by the English 

English East India Company! Arms supported by lions; English legend/Rev: Urdu legend. 

One year type! PCGS AUS8------------------ BAGS OO. THO) ALIS Rene tae ee $495.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency 5 Rupees ND (1820) FR. 570 (KM422) Lion standing on shield; 

English legend/Rev: Urdu legend. PCGS AU58---------------------------------------------------------—- $195.00 
INDONESIA 1974 100,000 Rupiah “Komodo Dragon” FR. 6 (KM41) Conservation Coin Series 

5,333 Uncs minted NGC-MS64--—-$395-60 NGC MS65------ $425.00 NGC MS67-------------- $450.00 
INDONESIA 1974 100,000 Rupiah “Komodo Dragon” FR. 6 (KM41) Conservation Coin Series 

1,369 Proofs minted! NGC PF67-------- $575.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------$595 00 
IRAN SH1324 (1945) 1 Pahlavi Mohammed Riza Pahlavi FR. 97 (KM1148) Lion/Rev: Legend. 

NGC MS64------------------------------------------------- 29-2 n-ne nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
IRAN 1971 2000 Rials 2500" Anniversary of Persian Empire-Imperial Couple” FR. 106 

(KM1192) NGC PF65----------------------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn $450.00 
IRAN 1971 complete 4 pc. gold & 5 pc. silver “2500" Anniversary of Persian Empire” PROOF set 

KM#PS2 GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------------------- $850.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1973 2 Pounds “Viking on horse” FR. 5 (KM28) 3,612 mintage NGC MS63--------- $225.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1977 5 Pounds “Viking on horse” FR. 4 (KM29) Rare Reported mintage of 

only 434 Uncs struck! NGC MS617------------------------------------------------------------—-----—-—-—-—- $550.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1979 1 Crown (1.2678 oz) “Lifeboat and Sir William Hillary portrait/ 

Millennium of Tynwald” KMS50b Scarce only 300 minted! NGC PF69------------------------------ $750.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1986 1 Noble Platinum Elizabeth II “Viking ship” FR. 18 (KM154) 

3,000 Proofs minted! Contains | oz Platinum! PCGS PR67 DCAM---------------------------------- $750.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1990 1 Crown (1 oz gold) “150™ Anniversary of the PENNY BLACK Stamp” 

KM276b 1,000 mintage (cats. $685) NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1997 '% Crown (1/2 0z) “Leiv Eriksson and Viking ship” KM764 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF66------------------ $275.00 NGC PF67----------------------------------------------------------—- $295.00 
ISRAEL 1962 50 Lirot “Weizmann” FR. 3 (KM40) 6,202 mintage NGC PF64------------------------ $250.00 
ISRAEL 1964 50 Lirot PROOF “Bank” FR. 4 (KM44) Rarest gold coin in the Israeli gold series 

with only 841 Proofs minted! (cats. $3200 in the latest KM!) NGC PF68-------------------------- $2,950.00 
ISRAEL 1964 50 Lirot “Bank” FR. 4 (KM44) 6,014 mintage NGC MS67-------------------------------- $275.00 
ISRAEL 1968 100 Lirot “Jerusalem” FR. 6 (KMS52) NGC PF68-——-——----___—__-_—____ $295.00 
ISRAEL 1974 500 Lirot “Ben Gurion” FR. 12 (KM82) NGC PF65----------------------------------------- $325.00 
ISRAEL 1982 5 Sheqalim “Holyland Sites-Qumran Caves” FR. 19 (KM125) 4,927 minted 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- 7-7 - nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $165.00 
ISRAEL 1983 5 Sheqgalim “Holyland Sites-Herodion Ruins” FR. 21 (KM132) 4,346 minted 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------ nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $165.00 
ISRAEL 1984 10 Shegalim “K insmen/36" Anniversary-State of Israel” FR. 22 (KM138) 

3,798 minted NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------- 2 -n nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
ISRAEL 1987 5 New Shegalim “Holyland Sites-Jericho” FR. 29 (KM182) 4,000 minted 

NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $175.00 
ISRAEL 1989 10 New Sheqalim “Gazelle/41“ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 32 (KM201) 

2,743 minted NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------------- === $295.00 
ISRAEL 1996 medallic 100 Euro “Golda Meir” NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------- $125.00 













ITALY-Ferrara | Scudo d’oro ND Alfonso II D’Este (1559-1597) FR. 272 Arms/Rev: Cross 

Scarce PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
I'TALY-Florence (Tuscany) 1775 | Ruspone Pietro Leopold FR. 334 (KM#C28) Lily/ 

Rev: St. John seated. Scarce (cats. $1700 XF m FR) PCGS AU58------------—_-__--______-_-— $1,250.00 
ITALY-Florence (Tuscany) 1816 1 Ruspone Ferdinando III FR. 341 (KM#C61) Scarce 

(cats ‘S1750°XF m. FR/$1250 XP. m KM)-PCGS AU $950.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1792 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.1) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats:$12501n FR) *PCGS WE 35 le ee $750.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1794 48 Lire FR. 445 (KM245.2) Scarce (cats. $1750 XF) PCGS AUS55------------ $1,750.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1795 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats: $2000 XF m FR) PCGS AU55——_—_—________________._—__._ $1,250.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1796 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child, .{cats: $20002XF in. FR)-PCGS XF45—--—___+____.._____ $950.00 
ITALY-Milan 1582 1 Doppia Filippo Il FR. 716 Radiate head right/Rev: Arms. PCGS AUS53--------- $950.00 
ITALY-Milan 1787-M_ 1 Sovrano Josef Il KM#C51 (FR. 312 listed under Austria) Scarce 

(cats. $1350 XF. im FR) PCGS AU538-___— —— ee ee $950.00 
ITALY-Modena 103 Soldi (1/3 Scudo d’oro) ND Francesco I D’Este (1629-1658) FR. 791 

Legend/Rev: Eagle. PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
ITALY-Naples 1 Scudo d’oro ND Carlo V (1519-1556) FR. 835 Arms/Rev: Cross. 

PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Naples 1582 1 Scudod’oro Filippo If FR. 836 Head/Rev: Arms. (cats. $3000 XF) 

Rare this nice! PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
ITALY-Naples 1763 6 Ducati Ferdinando IV FR. 846 (KM#C75) Youthful bust/Rev: Arms. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ITALY-Naples 1773 6 Ducati Ferdinando IV FR. 849 (KM#C76) Older bust/Rev: Arms. 

Scarce this nice!) NGC MS63--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 

ITALY-Naples & Sicily 1813 40 Lire Gioacchino Murat (Napoleonic Dynasty) FR. 859 
(KM#C113) One year type! EF details but rims filed-cleaned=ANACS Net F15----$395.00 

a a i $950.00 
ITALY-Naples 1839 30 Ducati Ferdinando II FR. 866 (KM#C157b) Scarce two year sub-type! 

(cats. $3600 XF in FR) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,750.00 
ITALY-Parma 1815 40 Lire Maria Luigia FR. 933 (KM#C32) Two year type! PCGS AU58--------- $650.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1828 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1132 (KM#C108.1) Eagle head mintmark (Turin) 

PEGS AUS3————$650-00 PEGS-AUSS———---—-$750.00 NGC AU58------------------------ $950.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1830 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1133 (KM#C108.2) Anchor mintmark (Genoa) 

PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------- 2-2-9 --- 2-2-9 n-n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana $650.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1835-P 100 Lire Carlo Alberto FR. 1138 (KM#C117.2) PEGS AUS3===-$650.00 

PEGS AUS ---------------------------------------------- 22-22 non nnn nnn nn nnn annem nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nanan $750.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1741 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------- === 2-2-2 nnn nnn $450.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1746 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1751 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64---------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Venice | Zecchino (ducat) ND Bartolomeo Gradenigo (1339-1342) FR. 1220 

Scarce early Doge! (cats. $600) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------------—-= $450.00 
ITALY-Venice 1 Scudo d’oro ND Andrea Gritti (1523-1539) FR. 1448 Cross/Rev: Lion in shield. 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 
ITALY 1814-M 40 Lire Napoleone FR. 5 (KM#C12) PCGS AUS55------------------ $250.00 

PCGS AUS8--------- $350.00 NGE-MS62------------------------------------------------------------------ $eS0-00) 








a 719, 




ITALY 1912-R 20 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “Uniformed bust” FR. 28 (KM48) PCGS MS62------ $1,150.00 
ITALY 1912-R 50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “Uniformed bust” FR. 27 (KM49) 

Scarce four year type! (cats. $1750 in KM) PCGS MS02-------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
ITALY 1923-R 100 Lire MATTE Vittorio Emanuel III “1“ Anniversary of Fascist Government” 

FR. 30 (KM65) Scarce one year type! PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
ITALY 1931-R 100 Lire Vittorio Emanuele II] FR. 33 (KM72) Bust/Rev: Italia on prow of ship. 

PCGS MS63----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
ITALY 1992 medallic Ecu d’oro “35" Anniversary Common Market” 1250 mintage 

! NGC PF68-------------- $150.00 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
ITALY 1996 medallic 50 Euros “Roman Coliseum” NGC PF68----------------------------------------------- $100.00 
IVORY COAST 1966 complete 4 pc. gold “President Boigny” PROOF set KM#PS1 (cats. $1000) 

2,000 mintage GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate---------------------------- $850.00 
JAPAN Manen Koban ND (1860-1867) FR. 17 (KM#C22d) Scarce Choice XF/AU-------------------- $950.00 
JAPAN 1870 2 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 48 (KM#Y10) One year sub-type! Scarce PCGS MS64-------- $1,950.00 
JAPAN 1871 | Yen Mutsuhito FR. 49 (KM#Y9) NGC MS63----------------------------------------------- $650.00 
JAPAN 1871 5 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 47 (KM#Y11) Dragon/Rev: Wreath over crossed banners. 

Scarce two year large size type! PCGS MS63----------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
JAPAN 1898 5 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 52 (KM#Y32) Scarce (cats. $2000 Unc in KM) NGC MS63------ $1,250.00 
JAPAN 1899 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS63------------------------------------------ $1,100.00 
JAPAN 1904 20 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 40 (KM#Y34) PCGS MS61----------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
JAPAN 1906 20 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 50 (KM#Y34) PCGS MS63----------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
JAPAN 1908 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) PCGS MS64----------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
JAPAN 1909 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) PCGS MS65----------------------------------------- $1,495.00 

JAPAN 1917 20 Yen Yoshihito FR. 53 (KM#Y40.2) NGC MS63---$2,250.00 NGC MS65-------- $2,750.00 
JAPAN 1997 10,000 Yen “1998 Nagano Olympics-Ski Jumper” KM#Y116 (cats. $650) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
JAPAN 1999 10,000 Yen “10 Anniversary of Enthronement” KM#Y124 (cats. $1200) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
JERSEY 2000 | Sovereign “William I-Duke of Normandy” KM110 2,000 mintage 

One year type! NGC MS65S----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $125.00 

JERUSALEM-Crusander Kingdom | Saracenic Bezant ND Baldwin I and II (1100-1131 AD) 
FR. | Pseudo-Cufic legend on each side (cats. $1000 VF/$1500 XF in FR) 
XF for this crude early issue----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
JORDAN 1968 complete 6 pc. SPECIMEN set struck in gold KM#SS4 Set consists of the 
1-5-10-25-50 Fils and the 1 Dirham. All struck in gold from the regular currency coin dies! 
KM#Pn1! thru Pn6 EXTREMELY RARE!! KM lists only two sets struck in gold! Listed in KM 
without a price! Our set is fully MINTSTATE and housed in the original presentation case------ $6,500.00 
(Also included is the matching 6 pc. SPECIMEN set of the actual circulating coins for these 
denominations. KM#SS3 Listed in KM as only 50 Specimen sets struck (cats. $300) 
This set too is in it’s original presentation case!) 
JORDAN 1977 50 Dinars “Houbara Bustard” FR. 9 (KM34) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 829 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
KENYA 1966 100 Shillings “75" Birthday President Kenyatta” FR. 3 (KM7) NGC MS64------------- $125.00 
KIRIBATI 1979 $150 “Independence” FR. 1 (KM9) Arms/Rev: Traditional Meeting Hut. 

Scarce only 422 Uncs minted! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
KOREA (South Korea) 1970 1000 Won “Great South Gate” FR. 5 (KM14.1) 1,500 minted 

Re gsc a $350.00 
KOREA (South Korea) 1970 2500 Won “Queen Sunduk” FR. 4 (KM15.1) 1,750 mintage 

Bea aia eel ech neh aga net nein $495.00 
KOREA (South Korea) 1986 50000 Won “Turtle Ship/1988 Seoul Olympics” FR. 7 (KMS59) 

Contains | oz gold! (cats. $800 in FR) NGC PF67------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 
LAOS 1971 complete 5 pc. gold “King Savang Vatthana Coronation” PROOF set KM#PS1 

(cats. $2870) GEM PROOF in original presentation case (no cert.)---------------------------------- $2,750.00 
LESOTHO 1969 10 Maloti “Water Buffalo/F.A.O. Issue” FR. 9 (KMI1) NGC PF63-------------------- $495 00 









LESOTHO 1983 200 Maloti PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P4 (type of KM45 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69----------------- $750.00 
LIBERIA 1965 $30 “70" Birthday of President Tubman” FR. 4 (KM22) One year type! 

Only 400 minted! NGC PF66---------------- $195.00 NGC PF67---------------------------------------- $225.00 
LIBERIA 1979 $100 “Elephant/O.A.U.” FR. 16 (KM38) GEM PROOF in original card--------------- $195.00 
LIBERIA 1983 $200 PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM49 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68--------------------------- $750.00 
LIBERIA 1996 $100 “Chairman Mao Zedong” KM259 1,996 mintage NGC PF69---------------------- $125.00 
LIBERIA 1999 $250 “John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr./Liberty” KM425 

Only 375 minted! NGC PF67--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1946 complete 2 pc. gold set Francis Joseph II KM#MS2 Set consists of 

the 10 & 20 Franken. FR. 17 & 18 (KM#Y13&14) Both coins are NGC MS64------------------- $495.00 

LIECHTENSTEIN 1956 complete 2 pc. gold set Francis Joseph II & Princess Gina 
KM#MS3 Set consists of the 25 & 50 Franken FR. 20 & 21 (KM#Y15 & 16) 

Both coins are GEM BU and housed in the original presentation case---------------------------------- $495.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1990 50 Franken “Succession of Hans-Adam IT” FR. 25 (KM23) 

NGC PF¢7-------------------- $+95-60 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
LUXEMBOURG 1963 20 Francs ESSAI “Grand Duchess Charlotte/100" Anniversary of the City 

of Luxembourg” KM#EAS1 Only 250 minted! NGC MS64------------------------------------------- $250.00 
MACAO 1978 500 Patacas “Racing car with commercial logos/25" Anniversary of Grand Prix” 

FR. | (KM12) Scarce only 550 struck! NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MACAO 1983 1000 Patacas “Year of the Pig” FR. 6 (KM28) Only 400 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------$325.00 
MACAO 1987 1000 Patacas “Year of the Rabbit” FR. 10 (KM37) NGC PF67---------------------------- $250.00 

MACAO 1987 complete “Year of the Rabbit” PROOF set KM#PSS Set consists of the 
gold 1000 Patacas KM37 (FR. 10) and the silver 100 Patacas KM36. 

Both coins are GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------- $275.00 
MACAO 1988 500 Patacas “35™ Anniversary of Grand Prix” FR. 13 (KM42) Race car/Rev: 
Junk ship. 4,500 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------------------- $175.00 

MACAO 1989 1000 Patacas “Year of the Snake” FR. 15 (KM45) 2000 Uncs minted! NGC MS69------ $250.00 
MACEDONIA 1996 1 Denar “5™ Anniversary-UN Membership” KM8 Arms/Rev: Pair of white storks. 

1,500 mintage (cats. $500) NGC PF68------$295.00" NGC PF69----------- $325.00 

NGC PF70------------- $395.00 GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate------------------------ $295.00 
MALAYSIA 1976 500 Ringgit “Malayan Tapir” FR. 4 (KM21) Conservation Coin Series 

2,894 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1978 5 Rufiyaa “F.A.O. Issue-Lobster” FR. 2 (KM57b) Scarce 

only 200 minted! NGC PF65----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------- $595.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1984 100 Rufiyaa PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P3 (type of KM67 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68----------------- $750.00 
MALI 1967 25 Francs President Keita FR. 3 (KM6) NGC PF66-------------------------------------------- $150.00 
MALI 1967 50 Francs President Keita FR. 2 (KM7) NGC PF67-------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MALI 1967 100 Francs President Keita FR. 1 (KM8) NGC PF66------------------------------------------- $495.00 
MALI 1967 complete 4 pc. gold “President Modibo Keita” PROOF set KM#PS1 (cats. $1000) 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case (no Ceft.)----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn $850.00 
MALTA 1972 complete 4 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver MINT set KM#MS2 & MS3 (cats. $827.50) 

GEM BU in original presentation case (no Celt. )---------------------------$----- ~~ nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
MALTA 1975 20 Liri “Fresh Water Crab” FR. 59 (KM37) NGC MS64----------------------------------- $125.00 
MALTA 1983 100 Pounds PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM66 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF67---------------------------- $750.00 
MALTA-Order of Malta 1989 100 Liri “25" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 68 (KM89) 

2,500 mintage (cats. $425 in FR/$375 in KM) NGC PF68----------------__-_-_--____-___-_________—— $295.00 

MAURITIUS 1975 1000 Rupees “Mauritius Flycatcher” FR. 2 (KM42) Conservation Coin Series 
1,966 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------=------ === == === === $450.00 












MEXICO 1 Escudo cob ND (1702-1715) Philip V FR. 7c (KMS1.1) Arms/Rev: Cross 
Mexico City mint. Recovered from the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk off the east 
coast of Florida in a hurricane! VF and comes with a fancy Salvors, Inc. (Mel Fisher) 

photo-certificate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1734-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarcer date! (cats. $4850 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1738/7-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce overdate variety! 

(cats. $4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1740/30-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce! This overdate not listed in KM! 

(1740 date cats. $4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1741-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS8-----------------------------------------------2 22-22 nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1744-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUSS------------------ $2,950.00 PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1744/3-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) This overdate not listed in KM! 

Scarce PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------- 2-2-9 nn n-ne nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nae $2,950.00 
MEXICO 1745-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3----------------------------------------------- 2-22-22 2-22 n nn nn nn nnn nnn nn nena nn nnn nnn nnn nanan n= $2,750.00 
MEXICO 1777-Mo 8 Escudos Charles II FR. 33 (KM156.2a) Bust/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $1500 in FR/$1650 in KM) PCGS XF40----------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
MEXICO 1806-Mo 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 43 (KMI159) PCGS AUS55-------------------------------- $950.00 
MEXICO 1810-Mo 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 47 (KM160) PCGS AUS8--------------------------- $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1814-Mo '% Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 57 (KM112) Scarcer date of the seyen year type! 

(cats. $550 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 

MEXICO 1842-Mo 1/2 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 107 (KM378.5) ANACS AUS0-------- $150.00 
MEXICO 1851/41-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) 
Chihuahua mint. Scarcer mint and interesting overdate! (cats. $1000 in KM) PCGS XF40------- $650.00 

MEXICO 1858-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) PCGS XF40-------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1860-Ga | Escudo “Hand on book” Republic FR. 101 (KM379.2) PCGS MS62------------- $395.00 
MEXICO 1893-Cn 20 Pesos “Balance Scales” Republic FR. 122 (KM414.2) Rare date! 

2,062 minted! ANACS AUS53----------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $1,150.00 

MEXICO 1897/6-Go 1 Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 161 (KM410.3) 4,280 mintage PCGS MS62------ $225.00 
MEXICO 1903-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) Small date variety! 

ICG MS063------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-7-2 n nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
MEXICO 1904-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) 9,845 mintage PCGS MS63------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1906 5 Pesos “Hidalgo” FR. 168 (KM464) PCGS MS62------------------------------------------ $85.00 
MEXICO 1917 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) Rare in this grade! 

NGC MS65 ----------------------------------$----- nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
MEXICO 1918 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478)-"NG@E-AUGS8------ $49500 

PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------ nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
MEXICO 1919 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC AUS8------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1920 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC AUS58------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1920 10 Pesos “Hidalgo” FR. 166 (KM473) Rarest date of the 10 peso series! 

PCGS AUS5---------------------------------------------------------------- $$ 2 nnn nnn 88 $450.00 
MEXICO 1921/11 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC MS64--------------------- $350.00 
MEXICO 1921 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) First year of the series and the scarcest date! 

NGC MS02-------------------- $750.00 NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
MEXICO 1922 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) x 

NGC MS602--------------------------- $495.00 NGC MS603------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1923 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62--------------- $495 00 

NGC MS63-------------------------- $550.00 NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1924 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS61--------- $475.00 

NGC MES aire NN ag a er tment canenpnchncneien een $550.00 












MEXICO 1925 SO Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC-MS6t-========-$475-66 


NGC MS62------------- $495.00 NGC MS63--------------- $550.00 NGC MS64---------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1926 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62----------- $495 00 

NGC MS63----------------------- $550.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1927 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) PCGS MS62---------- $495.00 

NGC MS62-------- $495.00 NGC MS63------------- $550.00 NGC MS64----------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1928 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62------------ $495.00 

NGC MS63------------------------ $550.00 NGC MS64---------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1929 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62----------- $495 00 

NGC MS63-------- $550.00 NGC MS64--------- $595.00 NGC MS65 (Rare in this grade! )------- $750.00 
MEXICO 1930 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS63----------- $550.00 

ICG MS65 (Rare in this grade! )------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
MEXICO 1931 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) Second rarest date of the series! 

PCGS MS63---------------------- $625.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------- $695.00 
MEXICO 1943 (50 Pesos) “Centenario” FR. 173 (KM482) One year sub-type! NGC MS62---$475.00 

NGC MS63----------- $495.00 ICG MS64------------- $550.00 NGC MS64--------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1944 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1945 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1946 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $495 00 
MEXICO 1953 medallic (10 Pesos) “200 Anniversary-Birth of Hidalgo” KM#M9la NGC MS66------ $150.00 
MEXICO 1957 medallic (10 Pesos) “Centennial of Constitution” KM#M123a NGC MS65-------------- $135.00 
MEXICO 1957 medallic (SO Pesos) “Centennial of Constitution” KM#M122a NGC MS66-------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1959 medallic (20 Pesos) “Carranza” Not yet listed in KM or Bruce! NGC MS67------------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1959 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171-R (KM478) Official Government Restrike 

NGC MS66------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-29-2222 ---2--- 2-02 20--2--2---------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1962 medallic (50 Pesos) “Cinco de Mayo/Puebla” NGC MS66---------------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1981-Mo % Onza FR. 180 (KM487) PCGS MS67------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1985 1000 Pesos “175 Anniversary of Independence” FR. 182 (KMS513) 

One year type! NGC PF67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $395.00 
MEXICO 1992 1000 Pesos (1 oz) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM560 

2,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1992 500 Pesos (%0z) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM559 

2,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
MEXICO 1992 250 Pesos (oz) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM558 

2,000 mintage (cats. $275) NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1993 100 New Pesos (1 oz) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM587 500 mintage 

NGC PF68---------------- $625.00 NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1993 50 New Pesos (2 oz) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM586 500 mintage NGC PF69--$425.00 

NGC PF70-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $475.00 
MEXICO 1993 25 New Pesos (4 0z) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM585 800 mintage NGC PF69---------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1994 100 New Pesos (1 oz) “Personaje de Jaina” KM581 500 mintage 

(cats. $800) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $695.00 
MEXICO 1994 50 New Pesos (2 0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KM580 500 mintage 

(cats. $525) NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $450.00 
MEXICO 1994 25 New Pesos (% oz) “Personaje de Jaina” KM579 500 mintage 

(cats. $325) NGC PF67-----$250.00 NGC PF68------------- $275.00 NGC PF69------------------- $295.00 
MEXICO 1996 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Sacerdote’” KM602 NGC PF69------------------------------------------ $595.00 
MEXICO 1996 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Sacerdote’” KM601 (cats. $475) NGC PF69-------- $395.00 

NGC PF70------------------------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
MEXICO 1996 25 Pesos (%40z) “Sacerdote” KM600 (cats. $275) NGC PF69-------- $225.00 

NOE PEO: ------------------------------------- 22-22 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn n nnn $275-60 

MEXICO 1997 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM626 NGC PF69---$650.00 
NGC PF 70 ---------------------------------------- 2-2 n-n nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nna $725.00 







MEXICO 1997 50 Pesos (% 0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM625 NGC PF69---$425 00 

NGC PF70-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $475.00 
MEXICO 1997 25 Pesos (%0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM624 NGC PF69---$250.00 

NG€PF10-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295-00- 
MEXICO 1998 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1998 50 Pesos ('20z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF70------------------------------- $475.00 
MEXICO 1998 25 Pesos (% 0z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69--$250.00 NG@E-PEZ0-----$295-00 
MONACO 1879-A 20 Francs Charles III FR. 12 (KM98) Two year type! PCGS VF30---------------- $165.00 
MONACO 1882-A 100 Francs Charles lil FR. 11 (KM99) Scarcer date of the three year type! 

PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $650.00 
MONACO 1884-A 100 Francs Charles III FR. 11 (KM99) PCGS AUS58-------------------------------—- $550.00 
MONACO 1886-A 100 Francs Charles If] FR. 11 (KM99) PCGS AUSS---------------------------------- $495.00 
MONACO 1891-A 100 Francs Albert FR. 13 (KM105) NGC MS60--------------------------------------- $550.00 
MONACO 1966 200 Francs “10 Wedding Anniversary of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace” 

FR. 32 (KM#M2) NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 

MONTENEGRO 1910 100 Perpera PROOF Nicholas I “Bare head” FR. | (KM12) 
EXTREMELY RARE only 25 Proofs struck of this one year type! Plain head to right/ 

Rev: Arms. (cats. $12500 in KM) PCGS PR62------- $8,500.00 NGC PF62---------------------- $8,500.00 
NEPAL SE1820 (1898) 1 Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS64-------------------------------- $295.00 
NEPAL SE1823 (1901) 1 Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS65-------------------------------- $350.00 
NEPAL SE1826 (1904) 1 Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS64--------- $295.00 

PCGS MS605 -------------------------------------------------------- 222-2 nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nana $350.00 

NEPAL VS1989 (1932) 1 Mohar Tribhuvana FR. 27 (KM702) Scarce this nice! NGC MS65-------- $295.00 
NEPAL VS82031 (1974) 1000 Rupees “Great Indian Rhinoceros” FR. 50 (KM844) 

Conservation Coin Series Only 671 Proofs minted! Scarce in this grade! NGC PF70-------------- $750.00 
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 1980 300 Gulden “Abdication of Queen Juliana” FR. 5 (KM29.1) 

Interesting square shaped coin! NGC MS62---------- $85.00 NGC PF68------------------------------ $100.00 
NETHERLANDS-Batavian Republic 1803 | Ducat FR. 317 (KM11.3) ANACS EF45------------------ $175.00 
NETHERLANDS -Gelderland 1619 '% Cavalier d’or FR. 241 (KM17) Knight on horseback/ 

Rev: Arms. (cats. 4900 XF in KM-highest grade listed) PCGS MS60------------------------------ $1,250.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1711/10 1 Ducat FR. 284 (KM7) This overdate not listed in KM! 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1724 | Ducat FR. 285 (KM7) Recovered from the “Akerendam” shipwreck! 

Scarce this nice! PEGS-MS62--—-----====--$4506-00 NGC MS63--------------------------------------- $495.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1751 14 Gulden FR. 288 (KM104) Knight on horseback/Rev: 

Arms. PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------- 2-9-2 = nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnnnnn ne $750.00 
NETHERLANDS-West Friesland 1761 14 Gulden FR. 298 (KM130) Knight on horseback/ 

Rev: Arms. PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $750.00 
NETHERLANDS 1849 1 Ducat (Willem II) “Knight standing” FR. 344 (KM83.1) PCGS MS62------ $175.00 
NETHERLANDS 1912 5 Gulden Wilhelmina FR. 350 (KMIS5S1) One year type! NGC MS62---------- $150.00 
NIGER 1968 25 Francs “Barbary Sheep” FR. 7 (KM9) 1000 mintage NGC PF64------ $150.00 

NGC PF68 ------------------------------------------------ 2-2-2 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
NIGER 1968 50 Francs “Lion” FR. 6 (KM10) 1000 mintage NGC PF64---$350.00 NGC PF65------ $395.00 
NIGER 1968 100 Francs “President Hamani” FR. 5 (KMI1) 1000 mintage NGC PF63---------------- $495.00 
NIUE 1988 $250 “John F. Kennedy” FR. 3 (KM20) NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- $195.00 
NIUE 1997 $100 “Princess Diana” KMI111 NGC PF67--------- $125.00 NGC PF69-------------------- $150.00 
NORWAY 1874 5 Species-20 Kronor Oscar Il FR. 15 (KM348) Two year type! 

(cats. $900 in FR) NGC MS62------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
NORWAY 2001 1500 Kroner King Harald V “100™ Anniversary of Nobel Prize” 

not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
PANAMA 1982 500 Balboas “Death of General Omar Torrijos” FR. 29 (KM84) Scarce 

only 398 minted! GEM PROOF in original case----------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 

PANAMA 1983 100 Balboas “Pre-Columbian Art-Cocle Style Birds” FR. 18 (KM95) 
1,308 mintage GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate----------------------------------- $150.00 











PANAMA 1983 500 Balboas “Owl Butterfly” FR. 30 (KM96) Only 469 Proofs struck! 

GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PANAMA 1984 100 Balboas “Pre-Columbian Art-Native Art” FR. 19 (KM100) 

GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate------------------------------------------------------ $150.00 
PANAMA 1985 500 Balboas “National Eagle” FR. 31 (KM103) Rare only 184 struck! 

GEM PROOF in original case------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1977 100 Kina “Papuan Hombill” FR. 3 (KM12) GEM PROOF in 

original cachet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $135.00 

PARAGUAY 1973 1500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM124 1,500 mintage NGC PF66-------- $395.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 3000 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM136 1,500 mintage NGC PF64--------$650.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 4500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM106 1,500 mintage NGC PF66----$1,150.00 
PERU 1750 8 Escudos cob Ferdinand VI FR. 12 (KM47) Pillars and date/Rev: Cross. 

Dated on both obverse and reserve! Recovered from the “Nuestra Senora de la Luz” 

(Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! Rare this nice! NGC AU58------------------------------------- $6,500.00 
PERU 1791 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 36 (KM92) Scarce three year transitional type! Lima mint 

PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 
PERU 1797 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 40 (KMI101) Bust/Rev: Arms. Lima mint 

“IJ” Assayer initials (cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS0---------------------------------------------- $850.00 
PERU 1863 10 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 71 (KM193) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8------------- $350.00 PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 
PERU 1910 5 Soles Republic FR. 76 (KM#Tn2) One year type! NGC MS64----------------------------- $195.00 
PERU 1931 50 Soles “Inca” Republic FR. 77 (KM219) 5,538 mintage 

PCGS MS63--------------- $1,100.00 PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
PERU 1952 50 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 79 (KM230) Scarcer date! 

Only 1,201 minted! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $650.00 
PERU 1958 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 80 (KM229) NGC MS63--------------------------- $195.00 

PERU 1963 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) 7,342 mintage NGC MS66------- $595.00 
PERU 1965 100 Soles “400" Anniversary of Lima Mint” Republic FR. 83 (KM243) 

One year type! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PERU 1969 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) Scarce only 540 minted 

according to KM! NGC MS65S------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PERU 1994 1 Nuevo Sol “El Senor de Sipan/Pre-Inca Moche Cultural Artifact” KM312 

RARE only 100 Proofs struck! NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
PHILIPPINES 1868 1 Peso Isabella II FR. 3 (KM142) UNC details but cleaned = 

—— (00 PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------ $150.00 
PHILIPPINES 1970 1 Piso “Pope Paul VI Visit” FR. 5 (KM202b) Scarce only 1000 minted! 

NGC MS61------------------------------------- 2-2 22m on nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnennnn $750.00 
PHILIPPINES 1976 1,500 Piso “I.M.F. Meeting/Map” FR. 7 (KM216) NGC MS68--------------------- $250.00 
PHILIPPINES 1976 1,500 Piso “I.M.F. Meeting/Map” FR. 7 (KM216) NGC PF67---------------------- $275.00 
PHILIPPINES 1977 1500 Piso “5" Anniversary of the New Society” FR. 9 (KM219) 

NGC MS64-------------------------------------------- 2-22-2922 nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 

PHILIPPINES 1977 5000 Piso “5” Anniversary of the New Society” FR. 9 (KM220) Conjoined 
busts of President and Mrs. Marcos/Rev: Presidential seal. Contains almost 2 oz. gold! 

(cats. $1250 in FR/$1000 in KM) GEM PROOF in original case-------------------------------------- $850.00 
PHILIPPINES 1978 1500 Piso “Inauguration of New Mint Facilities” FR. 10 (KM223) 

NGC MS66-------------------------------- 2-2-9229 n 2a nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nanan nnns $275.00 
PHILIPPINES 1986 2500 Piso “President Aquino/President Reagan” FR. 14 (KM247) 

Scarce only 250 minted! GEM PROOF in original cachet----------------------------------------------- $495.00 
PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1988 $250 “HMS Bounty” FR. | (KM2) 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF68---------- $295.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $295.00 
PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1989 $250 “HMS Bounty ship at sea” FR. 2 (KM6) 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $295 00 

POLAND-Danzig 1662 1 Ducat John Casimir FR. 24 (KM41.2) Bust/Rev: City arms. 
Scarce this nice! PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------------------—- $1,950.00 







f £44545 



POLAND-Danzig 1688 | Ducat John Sobieski FR. 36 (KM75.1) Scarce this nice! NGC AUSS------- $1,950.00 
POLAND 1824 25 Zlotych Alexander! FR. 108 (KM#C102a) RARE only 636 minted! 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR and $2000 XF/$3600 Unc in KM) NGC AUS5S----------------------------- $2,450.00 
POLAND 1829 25 Zlotych Alexander I FR. 110 (KM#C118) EXTREMELY RARE 

only 66 pcs. struck! (cats. $2000 XF in FR and $3500 XF/$4800 Unc in KM) NGC AUS50----$2,950.00 
POLAND 1831 | Ducat Revolutionary Period FR. 114 (KM#C125) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8----------------- $450.00 PCGS MS02-------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
POLAND 1925 10 Zlotych Boleslaw I “900" Anniversary of Poland” FR. 116 (KM#Y32) 

One year type! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95.00 
POLAND 1925 complete 2 pc. Boleslaw I “900" Anniversary of Poland” gold set Consisting of 

the 10 & 20 Zlotych-both coins NGC MS65------------------------------------------------------------- --$295 00 
POLAND 1976 500 Zlotych “Kazimierz Pulaski” Republic FR. 118 (KM85) 2,315 minted! 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1 Cruzado (500 Reais) ND Sebastiao (1557-1578) FR. 41 Arms/Rev: Cross 

of the Order of Christ. PCGS AUS8---------- $650.00 NGC MS62------------------------------------ $950.00 
PORTUGAL 1720 1000 Reis Joao V FR. 98 (KM182) Arms/Rev: Cross. PCGS XF40---------------- $295.00 

RAS AL-KHAIMA 1970 complete 5 pc. gold & 3 pc. silver “Centennial of Rome” PROOF set 
KM#PS3 RARE (cats. $4000) GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-----$3 , 750.00 
RHODESIA (now Zimbabwe) 1966 1 Pound “Lion holding elephant tusk/Ist Anniversary 

of Independence” FR. 2 (KM6) 5,000 mintage NGC PF66-------------------------------------------- $195.00 
ROMANIA 1890-B 20 Lei Carol 1 FR. 3 (KM20) Two year type! NGC MS61----$175.00 

NGC MS02---------------------------------------- 929-22 nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
ROMANIA 1906 12% Lei Carol I “40 Anniversary of Reign” FR. 8 (KM36) One year type! 

SQ === 3s assess aaaaee 60 NGC MS60---------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 

ROMANIA 1906 25 Lei Carol I “40™ Anniversary of Reign” FR. 7 (KM38) One year type! 

NGC MS60--------------------------------------------------- 2-22 n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
ROMANIA 1922 100 Lei “Ferdinand I Coronation” FR. 9 (KM#M9) Scarce one year type! 

NGC MS03--------------------------------- 7-9-9 n-nonane nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn anna nanan $2,250.00 
ROMANIA 1944 20 Lei Michael I “Three Romanian Kings” FR. 21 (KM#M6) NGC MS63---------- $125.00 

ROMANIA 1982 complete “2050” Anniversary of First Independent State” PROOF set KM#PS1 

Set consists of the gold 500 Lei (FR. 23, KM99) plus the silver 100 Lei. Both coins 

GEM PROOF in original card case----------------------------------------------------~- ~~~ === === $395.00 
RUSSIA 1756 1 Rouble Elizabeth FR. 100 (KM#C22) Three year type! Scarce PCGS AU58-------- $595.00 
RUSSIA 1826 5 Roubles Nicholas] FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 

AU details but bent=ANACS Net EF40--------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
RUSSIA 1830 5 Roubles Nicholas] FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 

PCGS XF45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- === $450.00 
RUSSIA 1830 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS VF30------------------------ $450.00 
RUSSIA 1833 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas 1 FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS XF40-------- $550.00 

PEGS AUS3----------------------------------------------------------- nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $6S50-00 
RUSSIA 1837 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I] FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS AUS0------------------------ $625.00 
RUSSIA 1869 3 Roubles Alexander II FR. 147 (KM#Y26) PCGS AUSS----------------------------------- $350.00 
RUSSIA 1889 5 Roubles Alexander III FR. 151 (KM#Y42) PCGS AUS53--------------------------------- $175.00 
RUSSIA 1890 5 Roubles Alexander III FR. 151 (KM#Y42) PCGS MS63--------------------------------- $275.00 
RUSSIA 1897 15 Roubles Nicholas If FR. 159 (KM#Y65) One year type! NGC AUS58---------------- $225.00 
RUSSIA-Soviet Union 1923 10 Roubles (Chervonetz) FR. 163 (KM#Y85) Scarce 

First year of the series! Scarce NGC MS62------------- $350.00 NGC MS64----------------------- $450.00 
RUSSIA 1989 25 Roubles Palladium (1 oz) “Ballerina” FR. 183 (KM231) 3,000 Proofs minted! 

(cats. $1150 in latest KM) NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
RUSSIA 1992 50 Roubles “Moscow’s Pashkov Palace” KM#Y354 NGC PF69--------------------------- $150.00 
RUSSIA 1992 150 Roubles Platinum “Naval Battle of Cesme/Ships” KM358 3,000 minted 

NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------- 0-22 -- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 

RUSSIA 1993 50 Roubles “Sergei Rachmaninov’ KM#Y453 GEM PROOF in original case 
with certificate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-- $150.00 













RUSSIA 2000 2000 Roubles “Summer Olympics in Australia” (incorrectly listed in KM as a 

50 Roubles KM648) Torch runner on map of Australia/Rev: Double-headed eagle. 

NGC PF60------------------------------------ nnn nn nnn nnn n nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nanan nnn nn nn nn enema $250.00 
SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1997 40000 Pesetas “15 Anniversary- 

Diplomacy Between Venezuela and Saharawi Arab Dem. Republic/Bolivar and El Uali” 

KM38 RARE only 90 pcs. struck! ANACS PF68------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
ST. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS 1997 2500 Dobras “Year of the Ox” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------- $295.00 
SAN MARINO 1925-R 10 Lire FR. 2 (KM7) St. Marinus standing/Rev: Three towers. 

Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 in FR) PCGS MS64-----$550.00 NGC MS65----------------- $650.00 
SAN MARINO 1996 I Scudo “1996 Olympics-Boxers” KM338 NGC PF69-------------------------------- $75.00 
SAN MARINO 1996 2 Scudi “1996 Olympics-Track and Field” _KM339 NGC PF67-------------------- $125.00 
SAN MARINO 1996 5 Scudi “PIETA-Mary Receives Jesus’ Body” KM343 NGC PF68----$295.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $295 00 
SAN MARINO 1999 5 Scudi “Birth of Venus” KM388 Arms/Rev: Nude Venus standing in the shell! 

Scarce GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------------- $350.00 

SAUDI ARABIA I Pound ND (1945) “ARAMCO” FR. 191 (KM35) Struck at the 
Philadelphia mint for use in Saudi Arabia! NGC MS62------ $595.00 

NGC MS63---------------------- $695.00 ANACS MS603--------------------------------------------------- $695.00 
SAUDI ARABIA AH1370 (1951) 1 Saudi Pound (Guinea) FR. 1 (KM36) One year type! 
|~ NGC MS67--------------------$175.00 PCGS MS67----------------------------------------------------- --$175.00 
SCOTLAND 1601 1 Sword and Sceptre Piece James VI FR. 46 (KM20) Sword and sceptre/ 
Rev: Crowned shield. Scarce PCGS AUS0-------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
SERBIA 1879-A 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 3 (KM14) One year type! 
PCGS AUS0------------ $250.00 NGC AUSS-------------- $295.00 NGC AUS58---------------------- $350.00 

SERBIA 1882-V 10 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 5 (KM16) One year type! PCGS MS61-------$195.00 
SERBIA 1882-V 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 4 (KMI17) One year type! 

PCGS AUS55------- $150.00 NGC MS61--------- $225.00 NGC MS6@2------------ $275.00 

PCGS MS0)2--------------------------------------------------------------- 2-22-2222 nono nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnnnnnne $275.00 
SEYCHELLES 1978 1500 Rupees “Black Paradise Flycatcher” FR. 2 (KM41) 

Conservation Coin Series Only 683 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------- $550.00 
SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates) 1970 25 Riyals “Mona Lisa” FR. 5 (KM7) NGC PF69------------- $195.00 
SIERRA LEONE 1987 1 Leone “Bicentenary of Sierra Leone” FR. 11 (KM40a) Scarce 

only 1,250 minted! Unusual octagonal shaped planchet! NGC PF68---------------------------------- $295.00 
SIERRA LEONE 1987 5 Golde “Duiker Zebra” FR. 12 (KM42) World Wildlife Fund Series 

NGC PF67--------------------- =$2745-00 NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
SINGAPORE 1969 $150 “Raffles Lighthouse/150" Anniversary-Founding of Singapore” FR. | 

(KM) Rare only 500. Proofs mmnted! . NGC Pi0¢-———_—— $1,250.00 
SLOVENIA 1991 5,000 Tolarjev “1“ Anniversary of Independence” KM2.2 NGC PF65---$175.00 

NGC PF61------------------------------------------------------------ 72-22-20 nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nanan nnn nn nn nn nn name $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1993 5,000 Tolarjev “Battle of Sisek” KM11 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------------------- $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “50” Anniversary-Slovenian Bank” KM18 2000 mintage 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nanan nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nana nn nana $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “1000" Anniversary-Bishop Abraham-Glagolitic Alphabet” 

KM20 1,000 mintage NGC PF67--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev os Anniversary-Defeat of Fascism’ KM24 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------ 2 nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev “Aljazev Stolp and Mountain Summit” KM28 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1996 5,000 Tolarjev “5™ Anniversary of Independence/Flower” KM35 

3,000 mintage NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-= $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1997 5,000 Tolarjev “Zois Ziga” KM40 NGC PF67------------------------------------------ --$195.00 

SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 9 (KMI7) Scarce 
NGC PF66-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2-2 - nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 













SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution/Ear of Com” FR. 13 

(KM18) Scarce NGC PF67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 100 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution” FR. 12 

(KM20) Scarce NGC PF68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295 00 
SOMALIA 1983 1500 Shillings PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons"KM#P2 

(type of KM39 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE. NGC PF69----------------------------- $750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1893 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF45---$250.00 

PCGS XF45------------------ $350.00 PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1895 % Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) PCGS XF45-----$250.00 PCGS AUS55-----$350.00 

PCGS AUS5 (ex-John Jay Pittman Collection!)-------$395.00 PCGS AU58-------------------------- $450.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1895 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) Scarcer date! PCGS AUS8------------------------------ $750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1896 2 Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) PCGS AUS0--------------- $250.00 

PCGS AUS5------------- $295.00 PCGS AUS5S5(ex-John Jay Pittman Collection!)-------------------- $350.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1897 % Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) PCGS AUS55--------- $295.00 

PCGS AUS8--------------- $350.00 PCGS AUS58 (ex-John Jay Pittman Collection!)------------------ $395.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1898 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) REGS AWS50---$145.00 NGC AUS5S5----$195.00 

PCGS AUSS5----$195.00 PCGS AUS58------ $250.00 PCGS MS61--------- $295.00 

PCGS MS6@2------ $350.00 PCGS MS63-------- $395.00 PCGS MS64(Scarce this nice!)---------- $650.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1924-SA 1 Sovereign George V FR. 5 (KM21) RARE date! 3,184 minted 

(cats. $4500 in KM) NGC MS63----------------------------------------------- =~ nnn nnn nnn $3,750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1960 | Pound PROOF Elizabeth II FR. 9 (KM54) 1,950 mintage NGC PF66------ $150.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1980 2 Rand Republic FR. 11 (KM64) PCGS MS67------------------------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1981 1 Krugerrand PROOF FR. 13 (KM73) PCGS PR67 DCAM-------------------- $450.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1982 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1984 '% Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR65 DCAM------------------ $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1986 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 '% Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR67 DCAM------------------ $250.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $150.00 
SPAIN-Aragon | Florin ND Pedro IV (1336-1387) FR. 1 St. John standing/Rev: Lily. 

PCGS VF35 ----------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn ne $350.00 
SPAIN 1 Dobla dela Banda ND Juan II (1406-1454) FR. 112 Shield/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS AUS3---------------- $1,250.00 PCGS MS60 (Scarce this nice!)------------------------------- $1,750.00 

SPAIN 2 Excelentes ND Ferdinand V and Isabella I (1476-1516) FR. 129 Crowned busts 
facing each other/Rev: Arms on ship. Popular type coin which financed the voyage of 

Christopher Columbus! PCGS AU58---------------------------------------------------------------——-——- $2,450.00 
SPAIN 1 Escudo ND Carlos I and Johanna (1516-1556) FR. 154 Crowned arms/Rev: Cross. 
Toledo mint Scarcer mint! PCGS AUS5----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

SPAIN 1701-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM259) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 
Scarcer variety with flowers at sides of fleece! (cats. $8000 XF in FR/$5000 XF in KM- 

Highest grade listed in both books!) Our specimen is a lustrous PCGS AU58----------------------- $4,450.00 
SPAIN 1704-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM260) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 

(cats. $8000 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------ $5,500.00 
SPAIN 1752-S '% Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 275 (KM374) Seville mint PCGS XF45--------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1756-M '% Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 274 (KM378) PCGS XF45--------------------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1773-M 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 286 (KM417.1) NGC VF35----------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1777-M 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 286 (KM417.1) PCGS XF45---------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1778-M 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 282 (KM409.1) Madrid mint (cats. $5000 XF in FR/ 

$3800 XF in KM) Scarce PCGS AUS55------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,250.00 
SPAIN 1781-M 1 Escudo Charles III FR. 288 (KM416.1) PCGS AUS5S8----------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1783-M '% Escudo Charles III FR. 290 (KM415.1) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------- $250.00 

SPAIN 1787-M 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 296 (KM417.1a) Scarce date! (cats. $1000 in KM) 
PCGS XF45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 





1 682. 




SPAIN 1789-M '% Escudo Charles IV FR. 299 (KM433) Scarce (cats. $1200 XF in FR/ 

$1500-XF in,KM). PCGS: XF40-———__-_ eee $550.00 
SPAIN 1793-M 1 Escudo Charles I1V FR. 298 (KM434) Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------- $550.00 
SPAIN 1800/1799-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) This overdate variety unlisted in KM! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1802-M 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 292 (KM437.1) Madrid mint Scarce 

(cats. $2500 XF n FR) PCGS AUS5S3------------------------------------------_____---------_------------ $1,450.00 
SPAIN 1807-M 2 Escudos Charles TV FR. 296 (KM435.1) PCGS AUS58---------------------------------- $350.00 
SPAIN 1808-M 2 Escudos Charles TV FR. 296 (KM435.1) “AI” Assayer PCGS MS62---------------- $495.00 
SPAIN 1820-S 2 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 316 (KM483.2) Seville mint (cats. $400 XF/ 

$800 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS53-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1820-M 4 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 312 (KM484) PCGS VF20--------- $350.00 

NGC MS6@2 (Scarce this nice! )------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
SPAIN 1822-M 80 Reales Ferdinand VII FR. 321 (KM564.2) Two year type! 

(cats. $1000 Unc in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1829-M 2 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 315 (KM483.1) PCGS XF45------------------------------ $195.00 
SPAIN 1834-M 80 Reales Isabella II FR. 325 (KM577.2) PCGS VF25------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1845-M 80 Reales Isabella If FR. 325 (KM578.2) PCGS VF20------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1855 100 Reales Isabella Il FR. 330 (KM596.3) Four year type! (cats. $600 XF/ 

$900 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
SPAIN 1859 100 Reales Isabella If FR. 331 (KM605.1) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS65---------------- $650.00 
SPAIN 1860 100 Reales Isabella II FR. 331 (KM605.1) NGC MS62--------------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1862 40 Reales Isabella I FR. 332 (KM616.2) Three year sub-type! PCGS AUSS------------ $150.00 
SPAIN 1877 (1877) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUS5S5-----$125.00 

PCGS MS063------------------------------------------------------ 2-22 2-2 n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n nee $175.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1878) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343 (KM677) Scarce two year type! 

PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $250.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1962) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343-R (KM677) Official Government Restrike 

PCGS MS066-------------------------------------------------------------------- 72-27-22 2-222-222-2222 === $100.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1878) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUSS5------- $125.00 

NGC MS63 ----------------- -$445-68 ANACS MS64------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1880 (1880) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PEGS MS62------$165-00 

NGC MS64---------------------------------------------------------- 7-2-7 -- $2 2-29-2222 2 22a nnn nnn nnn nnn n nnn $195.00 
SPAIN 1890 (1890) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Baby head” FR. 345 (KM693) Two year type! 

PCGS MS63--------------------------------------- 2-2-2 22-9 noon nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nance nn nn nes $250.00 
SPAIN 1896 (1962) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 348-R (KM709) 

Official Government Restrike PCGS MS64---------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
SPAIN 1897 (1897) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347 (KM708) One year type! 

(cats. $2500 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS58-------- $1,350.00 PCGS MS61---------------- $1,750.00 
SPAIN 1897 (1962) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347-R (KM708) 

Official Government Restrike! NGC MS65---------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
SPAIN 1899 (1899) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 348 (KM709) One year type! 

(cats. $500 XF in FR) NGC AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 

SPAIN 1997 40000 Pesetas “UNESCO/Pagoda de Horyu-Ji” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69-------- $350.00 
SUDAN 1976 100 Pounds “Scimitar-homed Oryx” FR. 2 (KM72) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 872 Uncs minted! NGC MS61------------------------------~------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
SUDAN 1981 100 Pounds PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#PS10 

(type of KM91 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE mintage limit was 500 but 

very few pcs. were actually struck! (cats. $1250) GEM PROOF-------------------------------------- $750.00 
SWAZILAND 1974 10 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 4 (KM17) 
Interesting scallop-shaped planchet! NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------== $250.00 

SWAZILAND 1975 100 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 6 (KM27) 1,000 mintage 
Choice P/L surfaces! PCGS MS68----------------------------------------------- nn nn nnn nnn nnnn nnn nn nnn $195.00 









SWEDEN 1745 1 Ducat Frederik I FR. 64 (KM421) Bust/Rev: Crowned shield. 2,470 minted 
Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2100 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

PCGS MS0)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
SWEDEN 1843 4 Ducats Karl XIV FR. 85 (KM645) Scarce five year type! 4,405 mintage 

(cats. $6000 Unc in FR) NGC MS61 --------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,950.00 
SWEDEN 1850 4 Ducats Oscar I FR. 88 (KM670) Rare three year type! Only 507 minted! 

(cats. $5000 XF/$7500 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
SWEDEN 1868 | Ducat Karl XV FR. 91 (KM709) Small “ST” variety! (cats. $1500 in FR) 

NGC MS03-------------------------9-- n-ne nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
SWEDEN 1868 | Carolin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS63--------- $350.00 
SWEDEN 1869 | Caroiin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS61--------- $250.00 
SWEDEN 1874 10 Kronor PROOF Oscar Il FR. 94 (KM732) EXTREMELY RARE 

First Proof we’ve handled! NGC PF65-------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
SWEDEN 1874 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94 (KM732) NGC MS66----------------------------------------- $150.00 
SWEDEN 1875 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93 (KM733) NGC MS63------------------------------------------ $150.00 
SWEDEN 1877 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93 (KM744) Two year sub-type! NGC MS62-=-$150-06 

/—- NGC MS65-------------------- $195.00 -NGCMS66-------------------------------------------------------- $250-00 
SWEDEN 1883 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94a (KM743) NGC MS67---------------------------------------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1884 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS64-- wanna n-- nnn 2-22 $n nn 2-2-2 = === === $175.00 
SWEDEN 1889 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS64----$125.00 NGC MS65---------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1895 20 Kronor Oscar If FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS65---------------------------------------- $195.00 
SWEDEN 1900 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93b (KM765) Three year sub-type! NGC MS64------------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1901 10 Kronor Oscar Il FR. 94b (KM767) One year sub-type! NGC MS64----$75.00 

NGC MS65---------------------------- $100.00 NGC MS66----------------------------------------------- $125.00 
SWEDEN 1902 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93b (KM765) Three year sub-type! NGC MS65------------- $225.00 
SWEDEN 1925 20 Kronor Gustave V FR. 96 (KM800) Scarce one year type! 

(cats. $1300 in FR) NGC MS03---------------------------------------------------------------------------—- $650.00 

SWEDEN 1988 1000 Kronor Carl XVI Gustaf “350" Anniversary of Swedish Colony in Delaware/ 

Sailing Ship” FR. 98 (KM868) One year type! (cats. $450 in FR/$400 in KM) NGC MS69------ $350.00 
SWEDEN 1992 medallic 150 Ecu “King Gustav II/Ship VASA” 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF67---------------- $150.00 NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
SWITZERLAND-Basel | Ducat ND (circa 1780) FR. 45 (KM177) Legend on cartouche/Rev: 

Basilisk with arms. (cats. $3000 XF in FR/$2200 XF in KM) Scarce this nice! NGC MS64----$2,950.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1748 % Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) PCGS MS62---------------------------------- $350.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1758 4 Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) PEGS-MS61.-$295-00 PCGS MS62------- $350.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1761/58 % Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) Overdate variety! 

PCGS MS61------------------------ $295.00 PCGS MS063-------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1775 1 Ducat FR. 486 (KM161) One year sub-type! Scarce 

(cats.$2500 XF in FR-highest grade listed!) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------—- $1,250.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1776 2 Ducat FR. 487 (KM164) One year sub-type! PCGS MS64---$750.00 

NGC-MS67-Searce this Mice! )------------------------------------------- nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950-60 
SWITZERLAND 1886 20 Francs “Helvetia” FR. 495 (KM31.3) NGC MS63----------------------------- $100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1912-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) Scarcer date! NGC MS64------------- $150.00 
SWITZERLAND 1913-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS62--$75.00 NGE-MS63==---$1.00 00 
SWITZERLAND 1922-B 10 Francs FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS64------- $75.00 NGC MS66---------- $100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1934 100 Francs “Fribourg Shooting Festival” FR. 505 (KM#S19) 2,000 mintage 

(cats. $3000 in FR and $2750 BU in latest KM) Scarce this nice! NGC MS67------------------- $2,450.00 
SWITZERLAND 1939 100 Francs “Lucerne Shooting Festival” FR. 506 (KM#S21) 

One year type! 6,000 mintage PCGS MS65------------------------------------------------------------—- $750.00 
SYRIA 1950 | Pound Republic FR. 2 (KM86) One year type! NGC MS65-------------------------------- $195.00 

TANZANIA 1974 1500 Shilingi “Cheetah” FR. 1 (KM9) Conservation Coin Series 
2,779 Uncs minted! NGC MS65 ------------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 












TANZANIA 1992 1000 Shilingi “Visit of German President Weizsacker” Schon # 32 

(not yet listed in KM) Bust with elephant in background/Rev: Arms. NGC PF68------------------- $250.00 
TRANSYLVANIA 1591 1 Ducat Sigismund Bathori FR. 152 St. Ladislas standing/Rev: 
Madonna and child. Scarce PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------__-_--_-------_______________- $950.00 

TRANSYLVANIA 1657-NB 1 Ducat Georg Rakoczi II FR. 218 (KM298) Bust with fur cap/ 

Rev: Madonna and child. Scarce one year sub-type! Nagybanya mint (cats. $1500 XF 

mn KM-highest grade listed) _PCGS:AUS8-—_—__-—____-___—__________._—_._.__ es $1,950.00 
TRISTAN DA CUNHA 1999 50 Pence (1.40 oz) “Winston Churchill” not yet listed in KM but 

same design as silver KM9a and will eventually be listed in KM as KM9b! RARE with no 

more than 100 minted! NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
TUNISIA-French Protectorate 1935 100 Francs FR. 14 (KM257) NGC MS63---------------------------- $150.00 
TURKEY (1857) AH1255 Year 18 250 Kurush Abdul Mejid FR. 17 (KM680) This is the first 

Ottoman coin to bear a numerical denomination! (the 250 is at 6 o’clock on the obverse) 

(cats $090 Xb sn K MING AUS 5 ene ee $350.00 
TURKEY (1867) AH1277 Year 7 250 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 24 (KM697) 2,800 mintage 

(catsr S100 XP in KM) NGC XP45— oe eee $350.00 
TURKEY (1867) AH1277 Year 7 500 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 23 (KM698) NGC AUS3------------- $550.00 

TURKEY (1869) AH1277 Year 9 500 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 23 (KM698) (cats. $900 

XF in FR/$950 XF in KM) 

NGG AUSO—————— $495 00. "NGCAA U5 $550.00 

UGANDA 1981 2000 Shillings PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 
(type of KM31 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68-------------------------- --$750.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “The Poem AENEID” KM65 2,000 mintage (cats. $750) 

NGC PF01------------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 n nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn en ennnnee $395.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “ST. Michael’s Cathedral” KM68 3,000 mintage (cats. $700) 

NGC PF68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0----------------- $395.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “Kyiv-Pechersk Assumption Cathedral” KM71 3,000 mintage 

(cats. $700) NGC PF68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1853 $1 Type One FR. 84 NGC AUS8--------------------------------- $195.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1854 $1 Type lI FR. 84 PCGS MS02------------------------------------ $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1902 $2'% Liberty FR. 114 NGC MS62------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $2'% Liberty FR. 114 PCGS MS62------------------------------ $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1910 $2 % Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61--------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61----$250.00 

NGC MS62------------------------ $350.00 PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1913 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61--$250.00 NGC MS62-----$350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1915 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61--------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1925-D $2'% Indian FR. 121 PCGS MS61---------- $250.00 

PCGS MS62------------------------ $350.00 NGC MS02--------------------------------------------------- $350.00 


ANACS Net VF20----------- 


POGS MSG 2a diesen ne 

1926 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS6@2---$350.00 PCGS MS62----$350.00 
1926 $2'% Philadelphia Sesquicentennial FR. 123 PCGS MS63-----$550.00 
1927 $2% Indian FR. 120 PCGS MS62------------------------------- $350.00 
1928 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62---$350.00 PCGS MS62-----$350.00 
1929 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$350.00 PCGS MS62-----$350.00 
1857-S $3 FR. 127 EF details but polished= 

anna nn nnn anna nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nna $650.00 
1874 $3 FR. 124 Scarce NGC MS61-------------------------------- $1,800.00 
1878 $3 FR. 124 Scarce NGC MS61-------------------------------- $1,800.00 
1880 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
1880-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $295.00 
1881 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS6@2---------------------------------- $295.00 
1882 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---$295.00 PCGS MS62-----$295.00 
1886-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $295.00 
1887-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62---------- $295.00 

Sn ice nlcneegsenlneees lh aeaeentche ena $295 00 


9 [S 













PCGS MS62------------------ 


two years from the Denver Mint! PCGS MS62 
1908 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62----------------------------- 
1909 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS60------------------------------- 



NGC MS602--------------- $350.00 NGC MS63 

1897 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------- 
(800.85: Liberty FR2143 NGC Ms62-———_—_—----_— 
1899-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62-------------------------- 
1900 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62--------------------------- 
1901 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62--------------------------- 

1903-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62----------- $295.00 

1904 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62----------------------------- 
1906 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62--------------------------- 
1907 $5 Libeity FR. 143 NGC MS62————________ 

1907-D $5 Liberty FR. 147 This type issued for only 

1912 $5 Indian FR. 148 PCGS MS62----------------------------- 
1881 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61--------------------------- 
1891 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61--------------------------- 

1893 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS61-----$295.00 

----- $295.00 
----- $295 00 
----- $295 00 
----- $295.00 
—— $295.00 

a $295.00 
— $295.00 
——— $295.00 

----$295 00 
<n $295.00 

a $450.00 
ee $450.00 
----$295 00 


PEGS IMS62 $350.00 72 NGK MSG 3oe ee ee $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS63--------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS61-------- $295.00 

RC Core a a SnD eS ang $550.00 


two years from the Denver Mint! NGC MS61 
1907 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61-------------------------- 
1926 $10 Indian FR. 166 NGC MS63----------------------------- 


1902-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS63------------------------- 

1906-D $10 Liberty FR. 162 This type issued for only 


oe $295.00 


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1932 $10 Indian FR. 166 NGC MS63----------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1884-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $495 00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1891-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61-------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61 -----------------------------------------------------—---- === nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1892-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS"MSS6t--------- $450-00 

NGC MS0)2--------------------------------------------------------- $$ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1893-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1894-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61----------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1895 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61 ---------------------------------------------------------- === nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1895-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1896 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1896-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61---------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1897 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =~ === $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1897-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61--------------------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------- $495 00 


1898-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61------- $450.00 

I aaa eae hl en al el tienen ptnonnnnaninmnaanepenin esis oman $450.00 
















UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-----$450.00 

PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PEGS MS6+--------------------------- $4586-00 NGC MS02----------------------------------------------- $475.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS62----------------------------- $495 00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------- $425.00 

PCGS MS61-----$425.00 NGC MS62---------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62-------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS62---------------------------- $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------- $450.00 

PCGS MS6 -------------------------------------------------------- 2-922 -2n 22 nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn enna nn nnn $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907-D $20 Liberty FR. 180 This type struck for only 

two years from the Denver Mint! PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1924 $20 St. Gaudens FR. 185 NGC MS65-------------------------- $850.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1927 $20 St. Gaudens FR. 185 NGC MS6S-------------------------- $850.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1999 $100 Platinum (1 oz) “Statue of Liberty/Eagle” 

NGC MS07--------------------------------------- 22-2222 n2 nnn n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn n nn nnnne $650.00 

URUGUAY 1930 5 Pesos “Constitution Centennial” FR. 6 (KM27) One year type! 

NGC MS61-----$110.00 NGC MS64-------- $150.00 S-nice!)---—--== = 
URUGUAY 1954 20 Centesimos struck in gold KM#Pn51 RARE only 100 struck! NGC PF63-------- $550.00 
VATICAN 1 Ducato d’oro ND Pope Nicolo V (1447-1455) FR. 6 Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. 

Scarce PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN-Bologna | Ducato d’oro ND Pope Allessandro VI Borgia (1492-1503) FR. 330 

Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
VATICAN | Fiorino di camera ND Pope Clemente VII (1523-1534) FR. 60 Arms/Rev: : 

St. Peter in ship. Rare this nice! PCGS MS61---------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
VATICAN 1 Scudo d’oro ND Pope Paolo III (1534-1549) FR. 65 Arms/Rev: St. Paul standing. 

Scarce PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------ 7-2-2 n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nanan $950.00 
VATICAN 1734 1 Scudo d’oro Pope Clemente XII FR. 224 (KM854) Arms/Rev: Legend. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1746 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS65------------------------------------------------------------------------==- $995.00 
VATICAN 1747 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) The Church seated/ 

Rev: Arms. PCGS MS02------------------------------------------ 7-7-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $650.00 
VATICAN 1751 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS03------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-- $750.00 
VATICAN 1783 | Zecchino Pope Pio VI FR. 243 (KM1046) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------- $= 3-2 $995.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1786 2 Doppie d’oro (60 Paoli) Pope Pio VI FR. 385 (KM311) Lily/ 

Rev: Two shields. Scarce PCGS AUSS----------------------------------~-~-~-~-- $n $1,250.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1787 2 Doppie d’oro (60 Paoli) Pope Pius VI FR. 385 (KM317) Lily/ 

Rev: Two shields. Scarce PCGS AU55----------------------------------~~------- nnn nnn $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1835-B 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 264 (KM1108) Scarcer date! Bologna mint 

Nice luster with some P/L surfaces! (cats. $1800 XF in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------ $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1835-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) PCGS AUS8---------------------- $950.00 

VATICAN 1836-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) Rare this nice! 
(cats. $1700 XF in FR) NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------—- $1,750.00 










Wel FZ, 






VATICAN 1866-R 20 Lire Year XXI Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.2) PCGS MS62--------------- $350.00 
VATICAN 1866-R 100 Lire Year XXI Pope Pius [IX FR. 278 (KM1383) Scarce 

Only 1,117 minted! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------ $4,450.00 
VATICAN 1867-R 10 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 281 (KM1381.2) PCGS MS63---------------------------- $595.00 
VATICAN 1867-R 20 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.3) Year XXII PCGS AUS53-------------- $225.00 
VATICAN 1868-R 20 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.3) Year XXII PCGS AUS55-------------- $250.00 
VATICAN 1868-R 50 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 279 (KM1388) Year XXII Scarce 

Only 1172 struck! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUSS------------------------------- $3,450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1929 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) First year of the series! 

NGC MS603------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
VATICAN CITY 1931 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 3,343 mintage 

NGC MS64------------------ $495.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
VATICAN CITY 1935 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 2,015 mintage NGC MS64-------- $495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1936 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 285 (KM#Y10) NGC MS64-------------------------- $350.00 

VATICAN CITY 1939 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,700 mintage NGC MS66-------- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1939 complete Pope Pius XII Mint set KM#MS20 Set consists of the 

gold 100 Lire (KM#Y30) plus eight minor coins. 2,700 sets issued! All nine coins are 

GEM BU and housed in the original presentation case---------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1940 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,000 mintage NGC MS66-----$495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1942 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 2,000 mintage 

C MS64------------------- $395-60 NGC MS65--------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 

VATICAN CITY 1944 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS64-----$650.00 
VATICAN CITY 1946 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65-----$750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1947 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage 

AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF45-----$350.00 NGC MS64------------- $650.00 
BRA Raia eal te te $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1948 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) NGC MS65------------------------ $295.00 

VATICAN CITY 1949 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1950 100 Lire “Holy Year” Pope Pius XII FR. 289 (KM#Y48) 

One year type! NGC MS65----------------- $295.00 NGEW#SS7--------------------------------------- $3900 
VATICAN CITY 1951 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------ $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1953 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1954 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 
VATICAN CITY 1956 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 
VATICAN CITY 1957 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-A53) 2,000 mintage NGC MS66------ $350.00 
VATICAN CITY 1958 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-A53) 3,000 mintage 

NGC MS65------------------------- $295.00 PCGS MS66------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
VATICAN CITY 1959 100 Lire Pope John XXIII FR. 292 (KM#Y66) Scarce one year type! 

NGC MS064----------------------------------------- 222-22 - 20 nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn ane $1,250.00 
VATICAN CITY 1996 50000 Lire “Pope John Paul II” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69---$195.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
VATICAN CITY 1996 100000 Lire “Pope John Paul II” Not yet listed in KM! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $375.00 
VATICAN CITY 1997 100000 Lire “Pope John Paul I?’ KM#Y289 (cats. $450) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
VATICAN CITY 1998 100000 Lire “Pope John Paul II’ KM#Y302 (cats. $450) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
VENEZUELA 1875-A 25 Bolivares (5 Venezolanos) FR. 4 (KM#Y17) One year type 

struck at the Paris mint! PCGS AUSS----------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 

VENEZUELA 1987 10000 Bolivares “Simon Bolivar” FR. 11 (KM#Y61) One year type! 
(cats. $550 in FR) NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 







VENEZUELA 1988 5000 Bolivares “Rafael Urdaneta” FR. 12 (KM#Y62) NGC PF69------------------ $195.00 

VENEZUELA 1990 5000 Bolivares “Jose Antonio Paez” FR. 14 (KM#Y65) NGC PF69--------------- $195.00 
WESTERN SAMOA 1993 50 Tala “1996 Olympics-Discus Thrower” KM90 NGC PF69-------------- $125.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 5 Rials “Falcon head” FR. 16 (KM6) NGC PF68-------------------- $125.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 20 Rials “Camel” FR. 14 (KM9) Scarce NGC PF69--------------- $350.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1931 1 Ducat Alexander I FR. 5 (KM12.2) With ear of corm countermark 

(for Serbia) NGC MS65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 

YUGOSLAVIA 1931 4 Ducats Alexander | FR. 4 (KM14_.1) Conjoined busts of the 
King and Queen with sword countermark (for Bosnia)/Rev: double-headed eagle. 

PCGS MS61--------- $650.00 PCGS MS63------------ $750.00 ANACS MS63----------------------- $750.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1932 1 Ducat Alexander 1 FR. 5 (KM12.2) with ear of corn countermark 

(for Serbia). ANACS MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $125.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1933 1 Ducat Alexander 1 FR. 5 (KM12.2) Scarcer date! Ear of corn countermark 

(for Serbia). NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1933 4 Ducats Alexander I FR. 4 (KM14.2) Ear of com countermark (for Serbia) 

RARE date! 2,000 mintage (cats. $1600 XF/$2500 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS55------------------- $1,250.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1987 50000 Dinara “200 Anniversary-Birth of Karajich” FR. 21 (KM130) 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
ZAMBIA 1979 250 Kwacha “African Wild Dog” FR. 1 (KM20) Conservation Coin Series 

Scarce only 455 Uncs minted! NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 


We offer collectors the standard 60 day lay-a-way plan--this requires approx. 1/3 down at the time of invoice-- 

with another 1/3 due in 30 days from invoice date and the final 1/3 in 60 days from invoice date--all lay-a-way invoices 
must be paid in full within 60 days of invoice date! No interest or handling charges! We offer this service as a courtesy 
to serious collectors who want to add specimens to their collection but need a bit of time to pay for them! We are not a 
bank! If you cannot adhere to these terms or do not think you can pay it off within 60 days--do not ask for the lay-a-way 
plan as all lay-a-way invoices not paid in full within the 60 day time period will be forfetted. We do not want to be in that 
position so if you start a lay-a-way invoice, we expect you to complete it as this service is offered strictly as a courtesy to 
our clients! 


MS60 to MS62 Brilliant Uncirculated to Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS63 to MS64 Superb Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS65 and higher Gem Brilliant Uncirculated 



All coins sold by our firm are guaranteed genuine. 
All Florida residents must add the 6% state sales tax to their orders if the total invoice is under $500. 

All shipments sent within the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are sent via postpaid registered mail—fully 
insured. Federal Express and Express Mail service is available for shipments within the USA and Puerto Rico for an 
additional fee of $15 per shipment, if you would like this service, please add $15 to your payment. 

All international shipments are sent via postpaid registered airmail—fully insured. Express Mail service for 
international shipments is also available at an added charge—depending on the destination, weight and value of the 
shipment. If you would like this added cost service, let me know and we can quote you current charges based on your 

All domestic orders should be paid in the form of a bank cashier’s check or money order for immediate shipment. We 
do accept personal and business checks but allow the bank clearance time prior to shipment taking place (approx. ten 
banking days from day of deposit of your check). 

All international orders must be paid in the form of a bank draft drawn on a USA bank and payable to us in USA 
dollars. Please fax us if you need a pro-forma invoice. 

Sorry, we do not accept any form of credit card for payment! 
All coins sold by our firm have a full 30 day return period (that’s 30 days after you receive the shipment!). You can 
return any coin purchased from us for a full refund during that period, no questions asked and no explanation needed! 

However, after the 30 day period expires, all sales will be considered final. 

If you are sending any coins back to us for a refund, they must be shipped to us via registered mail thru the U. S. Post 
Office and declared for their full value! 

10. We are a mail-order only company with no retail offices! ALL COINS ARE KEPT IN BANK VAULTS! 

We are always in the market to purchase high quality and rare gold coins of the world as well as scarce United 

States gold! When it comes time to dispose of your collection please contact our firm, as we need “fresh” inventory for 
our ads, price lists and client wantlists and we are paying competitive market prices for the material we need! Please 
contact us for additional information concerning our purchase of coin estates, etc. It’s not the happiest of thoughts, but 
we all have to plan for the future! We welcome the chance to purchase your gold coin holdings whenever that time comes- 
-now or at some future date! 


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Numismatic Gold Specialists Since 1950 

P.O. BOX 1565 * BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33429-1565 
Tel: 954/781-3455 * Fax: 954/781-5865 
E-mail: coins @ * Web site: 

Spring 2002 

Dear Clients: Welcome to our Spring 2002 price list! We didn’t issue a Winter list as we couldn’t locate 
enough nice material to warrant publishing one! But we now have a wonderful selection of new purchases from 
two recent coin shows in Orlando and New York as well as auction and private treaty purchases from around the 
world (including a nice group of USA gold!) and we hope you find some nice additions to your collection in our 
Spring offering! If you have any questions or want to reserve items pending receipt of your payment, please 
contact us via phone, fax or email! Best wishes, Bob & Mike 

i ANCIENT GREECE-Macedon gold stater of Philip II (359-336 BC) FR. 97 Head of Apollo/ 

Rev: Biga. Amphipolis mint Scarce (cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUS3-------------------------- $2,250.00 
bs ANCIENT GREECE-Macedon King Alexander III (the Great) gold stater ND (336-323 BC) 

FR. 107 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint ICG EF45----------------- $1,950.00 
3: ANCIENT GREECE-Thracian King Koson (44-42 BC) gold stater FR. 124 Brutus walking left 

between lictors/Rev: Eagle on sceptre holding wreath in claw. (cats. $3000 XF in FR) 

Scarce this nice! ICG MS63---------------- $995.00. ICG MS64---—---------—-----_-__-__--_-___ $1,250.00 
4. ANCIENT-ROME-Julius Caesar (circa 46 BC) gold aureus ND FR. 16 Head of Pietas/Rev: 

Priestly impliments. Moneyer A. Hirtius. First of the “Twelve Ceasars”! Scarce this nice! 

ICG MS60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $4,950.00 
>, ANCIENT ROME-Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 51 Laureate head right/ 

Rev: Caius and Lucius standing. Augustus was the first Roman Emperor, a great nephew of 
Julius Caesar whose proper name was Octavian, assumed the name Augustus in 27 BC. 
Lugdunum mint. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! Scarce (cats. $2000 VF in FR) 

Our specimen has a couple of small scrapes and marks which keep it from being “slabbed”, 

but still a decent looking specimen which would otherwise grade a nice Fine or better!------------ $1,250.00 
6. ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) gold aureus ND (type cats. $3000 VF in FR) 

Struck 66-67 AD at Rome! One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! ICG VF20----------------------------- $2,250.00 
ae ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Titus (79-81 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 146 Head/Rev: Radiate 

Emperor seated. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! (cats. $12000 XF inFR) ICG XF45----------- $4,500.00 
8. ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius | (379-395 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 894 Bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding sceptre and globe, resting 

right foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $1500 XF in FR) ICG AUS8------- $995.00 

ICG MS63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,450.00 
9, ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Honorius (393-423 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 903 Helmeted bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $700 XF in FR) 

ICG AUS55----------------------------- $495.00 ICG AUS8------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

Michael D. Sottini Robert L. Steinberg 
(It Thin 

A.N.A. Member # R175304 A.N.A. Life Member # 1958 

ANA / 


SUILD «ne 

William Fox Steinberg 

In Memorium 1913-1995 











ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 15 Bust/ 

Rev: Victory holding long jeweled cross. Constantinople mint (struck 420-422 AD) 

ICG MS6| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16 Bust/ 

Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (struck 433 AD) 

ICG AUSS------------------------------ $595.00 ICG MS63------------------------------------------------ $950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Valentinian II] (425-455 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 918 Bust right/ 

Rev: Emperor standing holding cross and globe with right foot on human-headed coiled snake. 

Ravenna mint. (cats. $950 XF in FR) ICG AU58------ $750.00 ICG MS60------------------------- $995 00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Marcian (450-457 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 23 Facing bust/ 
Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint ICG MS62--------------------------- $995 00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Leo I (457-474 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 25 Facing bust/Rev: 

Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint ICG MS62---$650.00 ICG MS63-----$750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Zeno (474-491 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 40 Second Reign Facing bust/ 

Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint (cats. $800 XF in FR) 

ICG AU55 ------------------$395.00 ICG MS63-----------------------------------------------------$750.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Basiliscus (476-477 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 50 Facing bust/ 

Rev: Victory holding long cross. Constantinople mint (cats. $700 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! 

ICG MS64---------------------------------------------------- 22-22-2222 nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn ne $1,450.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding staff with reversed Chi-rho. 

Constantinople mint (struck 498 AD) Very Rare transitional type! ICG MS64------------------- $1,250.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint 

(struck 498-518 AD) ICG AU55S------------ $495.00 ICG MS63---------------------------------------- $750.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justin I (518-527 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 68 Facing bust/Rev: Victory holding long cross. Constantinople mint 

(struck 518-519 AD) Scarce one year type! ICG AU55----------------------------------------------—- $650.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justinian I (527-565 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 73 Facing bust/Rev: Angel holding long cross and globus cruciger. 

Constantinople mint (struck 527-538 AD) ICG AUS5--------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Focas (602-610 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 93 

Bust/Rev: Victory standing holding cross. ICG AU58------- $350.00 ICG MS62------------------- $495.00 
AFGHANISTAN SH1304 (1926) % Amani Amanullah Khan FR. 35 (KM911) PCGS MS63---------$195.00 
AFGHANISTAN 1978 10000 Afghani “Marco Polo Sheep” Republic FR. 43 (KM982) 

Conservation Coin Series Only 694 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------- $550.00 

AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 25 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 6 (KM36) NGC PF63-------$175.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 50 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 5 (KM39) NGC PF63-------$250.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 100 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 4 (KM40) 

NGC PF62--------------------------- $395.00 NGC PF65--------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
ALBANIA 1926-R 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog I FR. 4 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,900 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS63------------------- $395.00 
ALBANIA 1927-V 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog I FR. 6 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,053 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS64------------------- $350.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga PROVA ZogI FR. 1 (KM#Pr29) Bust with no stars below/Rev: 

Chariot with PROVA in field above. Scarce (cats. $1500) PCGS MS62--------------------------- $1,250.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga ZogI FR. 1 (KM11a.1) Bust with no stars below/Rev: Chariot. 

(cats. $1250 in KM) NGC MS02--------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
ALBANIA 1938-R 20 Franga “Marriage of King Zog” FR. 14 (KM22) 2,500 mintage 

One year type! P/L surfaces! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------__--_-- $450.00 
ALBANIA 1968 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.1) NGC PF67------------------------—- $250.00 

ALBANIA 1968 100 Leke “Peasant girl picking fruit” FR. 20 (KM54.1) 3,470 mintage NGC PF68--$350.00 
ALBANIA 1969 20 Leke “Sword and helmet in wreath” FR. 22 (KMS51.4) Only 650 minted! 
Listed in KM as “Reported but not confirmed”! NGC PF65-------------------------------------------—- $295.00 










ALBANIA 1969 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.2) only 500 minted! NGC PF67------ $295 00 
ALBANIA 1969 200 Leke “Buthrotum Ruins” FR. 19 (KM55.2) Scarce only 200 minted! 

NGC PF65 -----------------------------------------------2- no nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
ALBANIA 1969 500 Leke “500™ Anniversary-Death of Skanderbeg” FR. 18 (KM56.2) 

Contains 2.8574 oz! Scarce only 200 pcs. struck! GEM PROOF--------------------—-------------$ 1 450.00 
ALBANIA 1970 20 Leke “500™ Anniversary-Death of Prince Skanderbeg” FR. 22 (KMS51.5) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
ALBANIA 1987 100 Leke “Seaport of Durazzo” FR. 23 (KM59) Arms/Rev: Ship in harbor. 

NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =~ === == == === === == -—----$195 00 
ALDERNEY 1995 1 Pound “V.E. Day” KM12a Only 500 minted! Contains .4653 oz gold! 

(cats. $350) NGC PF67---------------$275.00 NGC PF68----------------------------------------------- $295.00 
ALGERIA-Algiers (1821) AH1237 1 Sultani Mahmud II FR. | (KM66) Four-line Arabic legend 

on each side. Jaza’ir mint Scarce Sharp XF--------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
ALGERIA 1996 2 Dinars Republic “L’Emir Abd El Kader” Not yet listed in KM! NGC MS66----------$295.00 
ANGUILLA 1969 $5 “Church” FR. 4 (KM20) 1,925 mintage NGC PF68--------------------------------- $75.00 
ANGUILLA 1969 $10 “Sea Creatures” FR. 3 (KM21) 1,615 mintage NGC PF67------------------—--$125.00 
ANGUILLA 1969 $20 “Two Topless Mermaids” FR. 2 (KM22) 1,395 mintage 

NGC PF67----------------------- $275.00 NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------—--- $295.00 
ANGUILLA 1969 $100 “Demonstrating Population” FR. 1 (KM23) Scarce only 710 minted! 

(cats. $1000 in FR) GEM PROOF ------------------------------------------------ 3mm nnn $750.00 
ARGENTINA 1843 2 Escudos “Sun over mountain” FR. 12 (KM17) Scarce one year type! 

PCGS VF25-------------- --$550.00 PCGS AUS5--------------------------—---------------------------—- ---$950.00 
ARGENTINA 1884 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) PCGS AU58----------------- --$150.00 
ARGENTINA 1885 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) PCGS AUS55---$125.00 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn manna nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $150.00 
ARGENTINA 1889 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) Rarest date of the series! 

PCGS AUS58---—-------------------------------------------—-------- ------------------------------------$495 00 
ARGENTINA 1995 5 Pesos “50™ Anniversary of the United Nations” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF68--------- $195.00 GEM PROOF in original capsule with certificate------------------------ $195.00 

ARGENTINA-Tierra del Fuego 1889 5 Gramos FR. 1 (KM#Tn2) EXTREMELY RARE 
One year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR-highest grade listed there! and cats. $4750 Unc in KM) 

PCGS AUS58---------------—----------—- $3,950.00 PCGS MS62---------------------------------------$4, 950.00 
ASCENSION ISLAND 2001 50 Pence (1.40 oz gold) “The Centenary of the end of the Victorian Era” 

Not yet listed in KM! Only 100 struck! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------—--- $950.00 
AUSTRALIA 1855-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9 (KM2) Scarce two year type! (cats. $3000 VF/ 

$7500 XF in KM) PCGS VF30--------- $1,250.00 PCGS XF40------------------ $1,950.00 

PCGS XF45------------------------------------------- $n — nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn --$2,250.00 

AUSTRALIA 1856-S % Sovereign Victoria FR. 9a (KM1) Scarce two year type! PCGS VG10-----$250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1857-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1500 XF in KM) 

PCGS XF45-------- $395.00 PCGS AUS3------------ $450.00 PCGS AUSS---------------------—--- $495.00 
AUSTRALIA 1858-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1750 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0-------------------------- $495.00 PCGS AUS53---------------------------------------------—- $550.00 
AUSTRALIA 1859-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3—-2 $495.00 

AUSTRALIA 1861-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS5-----$395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1862-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------- 2 nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1863-S I Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1250 XF in KM) 
PCGS XF45-------$350.00 PCGS AU55---—----------$450.00 PCGS AUS58-------------------—---$550.00 

AUSTRALIA 1864-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUSS--$350.00 PCGS AUS8------ $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1865-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) 
PCGS XF45----------------- $150.00 PCGS AUS53--------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 








AUSTRALIA 1867-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS VF35------- $150.00 

PCGS AUS3-----$250.00 PCGS AUS55---------- $295.00 NGC AUSS5----------- $350.00 

NGC AUS8---------------------------------------------------2-----2-n nn nana nanan nanan nn nnnnn nn nnnna na nn-nn ne == $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1868-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AU55--$295.00 PCGS AUS58------$350.00 
AUSTRALIA 1870-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUS0---$195.00 PCGS AU58------$295.00 

AUSTRALIA 1873-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 15 (KM7) PCGS AUS53----------------------------------- --$150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1878-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 11 (KM6) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------ $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1879-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 11 (KM6) PCGS AUS58------------------------------------ $225.00 
AUSTRALIA 1879-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 16 (KM7) PCGS MS61----------------------------------- $175.00 
AUSTRALIA 1880-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) RARE date! (cats. $2250 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
AUSTRALIA 1883-M 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) Scarcer date! (cats. $875 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
AUSTRALIA 1998 $200 (2 oz gold) “Kangaroo” Not yet listed in KM! Scarce NGC PF68----------- $950.00 
AUSTRALIA 1999 $100 (1 oz gold) “Two Kangaroos” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------- $495.00 

AUSTRIA-Austrian Netherlands 1796-B | Souverain d’or Franz II FR. 348 (KM64) NGC MS63-----$1,250.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1761 | Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 760 (KM381) 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS MS61--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1771 1 Ducat Sigismund III] von Schrattenbach FR. 767 (KM407) 

(cats. $1400 XF in FR) PCGS MS02--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 '% Ducat Hieronymous Graf Colloredo FR. 779 (KM443) 

Three year type! PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 1 Ducat “1200" Anniversary of the Bishopric” Hieronymous Graf 

Colloredo FR. 781 (KM452) Rare one year type! Bust/Rev: Temple. PCGS AUS55------------ $1,750.00 
AUSTRIA 1865-E 1 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 388 (KM2264) NGC AUSS----------------------------------- $100.00 
AUSTRIA 1891 1 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS63-------------------------------------- $125.00 
AUSTRIA 1896 | Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $150.00 
AUSTRIA 1897 | Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS64-------------------------------------- $150.00 
AUSTRIA 1898 1 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS64----------------------------------— --$150.00 
AUSTRIA 1899 1 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS63-------------------------------------- $125.00 
AUSTRIA 1900 1 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 401 (KM2267) NGC MS63-------------------------------------- $125.00 
AUSTRIA 1908 100 Corona “Lady in the Clouds” FR. 429 (KM2812) One year type issued 

on his 60" year of Reign! (cats. $1600 XF/$2250 Unc in FR) NGC AUSS5------------------------ $1,100.00 
AUSTRIA 1908 100 Corona PROOF “Lady in the Clouds” Franz Josef FR. 429 (KM2812) 

Scarce Proof strike of this popular one year type! (cats. $1850 in KM) PCGS PR61------------ $1,495.00 
AUSTRIA 1912 100 Corona Franz Josef FR. 424 (KM2819) Scarcer date with only 3,591 minted! 

(cats. $1150 XF/$2000 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
AUSTRIA 1923 100 Kronen PROOF Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce Proof striking and 

RARE this nice! NGC PF65------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $4,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 100 Kronen Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce only 2,851 minted! 

(cats. $4250 in FR/$3500 in KM) P/L surfaces! PCGS MS62------------------------------------ ---$2,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1934 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) 9,383 mintage Scarcer date in 

GEM quality! PCGS MS66----------------------------------------—- ~~~ -- 7m nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $650.00 
AUSTRIA 1937 100 Schillings “Maria Zell Madonna” Republic FR. 437 (KM2857) 

2,900 mintage Scarce four year type! P/L surfaces! (cats. $2250) NGC MS62------------------ $1,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1991 1000 Schilling “Mozart-The Magic Flute Opera” FR. 800 (KM2999) 

(cats. $565 in KM) NGC PF66--------------------------------------------------------- =n nn nnn nnn nn nnn nanan $495.00 
AUSTRIA 1992 1000 Schilling “Johann Strauss-Violinist” KM3008 NGC PF69---------------------- ---$350.00 
AUSTRIA 1993 1000 Schilling “Maria Theresa” KM3013 NGC PF69------------------------------------$450.00 
AUSTRIA 1997 1000 Schilling “Habsburg Tragedies-Marie Antoinette” KM3043 NGC PF69---------$395.00 

AUSTRIA 2000 500 Schillings “2000” Birthday of Jesus Christ” KM3065 GEM BU in original 
case with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------- == nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 






Ih We 




BAHAMAS 1973 $10 “Tobacco Dove” FR. 16 (KM41) 1,260 mintage GEM PROOF------------------ $35.00 
BAHAMAS 1978 $100 “Prince Charles/5" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 25 
(KM80) 3,275 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------ $175.00 

BAHAMAS 1990 $100 “Christopher Columbus/Discovery of the New World” KM135 

Only 500 Uncs minted! (cats.$250) NGC MS69------------------------------------------_____-__----__- $195.00 
BAHRAIN 1968 10 Dinars “Opening of Isa Town” FR. | (KM#M1) One year type! 

(cats. $400) NGC MS63--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
BAHRAIN 1978 50 Dinars “50" Anniversary of Bahrain Monetary Agency” FR. 4 (KM11) 

NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---$295 00 

BARBADOS 1975 $100 “Ship/350™ Anniversary” FR. | (KM18) GEM BU in original card case-------$50.00 
BARBADOS 1981 $150 “National Flower-Poinciana and Map” FR. 6 (KM33) 1,140 mintage 

GEM PROOF in oniginal cachet------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $100.00 
BELARUS 1996 1 Rouble “50" Anniversary of United Nations” KM31 National arms/ 

Rev: Crane flying over map and U.N. logo. NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant | Peter d’or ND Joan and Wenceslas (1355-1383) FR. 21 Bust of St. Peter/ 

Rev: Cross. (cats. $2500 XF) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------$ 1,650.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant 1647 2 Souverain d’or Philip IV of Spain FR. 85a Crowned bust with 

flat collar/Rev: Arms. Scarce (cats. $3750 XF) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------- $1,950.00 

BELGIUM-Flanders | Chaise d’or ND Louis de Male (1346-1384) FR. 96 Ruler seated 
on throne holding shield (lion on shield)/Rev: Cross. Nice round planchet and fully struck! 
(cats. $1300 XF) PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------------------------------- 
BELGIUM-Flanders | Lion d’or ND Philip the Good (1419-1467) FR. 118 Lion seated/ 
Rev: Arms on cross. (cats. $1250 XF) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BELGIUM 1853 (100 Francs) “Marriage of Duke and Duchess of Brabant” FR. 6 (KM#M11.1) 
RARE One year type with only 482 pcs. minted! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc) NGC AUS55-----$3,950.00 


BELGIUM 1865 20 Francs Leopold I FR. 7 (KM23) One year type! NGC MS61----------------------- $195.00 
BELGIUM 1993 50 Ecu “Belgium Presidency of the E.C.” KM202 (cats. $375) NGC PF68------------$225.00 
BELIZE 1978 $250 “Jaguar” FR. 5 (KMS56) NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------$225 00 

BELIZE 1983 $100 “Margay Jungle Cat” FR. 14 (KM73) Only 494 Proofs minted! NGC PF67------- $195.00 
BELIZE 1985 $100 “Ocelot” FR. 17 (KM76) Only 899 pcs. struck! 

GEM PROOF in original cachet---------------------------------------------------------------------—-------- $225.00 
BELIZE 1989 $250 “500 Anniversary of Columbus’ Discovery of America/Three Ships” 

FR. 20 (KM98) Only 500 minted! NGC PF63--------------------------------------------------------- --$350.00 
BELIZE 1992 $250 “Jabiru Stork/10™ Anniversary of Central Bank” FR. 19 (KM105) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF68------------------ $350.00 NGC PF69-------------------------------------- $375.00 
BERMUDA 1981 $250 PIEFORT “Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana” 

KM#P1 Only 690 pcs. struck! (cats. $750) GEM PROOF--------------------------------------—------ $595.00 
BERMUDA 2000 $15 “Tall Ships” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF68------------—--------------------------$295 .00 

BHUTAN 1970 1 Sertum “Young girl” FR. 7 (KM36) 3,111 mintage P/L surfaces! NGC MS64-----$150.00 
BHUTAN 1981 2 Sertums PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P1 

(type of KM60 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE (cats. $1450) GEM PROOF-------- $750.00 
BOLIVIA 1805 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 

(cats. $2500 in FR) PCGS AUS58-------------------------------------—--------------------------------$ 11,250.00 
BOLIVIA 1806 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 
(cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS0-------------------------------------------------- ~~~ 2 nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 

BOLIVIA 1822 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 19 (KM91) Four year type! Scarce 
(cats. $4000 XF in Friedberg!) NGC AUSO------ $1,250.00 PCGS AUS0------- $1,250.00 

PCGS AUS3----------------------- $1,450.00 PCGS AUSS---------------------------------------------- $1,650.00 
BOLIVIA 1837 8 Escudos Republic FR. 21 (KM99) Uniformed bust of Bolivar/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) NGC MS62----------—-------------------------------------------------------$2, 450.00 
BOLIVIA 1839 8 Escudos Republic FR. 21 (KM99) Uniformed bust of Bolivar/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$1650 XF in KM) PCGS AUS53----------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

BOLIVIA 1842 8 Escudos Republic FR. 26 (KM108.2) Laureate bust of Bolivar to ght, 
his name below/Rev: Arms. (cats. $2000 in FR) PCGS VF25S----------------------------------------- $650.00 

2 Wo 


















BOTSWANA 1976 150 Pula “10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 2 (KM10) One year type! 

NGC PF68---------------------- S225..00 NGC PE 6 Qa cpr ceetmee $250.00 
BOTSWANA 1978 150 Pula “Brown Hyaena” FR. 3 (KM13) Conservation Coin Series 

only 664 minted! NGC MS67------------------------------------------_-----------------_---_--_-------—-- $495.00 
BOTSWANA 1981 150 Pula PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM16 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF ------------------------- $750.00 
BOTSWANA 1986 5 Pula “Red Lechwes” KM19 Wildlife Series (cats. $300) NGC PF69------------ $250.00 
BRAZIL 1778 2000 Reis Maria I and Pedro II] FR. 83 (KM209) Arms and value/Rev: 

Plain cross in quadrilobe. Lisbon mint (no mintmark) PCGS AUS0----------------------------------- $495 00 
BRAZIL 1832-R 6,400 Reis Pedro Il FR. 115 (KM387.1) Child head/Rev: Imperial arms and value. 

Scarce two year type! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) NGC AUS50---------------- $1,250.00 

PCGS AUSS------------------------- $1,450.00 NGC AUS5—_——_——__________-__ ---$1,450.00 
BRAZIL 1855 20,000 Reis Pedro II FR. 121la (KM468) PCGS MS62------------------------—------------$495.00 
BRAZIL 1857 20,000 Reis Pedro Il FR. 121la (KM468) PCGS AUS58----$295.00 PCGS MS61------- $395.00 
BRAZIL 1867 20,000 Reis Pedro II FR. 121a (KM468) NGC XF45-----$195.00 NGC AU50--------- $225.00 
BRAZIL 1889 10,000 Reis Republic FR. 125 (KM496) 7,302 mintage (cats. $600 XF/ 

$1000 Unc in KM) AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF40----------------------------------------- $450.00 
BRAZIL 1907 10,000 Reis Republic FR. 125 (KM496) Rare date with only 878 minted! 

UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AU50--------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
BRAZIL 1907 20,000 Reis Republic FR. 124 (KM497) Scarce date with only 3,310 minted! 

UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AU5S0---------------------------------------------------------------§750.00 
BRAZIL 1972 300 Cruzeiros “150" Anniversary of Independence” Republic FR. 126 (KM584) 

NGC MS6/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 

BRAZIL 1972 “150" Anniversary of Independence” 3 pc. Mint set Consisting of the gold 
300 Cruzeiros (FR. 126/KM584) plus two companion coins. All three coms are GEM BU and 

housed in the original leather case-—--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
BRAZIL 2000 20 Reais “500 Years-Discovery of Brazil” KM655 GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--—------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-92-2222 2222220222 -- $250.00 
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1981 $25 “Canbbean Sparrow Hawk” FR. 14 (KM31.1) 

2,513 mintage GEM PROOF in original cachet------------------------------------------------------------- $50.00 

BRUNEI 1978 $1000 “10 Anniversary of Sultan’s Coronation” FR. | (KM22) Scarce 

Only 1000 struck! Contains 1.4742 oz gold! (cats. $1450 in KM/$1250 in FR) NGC PF69-----$950.00 
BRUNEI 1987 $100 “20 Anniversary of Brunei Currency Board” FR. 4 (KM33) 

Bust of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah/Rev: Mosque. 1,000 mintage GEM PROOF---------------------- $395.00 
BULGARIA 1894 20 Leva Ferdinand FR. 3 (KM20) One year type! NGC MS60-------------------------$195.00 
BULGARIA 1912 20 Leva Ferdinand “25™ Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FR. 6 (KM33) One year type! NGC MS61------- -------------------------------------------------$295 00 
BULGARIA 1912 100 Leva Ferdinand “25" Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FR. 5 (KM34) Scarce One year type! PCGS AUS58------------------------------------------—--------$ 1 450.00 
BULGARIA 1963 10 Leva “1100" Anniversary-Slavic Alphabet” Republic FR. 10 (KM67) 

NGC PF61---------------------------------- 2-2-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nana nn nana nnnnnnmnnne $175.00 
BULGARIA 1963 20 Leva “1100 Anniversary-Slavic Alphabet” Republic FR. 9 (KM68) 

NGC PF67--—----—--------—-—- ~~-------------~---------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
BULGARIA 1993 5000 Leva “European Community-Slavonic Alphabet” KM207 

2,500 mintage NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------n--- nnn - nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $225.00 
BURMA CS1228 (1866) 2 Mu-|l Pe Mindon Min FR. 5 (KM20) Burmese lion/Rev: 

Legend in wreath. Scarce PCGS AUS5---------------------------------------—--------------------—-----$ 450.00 
BURMA (Myanmar) 1971 complete 3 pc. gold set Issued by the Government in Exile 

(Patriotic Liberation Army) Set consists of the 1-2-4 Mu FR. 8-10 (KM43-45) Scarce set 

(cats. $850) All three coins are Choice BU--------------------------------------------------——-----------—— $495.00 
BURUNDI 1962 25 Francs “Independence” FR. 3 (KM3) NGC PF66----------—----------------------—-- $150.00 

BURUNDI 1965 100 Francs “50™ Anniversary-Reign of Mwambutsa IV” FR. 5 (KM10) NGC PF65---$495.00 
BURUNDI 1967 100 Francs “1“ Anniversary of Republic” FR. 9 (KM15) NGC PF66-----—----—- ——--$495 00 





A iM 




BURUNDI 1967 complete 5 pc. gold “I“ Anniversary of Republic” PROOF set KM#PS3 
Set consists of the 10-20-25-50-100 Francs. (cats. $1200) GEM PROOF in original case-------- $950.00 

CANADA-Newfoundland 1881 $2 Victoria FR. | (KMS) PCGS AUS55------------------------------------ $295.00 
CANADA 1913-C 1 Sovereign George V FR. 2 (KM20) 3,715 mintage 

(cats. $750 in AUSO in KM) PCGS AUS8----------------—----—------------------------------------------ $750.00 
CANADA 1914-C 1 Sovereign George V FR. 2 (KM20) 14,871 mintage (cats. $1000 in KM) 

Ee ec ee ea $495.00 
CANADA 1914 $5 George V FR. 4 (KM26) Rarest date of the three year type! PCGS AUS8--------- $450.00 

CANADA 1914 $10 George V FR. 3 (KM27) Scarcest date of the three year type! PCGS MS61-----$550.00 
CAPE VERDE 1976 2500 Escudos “1* Anniversary of Independence” FR. 1 (KM14) NGC PF68-----$250.00 
CENTRAL AMERICA 1970 50 Pesos “10" Anniversary-Central American Bank of 

Economic Integration” Bruce# X1 Sun over five mountain peaks/Rev: Tree. 

1,500 mintage Contains .5787 oz gold! NGC PF65------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC (Guatemala) 1825-NG '% Escudo FR. 30 (KMS5) 
Scarce this nice! PCGS MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 

CHAD 1970 1000 Francs “Nude girl/10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 5 (KM8) NGC PF65-----$195.00 
CHILE 1749 4 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 6 (KM2) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $5500 XF in FR) 

Scarce. Recovered from the “Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! 

NGC MS6] ---------------------------------------- 2a nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn 1,750.00 
CHILE 1751-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 5 (KM3) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $6500 XF 

in FR- highest grade listed) Santiago mint. All of these pcs. recovered from the 

‘Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! ANACS MS61----$2,250.00 

PCGS MS62------ $2,450.00 PCGS MS63------------ $2,950.00 NGC MS64---------------------- $3,950.00 
CHILE 1795-So 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 23 (KMS4) PCGS AUS5--------------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1801-So 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 23 (KMS54) PCGS AUS5--------------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1805-So 8 Escudos Charles [V FR. 23 (KM54) PCGS AUS53--------------------------------------- $850.00 
CHILE 1810-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 22 (KM72) Large uniformed bust/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $3000 XF in FR) NGC AUSS--------------------------------------------------------------------- --$1,950.00 
CHILE 1838 1 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 40 (KM99) One year type! 

PCGS VF30--------------------- $175.00 PCGS VF35----------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
CHILE 1838-So 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 37 (KM93) Four year type! 

(cats. $900 XF in KM) PCGS XF45-------------------------------------------------------------------—- ---$750.00 
CHILE 1842-So 8 Escudos Republic FR. 41 (KM104.1) NGC MS61------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
CHILE 1898 5 Pesos Republic FR. 53 (KM159) PCGS AU58-——----__-____--_____-—__—— $100.00 
CHILE 1917 20 Pesos Republic “Liberty head” FR. 51 (KM158) NGC MS62---------------------------- $250.00 

CHILE 1926 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM170) One year sub-type! NGC MS62------ $250.00 
CHILE 1968 50 Pesos “150 Anniversary of Military Academy/O’Higgins” Republic FR. 60 

(KM184) 2,515 mintage NGC PF65-------------- $195.00 NGC PF66-------------------------------- $225.00 
CHILE 1968 100 Pesos “Liberty head and coming machine/ 150" Anniversary of National coinage” 

FR. 59 (KM185) 1,815 mintage NGC PF67----------------------------------------------------—-— $375.00 
CHILE 1968 200 Pesos “150” Anniversary of San Martin’s Passage thru the Andes Mountains” 

Republic Rh: 58 (KM186) Only:965 mmted! NGC PF67——________—_——___ $750.00 
CHINA-Yunnan Province 5 Yuans ($5) ND (1919) FR. 12 (KM#Y481) Facing head of General 

Tang Chi Yao/Rev: Numeral “2” below crossed flags. Scarce PCGS AUS8------------------------- $750.00 

CHINA-Yunnan 10 Yuans ND (1919) FR. 10 (KM#Y482) One year type! Facing head of 
General Tang Chi Yao/Rev: Numeral “1” below crossed flags. UNC details but cleaned= 

ANACS Net AUS0----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1965 2000 Yuan “100” Anniversary Birth of Sun Yat-sen” 

Fis (kM o42) Scarce NOC MS62———_- ———— --$750.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1966 2000 Yuan “80" Birthday of Chiang Kai-shek/ 

Two cranes and flowers” FR. 17 (KM#Y544) Superb Choice BU------------------------------------ $550.00 

CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1971 medallic (2000 Yuan) “60" Anniversary of the Republic” 
Bnice #XM616 (cats. $550) GEM BU-—_—__—_____-____-________-_____—____________——— $495 00 












CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1976 medallic (2000 Yuan) “Chiang Kai-shek 90" Birthday” 

Bruce #KM635. (cats. $650) GEM BU in original case————_—____—________________ --$550.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1980 300 Yuan “1980 Olympics-Archery” FR. 6 
(KM#Y23) NGC PF69-----------------—------------—---------------_--------_----------------------------$ 175.00 

CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1986 100 Yuan (1 oz) “Panda” FR. 42 (KM#Y105) NGC PF67---$450.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1912 20 Cents struck in gold! KM#Pn7 

(KM#Y317 struck in gold) -RARE (NGC MS63-——....._ ee ee $2,450.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1990 100 Yuan “1992 Olympics-Women’s Basketball” 

FR. 80 (KM#Y327) NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1991 100 Yuan “1992 Olympics-Pairs Figure Skating” 

KM#Y473 NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$195.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 50 Yuan (%0z) “50 Anniversary-United Nations” 

KM#Y488 NGC PF69-----------------------------------------—---------------------------------------------- $295.00 
COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND Charles II (1665-1700) FR. 3 (KM14.1) Arms/Rev: Cross of 

Jerusalem. NGC VF30--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1768-PN 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $650.00 
COLOMBIA 1770-PN 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 1 Escudo Charles III FR. 42 (KM48.2) Popayan mint PCGS MS62--------------- $650.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 40 (KM49.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45-------------- $395.00 
COLOMBIA 1781-P | Escudo Charles III FR. 42 (KM48.2a) Popayan mint PCGS VF25-------------- $195.00 
COLOMBIA 1787-NR 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 35 (KM50.1a) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

(cats. $1200 XF in both FR and KM) PCGS AUS55---------------------------------------------------- $1,100.00 
COLOMBIA 1788-P 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 36 (KM50.2a) Popayan mint PCGS AU58---—----- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1789-P 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 44 (KM53.2) Popayan mint Scarce 

three year transitional type! (cats. $1200 in FR) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------ $850.00 
COLOMBIA 1791-P 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Scarce date! (cats. $2000 XF 

in KM compared to $875 for the common dates!) PCGS AUS0-------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1793-NR 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

(cats. $1000 in FR) PCGS XF40---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
COLOMBIA 1794-P 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS50------------ $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1799-NR 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

NGC AU5S5---—--------$950.00 PCGS MS62 (Scarce this nice)-------------------------------------$2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1801-P 8 Escudos Charles I1V FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint 

PCGS AUS3---------------------- $850.00 NGC AUS5----------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1802-P 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint Scarce this nice! 

NGC MS062-------------------------------------------- 2922-22222 - 2a nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nen nnn nen nnne $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1807-NR 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

EF details but cleaned=ANACS Net VF30------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
COLOMBIA 1808-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS53------ --$850.00 
COLOMBIA 1810-P | Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS58---------- $350.00 
COLOMBIA 1812-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS0-------- $795.00 
COLOMBIA 1814-P 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF40------------ $295.00 
COLOMBIA 1816-NR 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 65 (KM64.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

Scarce in this quality!) NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$750.00 
COLOMBIA 1853-P 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada “Liberty head” FR. 80 (KM116.2) 

Popayan mint PCGS XF40------------------------------------------------------------ 2m nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $650.00 
COLOMBIA 1857-B 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 79 (KM116.1) Bogota mint 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) NGC MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1858-P 2 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 83 (KM121) PCGS XF40--------------$250.00 
COLOMBIA 1860-B 10 Pesos Granadine Confederation FR. 88 (KM129.1) 9,687 mintage 

EF details but ex-jewelry=ANACS Net VF20--------------------------------------------------—---—----- —-$250.00 

COLOMBIA 1868-M 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 101 (KM142.2) 
Medellin mint 7,984 mintage (cats. $2000 XF in FR/$1500 XF in KM) NGC AUS53-----------$1,250.00 








COLOMBIA 1870-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

Popayan mint 8,247 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1600 in KM) PCGS XF40---------------------- $995 00 
COLOMBIA 1871-M 2 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia FR. 106 (KM-AI54) 

Medellin mint ANACS VF20----------- $100.00 PCGS XF45-—------------- $150.00 

PCGS AUS58-----------------------------$195.00 NGC MS64--------------------------------------------$350.00 
COLOMBIA 1875-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

5,240 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1700 in KM) PCGS XF40------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1971 300 Pesos “6” Pan American Games/Prophet and Topless Indian Maiden” 

FR. 129 (KM250) NGC PF64------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
COMOROS 1976 20000 Francs “Coelacanth Fish” FR. | (KM12) Only 500 minted! 

GEM P/L BU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
COOK ISLANDS 1995 $500 Platinum “Marco Polo” KM313 1,000 mintage GEM PROOF----------- $495.00 
COSTA RICA 1897 20 Colones “Columbus” FR. 19 (KM141) Choice BU-------------------------------- $495.00 
COSTA RICA 19005 Colones “Columbus” FR. 21 (KM142) Two year type! PCGS MS62----------- $125.00 

COSTA RICA 1970 200 Colones “Juan Santamaria and cannon” FR. 25 (KM197) NGC PF67------- $595.00 
COSTA RICA 1970 500 Colones “Jesus Jimenez/100" Anniversary of Public Education” 

FR. 24 (KM198) Contains 2.1565 oz gold! GEM RPOOF------------------------—----------------$ 1 250.00 
COSTA RICA 1974 1500 Colones “Giant Anteater” FR. 28 (KM202) Conservation Coin Series 

2,418 Uncs minted! NGC MS66-------- $450.00 NGC MS67------------------------------------------- $495.00 
CUBA 1915 1 Peso PROOF “Marti” FR. 7 (KM16) Rare only 140 Proofs minted! 

(cats. $1700 in KM) PCGS PR64 (Cameo)-----------------------------------------------------------—- $1,495.00 
CUBA 1915 2 Pesos PROOF “Marti” FR. 6 (KM17) RARE only 100 Proofs minted! 

Really nice! PCGS PR65 (Cameo)-----------------------------------------—---——--—-——————— $2,450.00 
CUBA 1915 5 Pesos “Marti” FR. 4 (KM19) Scarcer date of the two year type! PCGS MS63--------- $250.00 
CUBA 1915 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) Scarcer date of the two year type! 

NGC AUS58------------------------- $250.00 PCGS MS02------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
CUBA 1915 20 Pesos “Marti” FR. 1 (KM21) PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------------$950.00 
CUBA 1916 4 Pesos “Marti” FR. 5 (KM18) PCGS AU58----------------------------------------------------$225 .00 
CUBA 1916 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) NGC MS62--------------------------------------------—------ $295.00 
CYPRUS 1966 medallic (Sovereign) “Archbishop Makarios III” KM#M2 One year type! 

NGC PF65-------------------- $175.00 NGC PF61---------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 

CYPRUS 1977 50 Pounds “Archbishop Makarios III” FR. 6 (KM47) One year type! NGC PF69----$295.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1928 2 Ducats “10" Anniversary of Republic” FR. 7 (KM#M2) 

One year type! NGC AU58----------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1928 4 Ducats “10™ Anniversary of Republic” FR. 6 (KM#M3) 

One year type! NGC MS64--------------- $450.00 NGC MS65------------------------------------------ $495.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 1 Ducat “1000 Anniversary of Christianity in Bohemia” FR. 10 

(KM#MS) One year type! Only 1,631 minted! NGC MS64----$495.00 NGC MS67--------------$650.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1931 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) NGC MS63----$100.00 

NGC MS64-------------------------------------n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $125.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1932 1 Ducat “Dr. Tyrs/Sokol Movement” FR. 11 (KM#M10) 

One year type! Only 1,742 inmted!: NGC MS64————————— $450.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “Dr. Svehla/Homage Issue” FR. 12 (KM#M12.1) 

pire sear Pvp) © L700 eiarrnten ee: INCRE VS npr tS $450.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) 

NGC MS63-----$100.00 NGC MS64------- $125.00 NGC MS65------------------------------------ $175.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4 (KM14) Scarce 

1,780 minted NGC AU58---------------__---__--------_-----------------_------_-_------_---— $1,750.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1934 1 Ducat “Reopening of the Kremnica Mines” FR. 16 (KM#M14) 
Rare only ces pcs, cizuck! NGC M365 __._ -————_—————_—————————— —$750.00 













CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1935 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) NGC MS64------------------------- $150.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA SOCIALIST REPUBLIC 1969 “100" Anniversary-Death of Jan 

Evangelista Purkyne” PROOF set Consisting of the gold 100 Korun (1 oz gold- not yet 

listed in KM) and the silver 25 Korun (KM66) Both coins are GEM PROOF in the original 

case with certificate--------------------------------------------------------_---_------------------------------- $495 00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1978 1 Ducat “600" Anniversary of Death of Charles IV’ KM#M22 

NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1978 2 Ducat “600" Anniversary of Death of Charles IV’ KM#M23 

One year type! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $325.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1978 5 Ducat “600 Anniversary of Death of Charles [V’ KM#M24 

One year type! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1978 10 Ducat “600" Anniversary of Death of Charles 1V’ KM#M25 

One year type! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------_------------------------- $1,250.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1904 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian LX of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM72) Two year type! PCGS MS63-----$650.00 PCGS PR64----------------- $750.00 

DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1904 10 Daler-50 Francs Christian LX of 

Denmark FR. | (KM73) RARE one year type with a mintage of only 2,005 pcs! (cats. $2500 

XF/$4000 Unc in FR. and cats. $4000 XF/$6500 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS55---------------------- $2,950.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1905 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian LX of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM/72) Scarcer date of the two year type! PCGS MS62------ $650.00 

PCGS MS63--------- $750.00 PCGS MS64---------------$850.00 PCGS MS65--------------------- $950.00 
DENMARK | Ducat ND Christian V (1670-1699) FR. 192 (KM445) Ruler on horse/Rev: 

Double C5 monogram; without any legends. Scarce (cats. $2250 XF in KM) PCGS MS62-----$1,950.00 
DENMARK 1645 “Hebrew” Ducat Christian ['V FR. 39 (KM141) Ruler standing/Rev: 

Hebrew legend. Copenhagen mint Scarce (cats. $1800 XF in FR/$1600 XF in KM) 

PCGS MS62 (Rare in this grade! )-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
DENMARK 1758 12 Marks Frederick V FR. 262 (KM587.3) PCGS VF25----------------------------- ---$250.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.4) PCGS AUS0-------- $295.00 

PCGS AUSS----------------------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice! )------------------------------ $750.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.5) PCGS AUSS5--------------------------------- $350.00 
DENMARK 1783 12 Marks Christian VII FR. 28] (KM641.1) Bust/Rev: Crown and value. 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $850.00 

DENMARK 1828 | Frederick d’or Frederick VI FR. 287 (KM699) Rare one year sub-type! 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS MS61------ $2,950.00 
DENMARK 1847 2 Christian d’or Christian VIII FR. 289 (KM722.3) Head/Rev: 

Arms supported by wild men. Scarce in this grade! NGC MS64------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
DENMARK 1857 2 Frederick d’or Frederick VII FR. 291 (KM750.3) Scarce three year sub-type! 

(cats. $2000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR and $2550 XF in KM-highest grade listed) 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------- 2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnnn nn nnn $2,250.00 
DENMARK 1890 20 Kroner Christian LX FR. 295 (KM791.1) Head/Rev: Seated female 

with dolphin! Scarcer date! (cats. $300 in KM) PCGS MS63--------------------------------------- --$195.00 
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1955 30 Pesos “25 Anniversary of Trujillo Regime” FR. 1 (KM24) 

PCGS MS062------------------------------------------------------- 3-7 nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $350.00 
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1974 30 Pesos “12 Central American and Caribbean Games” 

FR. 2 (KM36) NGC MS66-------------------------------------------------- =n nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn $195.00 
EGYPT 1916 100 Piastres Hussein Kamil FR. 24 (KM324) One year type! NGC MS63--------------- $295.00 
EGYPT 1922 100 Piastres Fuad “Civilian bust” FR. 27 (KM341) One year type! Yellow gold! 

NGC MS61 -------------------------------------------- 2-22-22 20-222 nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 

EGYPT 1930 100 Piastres Fuad “Military bust” FR. 32 (KM354) Two year type! NGC MS63------$195.00 
EGYPT 1938 100 Piastres Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 36 (KM372) One year type! NGC MS64---$225.00 
EGYPT 1938 500 Piastres PROOF Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 35 (KM373) 

Scarce this nice! NGC PF66-------------------------------------------------------------- === === === $2,450.00 



















EGYPT 1976 5 Pounds “Reopening of Suez Canal” FR. 58 (KM460) 2,000 mintage 

Arab Republic NGC MS66---------------------------------------------------------------------------------—— $395 00 
EGYPT 1993 50 Pounds “King Tut” KM755 NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
EGYPT 1993 50 Pounds “Cleopatra” KM756 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
EL SALVADOR 1971 complete 4 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver “150" Anniversary of Independence” 

PROOF set KM#PS4 (cats. $770) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------- $595.00 
EL SALVADOR 1977 250 Colones “18™ Annual Governors’ Assembly” FR. 10 (KM152) 

Arms/Rev: Sun over five mountain peaks. 4,000 mintage NGC MS67----------- $250.00 

NGC MS08 ------------------------------------ 22-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nanan nnnns $275.00 

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1992 7,000 Francos PIEFORT (double thickness) “Lions” 
Type of KM105 but double thickness! Not yet listed in KM! First we have seen! 

VERY RARE GEM PROOF --------------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 nnn $495 00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1993 30,000 Francos (1 oz) “African Elephant Protection” 

Not yet listed in KM! NGC MS66-------------------------------------------n- nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 $20 Haile Selassie | FR. 33 (KM39) NGC PF63---$150.00 NGC PF64---$165.00 

NGC PF66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 $50 Haile Selassie | FR. 32 (KM40) NGC PF64------------------------------------------ $295.00 

ETHIOPIA 1966 complete 5 pc. gold “Haile Selassie I’ PROOF set KM#PS1 Set consists of 
the $10-20-50-100-200 KM38 thru 42 (FR. 30 thru 34) Set contains 4.40 oz gold! 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-----------------------------------------=-- $2,250.00 
ETHIOPIA EE1974 (1981) 500 Birr PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P4 (type of KM68 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------ $750.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 1995 50 Pence “50" Anniversary-V.E. Day” KM45b Scarce 

only 100 pes. struck! Contains 1.40 oz gold! (cats. $1150) NGC PF68------------------------------ $950.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 2001 50 Pence (1.40 oz gold) “The Centenary of the end of the Victorian Era” 

Not yet listed in KM! Only 100 struck! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------ $950.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 2001 50 Pence “75” Birthday-Queen Elizabeth II” Not yet listed in KM! 

Probably only 100 struck! Contains 1.40 oz gold! NGC PF69----------------------------------------- $950.00 
FIJIISLANDS 1978 $250 “Banded Iguana” FR. 3 (KM43) Conservation Coin Series 

Only $10 Uncs minted! NGC MS67---——_-____—__-_______________—_ $495.00 
FIJI ISLANDS 1986 $200 “Ogmodon Snake/25™ Anniversary-World Wildlife Fund” FR. 5 

(KM56) NGC PF67-------$225.00 NGC PF68---------- $250.00 NGC PF69------------------------ $295.00 
FINLAND 1913-S 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS65-----$125.00 NGC MS66------------------- $150.00 

FRANCE | Ecud’or ND Philippe VI de Valois (1328-1350) FR. 270 King with sword and shield, 

seated on Gothic throne/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe. (cats. $1500 XF) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64---------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn ne $1,950.00 
FRANCE | Franc a Pied ND Charles V (1364-1380) FR. 284 Armored king sword and sceptre, 

standing under Gothic dais/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, fleur de lis in 2 angles, 

crown in 2 angles. (cats. $1100 XF-highest grade listed) PCGS MS64----------------------------- $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecu d’oralacouronne ND Charles VI (1380-1422) FR. 291 Crowned arms of France/ 
Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, crown in angles. (cats. $750 XF) PCGS AUS8----------------- $650.00 

FRANCE 1 Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

NCU ROS eaY gs tee NT Fg IVS rec ner en $1.650.00 
FRANCE | Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

BO CaT gg ee ts eh TIANA yA RS NO srr arn erence $1,750.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecu d’or neufa la couronne ND Charles VII (1422-1461) FR. 307 Crowned arms of 

France flanked by two crowned fleurs de lis/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, a crown in each 

RN Sa aI Ae pA pCR Nas VR rrr tamer $750.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecu d’or au soleil ND Francois I (1515-1547) FR. 342 Crowned arms, small radiate sun 
above/Rev: Two crowned F’s in angles of cross. Lyon mint PCGS MS63---------------------------- $750.00 

FRANCE | Ecud’or du Dauphine ND Francois | (1515-1547) FR. 358 Arms of France and 
Dauphine/Rev: Crowned F and dolphin in angles of cross. (cats. $1100) PCGS MSol------------ $750.00 










FRANCE 1640-A 2 Louis d’or Louis XIII FR. 409 (KM108) Scarce denomination and type 

and Rare in this grade! (cats. $8000 XF in FR) NGC MS63----------------------------------------- $7,500.00 
FRANCE 1641-A '% Louis d’or Louis XIII FR. 411 (cats. $1250 XF-highest grade listed!) 

Scarce this:nice!: NGC MS63-=-—————-— ee $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1642-A '% Louis d’or Louis XIII FR. 411 Scarce (cats. $1250 XF in FR) 

PCGS AUS8------------------- $650.00 PCGS MS63---------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
FRANCE 1651-D 1 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 418 Scarce this nice! NGC MS64---------------------- $2,250.00 

FRANCE 1694-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 432 (KM303.6) Lyon mint Scarce 

(cats. $4750 XF in FR/$3850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS AU53------- $3,450.00 
FRANCE 1696-BB 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 432 (KM303.4) Scarce (cats. $4750 XF in FR) 

NGC MS602--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $4,950.00 
FRANCE 1702-I 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 435 (KM335.7) Scarce Only 1,253 pes. struck 

for this date at the Limoges mint! Rare in this grade! (cats. $4750 XF in FR) NGC MS63----- $5,950.00 
FRANCE 1717/6-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) This overdate 

variety is unlisted in KM! Scarce three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS62--------- $2,950.00 
FRANCE 1717-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) Scarce 

three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS03-------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
FRANCE 1749-W 1 Louis d’or Louis XV FR. 464 (KM513.22) NGC MS64-------------------------- $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1786-AA 1 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KM591.2) PCGS AUS58-------------------------- $395.00 
FRANCE 1786-AA 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.2) Metz mint NGC AUS8-------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.5) NGC AUS8-------$595.00 

NGC MS61 ------------------------------------------------ 2-2-2222 22 n 2a nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn n cn nnenne $695.00 
FRANCE 1786-I 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.7) NGC AUS8--------- $595.00 

NGC MS03----------------------------------------------- 29-22-92 -n nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn enn nn en nnnes $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1786-K 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.8) Bordeaux mint 

PCGS AUSS------------------------- $550.00 NGC AUS8-------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-N 2 Louis dor Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.11) NGC AUS8----------------------------- $595.00 

FRANCE 1786-W | Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KM591.15) Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------ $950.00 
FRANCE 1787-A 1 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KMS591.1) PCGS AUS55---$350.00 

NGC MS61----------- $450.00 NGC MS62-------------- $550.00 NGC MS63------------------------ $750.00 
FRANCE 1788-AA 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.2) NGC AU58--------------------------- $695.00 
FRANCE 1811-A 40 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 505 (KM696.1) 

PCGS AU53------------------ $250.00 NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice!)-------------------------------- $1,250.00 

FRANCE 1813-Flag 20 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 521 (KM695.11) 

One year type struck at the Utrecht, Netherlands mint! (cats. $700 XF in FR) PCGS XF45------ $195.00 
FRANCE 1822-H 40 Francs Louis XVIII “Bare head” FR. 537 (KM713.3) RARE one year 

type from the La Rochelle mint with a mintage of only 611 pcs. struck! (cats. $2500 XF/ 

$5750 Unc in FR and cats. $3500 XF in KM-highest grade listed with a price!) 

NGC AUSS--------------------------------------------- 2-22 -n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $2,450.00 
FRANCE 1830-A 40 Francs Charles X “Bare head” FR. 547 (KM721.1) PCGS AUS55------- $250.00 

NGC MS0)2------------------------------------------------- nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn $650.00 
FRANCE 1831-A 40 Francs Louis Philippe 1 “Laureate head” FR. 557 (KM747.1) 

(cats. $500 XF/$1200 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS58-----$495.00 PCGS MS64------------------- --$1,650.00 

FRANCE 1848 20 Francs gold pattem by Montagny Mazzard # 1260 RARE (R4) 
Laureate female bust right/Rev: Value and date in wreath. Has the diagnostic die break 

on obverse (as always for this issue!) PCGS PR64----------------------------------------------—---——- $2,950.00 
FRANCE 1849-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) 

Scarcest date of the three year type! (cats. $750 Unc in KM) PCGS MS62-------------------------- $495.00 
FRANCE 1850-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) 

Three year type! PCGS AUS5------------ $100.00 NGC MS61----------------------------------------- $195.00 
FRANCE 1851-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) 

Three-year type! NGC AUS3-------- $85.00 UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AUSS--$85.00 

NGC AUS55---------- $100.00 PCGS AUS5---------- $100.00 NGC AUS58---------- $125.00 

PCGS AUS8-------$125.00 NGC MS61------------- $175.00 NGC MS62--—<e en $225.00 












FRANCE 1854-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” Reeded edge FR. 578 (KM783) 

Two year type! NGC MS63------------- $250.00 PCGS MS63------------------------------------------ $250.00 
FRANCE 1856-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 571 (KM785.1) PCGS MS63-------------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1857-A 20 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 573 (KM781.1) NGC MS63---------------- $125.00 
FRANCE 1857-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63------------—-- $750.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 20 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 573 (KM781.1) 

UNC details but scratched=ANACS Net AU55-------------------------------------------------- === * $65.00 
FRANCE 1858-BB 50 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 572 (KM785.2) Scarcer date! 

0-145 mimtace (cats, >1000 in KM) PCGS MS62—________—____ $550.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63------------ $850.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 20 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 573 (KM781.1) PCGS MS62----------- $100.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) 

Lowest mintage of the five year type from this mint! PCGS MS63------------------------------------—- $850.00 

FRANCE 1861-Star 20 Francs gold ESSAI Napoleon III “Laureate head” KM#E25 
(Mazzard # 1613) RARE (R4) Listed in KM without a price! Super quality! NGC PF66------ $3,450.00 
FRANCE 1862-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

oly Ae GE NS OF (aE Ce ENS TICS ann nr $1,450.00 
FRANCE 1863-BB 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 581 (KM802.2) 3,745 mintage 

PCGS MS63-------------------------- === nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62---------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

5,536 mintage PCGS AUS8---_—__--—___-_____________________———— $595.00 
FRANCE 1865-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) Scarcer date! 

3,740 mintage PCGS AUS55--------- $350.00 NGC MS63------------------------------- 2-29-20 $950.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 20 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 584 (KM801.1) NGC MS62--------- $100.00 
FRANCE 1866-BB 20 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 585 (KM801.2) PCGS MS63------- $125.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62----------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 9.041 mintage 

NGC MS63-----------~---------- $n nnn nnn nnn $1,100.00 
FRANCE 1867-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) 

7000 mintace Scareer-date, CGS) 43) —— ee $350.00 
FRANCE 1868-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

2,315 mmntage. PCGS AU55----—---—— $595.00 PCGS AUS8--------------------------------- $650.00 

FRANCE 1869-BB 20 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 585 (KM801.2) NGC MS63-------- $125.00 
FRANCE 1869-A 100 Francs Napoleon Ill “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

NGC MS60------ $695.00 PCGS MS62------------ $795.00 PCGS MS63------------------------—-- $950.00 
FRANCE 1878-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) 5,294 mintage 

Scarcer date! PCGS AUS 5----—--——---—-——-$--—$ $n nnn nnn $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1885-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) 

Scarce date! 2.894 mintace NGC MS61-—___—___________—__ $950.00 

FRANCE 1886-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS64------- $950.00 
FRANCE 1896-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) Scarce date! 

Only 800 munted\ 4 (eats: 927501 KM) NGC M86 2 nnn rr $1,950.00 
FRANCE 1904-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) 
NGC MS63------------------- $1,250.00 PCGS MS64------------------------------------__-—-----—-— $1,450.00 

FRANCE 1908-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS02------ $550.00 
FRANCE 1910-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS64------ $850.00 

FRANCE 1936 100 Francs “Bazor” Third Republic FR. 598 (KM880) NGC MS603-------------------- $650.00 
FRANCE 1979 | Franc gold PIEFORT KM#P639 600 mintage GEM PROOF--------------------——- $250.00 
FRANCE 1979 2 Francs gold PIEFORT KM#P642 600 mintage GEM PROOF -------------------------- $350.00 
FRANCE 1989 100 Francs “Human Rights/Angel Writing” FR. 611 (KM970b) NGC PF69---------— $295.00 

FRANCE 1990 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Charlemagne” KM990a 
Grats 643 oz patina, 2,000 mintage NGC PP6$-———-———-——————--—— $495.00 











FRANCE. 1991 500 Francs .““Mozatt in Paris” KM1001 NGC Pr66= $295 00 
FRANCE 1992 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Jean Monet” KM1013a 2,000 mintage NGC PF67----$495.00 

FRANCE 1993 500 Francs (1 oz) “Topless Venus de Milo” KM1025 NGC PF68------------------------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1994 500 Francs “1996 Olympics-Archer” KM1059 NGC PF69-------------------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1994 500 Francs-70 Ecus “St. Marks Cathedral-Venice” KM1069 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1995 500 Francs “V.E. Day/Peace in Europe” KM1117 NGC PF69---------------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1997 100 Francs-15 Euro “Le Baiser de Klimt” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------ $295.00 

FRANCE 1997 500 Francs-75 Euro “Irlande-Rock of Cashel” KM1190 (cats. $450) NGC PF68-----$295.00 
FRANCE 1999 | Euro=6.55957 Francs “EUROPA-The Euro Conversion Coin” KM1257 
Contains | oz gold, .999 fine! 2,000 minted (cats. $750) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1999 100 Francs “Rugby World Cup” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69----------------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 500 Francs “Yves St. Laurent” KM1237 Contains | oz gold, .999 fine! 

1,000 mintage (cats. $850) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $550.00 

FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “Conquest of Space” KM1243 1,000 minted (cats. $475) NGC PF69-----$295.00 
FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “XXth Century-Automobile” KM1241 1,000 mintage 

(cats. $475) NGC PF70-----------------------------------------------------------------0----20-0---------0--=- $450.00 
FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “XXth Century-Flight” KM1242 1,000 mintage 
(cats. $475) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 

FUJAIRAH 1969 25 Riyals “President Richard Nixon” FR. 5 (KM7) 3,280 mintage NGC PF64------$125.00 
GAMBIA 1977 500 Dalasis “Sitatunga” FR. | (KM19) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 699 Uncs minted! NGC MS617------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
GAMBIA 1983 250 Dalasis “Year of the Scout” FR. 2 (KM22) 2,000 minted NGC MS64----------- $250.00 
GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1916-T 15 Rupien FR. 1 (KM16.2) Elephant with mountains 

in background/Rev: Eagle. One year type! Scarcer of the two varieties of this issue 

with only 6,395 minted! Scarce in these grades! PCGS MS63---------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GERMANY-Augsburg 1763 | Ducat FranzI FR. 107 (KM178) Scarce two year type! 

(cats. $3000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1877-G 5 Marks Fnedrich I FR. 3759 (KM266) One year type! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS03-------------------------------------------- 7-92-29 n- nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn n= $750.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1913-G 10 Marks Friedrich If FR. 3761 (KM282) Scarce 

(cats. $2000 in KM) PCGS MS61--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1914-G 20 Marks Friedrich II FR. 3760 (KM284) NGC MS64----$950.00 

NGC MS65 (Rare this nice! )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------==- $495.00 
GERMANY-Bamberg 1802 | Ducat “Union of Bamberg with Bavaria” FR. 156 (KM154) 

Scarce one year type! (cats. $2000 in KM) PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Bavaria 1854 1 Ducat Maximilian If FR. 277 (KM457) Bust/Rev: Arms supported 

by two rampant lions. 5,707 mintage PCGS MS62------------------------------_-----_-__-__--__- $1,250.00 

GERMANY-Brandenburg-Ansbach 1769 | Ducat “Acquisition of Bayreuth” Christian Friedrich 
Karl Alexander FR. 363 (KM286) Scarce one year type! Facing busts of Georg Friedrich and 
Alexander/Rev: Altar with book on top and crowned shield on each side. (cats. $1750 XF/ 

$2750 Unc in KM) UNC details but bent=ANACS Net AU50--------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 1747 5 Thaler Karl I FR. 714 (KM915) Armored bust/ 

Rev: Horse. (cats. $1000 in FR/$850 in KM) PCGS XF40-------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 1832 2% Thaler Wilhelm FR. 747 (KM1125) 

Arms supported by wild men/Rev: Value and date. Scarce one year type! PCGS AUS5----------- $950.00 

GERMANY-Cologne | Goldgulden ND Friedrich II of Saarwerden (1371-1414) FR. 792 
St. John/Rev: Arms. (cats. $800 XF in FR-highest grade listed) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS063--------------------------------------------2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hamburg 1663 | Ducat FR. 1100 (KM69) Madonna and child on each side. 
(cats. $1000 XF in FR/$600 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books!) NGC MS62---------- $950.00 

GERMANY-Hamburg 1912-J 10 Marks PROOF FR. 3781(KM292)Scarce this nice! NGC PF65-----$1,450.00 
GERMANY-Hamburg 1913-J 20 Marks FR. 3777 (KM295) NGC MS63---------------------------------—- $150.00 
























GERMANY-Hannover 1815 5 Thaler George III (of England) FR. 619 (KMI101) 
Three year type! Arms/Rev: Value and date. (cats. $875 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS5---$750.00 

NGC MS03---------------------------------------------------------- 2-22-22 nnn n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1823-B 10 Thaler George IV (of England) FR. 1158 (KM133) 

Bust/Rev: Value and date. PCGS AU55------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1829-B 10 Thaler George IV (of England) FR. 1158 (KM133) 

PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1839-S 2% Thaler Emst August FR. 1174 (KM185.1) 

Three year type! Scarce this nice! PCGS MS63-------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1843-S 2'2 Thaler Emst August FR. 1174 (KM185.1) 

Three year type! NGC AUS3-----------------------------------------------------~-n nnn nn nn nnn nnn $495.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1846-B 2’ Thaler Ernst August FR. 1178 (KM185.2) 

Four year type! PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------~------ 3-3 n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1850-B 10 Thaler Emst August FR. 1175 (KM212) 

‘Three veariypel. (cats: $1500 XF in PR): PEGS AUS ———— $995.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1853-B 5 Thaler George V FR. 1180 (KM224) 

Three year type! (cats: $1250.XF in FR) PCGS AUSS———_______ $750.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1855-B 10 Thaler George V FR. 1179 (KM226) PCGS AUSS---------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1866-B 1 Krone George V FR. 1183 (KM232) PCGS MS63------------------ $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Hesse-Cassel 1629 “Storm” Goldgulden Wilhelm V FR. 1250 (KM110) Arms/ 
Rev: Willow tree bending in storm with Hebrew letters (Jehovah) above. Rare 

(cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS AUS5----------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Hesse-Darmstadt 1840 5 Gulden Ludwig II FR. 1232 (KM301) Four year type! 

(cats. $1750 in FR/$1550 im KM) PCGS MS62-—______——__-___---_-_________—__— $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mainz 1795 | Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1682 (KM410) 

One year type!) Bust/‘Rev: Anns. PCGS MS62-—__————————— $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mainz 1795 “City View” Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1685 (KM411) 

Scarce one year type! Bust/Rev: City view. P/L surfaces! PCGS MS63--------------------------- $1,950.00 
GERMANY-Mechlenburg-Schwerin 1782 2 Thaler Friedrich FR. 1723 (KM210) Bust/ 

Rev: Value and date. Scarce four year type! Only 1,625 minted! PCGS AUS8------------------- $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mechlenburg-Schwerin 1792 2 Thaler Friedrich Franz FR. 1724 (KM232) 

Scarce. one-year. sub-type! PCGS MS63-——_—___——_ $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Nuremberg 1/16 Ducat (1700) FR. 1895 (KM246) GEM BU--------------------------------- $250.00 

GERMANY-Pfalz-Neuburg 1750 1 Ducat Karl Theodor KM86 (this type unlisted in FR!) 
Bust/Rev: Order of St. Hubert. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1750 XF in KM) PCGS AUS53----$1,450.00 

GERMANY-Prussia 1872-A 10 Marks Wilhelm I FR. 3819 (KM502) NGC MS65----------------------- $125.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1888-A 20 Marks PROOF Friedrich III FR. 3828 (KMS515) One year type! 

Scarce PCGS PR62---------------------------------$----- nnn nnn nnn nn $750.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1888-A 20 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II FR. 3830 (KM516) 

iwo wear sul-typen scarce. PCGS PROt— $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1904-A 10 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II FR. 3835 (KM520) Scarce 

‘This year novicted mF ROOF im KM! NOC P63 $950.00 
GERMANY-Pnussia 1907-A 20 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II FR. 3831 (KM521) RARE in this quality! 

NGC. PF66--------------------------------$---$---- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1913-A 20 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II “Military bust” FR. 3833 

(KM537) Scarce NGC PF64--—_---__--______-_----_______________—____-—-—- $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Regensburg 1/32 Ducat ND (1750) FR. 2547 (KM355) Crowned imperial 
double-headed eagle/Rev: Crossed keys. Considered to be the world’s smallest gold coin! 

Scarce GEM BU--------------------------$--$--$ nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1616 | Ducat Sophia FR. 2642 (KM126) Initials/Rev: “HIS” with 
the eye of God above! One year type! PCGS AUS58------ $450.00 PCGS MS62--------------------- $595 00 

GERMANY-Saxony 1630 “Centennial of the Augsburg Confession” 2 Ducats Johann George | 
FR. 2662 (KM421) One year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8----$1,950.00 

















GERMANY-Saxony 1914-E 20 Marks Friedrich August III FR. 3848 (KM1265) 

Three year type! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
GERMANY-Stolberg-Wemigerode 1768 “Stag” Ducat Christian Emst FR. 3360 (KM#C16) 

Bust/Rev: Stag. Scarce one year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AU55--------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1927-D medallic pattem (5 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#Mla 22.47 grams NGC MS61----------- --$550.00 NGC PF63------------------------------- ---$750.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#MS NGC PF063---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$295 00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bemhart 

KM#M3 NGC PF63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $275.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (20 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bemhart 

KM#M4 NGC PF64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $395.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (20 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#M6_ NGC PF03------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $350.00 
GERMANY-Westphalia 1813-C 5 Franken Hieronymus Napoleon FR. 3519 (KM#C31) 

Laureate head/Rev: Value. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 XF in FR) PCGS AUS55---------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1905-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) NGC MS64-------------- $350.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1913-F 10 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II FR. 3877 (KM633) Scarce 

(cats. $1200 in KM) NGC PF62---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Wurzburg % Ducat ND (1724) Christoph Franz FR. 3699 (KM273) Arms/Rev: 

Sword and stola. (cats. $800 in FR) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 

GERMANY-Wurzburg | Goldguiden ND (1729) Friedrich Karl FR. 3715 (KM#M4) Bust/ 

Rev: Banner arms in omamental cartouche. Scarce one year type! (cats. $2000 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS5S -------------------------------------------------------------- 22-222 enna n nnn enn nnn nn nana nnn nnn $1,750.00 
GERMANY 1929 “Zeppelin” gold medal Conjoined busts of Zeppelin and Eckener/Rev: Zeppelin 

airship L.Z. 127 flying over clouds. Issued to commemorate the around the world flight in 

August of 1929! Struck by the Prussian State Mint in 18 Karat gold (.750 fine) 22.5 mm., 

6.35 grams. Scarce Superb P/L BU------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
GERMANY 1929 “Zeppelin” large size gold medal 36 mm., 22.66 grams of .900 fine gold. Struck 

by the Prussian State Mint to commemorate the around the world flight of the Graf Zeppelin! 

Conjoined busts of Zeppelin, Eckener and Durr/Rev: Map of the world showing stops of the 

Graf Zeppelin on the round the world flight! Scarce in this size and quality! GEM P/L BU-------$950.00 
GERMANY 1930 “Zeppelin” small size gold medal 22.5 mm., 6.35 grams of .750 fine (18 karat) gold. 

Struck by the Prussian State Mint to commemorate the first crossing of the Equator to South 

America flight of the Graf Zeppelin! Bust of Dr. Eckener/Rev: The Graf Zeppelin airship over 

map of Europe, Africa and South America! EXTREMELY RARE! This is the first specimen 

of this type we have ever seen or handled! GEM P/L BU-------------------------------------------------$750.00 
GHANA 1975 2 Pounds “Operation Feed Yourself’ KM#M8 NGC PF68---------------------------------- $295.00 
GHANA 1981 500 Cedis PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM28 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF----------------------- --$750.00 
GIBRALTAR 1980 50 Pounds “175 Anniversary of Death of Admiral Nelson/Ship” FR. 4 

(KM13) NGC PF67----------------- $275.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------------- $295.00 

GIBRALTAR 1994 % Crown (1/2 oz gold) “World War II-Seaplane Squadron 202 in Gibraltar” 

Not yet listed in KM but same design as the silver KM260a! NGC PF67---—--- ---------------$295 00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Noble ND Edward III (1327-1377) FR. 89 Fourth Coinage/Pre-Treaty 

period 1351-1361. King standing in ship with sword and shield/Rev: “E” in center of 

royal cross in tressure. PCGS AUS8-----------------------------------------—-----------—-—-- $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Angel ND Henry VII (1485-1509) FR. 151 St. Michael slaying dragon/ 

Rev: Cross and arms on ship. NGC VF20----$950.00 PCGS MS63 (Rare in this grade!) 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Angel ND Henry VIII (1509-1547) FR. 155 St. Michael slaying dragon/ 

Rev: Cross and arms on ship. Portcullis mintmark Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS60-----------$1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1664 2 Guineas Charles II] FR. 285 (KM425.2) Elephant below bust! 

One year sub-type! (cats. $1700 in KM) PCGS VF30----------------------------------------—----== $1,250.00 













GREAT BRITAIN 1688/7 2 Guineas James II FR. 294 (KM464) Laureate head left/ 
Rev: Cross of four crowned shields with scepter between each shield. Really sharp and 

clear overdate! Scarce (cats. $5250 in FR/$5400 in KM) PCGS XF45---------------------------- $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1693 | Guinea William and Mary FR. 303 (KM474.1) PCGS VF20----------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1701 1 Guinea William III FR. 313 (KM498.1) PCGS VF35------------------------ $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1719 1 Guinea George 1 FR. 327 (KM546.1) Scarce (cats. $1950 in FR/ 

$1250 in KM) PCGS XF45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1726 1 Guinea George | FR. 327 (KM559.1) FINE details but ex-jewelry—= 

ANACS Net VG8-------------------------------------------------------------- 22 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1734 1 Guinea George II FR. 339 (KM573.3) Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR/ 

$1350 XF in KM) PCGS AUS0----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1745 1 Guinea George II FR. 341 (KM577.3) Scarce two year sub-type! 

PCGS VF30--------- $750.00 PCGS XF45 (cats. $1950 XF in FR/$1850 XF in KM)------------ $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1774 1 Guinea George II] FR. 355 (KM604) 

PCGS MS64 (Scarce in this grade!)----------------------------------------- =n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1777 1 Guinea George III FR. 355 (KM604) PCGS AU53---------------------------- $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1794 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) PCGS AUS8--------- $495.00 

PCGS MS64 (Scarce in this grade!)--------------------------------~-~------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1797 1 Guinea George III FR. 356a (KM609) PCGS AU58--------------------------- $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1797 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 365 (KM620) PCGS MS62------- $450.00 

NGC. MS63---------------------------n- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1797 '% Guinea George III FR. 362 (KM608) PCGS AUS5--------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1798 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) PCGS MS63--------------------------- $850.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1799 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 365 (KM620) Scarcest date of the four year type! 

PCGS AUS5S ---------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn ne $350.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1802 '% Guinea George III FR. 363 (KM649) Three year type! PCGS AU55------ $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1804 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUS3------ $195.00 

PCGS AUS8--------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1804 '% Guinea George III FR. 364 (KM651) PCGS AU50-----$295.00 

PCGS AUS55-------------------- $350.00 PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------- === 9-0 $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1806 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUS8-------------------------$250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1810 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) AU details but 

scratched/cleaned=ANACS Net EF40---$150.00 PCGS AU55----$225.00 PCGS AU58---------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367a (KM650) Scarce date! PCGS AUS5-------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 % Guinea George III FR. 364 (KM651) PCGS AUS8---------------------------- $450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1817 1 Sovereign George III FR. 371 (KM674) First year of the “modem” 

sovereign series! PCGS AU58----------------------------—=-$ $n $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1817 '% Sovereign George III FR. 372 (KM673) First year of the “modem” 

V, sovereign series! (cats. $750 Unc in FR/$550 Unc in KM) PCGS MS63------------------------- $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1820 1 Sovereign George III FR. 371 (KM674) PCGS AUS58---$595.00 

PCGS MS61 -------------------------------------——— nn $850.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 376 (KM682) PCGS MS63---------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 1 Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 376 (KM682) RARE 

(cats. $4500 in KM) PCGS PR63-------------—--------—------—_-______-_-_________ 3,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 378 (KM681) Rare one year type with 

omately gamished shield! (cats. $3000 Unc in FR/$2700 Unc in KM) NGC MS63-------------- $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1823 2 Pounds George IV FR. 375 (KM690) One year type! Scarce 

cits ee BERL tt Pa oe OU) alae Bac VAY tor Ct NC ayer errant cmntinet ere neriemeromn $1,450.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1825 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 379 (KM689) Three year type! PCGS MS61I------ $695 00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1825 1 Sovereign George [V FR. 376a (KM682) Scarcer date! 

(onte ab 200 neha 00 Line mn INIM): PICS USB meeps rrr nena $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1825 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS AUS8-------- $595.00 

PCGS MS64---------------==-- anon nnnn nnn nnnn nnn mann nnn nnn nace nce nnn nnn cence nena $1,450.00 
























GREAT BRITAIN 1826 '% Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 380a (KM700) Scarce 

(cats: D22S0 ary FR) NGC PE 6 3 peepee nee $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS AUS8------------------------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 | Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 377a (KM696) Scarce 

(cats. $3250 in FR/$3500 in KM) NGC PF64——————_—________________ $2,250.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1826 5 Pounds PROOF George IV FR. 373 (KM702) Rare only year type 
struck in Proof only! Only 150 pcs. minted! (cats. $16500 in FR/$12500 in KM) 

PCGS PF63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--=-=-- $12,500.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1828 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 380 (KM700) Three year type! 

NGC AUS8--------------------$595.00 NGC MS62 (cats. $1600 in FR)-------------------------------$950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1832 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 383 (KM717) PCGS AUS8------------------------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1835 '% Sovereign William IV FR. 385 (KM722) Three year type! 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—-------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1839 '2 Sovereign PROOF Victoria FR. 389a (KM735.1) Scarce only 

1,230 Proofs minted! (cats. $3250 in FR/$3000 in KM) NGC PF62------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1853 '2 Sovereign PROOF Victoria FR. 389c (KM735.1) 

EXTREMELY RARE (cats. $5500 in FR) NGC PF64----------------------------------------------- $4,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1857 '% Sovereign Victoria FR. 389b (KM735.1) Super quality- 

this is a little “wonder” coin! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------ $650.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1858 '% Sovereign Victoria FR. 389b (KM735.1) Rare this nice! NGC MS64------ $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1859 “Ansell” Sovereign Victoria FR. 387g (KM736.3) Rare one year sub-type! 
(cats. $1950 XF in FR/$2500 XF in KM-highest grade listed!) This is probably the highest 

grade specimen we’ve handled! PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------ $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1870 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 387i (KM736.2) PCGS AUS55----------------------- $150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1871 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 387i (KM736.2) NGC MS61------ $195.00 

NGC MS62------$250.00 PCGS MS63--------------- $295.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1872 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS63----------------------------- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1874 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 387) (KM736.2) Rare date! (listed as RARE 

and without a price in FR/$1800 VF in KM-highest grade listed there!) PCGS XF45------------ $1,750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1876 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS63------$295.00 
NGC MS64----$350.00 PCGS MS64----$350.00 NGC MS65 (Scarce in this grade!)---$495.00 

NGC MS66 (RARE in this grade!) wanna nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn enna == $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1878 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS62----------------------------$250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1885 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) ANACS MS61-----$195.00 

PCGS MS0)------------------------------------------- $$ oon nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 1 Sovereign Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 392 (KM767) NGC MS62----------------- $165.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 1 Sovereign PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 392a (KM767) Scarce 

Only 797 Proofs minted! PCGS PR64----------------------------- ------------------------------$ 1 250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 2 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 39la (KM768) 

Scarce one year type! Only 797 Proofs struck! NGC PF63----$1,450.00 NGC PF64----------- $1,650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 5 Pounds Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 390 (KM769) One year type! 

NGC MS03----------------—----------------- 2-22 a nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 5 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 390a (KM769) One year type! 

Scarce only 797 Proofs minted! (cats. $4650 in FR) NGC PF63------------------------------------ $3,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 '% Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 397a (KM784) Scarce 

PROOF only 773 proofs minted! NGC PF64-------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 1 Sovereign PROOF Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 396a (KM785) 

Scarce only 773 proofs struck! PCGS PF64------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1899 | Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 396 (KM785) NGC AUS58------$100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 '% Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 40la (KM804) 

PCGS PR6] ----------------------------------------------------------- 22 n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 1 Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 400a (KM805) 

PCGS PR62------------------------------------------------- 2 nano nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 








GREAT BRITAIN 1902 2 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 399a (KM806) 

One year type! PCGS PR62---------------------------------------------~-- ~~~ $n nnn nnn nnn $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 5 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 398a (KM807) 

One year type! PCGS PR62---------------------------------------—--------------------------------------—= $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1910 1 Sovereign Edward VII FR. 400 (KM805) PCGS MS63--------------------- $135.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 '% Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 405 (KM819) Scarce this nice! 

NGC PF64--------------------------------------------- --------------- 22-2 - nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn $395 00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 404 (KM820) NGC PF64------------------ $495 00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign George V FR. 404 (KM820) PCGS MS63------- $125.00 

PCGS MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—--------—---—- $150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 2 Pounds PROOF George V FR. 403 (KM821) One year type struck 

in Proof only! 2,812 minted! PCGS PR63---------- $1,100.00 NGC PF64------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1912 1 Sovereign George V FR. 404 (KM820) NGC MS62-------------------------- $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1916 1 Sovereign George V FR. 404 (KM820) NGC AUS8-------------------------- $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1937 5 Pounds PROOF George VI FR. 409 (KM861) One year type 

struck in Proof only! NGC PF63----------------------------------------- = nnn nn $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1966 | Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 417 (KM908) NGC MS64------------------------ $100.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1980 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II gold PROOF set KM#PS37 Set consists of 
the 4-1-2-5 Pounds. (original issue price was $2650/current KM cats. $1250) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------------------___----—--__-----—-—--—--—- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1982 | Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 418 (KM919) NGC PF68-----------------—-—--- $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1985 1 Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 424 (KM943) NGC PF68---------------------- ---$150.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1986 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II gold PROOF set KM#PS50 Set consists 

of the 4-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price was $675/current KM cats. $600) 

GEM PROOF in orginal case: with certificate $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 4 pc. “500 Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” PROOF set 

KM#PS61 Set consists of the gold /2-1-2-5 Pounds (KM955 thru 958) All four coins are 

one year types struck in Proof only! (cats. $1600 in KM) GEM PROOF in original 

presentation case with certificate—____——________-__ $1,100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 2 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 423 (KM944) NGC PF64-------------------------—-- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 2 Pounds “50" Anniversary-United Nations” KM97Ic (cats. $475) 

GEM PROOE -----------------------------$--$-n$-r nnn nnn $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 1 Ecu “Sir Walter Raleigh and his ship” (colorized) 500 mintage 

GEM PROOF sn original case with’ certificate——_—<—_———_—— —————————— $100.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds “Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip’s Golden Wedding 

Anniversary” KM977b Mintage limit was 2750 — actual number struck was 2,574. 

(cats. $995) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------~----- mn nnn $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1998 5 Pounds “Prince Charles’s 50" Birthday” KM995b Mintage limit 

was 2000 — actual number struck was only 773 pes! (cats. $900) GEM PROOF in original 

case with certificate----------------------------------------- === - 3 nnn nnn nnn nn $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds “100” Birthday of The Queen Mother” KM1007b 

3,000 minted! (cats. $950) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 1 Sovereign Elizabeth If KM1002 NGC MS67-------------- $125.00 

GEN TROOP unonciial-case will Centiticale———— $195.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds Elizabeth Il KM1003 NGC MS67--------------------------------------- $495.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 2001 5 Pounds “Victorian Anniversary Crown” not yet listed in KM! Issued 
to commemorate the 100" Anniversary of the death of Queen Victoria. 3500 mintage limit 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate -—-_-—_______________—_——_— $750.00 
GREECE 1876-A 5 Drachmai George I FR. 17 (KM47) 9,294 mintage One year type and very 

scarce in this quality) NGC MS65-___—____—_______— $2,450.00 
GREECE 1876-A 10 Drachmai George I FR. 16 (KM48) One year type! PCGS XF40----------------- $495.00 

GREECE 1884-A 20 Drachmai George | FR. 18 (KM56) One year type! NGC MS61----$195.00 
NGC MS02---------------- --$225.00 NGC MS603----------------------------------—-----—--------—--——— $295.00 








GREECE 1984 5000 Drachmai “Los Angeles Summer Olympics” Republic FR. 29 (KM146) 

Scarce GEM PROOF --------------------------------------------------—-----------=-------------------=---=-- $395.00 
GUATEMALA 1859-R 2 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 35 (KM180) One year type! 

AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF40—-—-—----—-—_____-_______________________________-_____ $150.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 5 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 42 (KM191) One year type! 

PCGS AUS5------------------- $225.00 PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 4 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 43 (KM187) PCGS AUS8-------------------- $350.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 20 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 38 (KM194) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------~--------------- === 2 nn nnnnn nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nee $950.00 
GUATEMALA 1877 5 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 45 (KM198) NGC MS62------------------ $595.00 
GUATEMALA 1926 20 Quetzals Republic FR. 48 (KM246) One year type! PCGS MS62------------- $850.00 
GUERNSEY 1996 25 Pounds “European Football/Soccer ball & European Map” KM69 

1,500 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 

GUINEA 1970 complete 7 pc. gold 5000 Francs “Rulers of Ancient Egypt” PROOF set KM#PS6 

SCARCE Only 675 sets issued! (cats. $3325) GEM PROOF with certificate (but no box)------ $2,250.00 
GUYANA 1976 $100 “10 Anniversary of Independence/Arawak Indian” FR. 1 (KM46) 

GEM PROOF in original cachet-----------------------------------------------------------—------------------- $55.00 
HAITI 1967 complete 5 pc. gold & 3 pc. silver “10 Anniversary of Revolution” PROOF set 

KM#PS1 and PS2 Set consists of the gold 20-50-100-200-1000 Gourdes KM66-68-69- 

(FR. 1-5) Set contains almost 8 oz of gold! (set cats. $5480 in FR) 2,525 sets minted 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
HAITI 1968 100 Gourdes “Marie Jeanne/10™ Anniversary of Revolution” FR. 3 (KM69) 

Scarcer date! NGC PF63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
HAITI 1969 60 Gourdes “Alexandre Petion” FR. 8 (KM74) 935 mintage NGC PF66------------------- $195.00 
HAITI 1970 200 Gourdes “Revolt of Santo Domingo” FR. 2 (KM70) Scarce date ! NGC PF64---------- $495.00 
HAITI 1970 250 Gourdes “King H. Christophe” FR. 7 (KM75) Contains 1.4286 oz gold! RARE 

Listed in KM without a price! GEM PROOF -------------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
HAITI 1974 500 Gourdes “1976 Montreal Olympics” FR. 28 (KM117) NGC PF69--------------------- --$125.00 
HAITI 1977 500 Gourdes “1980 Moscow Olympics” FR. 34 (KM141) Only 695 Uncs minted! 

P/L surfaces! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “$195. 00 
HONDURAS 1888 1 Peso FR. 7 (KMS56) Liberty head/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS MS62------------ $850.00 PCGS MS63---------—----------------------------------------- $995.00 
HONG KONG 1975 $1000 “Royal Visit” FR. 1 (KM38) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $250.00 
HONG KONG 1975 $1000 “Royal Visit” FR. 1 (KM38) (cats. $1750 in FR/$1250 in KM) 

GEM PROOF in original case------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$950.00 
HONG KONG 1976 $1000 “Year of the Dragon” FR. 2 (KM40) GEM BU in onginal case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
HONG KONG 1976 $1000 “Year of the Dragon” FR. 2 (KM40) Scarce (cats. $1750 in FR/ 

$1150 in KM) GEM PROOF in onginal case with certificate-------------------------------------------$950.00 
HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) NGC MS64---------------------------- --$295.00 
HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9-------------- $495.00 
HONG KONG 1978 $1000 “Year of the Horse” FR. 4 (KM44) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 === == $450.00 
HONG KONG 1979 $1000 “Year of the Goat” FR. 5 (KM45) GEM PROOF in onginal case 

with certificate----------------------------------------------------------------- Ho----------------------------- ---$295 00 
HONG KONG 1980 $1000 “Year of the Monkey” FR. 6 (KM47) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $= nono n nnn nn nnn nnn --$275.00 
HONG KONG 1981 $1000 “Year of the Rooster” FR. 7 (KM48) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—------ ---$275.00 

HONG KONG 1982 $1000 “Year of the Dog” FR. 8 (KM50) GEM PROOF in original case 
with certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ == === === $295.00 
HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) NGC MS68--------------------------------$395 00 













HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === $650.00 
HONG KONG 1984 $1000 “Year of the Rat” FR. 10 (KM52) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——- $550.00 
HONG KONG 1985 $1000 “Year of the Ox” FR. 11 (KM53) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $575.00 
HONG KONG 1986 $1000 “Year of the Tiger” FR. 12 (KM54) GEM BU--------- $295.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
HONG KONG 1987 $1000 “Year of the Rabbit” FR. 14 (KM58) GEM PROOF------------------------- $350.00 

HUNGARY | Goldgulden (Ducat) ND Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) FR. 12 St. Ladislas/ 
Rev: Madonna and child seated. N and shield with bird mintmarks. (struck 1482-1488) 

PCGS MS6] -------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
HUNGARY 1538-KB | Ducat Ferdinand] FR. 26 St. Ladislas/Rev: Madonna and child. 

(cats. $750 XF) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------—~- === =n nnn nnn nn nnn $750.00 
HUNGARY 1751-KB 1 Ducat Maria Theresia FR. 74 (KM329.2) Ruler standing/Rev: 

Madonna and child. NGC MS62----------------------------------------------- 7-23 nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
HUNGARY 1880-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------$100.00 
HUNGARY 1881-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1889-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef. FR. 87 (KM467) NGC MS64------------------ $125.00 
HUNGARY 1890-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) PCGS MS63--------------- $100.00 
HUNGARY 1891-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM477) PCGS MS63----------------$100.00 
HUNGARY 1906 20 Korona Ferencz Jozsef FR. 92 (KM486) PCGS MS61----- $100.00 

NGC MS6] ------------------------------$----------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $100.00 

HUNGARY 1907 100 Korona “40” Anniversary-Coronation of Franz Josef” FR. 95 

(KM490) Scarce original striking! (not one of the modem restrikes!) (cats. $1750 in FR) 

One year type! NGC AUS58---------------------—---------- ~~~ ---$- nnn nnn nnn nnn $995.00 
HUNGARY 1966 100 Forint “400™ Anniversary-Death of Zrinyi” FR. 106c (KM569) NGC PF65-----$175.00 
HUNGARY 1993 10,000 Forint “Centennial-Death of Ferenc Erkel” KM703 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------—----—-—-————— = $125.00 
ICELAND 1974 10000 Kronur “1100” Anniversary of 1“ Settlement/Viking ship” FR. 2 
(KM22) NGC MS65-------------—-------------------$-— nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $225.00 

INDIA-Bikanir VS1994 (1937) 1 Nazarana Mohur Ganga Singh FR. 537 (KM#M3) NGC MS62------$350.00 
INDIA-British India 1835 2 Mohurs William IV FR. 759 (KM452.1) One year type! Head/ 

Rev: Lion and palm tree. Issued by the East India Company. SCARCE 

Official Government Restrike! PCGS PR63------------------------------------------------ ===" $1,950.00 
INDIA-Jaipur (1827) AH1243 Year 23 1 Mohur FR. 628 (KM77) In the name of Muhammad 

Akbar II Urdu legend on each side. Maharajah coinage struck during the period 1806-1855. 

(cats. $350 XF in FR/$300 XF in KM) ICG AUS0-----------------------------------------------------$295.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency AH1172 Year 6 (1817) 1 Mohur FR. 652 (KM418) RARE 

One year type issued by the English East India Company! Urdu legend on each side. 

This specimen was recovered from the “FAME” shipwreck which sunk off of South 

Africa in 1822! Choice AU -------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $850.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency (1819) ND | Mohur FR. 567 (KM421) Issued by the English 

East India Company! Arms supported by lions; English legend/Rev: Urdu legend. 

One year type! Recovered from the “FAME” shipwreck which sunk off of South Africa 

in 1822! X¥--------------------------------—----------------—----------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency (1819) ND 1 Mohur FR. 567 (KM421.1) Issued by the English 

English East India Company! Arms supported by lions; English legend/Rev: Urdu legend. 

One year type! PCGS AU58------------------$495.00 NGC AUS58 ------------------------------$495 00 
INDONESIA 1970 2000 Rupiah “Great Bird of Paradise/25™ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 5 
(KM28) 2,970 mintage NGC PF66---------------------------------------------------------——— $150.00 

INDONESIA 1970 10000 Rupiah “Wayang Dancer/25™ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 3 
(KM30) Only 1,440 minted! Superb Brilliant PROOF-—--——-----—_--—_______-___---—- $495.00 



















INDONESIA 1974 100,000 Rupiah “Komodo Dragon” FR. 6 (KM41) Conservation Coin Series 

NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395 00 
INDONESIA 1987 200,000 Rupiah “Javan Rhinoceros” FR. 7 (KM46) NGC PF68--------------------- $295.00 
IRELAND 1990 50 Ecu “Irish Red Deer” Republic KM#M3 One year type! NGC PF67--------------- $395.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1973 2 Pounds “Viking on horse” FR. 5 (KM28) 3,612 mintage NGC MS63--------- $195.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1977 5 Pounds “Viking on horse” FR. 4 (KM29) Rare Reported mintage of 

only 434 Uncs struck! NGC MS67------------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1979 | Crown (1.2678 0z) “Royalist soldier and English Man-of-War ship/ 

Millennium of Tynwald” KM#49b Scarce only 300 minted! NGC PF68---------------------------- $750.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1979 | Crown (1.2678 0z) “Lifeboat and Sir William Hillary portrait/ 

Millennium of Tynwald” KMS50b Scarce only 300 minted! NGC PF69------------------------------ $750.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1987 1 Crown Palladium (1 oz) “America’s Cup-Sailboats and Map” FR. 89 

(KM179c) 1,000 mintage (cats. $1100 in KM) NGC PF69-------------------------------------------- $595.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1990 1 Crown (1 oz gold) “150" Anniversary of the PENNY BLACK Stamp” 

KM276b 1,000 mintage (cats. $685) NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1997 '%2 Crown (1/2 0z) “Leiv Eriksson and Viking ship” KM764 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF66------------------ $275.00 NGC PF67------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
ISRAEL 1973 200 Lirot “25 Anniversary of Independence” FR. 9 (KM74) NGC PF64---------------- $295.00 
ISRAEL 1974 500 Lirot “Ben Gurion” FR. 12 (KM82) NGC PF64----$295.00 NGC PF65---------- $325.00 
ITALY-Ferrara 1 Scudo d’oro ND Alfonso II D’Este (1559-1597) FR. 272 Arms/Rev: Cross 

Scarce PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 

ITALY-Florence | Fiorino d’or (Florin) ND Republic (1189-1531) FR. 275 Lily/Rev: St. John. 
(struck circa 1388) Crossed pastoral staffes moneyer mark! (V. Castellani) 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS60------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
ITALY-Florence (Tuscany) 1775 1 Ruspone Pietro Leopold FR. 334 (KM#C28) Lily/ 

Rev: St. John seated. Scarce (cats. $1700 XF in FR) PCGS AUS58--------------------------------- $1,450.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1792 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.1) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $1250 in FR) PCGS VF35--------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1794 48 Lire FR. 445 (KM245.2) Scarce (cats. $1750 XF) PCGS AUSS------------ $1,750.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1795 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1796 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS XF45----------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Milan 1582 1 Doppia Filippo Il FR. 716 Radiate head nght/Rev: Arms. PCGS AUS53--------- $950.00 
ITALY-Milan 1787-M_ 1 Sovrano Josef I] KM#CS51 (FR. 312 listed under Austria) Scarce 

(cats. $1350 XF in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------ $995.00 
ITALY-Modena 103 Soldi (1/3 Scudo d’oro) ND Francesco I D’Este (1629-1658) FR. 791 

Legend/Rev: Eagle. PCGS MS02---------------------------------------------------------- == 2 nnn nnn nnn $595.00 
ITALY-Naples 1 Scudo d’oro ND Carlo V (1519-1556) FR. 835 Arms/Rev: Cross. 

PCGS MS6 1 --------------------------------------------n nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn mannan $950.00 
ITALY-Naples 1582 1 Scudod’oro Filippo Il FR. 836 Head/Rev: Arms. (cats. $3000 XF) 

Rare this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=== $2,750.00 
ITALY-Naples 1763 6 Ducati Ferdinando IV FR. 846 (KM#C75) Youthful bust/Rev: Arms. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ITALY-Naples 1773 6 Ducati Ferdinando IV FR. 849 (KM#C76) Older bust/Rev: Arms. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63------------------------------------------------------- 2-2 - nnn nn nnn nana nnn $950.00 
ITALY-Naples 1839 30 Ducati Ferdinando I] FR. 866 (KM#C157b) Scarce two year sub-type! 

(cats. $3600 XF in FR) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
ITALY-Parma 1815 40 Lire Maria Luigia FR. 933 (KM#C32) Two year type! PCGS AU58--------- $750.00 

ITALY-Piedmont Republic (Sub-Alpine Republic) L’AN 9 (1800) 20 Francs FR. 1172 

(KM#C5) Rare two year type struck at Turin on the Victory of Marengo! (cats. $1250 XF 

in FR/$1000 XF in KM) 2,820 minted! PCGS AUS5S---------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1828 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1132 (KM#C108.1) Eagle head mintmark (Turn) 

PCGS AUS53------- $750.00 PCGS AUSS------------- $850.00 NGC AUS8--------------------------- $950.00 




















ITALY-Sardinia 1830 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1133 (KM#C108.2) Anchor mintmark (Genoa) 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1835-P 100 Lire Carlo Alberto FR. 1138 (KM#C117.2) PCGS AUS53---$750.00 

PCGS AUSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $850.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1741 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. PCGS AUS53------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1746 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1751 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------$ 1,250.00 
ITALY-Venice 1 Zecchino (ducat) ND Bartolomeo Gradenigo (1339-1342) FR. 1220 

Scarce early Doge! (cats. $600) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 

ITALY-Venice 1703 Year 4 Osella in gold (4 Zecchini) Alvise Mocenigo II Unlisted in FR and KM! 
Doge kneeling before seated figure St. Mark/Rev: Winged lion. EXTREMELY RARE 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------------------------- $9 2-2-2 onan nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $4,450.00 
ITALY 1814-M 40 Lire Napoleone FR. 5 (KM#C12) PCGS AUS55------------------ $250.00 

PCGS AUS58---------$350.00 PCGS MS61----------------- $550.00 NGC MS62--------------------- $750.00 
ITALY 1885-R 20 Lire Umberto I FR. 21 (KM21) Scarcer date! PCGS MS62-------------------------- $100.00 
ITALY 1911-R 50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “50 Anniversary of Kingdom” FR. 25 (KM54) 

One year type! PCGS AUS58-------------- $950.00 PCGS MS63 (Scarce this nice!)--------------- $1,450.00 

ITALY 1912-R 20 Lire Vittorio Emanuele IIIf “Uniformed bust” FR. 28 (KM48) PCGS MS62------ $1,250.00 
ITALY 1912-R 50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “Uniformed bust” FR. 27 (KM49) 

Scarce four year type! (cats. $1750 in KM) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------- $1,495.00 
ITALY 1923-R 100 Lire MATTE Vittorio Emanuel III “1" Anniversary of Fascist Government” 

FR. 30 (KM65) Scarce one year type! PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
ITALY 1931-R 100 Lire Vittorio Emanuele II] FR. 33 (KM72) Bust/Rev: Italia on prow of ship. 

PCGS MS03-------------------------------—------- $2 nnn ann nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
ITALY 1992 Ecu d’oro “35 Anniversary Common Market” 1250 mintage GEM PROOF 

in original case with certificate----------------------------------------------------~----------- === 5 $125.00 
JAMAICA 1995 $100 “Bob Marley” KM172 2,000 mintage (.51 0z) NGC PF69------- $295.00 

NGC PF70----------------------------------------- =n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
JAPAN Tempo Koban ND (1837-1858) FR. 15 (KM#C22b) Scarce Choice XF-----------------------$1,750.00 
JAPAN Manen Koban ND (1860-1867) FR. 17 (KM#C22d) Scarce Choice XF/AU------------------ $1,250.00 
JAPAN 1870 2 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 48 (KM#Y10) One year sub-type! Scarce PCGS MS64-------- $2,250.00 
JAPAN 1871 1 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 49 (KM#Y9) NGC MS63--------------------------------------------- --$650.00 
JAPAN 1871 5 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 47 (KM#Y11) Dragon/Rev: Wreath over crossed banners. 

Scarce two year large size type! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------—--------—- $3,750.00 
JAPAN 1897 5 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 52 (KM#Y32) Scarce (cats. $2000 Unc in KM) 

PCGS MS66 (Rare this nice! )-------------------------------------------------------------- === === $2,250.00 
JAPAN 1898 5 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 52 (KM#Y32) Scarce (cats. $2000 Unc in KM) NGC MS63------ $1,450.00 
JAPAN 1899 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS603------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
JAPAN 1904 20 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 40 (KM#Y34) PCGS MS61----------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
JAPAN 1906 20 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 50 (KM#Y34) PCGS MS63--------------------------------------- --$2,450.00 
JAPAN 1908 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) PCGS MS64----------------------------------------- $1,450.00 

JAPAN 1909 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS63----$1,250.00 PCGS MS65-------- $1,650.00 
JAPAN 1917 20 Yen Yoshihito FR. 53 (KM#Y40.2) NGC MS63---$2,450.00 NGC MS65-------- $2,950.00 
JAPAN 1999 10,000 Yen Site Anniversary of Enthronement” KM#Y124 (cats. $1200) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------------------------—- $750.00 
JERSEY 1981 1 Pound “Bicentennial of the Battle of Jersey’ FR. 7 (KMSIb) 

Contains .5174 oz gold! Interesting square-shaped planchet! GEM PROOF----------------------—- $250.00 
JERSEY 1981 2 Pounds “Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana” FR. 6 

(KM52b) 1,500 mintage NGC PF68---------------------------------------------------------------------—- $225.00 

JERSEY 2000 | Sovereign “William I-Duke of Normandy” KMI110 2,000 mintage 
One year type! NGC MS65----------------- $125.00 NGC MS68---------------------------------------- $150.00 

























JORDAN 1968 complete 6 pc. SPECIMEN set struck in gold KM#SS4 Set consists of the 
|-S-10-25-50 Fils and the | Dirham. All struck in gold from the regular currency coin dies! 
KM#PnI thru Pné EXTREMELY RARE!! KM lists only two sets struck in gold! Listed in KM 
without a price! Our set is fully MINTSTATE and housed in the original presentation case-----$7,500.00 
(Also included is the matching 6 pc. SPECIMEN set of the actual circulating coins for these 
denominations. KM#SS3_ Listed in KM as only 50 Specimen sets struck (cats. $300) 
This set too is in the original presentation case!) 

KENYA 1966 100 Shillings “75"™ Birthday President Kenyatta” FR. 3 (KM7) NGC MS64------------- $135.00 
KIRIBATI 1979 $150 “Independence” FR. | (KM9) Arms/Rev: Traditional Meeting Hut. 

Scarce only 422 Uncs minted! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
KIRIBATI 1979 $150 “Independence” FR. 1 (KM9) Arms/Rev: Traditional Meeting Hut. 

Scarce only 386 Proofs minted! NGC PF67---------------------------------------------------------------- $275.00 

KOREA-South Korea 1970 complete 6 pc. gold & 6 pc. silver PROOF set KM#PS1 RARE 
only 300 sets issued! (cats. $32850 in KM) GEM PROOF in original presentation case 

with certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $19,500.00 
LESOTHO 1969 10 Maloti “Water Buffalo/F.A.O. Issue” FR. 9 (KM11) NGC PF63-------------------- $495.00 
LESOTHO 1983 200 Maloti PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P4 (type of KM45 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------ $750.00 
LIBERIA 1965 $30 “70" Birthday of President Tubman” FR. 4 (KM22) One year type! 

Only 400 minted! NGC PF66---------------- $225.00 NGC PF67---------------------------------------- $250.00 
LIBERIA 1976 $100 “Inauguration of President Tolbert” FR. 14 (KM33) RARE 

only 175 minted! GEM PROOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 
LIBERIA 1983 $200 PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM49 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------------------ $750.00 
LIBERIA 1996 $100 “Chairman Mao Zedong” KM259 1,996 mintage NGC PF69---------------------- $125.00 
LIBERIA 1997 $100 “Princess Diana” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF68----------------------------------- $125.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1946 complete 2 pc. gold set Francis Joseph II KM#MS2 Set consists of 

the 10 & 20 Franken. FR. 17 & 18 (KM#Y13&14) Both coins are NGC MS64------------------- $495 00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1990 50 Franken “Succession of Hans-Adam II” FR. 25 (KM23) 

NGC PF67-------------------- $195.00 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
LUXEMBOURG 1963 20 Francs ESSAI “Grand Duchess Charlotte/100" Anniversary of the City 

of Luxembourg” KM#EAS51 Only 250 minted! NGC MS64------------------------------------------- $250.00 
MACEDONIA 1996 1 Denar “5S™ Anniversary-UN Membership” KM8 Arms/Rev: Pair of white storks. 

1,500 mintage (cats. $500) NGC PF68--------- $350.00 NGC PF69----------------- $375.00 

GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
MALAYSIA 1976 500 Ringgit “Malayan Tapir” FR. 4 (KM21) Conservation Coin Series 

2,894 mintage NGC MS66------------------------------------------------------------- 29-92-2220 nono onan nn $495.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1978 5 Rufiyaa “F.A.O. Issue-Lobster” FR. 2 (KM57b) Scarce 

only 200 minted! NGC PF65---------------- $595.00 NGC PF66--------------------------------------- $650.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1978 25 Rufiyaa “F.A.O. Issue-Sailing ship, birds and fish” FR. 1 (KM58b) 

Scarce one year type with only 200 pcs. minted! NGC PF67-------------------------------------------- $850.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1984 100 Rufiyaa PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P3 (type of KM67 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------ $750.00 
MALTA 1983 100 Pounds PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM66 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------------------ $750.00 
MALTA-Order of Malta 1989 100 Liri “25" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 68 (KM89) 

2,500 mintage (cats. $425 in FR/$375 in KM) NGC PF68-------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MALTA 1992 25 Pounds “30" Anniversary of George Cross Award” KM101 

500 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------------------------- $175.00 
MAURITIUS 1975 1000 Rupees “Mauritius Flycatcher” FR. 2 (KM42) Conservation Coin Series 

NGC MS66-------------------------------------- 2-222 nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn mn nnn $395.00 

MAURITIUS 1988 1000 Rupees “Dodo Bird” FR. 6 (KM60) Contains | oz gold! 
NGC MS65-4 $450.00 NGC MS67 2a $495.00 








MEXICO 1738/7-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce overdate variety! 

(cats. $4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5S-----------------------------------------------------------------—-- $3,950.00 
MEXICO 1745-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

NGC MS0)-------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 nnn enna nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nannies $4,950.00 
MEXICO 1814-Mo '% Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 57 (KM112) Scarcer date of the seven year type! 

(cats. $550 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495 00 
MEXICO 1836/4-Do '2 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 111 (KM378.1) Durango mint 

Scarcer mint and interesting overdate! PCGS AU5S------------------------------------------------------ $195.00 
MEXICO 1842-Mo 1/2 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 107 (KM378.5) 

ANACS AUS50--- $150.00 PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------$ 195.00 
MEXICO 1851-C 8 Escudos “Hand on book” Republic FR. 66 (KM383.2) PCGS XF40-------------- $395.00 

MEXICO 1851/41-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) 
Chihuahua mint. Scarcer mint and interesting overdate! (cats. $1000 in KM) PCGS XF40------$750.00 

MEXICO 1856-C 8 Escudos “Hand on book” Republic FR. 66 (KM383.2) PCGS VF35--------------- $350.00 
MEXICO 1858-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) PCGS XF40-------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1860-Ga 1 Escudo “Hand on book” Republic FR. 101 (KM379.2) PCGS MS62---------- ---$450.00 
MEXICO 1868-Ho 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 73 (KM383.8) Hermosillo mint 

Scarce PCGS AUS5-------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1869-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) Chihuahua mint 

Scarce PCGS MS02---------------------------------------- nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1888-Go | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 161 (KM410.3) RARE date! Only 210 struck! 

ex-John Jay Pittman Collection! (pedigree listed on slab insert) PCGS AU58------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1893-Cn 20 Pesos “Balance Scales” Republic FR. 122 (KM414.2) Rare date! 

2,062 minted! ANACS AUS3--------------------------------------------- =n nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 

MEXICO 1897/6-Go 1 Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 161 (KM410.3) 4,280 mintage PCGS MS62------ $250.00 
MEXICO 1899-Cn 1 Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 160 (KM410.2) 2,000 mintage 

PCGS MS63 ------------§250.00 PCGS MS64------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
MEXICO 1904-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) 9,845 mintage PCGS MS63-------$195.00 
MEXICO 1906 5 Pesos “Hidalgo” FR. 168 (KM464) PCGS MS62------------------------------------------ $95.00 
MEXICO 1920 10 Pesos “Hidalgo” FR. 166 (KM473) Rarest date of the 10 peso series! 

PCGS AUS5 ------------------------------------------------- $= nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
MEXICO 1921 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) First year of the series and the scarcest date! 

NGC MS61----------------------------- $650.00 NGC MS62----------------------------------------------- $750.00 
MEXICO 1924 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) PCGS MS62------------------------------------ $495.00 
MEXICO 1927 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) PCGS MS62------------------------------------ $495.00 
MEXICO 1928 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) PCGS MS62------------------------------------ $495.00 
MEXICO 1962 medallic (50 Pesos) “Cinco de Mayo” GEM BU--------------------------------------------- $450.00 
MEXICO 1992 1000 Pesos (1 oz) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM560 

2,000 mintage GEM PROOF ------------------------------------—-------------—--------------------—-------$5 95.00 
MEXICO 1992 500 Pesos ('%20z) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM559 

2,000 mintage GEM PROOF --------------------------------------------------—--- $395.00 

MEXICO 1992 250 Pesos (%0z) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM558 

2,000 mintage (cats. $275) GEM PROOF———__—_____-____________________—___- --$225.00 
MEXICO 1993 100 New Pesos (1 0z) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM587 500 mintage GEM PROOF------$650.00 
MEXICO 1993 50 New Pesos ('%0z) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM586 500 mmntage GEM PROOF------$425 00 
MEXICO 1993 25 New Pesos (% oz) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM585 800 mintage GEM PROOF------ $250.00 
MEXICO 1994 100 New Pesos (1 0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KMS581 500 mintage 

(cats. $800) GEM PROOF ------------------------------------------------------ 3m $695.00 
MEXICO 1994 50 New Pesos (2 0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KM580 500 mintage 
(cats. $525) GEM PROOF ----------------------_--_--_------------—----_--------------------------——- $450.00 

MEXICO 1994 25 New Pesos (%0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KM579 500 mintage 
(cats. $325) GEM PROOF ------------------------------------------~----- nnn nnn nnn $275.00 






IS 2. 






MEXICO 1996 100 Pesos (1 0z) “Sacerdote’” KM602 GEM PROOF--------------------------------------- $595.00 

MEXICO 1996 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Sacerdote” KM601 (cats. $475) GEM PROOF----------------------- $395.00 
MEXICO 1996 25 Pesos (%0z) “Sacerdote” KM600 (cats. $275) GEM PROOF----------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1997 100 Pesos (1 0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM626 GEM PROOF--------$650.00 
MEXICO 1997 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM625 GEM PROOF---------$425.00 
MEXICO 1997 25 Pesos (%0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” _KM624 GEM PROOF--------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1998 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! GEM PROOF--------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1998 50 Pesos (%0z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! GEM PROOF--------------------------- $450.00 
MEXICO 1998 25 Pesos (4 0z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! GEM PROOF---------------------------- $250.00 
MONACO 1878-A 20 Francs Charles III FR. 12 (KM98) Scarcer date of the two year type! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$495 00 
MONACO 1886-A 100 Francs Charles III FR. 11 (KM99) Three year type! Scarce this nice! 

NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-22-22 2n nnn nn nnn nnn enna $950.00 
MONACO 1974 1000 Francs Platinum “Prince Rainier III’s 25" Anniversary of Reign” FR. 35 

(KM#M4) ANACS PF66------------------------------------------------------------------------2020-0--------- $295.00 
MONGOLIA 1976 750 Tugrik “Przewalski Horses” FR. | (KM38) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 929 Uncs minted! NGC MS65---------------------------------------------------------------------- --$495 00 

MONTENEGRO 1910 100 Perpera PROOF Nicholas I “Bare head” FR. 1 (KM12) 
EXTREMELY RARE only 25 Proofs struck of this one year type! Plain head to right/ 

Rev: Amms. (cats. $12500 in KM) NGC PF62----------------------------------------------------------- $9,500.00 
NAURU ISLAND 1994 $50 “Kaiser Wilhelm Ship & German Eagle” KM10 NGC PF67---$150.00 

NGC PF68---------------------------$175.00 NGC PF69------------------------------------------------- --$195.00 
NEPAL SE1820 (1898) 1 Mohur Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS64-------------------------------- $295.00 
NEPAL SE1823 (1901) 1 Mohur Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS6S5-------------------------------- $350.00 
NEPAL SE1826 (1904) 1 Mohur Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS65-------------------------------- $350.00 

NEPAL VS1989 (1932) 1 Mohar Tribhuvana FR. 27 (KM702) Scarce this nice! NGC MS65-------- $295.00 
NEPAL VS1992 (1935) 1 Ashrafi (Tola) Tribhuvana FR. 26 (KM727) Scarce one year type 

with trident in center of obverse! NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
NETHERLANDS-Batavian Republic 1803 1 Ducat FR. 317 (KM11.3) ANACS EF45---$175.00 

PCGS AUS8 ---------------------------------------------- 22-22 -nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nen enne $250.00 
NETHERLANDS-Batavian Republic 1805 1 Ducat FR. 317 (KM11.3) PCGS AUS55-------------------- $225.00 
NETHERLANDS -Gelderland 1608 1 Ducat FR. 237 (KMS) NGC AUS58------------------------------------ $350.00 
NETHERLANDS-Holland 1758 2 Ducats FR. 248 (KM47) Knight standing/Rev: Tablet. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------------=- $1,250.00 
NETHERLANDS-Holland 1763 14 Gulden FR. 253 (KM97) Knight on horseback/Rev: Arms. 

PCGS AUS8 -------------------------------------------------- 9-22 nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn $750.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1751 14 Gulden FR. 288 (KM104) Knight on horseback/Rev: 

Arms. PCGS AUS8 ---------------------------------------------- 2 n nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $750.00 

NETHERLANDS 1849 | Ducat (Willem ID “Knight standing” FR. 344 (KM83.1) PCGS MS62------ $175.00 
NETHERLANDS 1851 10 Gulden Willem II] FR. 340 (KM95) RARE two year type! 

(cats. $2750 Unc in FR/$2500 Unc in KM) PCGS MS64--------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
NETHERLANDS 1912 5 Gulden Wilhelmina FR. 350 (KMIS51) One year type! NGC MS62---------- $150.00 
NETHERLANDS 1986 1 Ducat (Queen Beatrix) FR. 355a (KM190.2) GEM P/L BU in onginal 

case with certificate----—--------------------------------------------------------------------- += -- === nn $55.00 
NETHERLANDS 1998 100 Euro “Martin Harpertsz Tromp and ship” Not yet listed in KM! 

GEM PROOF ----------------------------------------------- 7-7 -n nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn --$65.00 
NEW ZEALAND 1996 $10 “Sinking of the General Grant ship” KM98a Only 650 minted! 

GEM PROOF in original “Treasure Chest” presentation case with certificate------------------------- $350.00 
NIGER 1968 25 Francs “Barbary Sheep” FR. 7 (KM9) 1000 mintage NGC PF64----$150.00 

NGC PF67---------------------- $175.00 NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
NIGER 1968 50 Francs “Lion” FR. 6 (KM10) 1000 mintage NGC PF64---$350.00 NGC PF65------ $395.00 
NIGER 1968 100 Francs “President Hamani” FR. 5 (KMI1) 1000 mintage NGC PF63----------- -----$495 00 
NIUE 1997 $20 “Princess Diana” KM93 GEM PROOF -----------------------------------------------—------—- $40.00 

NIUE 1997 $100 “Princess Diana” KMI11 NGC PF67---------$125.00 NGC PF69--------------------$150.00 














PALAU 2001 $200 (1 oz) “Angelfish” Marine Life Protection series Not yet listed in KM! 
Only 200 struck! Beautiful “colorized” (enameled by the mint) marine scene! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PANAMA 1981 500 Balboas “Sailfish” FR. 15 (KM75) Only 487 Proofs minted! 

GEM PROOF in original cachet case------------------------------------------------------------------—--—- $650.00 
PANAMA 1982 '% Balboa PIEFORT struck in gold!) KM#P4 EXTREMELY RARE 

Only 15 pes. struck. First I’ve seen! GEM PROOF ------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
PANAMA 1982 500 Balboas “Death of General Omar Torrijos” FR. 29 (KM84) Scarce 

only 398 minted! GEM PROOF in original case----------------------------------------------------------- $695.00 
PANAMA 1983 100 Balboas “Pre-Columbian Art-Cocle Style Birds” FR. 18 (KM95) 

1,308 mintage GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate----------------------------------- $150.00 
PANAMA 1983 500 Balboas “Owl Butterfly” FR. 30 (KM96) Only 469 Proofs struck! 

GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PANAMA 1984 100 Balboas “Pre-Columbian Art-Native Art” FR. 19 (KM100) 

GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate------------------------------------------------------ $150.00 
PANAMA 1985 500 Balboas “National Eagle” FR. 31 (KM103) Rare only 184 struck! 

GEM PROOF in original case-------------------------------------------—-------------------- === === $1,250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1977 100 Kina MATTE “Papuan Hombill” FR. 3 (KM12) 

RARE only 100 pcs. struck in MATTE! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------—— $250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1979 100 Kina “4 Faces of the Nation” FR. 5 (KM14) 3,492 mintage 

GEM PROOF in original cachet--------------------------------------------------------------------------—- --$125.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1980 100 Kina “5™ Anniversary of Independence/Flag & Map” FR. 7 

(KM17) 1,118 mintage GEM PROOF wn original cachet------------------------------------------------ $175.00 

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1984 100 Kina “100" Anniversary-Founding of British and German 

Protectorates/Flags” FR. 11 (KM27) Only 274 minted! GEM PROOF in original cachet case-----$250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1990 100 Kina “Queen Alexandra Butterfly” FR. 12 (KM29) Interesting 

seven sided planchet and a mintage of only 500 Uncs struck! NGC MS69-------------------------- --$250.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 1500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM124 1,500 mintage NGC PF66--------$450.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 3000 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM136 1,500 mintage NGC PF64-------- $750.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 4500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM106 1,500 mintage NGC PF66-----$1,250.00 
PERU 1791 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 36 (KM92) Scarce three year transitional type! Lima mint 

PCGS AUS5----------------------------------—-----------------------------------------------------—-----—-----$9 5.00 
PERU 1797 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 40 (KMI101) Bust/Rev: Arms. Lima mint 

“IV Assayer initials’ (cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS AU50————_______--__-__-__________—- $850.00 
PERU 1863 10 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 71 (KM193) One year type! 

PCGS AUS58------------- $350.00 PCGS MS61---------------------------------------------------=- === $450.00 
PERU 1931 50 Soles “Inca” Republic FR. 77 (KM219) 5,538 mintage 

PCGS MS63---------------$1,100.00 PCGS MS64-----------------------------------------------------$ 1,250.00 

PERU 1956 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 80 (KM229) 1,201 mintage NGC MS65-------- $250.00 
PERU 1969 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) Scarce only 540 minted 

according to KM! PCGS MS66------------------------------------—--------_-_---_----------_——- $750.00 
PHILIPPINES 1862 4 Pesos Isabella If FR. 1 (KM144) PCGS XF45-------------------------------------- $195.00 
PHILIPPINES 1868 2 Pesos Isabella Il FR. 2 (KM143) ex-John Jay Pittman Collection! 

PCGS AUS8-- ~-----------------------------------——------------------------- ~~ -- $250.00 
PHILIPPINES 1976 1,500 Piso “I.M.F. Meeting/Map” FR. 7 (KM216) NGC MS69-------------------- $295.00 
PHILIPPINES 1977 1,500 Piso “President Marcos/5™ Anniversary of the New Society” FR. 9 

(KM219) NGC PF61-----------------------------------------$-----n nmin nnn nnn nnn nnn $295 00 
PHILIPPINES 1982 1500 Piso “40 Anniversary of Bataan-Corregidor” FR. 13 (KM237) 

Scarce only 445 Proofs minted! GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate------------$395 00 
PHILIPPINES 1986 2,500 Piso “President Aquino/President Reagan” FR. 14 (KM247) 

Scarce Only 250 minted! GEM PROOF in original cachet---------------------------------------------- $495.00 

PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1988 $250 “HMS Bounty” FR. 1 (KM2) 2,500 mintage 
NGC PF68---------- $295.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $295 00 



















PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1989 $250 “HMS Bounty ship at sea” FR. 2 (KM6) 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF067-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295 00 
PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1990 $250 “HMS Bounty afire and sinking/Establishment of Settlement” 

FR. 3 (KM9) Only 500 minted! NGC PF65-------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
POLAND 1831 | Ducat Revolutionary Period FR. 114 (KM#C125) One year type! 

PCGS AUS58----------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
POLAND 1925 complete 2 pc. Boleslaus I “900" Anniversary of Poland” gold set Consisting of 

the 10 & 20 Zlotych-both coins NGC MS65--------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
PORTUGAL 1 Cruzado (500 Reais) ND Sebastiao (1557-1578) FR. 41 Arms/Rev: Cross 

of the Order of Christ. PCGS AUS5S8---------- $750.00 NGC MS62------------------------------------ $995.00 
PORTUGAL 1860 5000 Reis Pedro V FR. 147 (KMS505) Two year type! PCGS MS62---------------- $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1999 200 Escudos “Discovery of Brazil/Ship” KM718b NGC PF69------------------------- $395.00 
RHODESIA (now Zimbabwe) 1966 10 Shillings “Sable Antelope/Ist Anniversary of Independence” 

FR. 3 (KMS) NGC PF66---------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-=- $125.00 
RHODESIA (now Zimbabwe) 1966 1 Pound “Lion holding elephant tusk/Ist Anniversary 

of Independence” FR. 2 (KM6) 5,000 mintage NGC PF65----$175.00 NGC PF66-------------- $195.00 
RHODESIA (now Zimbabwe) 1966 5 Pounds “First Anniversary of Independence” FR. | 

(KM7) One year type! NGC PF6S-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
ROMANIA 1922 100 Lei “Ferdinand I Coronation” FR. 9 (KM#M9) Scarce one year type! 

NGC MS03---------------------------------------------- 2222-2 on nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnnnnes $2,450.00 

RUSSIA 1756 | Rouble Elizabeth FR. 100 (KM#C22) Three year type! Scarce PCGS AUS58-------- $650.00 
RUSSIA 1826 5 Roubles Nicholas | FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 

AU details but bent=ANACS Net EF40--------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
RUSSIA 1830 5 Roubles Nicholas | FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 

PCGS XF45S--------------------------------------------- 292-222 22a nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnens $450.00 
RUSSIA 1830 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS VF30------------------------ $495.00 
RUSSIA 1833 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas | FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS XF40-------- $595.00 

PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------------------------- 7-7-2220 222-222-222 2a nnn nn nana nnn nn nnn $750.00 

RUSSIA 1833 12 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I FR. 141 (KM#C179) Double-headed eagle/ 
Rev: Value and date. EXTREMELY RARE only 255 pcs. struck! (cats. $15000 Unc in KM) 

NGC MS62------------------------------------------------ 7-9-2 =n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nanan nn nnnnnn $14,500.00 
RUSSIA 1837 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS AUS0------------------------ $695.00 
RUSSIA 1869 3 Roubles Alexander I] FR. 147 (KM#Y26) PCGS AUS5----------------------------------- $350.00 
RUSSIA 1889 5 Roubles Alexander III FR. 151 (KM#Y42) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------- $195.00 
RUSSIA 1890 5 Roubles Alexander III FR. 151 (KM#Y42) PCGS MS63--------------------------------- $295.00 
RUSSIA 1897 7'% Roubles Nicholas Il FR. 160 (KM#Y63) One year type! NGC AUS5---------------- $175.00 
RUSSIA 1897 15 Roubles Nicholas II FR. 159 (KM#Y65) One year type! NGC AUS58---------------- $225.00 
RUSSIA-Soviet Union 1923 10 Roubles (Chervonetz) FR. 163 (KM#Y85) Scarce 

First year of the series! NGC MS62---------------------------------------------~----- =n nnn nn nn nnn nnn $350.00 
RUSSIA 1992 50 Roubles “Moscow’s Pashkov Palace” KM#Y354 NGC PF69--------------------------- $150.00 
RUSSIA 1993 50 Roubles “Olympics-Figure Skater” KM#Y355 7,500 mintage NGC PF66----------- $175.00 
RUSSIA 1993 50 Roubles “Sergei Rachmaninov’ KM#Y453 GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate----------------------------------------------------------- $222 -n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn $150.00 
RWANDA 1965 50 Francs “5 Anniversary of Independence” FR. 2 (KM3) NGC PF67--------------- $195.00 
ST. HELENA 1984 50 Pence (1.40 0z) “150 Anniversary-Colony of St. Helena” FR. 2 

(KM12b) Rare only 150 struck! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------- $750.00 

ST. HELENA 2001 50 Pence (1.40 oz gold) “The Centenary of the end of the Victorian Era” 
Not yet listed in KM! Only 100 struck! Young half-length bust of Victoria with nice ship 

in background! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------ $950.00 
SAN MARINO 1925-R 10 Lire FR. 2 (KM7) St. Marinus standing/Rev: Three towers. 

Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 in FR) PCGS MS64-----$595.00 NGC MS65----------------- $695.00 
SAN MARINO 1986 5 Scudi “Worker Bee” FR. 37 (KM200) Scarce NGC MS68---------------------- $350.00 

SAN MARINO 1996 5 Scudi “PIETA-Mary Receives Jesus’ Body” KM343 NGC PF68---------------- $295.00 





















SAN MARINO 1996 2 pc. “Olympics” PROOF set Consisting of the | Scudo “Boxers” KM338 

and the 2 Scudi “Track and Field” KM339 Both coins GEM PROOF--------------------------------- $195.00 
SAN MARINO 1999 5 Scudi “Birth of Venus” KM388 Arms/Rev: Nude Venus standing in the shell! 
Scarce GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------------- $350.00 

SAUDI ARABIA | Pound ND (1945) “ARAMCO” FR. 191 (KM35) Struck at the 
Philadelphia mint for use in Saudi Arabia! NGC MS62------ $650.00 

NGC MS63---------------------- $750.00 ANACS MS63--------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SAUDI ARABIA AH1370 (1951) 1 Saudi Pound (Guinea) FR. | (KM36) One year type! 

NGC MS67-------------------- $195.00 PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SERBIA 1879-A 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 3 (KM14) One year type! 

PCGS AUS0------------ $250.00 NGC AUS55-------------- $295.00 NGC AUS8---------------------- $350.00 

SERBIA 1882-V 10 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 5 (KM16) One year type! PCGS MS61------- $195.00 
SERBIA 1882-V 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich TV FR. 4 (KM17) One year type! 

PCGS AUSS------- $150.00 NGC MS61--------- $225.00 NGC MS62------------ $275.00 

PCGS MS062----------------------------------------- 22 n nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nanan $275.00 
SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates) 1970 25 Riyals “Mona Lisa” FR. 5 (KM7) NGC PF65---$175.00 

NGC PF60------------------------------------------------------------ nn nnn -- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn $195.00 
SIERRA LEONE 1987 1 Leone “Bicentenary of Sierra Leone” FR. 11 (KM40a) Scarce 

only 1,250 minted! Unusual octagonal shaped planchet! NGC PF68---------------------------------- $295.00 
SIERRA LEONE 1987 5 Golde “Duiker Zebra” FR. 12 (KM42) World Wildlife Fund Series 

NGC PF67---------------------- $275.00 NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 

SLOVENIA 1990 50 Lip “Dr. France Preseren” KM#Tn3 Scarce only 400 minted! NGC PF68------- $395.00 
SLOVENIA 1991 5,000 Tolarjev “1 Anniversary of Independence” KM2.2 NGC PF65---$175.00 

NGC PF61----------------------------------------- 3-2 n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1993 5,000 Tolarjev “Battle of Sisek” KM11 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------------------- $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “50” Anniversary-Slovenian Bank” KM18 2000 mintage 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn --$225.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “1000 Anniversary-Bishop Abraham-Glagolitic Alphabet” 

KM20 1,000 mintage NGC PF67------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev “50” Anniversary-Defeat of Fascism” KM24 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF67--------------------- $195.00 NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev “Aljazev Stolp and Mountain Summit” KM28 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF69-----------------------------------------$----$----- nnn nnn min nnn nnn nnn $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1996 5,000 Tolarjev ‘5 Anniversary of Independence/Flower” KM35 

3,000 mintage NGC PF69---------------------------~----~--~-~~- == nn $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1997 °5.000;Tolarnev “Zois Zica. KM40 NGC P66] ———————— $195.00 
SOLOMON ISLANDS 1980 $100 “Native Art” FR. 2 (KMI1) NGC PF68------------------------------- $100.00 
SOLOMON ISLANDS 1982 $100 “Battle of Guadalcanal” FR. 4 (KM14) Scarce 

Only.311.Proofs struck! GEM PROOF in origmal ‘cachet —____>_________— $295.00 

SOMALIA 1970 20 Shillings “10” Anniversary of Independence” FR. 10 (KM16) NGC PF67-------- $100.00 
SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 9 (KM17) Scarce 

NGC PF66-----------------------------------------=-------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution/Ear of Com” FR. 13 

(KM18) Scarce NGC PF67---------------------------------—--~- nnn nnn $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 100 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution” FR. 12 

(KM20) Scarce NGC PF68--------------------------------——---~~~--~ ~~ nnn $295.00 
SOMALIA 1983 1500 Shillings PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM39 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------------------- $750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1893 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) PCGS XF40---$295.00 PCGS XF45----$395.00 

PCGS NU 5 5 nnn - nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $595.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1895 '% Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) PCGS XF45-----$250.00 PCGS AUS55-----$395.00 

PCGS AUS55 (ex-John Jay Pittman Collection!)------- $450.00 PCGS AUS8-------------------------- $450.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1896 % Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) PCGS AUSO0--------------- $250.00 

PCGS AUS55------------- $295.00 PCGS AUS5S5S(ex-John Jay Pittman Collection! )-------------------- $350.00 














SOUTH AFRICA 1897 2 Pond FR. 3 (KM9.2) ex-John Jay Pittman Collection! PCGS AUS58-------- $395.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1898 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) PCGS AUS0---$195.00 NGC AUS55----$250.00 

PCGS AUS5S5----$250.00 PCGS AUS58------ $295.00 PCGS MS61--------- $350.00 

PCGS MS63------------ $450.00 PCGS MS64(Scarce this nice! )---------------------------------------- $750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1900 1 Pond FR: 2 (KM10.2) PCGS MS63—————___--____—______-_—__________ $495.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1957 '% Pound Elizabeth If FR. 10 (KM53) Only 560 minted! NGC PF65--------- $150.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1957 | Pound Elizabeth II FR. 9 (KM54) Only 560 minted! NGC PF66----------- $250.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1958 '% Pound Elizabeth Il FR. 10 (KM53) Only 515 minted! NGC PF66--------- $175.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1958 1 Pound Elizabeth II FR. 9 (KM54) Only 515 minted! NGC PF65----------- $250.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1960 1 Pound PROOF Elizabeth II FR. 9 (KM54) 1,950 mintage NGC PF66------ $150.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1981 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR67---------------------------- $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1981 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR6S---------------------------- $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1982 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR66---------------------------- $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1984 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR67---------------------------- $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1984 '% Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KMI107) PCGS PR65---------------------------- $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1986 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. IS (KM106) PCGS PR66---------------------------- $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1987 | Krugerrand PROOF FR. 13 (KM73) PROOF but has hairline scratch= 

ANACS Net PF060------------------------------------------------------------- 2-92-2222 22a nnn nnn nn nena nnn nnn $350.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1987 2 Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR65---------------------------- $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1987 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66---------------------------- $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 '% Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR67---------------------------- $250.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 '%4 Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66---------------------------- $150.00 
SPAIN 1 Dobla de la Banda ND Juan II (1406-1454) FR. 112 Shield/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS AUS3---------------- $1,450.00 PCGS MS60 (Scarce this nice!)------------------------------- $1,950.00 

SPAIN 2 Excelentes ND Ferdinand V and Isabella I (1476-1516) FR. 129 Crowned busts 
facing each other/Rev: Arms on ship. Popular type coin which financed the voyage of 

Christopher Columbus! PCGS AU58--------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
SPAIN 1701-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM259) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 
(cats. $8000 XF in FR/$4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5----------------------------------------------- $3,950.00 

SPAIN 1701-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM259) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 
Scarcer variety with flowers at sides of fleece! (cats. $8000 XF in FR/$5000 XF in KM- 

Highest grade listed in both books!) Our specimen is a lustrous PCGS AU58----------------------- $4,950.00 
SPAIN 1704-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM260) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 

(cats. $8000 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------ $5,500.00 
SPAIN 1752-S '% Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 275 (KM374) Seville mint PCGS XF45--------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1756-M '% Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 274 (KM378) PCGS XF45---------------------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1773-M 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 286 (KM417.1) NGC VF35----------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1777-M 2 Escudos Charles If] FR. 286 (KM417.1) PCGS XF45---------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1778-M 8 Escudos Charles Iff FR. 282 (KM409.1) Madrid mint (cats. $5000 XF in FR/ 

$3800 XF in KM) Scarce PCGS AUSS----------------------------------------------------------=-----=- $2,450.00 
SPAIN 1781-M 1 Escudo Charles If FR. 288 (KM416.1) PCGS AUS58----------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1783-M '% Escudo Charles III FR. 290 (KM415.1) PCGS AUS58---------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1787/6-M_ 1 Escudo Charles III FR. 288 ( This is obviously the overdate 

variety but is not indicated on the slab! PCGS XF45-----—_-_-__-________--__----_____—_-___— $195.00 
SPAIN 1787-M 2 Escudos Charles [fl FR. 296 (KM417.1a) Scarce date! (cats. $1000 in KM) 

PCGS XF45-------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-2 2n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nna $495.00 
SPAIN 1788-M 2 Escudos Charles Ill FR. 286 (KM417.1a) NGC MS61----------------------------------- $495.00 
SPAIN 1789-M '% Escudo Charles IV FR. 299 (KM433) Scarce (cats. $1200 XF in FR/ 

$1500 XF in KM) PCGS XF40--------------------------------------------------------------—-------------- $650.00 
SPAIN 1793-M 1 Escudo Charles 1V FR. 298 (KM434) Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------- $650.00 

SPAIN 1800/1799-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) This overdate variety unlisted in KM! 
Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $950.00 















SPAIN 1802-M 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 292 (KM437.1) Madrid mint Scarce 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
SPAIN 1807-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------- $350.00 
SPAIN 1808-M 2 Escudos Charles TV FR. 296 (KM435.1) “AI” Assayer 

PCGS XF45---------------------- $225.00 PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
SPAIN-Barcelona 1812 20 Pesetas FR. 23 (KM76) Arms/Rev: Value. Scarce three year type 

Napoleonic Wars Siege coin! (cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUSO0-------------------------------- $1,950.00 
SPAIN 1812/11-M 80 Reales Jose Napoleon Bonaparte FR. 302 (KM552) Laureate head/Rev: 

Arms. Interesting overdate variety! PCGS AU53-------------------------------------------------------—- $750.00 
SPAIN 1820-M 2 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 316 (KM483.2) Seville mint (cats. $400 XF/ 

$800 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1820-M 4 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 312 (KM484) Scarce this nice! NGC MS62---------- $1,250.00 
SPAIN 1822-M 80 Reales Ferdinand VII FR. 321 (KM564.2) Two year type! 

(cats. $1000 Unc in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
SPAIN 1829-M 2 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 315 (KM483.1) PCGS XF45------------------------------ $250.00 
SPAIN 1834-M 80 Reales Isabella If FR. 325 (KM577.2) PCGS VF25------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1845-M 80 Reales Isabella II FR. 325 (KM578.2) PCGS VF20------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1855 100 Reales Isabella II FR. 330 (KM596.3) Four year type! (cats. $600 XF/ 

$900 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $395.00 
SPAIN 1859 100 Reales Isabella If FR. 331 (KM605.1) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS65---------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1860 100 Reales Isabella II FR. 331 (KM605.1) NGC MS62------------------------------------- --$275.00 
SPAIN 1862 40 Reales Isabella If FR. 332 (KM616.2) Three year sub-type! PCGS AU55------------ $195.00 
SPAIN 1862 100 Reales Isabella If FR. 331 (KM605.2) PCGS MS62------------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1876 (1876) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUS8----------------------------- $135.00 
SPAIN 1877 (1877) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUS55-----$125.00 

PCGS MS63--------------------------n-- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $175.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1878) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343 (KM677) Scarce two year type! 

PCGS XF45 --------------------------------------------- 2-3 -n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1962) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343-R (KM677) Official Government Restrike 

PCGS MS66---------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $100.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1878) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUS5------- $125.00 

NGC MS63------------------$175.00 ANACS MS64---------------------------------------- 77 $195.00 
SPAIN 1880 (1880) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS MS62------ $165.00 

NGC MS 64 --------------------------------- nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $195.00 
SPAIN 1881 (1881) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 344 (KM687) PCGS MS61----------------------------- $150.00 
SPAIN 1889 (1889) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Baby head” FR. 345 (KM693) Scarcer date of 

the two year type! PCGS MS63-------------------------~---~-~~---n $n nnn nnn nnn $395.00 
SPAIN 1890 (1890) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Baby head” FR. 345 (KM693) Two year type! 

PCGS MS 63 -------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
SPAIN 1896 (1962) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 348-R (KM709) 

Official Government Restrike PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------- nnn $150.00 
SPAIN 1897 (1897) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347 (KM708) One year type! 

(cats. $2500 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS58-------- $1,450.00 PCGS MS61---------------- $1,950.00 

SPAIN 1897 (1961) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347-R (KM708) 
Official Government Restrike! Scarce only 810 pcs. struck in 1961! (Listed as RARE in FR/ 

$1550 in KM) PCGS MS63------------------------------------$--$---— nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
SPAIN 1897 (1962) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347-R (KM708) 

Official Government Restrike! NGC MS65------------------------------------------- nnn $650.00 
SPAIN 1899 (1899) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 348 (KM709) One year type! 

(cats. $500 XF in FR) NGC AUS55----$225.00 NGC AUS8-----$250.00 PCGS MS62------------ $450.00 

SPAIN 1997 40000 Pesetas “UNESCO/Pagoda de Horyu-Ji”* Not yet listed in KM! 
GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--——__-_-_----—------_---_______--—_-----_----------——-—— $350.00 




















SPANISH NETHERLANDS (Brabant) 1647 2 Souverain d’or Philip IV of Spain KM74.1 

Crowned bust/Rev: Arms. Hand mintmark (Antwerp) PCGS AUS0-------------------------------- $1,650.00 
SUDAN 1976 100 Pounds “Scimitar-horned Oryx” FR. 2 (KM72) Conservation Coin Series 
Only 872 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 

SUDAN 1981 100 Pounds PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#PS10 
(type of KM91 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE mintage limit was 500 but 

very few pcs. were actually struck! (cats. $1250) GEM PROOF-------------------------------------- $750.00 
SURINAME 1988 500 Guilders “Seoul Olympics-Swimming” FR. 6 (KM29) 2,000 mintage 
One year type! NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 

SURINAME 1990 250 Guilders “World Cup Soccer” FR. 9 (KM33) 1,000 mintage NGC PF68------ $195.00 
SWAZILAND 1974 10 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 4 (KM17) 

Interesting scallop-shaped planchet! NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
SWAZILAND 1975 100 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 6 (KM27) 1,000 mintage 
Choice P/L surfaces! PCGS MS68-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 

SWEDEN 1745 | Ducat Frederik 1 FR. 64 (KM421) Bust/Rev: Crowned shield. 2,470 minted 
Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2100 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

BR Na a a ae ge er eee $2,450.00 
SWEDEN 1850 4 Ducats OscarI FR. 88 (KM670) Rare three year type! Only 507 minted! 

(cats. $5000 XF/$7500 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $3,750.00 
SWEDEN 1868 | Carolin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS63--------- $350.00 
SWEDEN 1869 | Carolin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS61--------- $250.00 
SWEDEN 1874 10 Kronor PROOF Oscar II FR. 94 (KM732) EXTREMELY RARE 

NGC PF05 ------------------------------------------------ 29-22-2222 nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnnne $1,750.00 
SWEDEN 1877 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93 (KM744) Two year sub-type! NGC MS65---$195.00 

NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------- 2-97-2222 2222 n nnn n nnn nnn nana n-ne $250.00 
SWEDEN 1889 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS63----------- $100.00 

NGC MS64------------- $125.00 NGC MS6S--------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1895 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS65---------------------------------------- $195.00 
SWEDEN 1901 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94b (KM767) One year sub-type! NGC MS64----$75.00 

NGC MS65---------------------------- $100.00 NGC MS66----------------------------------------------- $125.00 
SWEDEN 1902 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93b (KM765) Three year sub-type! NGC MS65------------- $225.00 
SWEDEN 1925 20 Kronor Gustave V FR. 96 (KM800) Scarce one year type! 

(cats. $1300 in FR) NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
SWEDEN 1992 150 Ecu “King Gustav II/Ship VASA” 1,000 mintage GEM PROOF 

in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------------------------------------0--=- $125.00 
SWEDEN 1998 1000 Kronor “25™ Anniversary-Reign of King Carl XVI Gustaf’ KM893 

GEM PROOF in original case----------------------------------------------~----- 2 nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $150.00 
SWITZERLAND-Geneva 1762 | Pistole FR. 262 (KM77) Arms/Rev: Sun. (cats. $2500 XF 

in FR/$2000 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) NGC MS63---------------------------- $2,250.00 
SWITZERLAND-Geneva 1848 20 Francs FR. 263 (KM140) Scarce one year type! 

3,421 mintage PCGS MS02----------------------------------~----- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
SWITZERLAND-Helvetian Republic 1800-B 16 Franken FR. 282 (KM12) Warrior standing/ 

Rev: Value. Scarce one year type! (cats. $3000 Unc in KM) NGC MS62------------------------- $2,450.00 
SWITZERLAND-Luceme 1804 10 Francs FR. 327 (KM98) Crowned arms/Rev: Warrior seated. 

One year type! Scarce this nice! (cats. $2500 Unc in KM) NGC MS64--------------------------- $2,450.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1748 % Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) PCGS MS62---------------------------------- $350.00 

SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1758 “% Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) PCGS MS61--$295.00 PCGS MS62------- $350.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1761/58 “% Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) Overdate variety! 

PCGS MS61------------------------ $295.00 PCGS MS63-------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1776 % Ducat FR. 487 (KM164) One year sub-type! PCGS MS64----------- $750.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1819 | Ducat “Zwingli” FR. 490 (KM#M2) Issued on the 

Reformation! (cats. $650 XF in FR) NGC MS63--------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 










SWITZERLAND 1886 20 Francs “Helvetia” FR. 495 (KM31.3) NGC MS63----------------------------- $100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1912-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) Scarcer date! NGC MS64------------- $150.00 
SWITZERLAND 1913-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS62---$75.00 NGC MS63-----$100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1913-B 20 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 499 (KM35.1) NGC MS63----------------------------- $85.00 
SWITZERLAND 1916-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) Scarcer date!) NGC MS62-------------- $75.00 
SWITZERLAND 1922-B 10 Francs FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS64------- $75.00 NGC MS66---------- $100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1939 100 Francs “Lucerne Shooting Festival” FR. 506 (KM#S821) 

One year type! 6,000 mintage PCGS MS65--------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SYRIA 1950 1 Pound Republic FR. 2 (KM86) One year type! NGC MS65-------------------------------- $195.00 
THAILAND 1977 2500 Baht “Royal Wedding” FR. 33 (KM#Y119) NGC MS66----------------------- $250.00 
TRANSYLVANIA 1591 1 Ducat Sigismund Bathori FR. 152 St. Ladislas standing/Rev: 

Madonna and child. Scarce PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 
TRANSYLVANIA 1761 1 Ducat Maria Theresia FR. 275 (KM610) Kalsburg mint Scarce 

(cats. $850 XF in FR/$1000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5-------------------------------------------------- $950.00 

TRISTAN DA CUNHA 1999 50 Pence (1.40 0z) “Winston Churchill” not yet listed in KM but 
same design as silver KM9a and will eventually be listed in KM as KM9b! RARE with no 

more than 100 minted! NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
TUNISIA-French Protectorate 1935 100 Francs FR. 14 (KM257) NGC MS63---------------------------- $150.00 
TURKEY (1845) AH1255 Year 6 50 Kurush Abdul Mejid FR. 19 (KM678) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS65S ---------------------------------------- 22-2 n-ne nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $225.00 
TURKEY (1867) AH1277 Year 7 250 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 24 (KM697) 2,800 mintage 

(cats. $1000 XF in KM) NGC XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------ $395.00 
TURKEY (1868) AH1277 Year 8 250 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 24 (KM697) 

(cats. $650 XF in KM) NGC AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
TURKEY (1869) AH1277 Year 9 500 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 23 (KM698) (cats. $900) 

XF in FR/$950 XF in KM) NGC AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
TURKEY (1871) AH1277 Year 11 500 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 23 (KM698) (cats. $900 

XF in FR/$950 XF in KM) NGC AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
TURKEY (1878) AH1293 Year 2 500 Kurush Abdul Hamid II FR. 34 (KM727) (cats. $950 

XF in FR/$900 XF in KM) NGC AUS8----------------------------------------------------------------- ---$650.00 
TUVALU 1976 $50 “Native Meeting Hut” FR. | (KM9) 2,074 mintage NGC PF69-------------------- $295.00 
UGANDA 1981 2000 Shillings PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM31 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE GEM PROOF------------------------- $750.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “The Poem AENEID” KM65 2,000 mintage (cats. $750) 

NGC PF61---------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “ST. Michael’s Cathedral” KM68 3,000 mintage (cats. $700) 

NGC PF68 -------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2 nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $395.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “Kyiv-Pechersk Assumption Cathedral” KM71 3,000 mintage 

(cats. $700) NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------=- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1853 $1 Type One FR. 84 NGC AUS8--------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1854 $1 TypeI FR. 84 NGC MS61---$350.00 PCGS MS62------ $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1917 $1 McKinley FR. 102 NGC MS63------------------------------ $995.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1861 $2% Liberty FR. 114 NGC XF45-------------------------------- $195.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1902 $2% Liberty FR. 114 NGC MS62------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1903 $2% Liberty FR. 114 NGC MS62------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $2% Liberty FR. 114 PCGS MS62------------------------------ $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1910 $2 % Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61--------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61----$295.00 

NGC MS62------------------------ $395.00 PCGS MS062-------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1913 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS6l1---$295.00 NGC MS62---$395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1915 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS61--------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1925-D $2'% Indian FR. 121 PCGS MSo1---------- $275.00 

PEGS) MS6 2st ed RELIG CIC ON Pie ened a inne nteemniinin $350.00 














$2’ Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$350.00 PCGS MS62----$350.00 
$2'% Philadelphia Sesquicentennial FR. 123 PCGS MS63---$550.00 
$2% Indian FR. 120 PCGS MS62------------------------------- $350.00 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1928 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62---$350.00 PCGS MS62---$350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1929 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$350.00 PCGS MS62---$350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1874 $3 FR. 124 Scarce NGC MS61-----------------------------—- $1,950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1878 $3 FR. 124 Scarce NGC MS61-------------------------------- $1,950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1886 $3 PROOF FR. 124 RARE only 142 Proofs minted! 

PCGS PR64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $11,950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1834 $5 Classic Plain 4 FR. 135 (CW Trends $2700 MS60/ 

$3800 MS62) Our specimen is NGC MS61------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1880 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1880-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $295 00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1881 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1882 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---$295.00 PCGS MS62---$295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1885-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62---------- $295.00 

PCGS MS0)2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1886-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1887-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62---------- $350.00 

PCGS MS02---------------------------------------------n 22a nanan anna anna nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nena nena nnnee $350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1897 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62--$295.00 NGC MS63----$550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1903 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1903-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62----------- $295.00 

PCGS MS62-------------------------- $295.00 PCGS MS63----------------------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907-D $5 Liberty FR. 147 This type issued for only 

two years from the Denver Mint! PCGS MS62------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1908 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS60----------------------------------- $350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909-D $5 Indian FR. 151 NGC MS60------ $325.00 

NGC MS61---------- $375.00 NGC MS62------------ $450.00 PCGS MS62------------ $450.00 

NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2222 -n 222 n nnn nena $950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1910 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS60----------------------------------- $350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS61---$395.00 NGC MS62------ $495.00 


1912 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS62---$495.00 PCGS MS62----$495.00 
1915 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS60-------------------------------—--- $350.00 
1874-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 (CW Trends at $4250) 

NGC XF45 ------------------------------------------------------—----- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $2,750.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1877-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 (CW Trends at $2200) 

PCGS AUS0--------------------------------------------$--—- nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnnnn $1,650.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1881 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1891 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61---------------------------- ---$295.00 

Only 48 Proofs struck! PCGS PR64-------------------------------------~------- =~ nnn nnn nnn $19,500.00 

NGC MS61----- $295.00 NGC MS62---------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (CW Trends at $775)-------- $595.00 















UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1894 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61--------- $295.00 

NGC MS61-----$295.00 NGC MS62---------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (CW Trends at $800)-------- $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------- $325.00 

PCGS MS62---------------------------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (CW Trends at $700)------------------- $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS61---$295.00 NGC MS63----$550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS61-------- $295.00 

NGC MS063------------------------------------------------ = on orn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nanan $565.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1902-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS63 (CW Trends at $675)--$595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906-D $10 Liberty FR. 162 This type issued for only 

two years from the Denver Mint! NGC MS61------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1926 $10 Indian FR. 166 NGC MS63 (CW Trends at $725)------ $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1932 $10 Indian FR. 166 NGC MS63--------------------------------- $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1883-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61-------------------------- --$550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1884-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1888-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 (CW Trends at $975) NGC MS62---$695.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1889-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 (CW Trends at $1075) NGC MS62--$695.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1891-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61-------- $450.00 

PCGS MS6] ------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn= $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1892-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61------ $450.00 

PCGS MS61---------------------------- $450.00 NGC MS62----------------------------------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1893-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1894 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--------------------------------$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1894-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS6] ----------------------------------------- $n nnnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 


1895 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--$450.00 PCGS MS61--$450.00 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1895-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS6] ----------------------------------------$---- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn -------$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1896 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61------------------------------ --$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1896-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61----------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1897 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--$450.00 PCGS MS61--$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1897-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61-------$450.00 

PCGS MS61--------------------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1898-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61-------$450.00 

PCGS MS61--------------------------- $450.00 NGC MS62----------------------------------------------- $475.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--$450.00 PCGS MS61--$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS6 1 -------------------------------$------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61--------------------------- $450.00 NGC MS62----------------------------------------------- $475.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------------------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 (CW Trends $800) NGC MS62------$495 00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1903-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS61---------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61-------- $425.00 

PCGS MS61-----$425.00 NGC MS62---------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62-------------------------- $450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 NGC MS61-------- $450.00 

PCGS MS61-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$450.00 


1906-D $20 Liberty FR. 480 This type struck for only two 

years from the Denver mint! (CW Trends at $2000) PCGS MS63---------------------------------- $1,450.00 

10S 1. 






UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906-S $20 Liberty FR. 178 PCGS MS62---------------------------- $595.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $20 Liberty FR. 177 NGC MS61--$450.00 PCGS MS61--$450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907-D $20 Liberty FR. 180 This type struck for only 

two years from the Denver Mint! NGC MS61-------- $450.00 PCGS MS61--------- $450.00 

PCGS MS64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ 1,450.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909 $20 St. Gaudens FR. 185 (CW Trends at $1075) 

NGC MS02------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909-S $20 St. Gaudens FR. 186 (CW Trends at $1100) 

DOGS pam Na aa an gee $950.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911-D $20 St. Gaudens FR. 187 PCGS MS63---------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1924 $20 St. Gaudens FR. 185 NGC MS65-------------------------- $895 00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1927 $20 St. Gaudens FR. 185 NGC MS65-------------------------- $895.00 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1999 $100 Platinum (1 oz) “Statue of Liberty/Eagle” NGC MS67--$650.00 
URUGUAY 1930 5 Pesos “Constitution Centennial” FR. 6 (KM27) One year type! 

NGC MS64----------------- $150.00 NGC MS6S(Scarce this nice!)------------------------------------- $225.00 
URUGUAY 1954 20 Centesimos struck in gold KM#Pn51 RARE only 100 struck! NGC PF63-------- $595.00 
VATICAN 1 Ducato d’oro ND Pope Nicolo V (1447-1455) FR. 6 Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. 

Scarce PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------- 20-22-2222 nanan nanan nnn nanan n= $750.00 
VATICAN-Bologna | Ducato d’oro ND Pope Allessandro VI Borgia (1492-1503) FR. 330 

Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
VATICAN I Fiorino di camera ND Pope Clemente VII (1523-1534) FR. 60 Arms/Rev: 

St. Peter in ship. Rare this nice! PCGS MS61---------------------------------------------------------- $1,650.00 
VATICAN 1747 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) The Church seated/ 

Rev: Arms. PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------- 22-22 n 22a nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1787 2 Doppie d’oro (60 Paoli) Pope Pius VI FR. 385 (KM317) Lily/ 

Rev: Two shields. Scarce (cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS55S------------------------------------ $1,450.00 
VATICAN 1 Doppia ND Year XVIII (1817-1818) Pope Pius VII FR. 248 (KM1076) 

St. Peter seated/Rev: Arms. Scarce PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
VATICAN 1835-B 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 264 (KM1108) Scarcer date! Bologna mint 

Nice luster with some P/L surfaces! (cats. $1800 XF n FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------ $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1835-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) PCGS AUS8---------------------- $950.00 
VATICAN 1836-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) PCGS AU55---------------------- $850.00 
VATICAN 1866-R 20 Lire Year XXI Pope Pius [IX FR. 280 (KM1382.2) PCGS MS62--------------- $350.00 
VATICAN 1868-R 20 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.3) Year XXII (cats. $550 Unc in KM) 

PCGS AUS5S5--------------------- $250.00 NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
VATICAN CITY 1929 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) First year of the series! 

NGC MS63------------------ $295.00 PCGS MS617-------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1931 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 3,343 mintage 

NGC MS64------------------ $495.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1933-1934 100 Lire Pope Pius XI “Jubilee” FR. 284 (KM#Y19) 

One year type! NGC MS64------------- $250.00 NGC MS65-------------------------------------------- $295.00 
VATICAN CITY 1935 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 2,015 mintage 

NGC MS6l(ex-John Jay Pittman Collection!)---------$395.00 NGC MS64--------------------------$495 00 
VATICAN CITY 1936 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 285 (KM#Y10) NGC MS64-------------------------- $350.00 

VATICAN CITY 1939 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,700 mintage NGC MS66-------- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1939 complete Pope Pius XII Mint set KM#MS20 Set consists of the 
gold 100 Lire (KM#Y30) plus eight minor coins. 2,700 sets issued! All nine coins are 

GEM BU and housed in the original presentation CaSe--------------------------------------------------~- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1940 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,000 mintage 

NGC MS65--------------------- $450.00 NGC MS66--------------------------------------------------- ----$495 00 
VATICAN CITY 1942 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 2,000 mintage 

NGC MS64------------------- $395.00 NGC MS65------------------------------------------=- == $450.00 

VATICAN CITY 1944 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS64-----$695.00 
VATICAN CITY 1946 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65-----$750.00 














VATICAN CITY 1947 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage 

AU details but cleaned=ANACS Net EF45-----$350.00 NGC MS64------------- $695.00 
ere eR icant $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1948 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) NGC MS65--------------------— $295.00 

VATICAN CITY 1949 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1950 100 Lire “Holy Year” Pope Pius XII FR. 289 (KM#Y48) 

One year type! NGC MS67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
VATICAN CITY 1951 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage 
PCGS MS65----------------- $750.00 ICG MS66----------------------------------------------------------- $795.00 

VATICAN CITY 1953 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#YS53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1954 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 
VATICAN CITY 1956 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 
VATICAN CITY 1957 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-A53) 2,000 mintage NGC MS66------$350.00 
VATICAN CITY 1958 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-A53) 3,000 mintage 

NGC MS65------------------------- $295.00 PCGS MS66------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
VATICAN CITY 1959 100 Lire Pope John XXIII FR. 292 (KM#Y66) Scarce one year type! 

NGC MS64-------------------- $1,250.00 NGC MS66--------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1996 50000 Lire “Pope John Paul II” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF69--------------- $195.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------- $195.00 
VATICAN CITY 1996 100000 Lire “Pope John Paul II” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF69---------------- $395.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------- $395.00 
VENEZUELA 1912 20 Bolivares FR. Sc (KM#Y32) NGC MS65------------------------------------------- $195.00 
VENEZUELA 1983 3000 Bolivares “200 Anniversary-Birth of Simon Bolivar” FR. 10 

(KM#Y59) One year type! NGC PF65-------------------------------------------------~----- === —~ $450.00 
VENEZUELA 1987 10000 Bolivares “Simon Bolivar” FR. 11 (KM#Y61) One year type! 

(cats. $550 in FR) NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------- =n 2m nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
VENEZUELA 1988 5000 Bolivares “Rafael Urdaneta” FR. 12 (KM#Y62) NGC PF69--------------- ---$195.00 
VENEZUELA 1988 5000 Bolivares “Santiago Marino” FR. 13 (KM#Y63) NGC PF69---$195.00 

NGC PF70----------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
VENEZUELA 1990 5000 Bolivares “Jose Antonio Paez” FR. 14 (KM#Y65) NGC PF69--------------- $195.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 1 Riyal “Camel with rider” FR. 18 (KMla) RARE 

Only 100 struck! NGC PF67------------------------------------------~---- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $395.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 5 Rials “Falcon head” FR. 16 (KM6) NGC PF68-------------------- $125.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 20 Rials “Camel” FR. 14 (KM9) Scarce NGC PF69--------------- $350.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 50 Rials “Lion” FR. 11 (KMI la) Scarce 

Contains 1.4180 oz gold! GEM PROOF ----------------------------------------------------------------—- --$950.00 
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1975 100 Rials “Arab Jerusalem” FR. 19 (KM22) NGC PF64----------- $395.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1931 1 Ducat Alexander] FR. 5 (KM12.2) With ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia) NGC MS65-------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 

YUGOSLAVIA 1931 4 Ducats Alexander 1 FR. 4 (KM14.1) Conjoined busts of the 
King and Queen with sword countermark (for Bosnia)/Rev: double-headed eagle. 

PCGS AU58------ $550.00 PCGS MS63------------ $750.00 ANACS MS63-------------------------- $750.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1932 1 Ducat Alexander I FR. 5 (KM12.2) with ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia). NGC MS62------------- $125.00 ANACS MS62------------------------------------------ $125.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1933 1 Ducat Alexander I FR. 5 (KM12.2) Scarcer date! Ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia). NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------~ =~ ~~ == nnn nnn $225.00 
YUGOSLAVIA 1987 50000 Dinara “200" Anniversary-Birth of Karajich” FR. 21 (KM130) 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—- $195.00 

ZAIRE (Congo) 1975 100 Zaires “Leopard” FR. 1 (KM11) Conservation Coin Series 
1,145 mintage NGC MS6S--------------------------------------------------- 9-3 nnn nn nnn nnn $450.00 


We offer collectors the standard 60 day lay-a-way plan--this requires approx. 1/3 down at the time of 
invoice--with another 1/3 due in 30 days from invoice date and the final 1/3 in 60 days from invoice date--all 
lay-a-way invoices must be paid in full within 60 days of invoice date! No interest or handling charges! We 
offer this service as a courtesy to serious collectors who want to add specimens to their collection but need a 
bit of time to pay for them! We are not a bank! If you cannot adhere to these terms or do not think you can 
pay it off within 60 days--do not ask for the lay-a-way plan as all lay-a-way invoices not paid in full within the 
60 day time period will be forfeited. We do not want to be in that position so if you start a lay-a-way invoice, 
we expect you to complete it as this service is offered strictly as a courtesy to our clients! 


MS60 to MS62 Brilliant Uncirculated to Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS63 to MS64 Superb Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS65 and higher Gem Brilliant Uncirculated 


We are always in the market to purchase high quality and rare gold coins of the world as well as scarce 
United States gold! When it comes time to dispose of your collection please contact our firm, as we need 
“fresh” inventory for our ads, price lists and client wantlists and we are paying competitive market prices for the 
material we need! Please contact us for additional information concerning our purchase of coin estates, etc. 
It’s not the happiest of thoughts, but we all have to plan for the future! We welcome the chance to purchase 
your gold coin holdings whenever that time comes--now or at some future date! 


1. All coins sold by our firm are guaranteed genuine. 
2. All Florida residents must add the 6% state sales tax to their orders if the total invoice is under $500. 

3. All shipments sent within the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are sent via postpaid registered mail— 
fully insured. Federal Express and Express Mail service is available for shipments within the USA and 
Puerto Rico for an additional fee of $15 per shipment, if you would like this service, please add $15 to your 


4. All international shipments are sent via postpaid registered airmail—fully insured. Express Mail service for 
international shipments is also available at an added charge—depending on the destination, weight and 
value of the shipment. If you would like this added cost service, let me know and we can quote you current 
charges based on your order. 

5. All domestic orders should be paid in the form of a bank cashier’s check or money order for immediate 
shipment. We do accept personal and business checks but allow the bank clearance time prior to shipment 

taking place (approx. ten banking days from day of deposit of your check). 

6. All international orders must be paid in the form of a bank draft drawn on a USA bank and payable to us in 
USA dollars. Please fax us if you need a pro-forma invoice. 

7. Sorry, we do not accept any form of credit card for payment! 
8. All coins sold by our firm have a full 30 day return period (that’s 30 days after you receive the shipment!). 
You can return any coin purchased from us for a full refund during that period, no questions asked and no 

explanation needed! However, after the 30 day period expires, all sales will be considered final. 

9. If you are sending any coins back to us for a refund, they must be shipped to us via registered mail thru the 
U. S. Post Office and declared for their full value! 

10. We are a mail-order only company with no retail offices! ALL COINS ARE KEPT IN BANK VAULTS! 



Numismatic Gold Specialists Since 1950 

P.O. BOX 1565 * BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33429-1565 
Tel: 954/781-3455 ¢ Fax: 954/781-5865 
E-mail: coins @ * Web site: 

Fall 2002/ Winter 2003 


Dear Clients: Welcome to our Fall/Winter price list! This list contains hundreds of new purchases 
from recent coin shows including the ANA and Long Beach conventions, as well as specialized purchases 
from various auctions such as the Dr. Seventko & Goodman Collections! If you have any questions or 
would like to check availability on anything please feel free to contact us! We hope you find some nice 
additions for your collection! --Bob & Mike 

rE ANCIENT GREECE/LYDIA Archaic Kingdom electrum 1/3 stater ND Pre-Croesus 
(650-561 BC) FR. 448 (Sear 3398) Lion head/Rev: Incuse. Considered to be the 
world § first-comage! *(cats. $2600. FR).ICG,AU30-——————___——_ $1,950.00 
2 ANCIENT GREECE/IONIA Lesbos-Mytilene electrum Hekte (1/6 stater) ND (521-478 BC) 
FR. 327 (Bodenstedt 16, SNG von Aulock 7719) Ram’s head/Rev: Incuse lion’s head. 
(cats. $1200 in FR) ICG EF45-----------------------------------------________________————— --$950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE/IONIA Lesbos-Mytilene electrum Hekte (1/6 stater) ND (521-478 BC) 
FR. 332 Dewing # 2233 Lion’s head/Rev: Incuse calf’s head. (cats. $1200 in FR) 
ICG EF40---------------------------------------$---$-n- nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
4. ANCIENT GREECE/ITALY-Syracuse (in Sicily) gold | 1/3 Litrae ND (circa 405 BC) 
FR. 65 Dewing #866 Head of Herakles/Rev: Female head in incuse square. Scarce 
(cats. $3500 m FR) ICG EF40-——____—______________—_ $1,450.00 
ANCIENT GREECE/ITALY-Taras (Tarentum) in Calabria gold Hemi-stater (’2 stater) ND 
(302-281 BC) FR. 43 (SNG Kop. 835) Head of Herakles/Rev: Taras in biga. 
Scarce (cats. $3000 in FR) ICG VF30---—__---__-------___-_---___-_--_____-__--—— $2,450.00 
6. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold 1/12 stater ND Philip II (struck 323-315 BC) 
FR. 105 S. #6676 ICG VF25------------------------------$-mrr nnn $750.00 
a ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip II (struck 323-315 BC) 
FR. 97 ANS SNG #178 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Pella mint (cats. $4000 XF in FR) 
ICG AUSO-—------_--_-__-_______--_----_---_-------______________-__________-------—oo $1,950.00 
8. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip II (struck 323-316 BC) FR. 97 
S. #6661 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Abydus mint (cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUSS------- $2,450.00 
9. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater ND Philip II (struck 323-316 BC) FR. 97 
ANS SNG #310 Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Magnesia (in Ionia) mint Scarce 
(cate 4000 AE mn ER) 1CG AUl3——— $2,750.00 
10. ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Philip Il (359-336 BC) FR. 97 
: Head of Apollo/Rev: Biga. Amphipolis mint Scarce (cats. $4000 XF in FR) ICG AUS3------- $2,250.00 
a ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great ND (336-323 BC) 

FR. 107 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint ICG EF45----------------- $1,750.00 

Michael D. Sottini Robert L. Steinberg 
(1 Ti) 

A.N.A. Member # R175304 A.N.A. Life Member # 1958 





(oi aT meld MUMS ATISTS 



William Fox Steinberg 

In Memorium 1913-1995 











ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 333-327 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 3004 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Tarsus mint 

ICG AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 332-323 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 3968 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Memphis (Egypt) mint 

ICG AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 330-320 BC) 

FR. 107 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Amphipolis mint 

ICG EF40---------------- $1,750.00 ICG AUS0---------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 325-320 BC) 

FR. 107 Price #3100 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. 

Citium (Kition in Cyprus) mint ICG AUS5-------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-317 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 1524 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Abydus mint 

ICG EF45------------------------ $1,750.00 ICG AUS0-------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-319 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 2276a Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Teos mint 

ICG VF35------------------------------------------------------- 292-222 nnn nn nnn n nnn nana nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnnnn nnn $1,650.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 323-319 BC) 

FR. 107 Price # 1943 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. 

Magnesia ad Maeadrum mint ICG AUSS----------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 311-305 BC) 

FR. 107 Price #3748 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint 

ICG AUS0--------------------------------------------------------- 2222-2 nnn enna nn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nanan nana anne $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 311-305 BC) 

FR. 107 Price #3749 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Babylon mint 

ICG AUS5S ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-29-2222 nnn nnn nn nn nn nnnnn nanan $2,450.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Macedonian Kingdom gold stater Alexander the Great (struck 300-295 BC) 

FR. 107 Price #2136 Helmeted head of Athena/Rev: Nike standing. Miletos mint 

ICG VF35--------------------------------------------- == =n 22 nnnn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nanan nn $1,650.00 
ANCIENT GREECE/PERSIA-Achaemenid Kingdom gold daric ND Darius (420-375 BC) 

FR. 459 Kneeling king running with spear and bow/Rev: Incuse square. (cats. $2000 XF) 

ICG AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,950.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Carthage in Zeugitana gold 1/10 stater ND (circa 350-320 BC) FR. 584 

Palm tree/Rev: Horse’s head. Scarce (cats. $800 VF/$1500 XF in FR) VF-----$550.00 XF------ $850.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Carthage in Zeugitana electrum Stater ND (350-320 BC) FR. 585 

(SNG Kop. 136) Head of Tanit/Rev: Horse standing. ICG VF35------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
ANCIENT GREECE/GAUL Celtic coinage Gallo-Belgic Issue gold stater of The Ambiani 

(circa 150-50 BC) FR. 3 (under Great Britain), FR. 14 (under Ancient Greece/Gaul) 

Convex plain blank/Rev: Crude horse with pellets. (cats. $1500 XF in FR under 

Ancient Greece) ICG EF45--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ANCIENT GREECE-Thracian King Koson (44-42 BC) gold stater FR. 124 S. #1733 

Consul walking left between lictors/Rev: Eagle on sceptre holding wreath in claw. 

Probably issued for Brutus for the Civil War. (cats. $3000 XF in FR) ICC MS62-----$850.00 

ICG MS63------------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 -n nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nena nnn nnn $995.00 
ANCIENT ROME -Julius Caesar (60-44 BC) gold aureus ND FR. 16, C. #2, Syd. #1017 

Veiled female head/Rev: Priestly implements. Struck at Rome in 46 BC by A. Hirtius 

as praetor. Possibly struck to commemorate Caesar’s triumphs in 46 BC (he distributed 

5000 denarii each to all of his soldiers plus 100 denarii per man to the populace of Rome!) 

ICG VF25----------------------- $2,450.00 ICG EF4S5----------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
















ANCIENT ROME-Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 5! Laureate head right/ 

Rev: Caius and Lucius standing. Augustus was the first Roman Emperor, a great nephew of 

Julius Caesar whose proper name was Octavian, assumed the name Augustus in 27 BC 

Lugdunum mint. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! Scarce (cats. $2000 VF in FR) 

Our specimen has a couple of small scrapes and marks which keep it from being “slabbed”, 

but still a decent looking specimen which would otherwise grade a nice Fine or better!------------ $1,250.00 
ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 65, S. #565 Variant 

Head/Rev: Livia seated. One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! (cats. $2500 VF in FR) 

ICG VF25-------- $1,750.00 ICG VF30------------- $1,950.00 ICG VF35-------------------------- $2,250.00 
ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 94, RIC 63, C. #118, 

BMC #77 Head/Rev: Jupiter seated. (cats. $3000 VF in FR) Struck at Rome 66-67 AD! 

One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! ICG VF20--------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
ANCIENT ROME- Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 98, RIC 71, C. #315, 

BMC #98 Head/Rev: Salus seated. Struck at Rome 67-68 AD! (cats. $3000 VF in FR) 

One of the “Twelve Ceasars”! ICG VF20--------- $1,750.00 ICG VF35--------------------------- $1,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Galba (68-69 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 105 RIC 164 Cohen 286 

Sear 2093 One of the “Twelve Caesars”! RARE (cats. $6000 VF/$20000 XF in FR) 

ICG VF30---------------------------------------------------- 2-22-2222 n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn anna anna nnn nae === == $5,500.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Vespasian (Titus Caesar) (69-79 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 132, 

RIC 169 Head/Rev: Pax seated. Struck at Rome in 74 AD. One of the “Twelve Caesars”! 

(cats. $3000 VF in FR) ICG VF30----------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Vespasian (69-79 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 127, RIC 97, C. #116 

Head/Rev: Cow. Struck at Rome in 76 AD. One of the “Twelve Caesars”! 

(cats. $9000 XF in FR) ICG EF40------------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Titus (79-81 AD) gold aureus ND (type not listed in FR) 
RIC 24a, C #312 Bust/Rev: Throne. One of the “Twelve Caesars” ICG VF25------------------- $2,450.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD) gold aureus ND (type not listed in FR) 

RIC 64, C. #1060 Bust/Rev: Jupiter seated left holding thunderbolt and sceptre. 

Struck 119-122 at Rome. Ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! (type cats. $6000 in FR) 

ICG EF40------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 210, RIC 186, 

C. #406 Bust/Rev: Emperor on horseback. Struck 125-128 at Rome. (cats. $6500 in FR) 

ICG EF40------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 243, RIC 256, 

C. #305 Bust/Rev: Emperor standing holding globe. Struck 155-156 at Rome. 

ex- Dr. Seventko Collection! (cats. $5000 XF in FR-highest grade listed) ICG MS61----------- $4,450.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 287, RIC 90, 

C. #466 Bust/Rev: Victory standing with shield. Issued to commemorate the Roman 

victory in Armenia! Struck 163-164. Scarce (cats. $6000 in FR) ICG EF45--------------------- $2,950.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Severus Alexander (222-235 AD) gold aureus ND FR. 477 

Cohen 280 Struck 230 AD! Bust/Rev: Emperor walking to right holding spear, 

military trophy over shoulder. (cats. $6000 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! ICG MS64------------ $5,500.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Enmpperor Licinius I (308-324 AD) gold aureus ND RIC # 20 Bust right/ 

Rev: Jupiter seated holding Victory on globe and sceptre; at feet, eagle with wreath. 

Struck 317-318 AD at Nicomedia. RARE (type cats. $8000 EF in FR) ICG AUS0------------- $5,500.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constantius II (337-361 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 864 

Bust right/Rev: Roma and Constantinople seated holding shield. Struck at Antioch. 

Scarce (cats. $3000 XF in FR) ICG AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constantius II (as Augustus) gold solidus ND (337-361 AD) 

FR. 868, RIC 122, C. #261 Bust right/Rev: Victory standing holding trophy mounted on 

long pole and palm branch. Struck 343-344 at Trier. Well struck on a round flan. 

(cats. $1800 EF in FR) ICG AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,750.00 













ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Constantius II gold solidus ND (337-361 AD) FR. 869, RIC 44, 

C. #288 Diademed, cuirassed and draped bust right with laurel wreath around/ 

Rev: Victory seated right inscribing shield held by genius; around, laurel wreath. 

Struck 340-350 at Aquileia! Struck from finely executed dies! Aquileia was one of 

the strongest fortresses of the Roman Empire but it couldn’t withstand the attack of Attila 

and was razed in 452 AD! Its inhabitants fled to the area at which the future city of Venice 

was founded! ex-Dr. Seventko Collection and lovely quality! (cats. $1800 EF in FR-highest 

grade listed!) ICG MS60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $2, 
ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Gratian (367-383 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 891 RIC 17f, C. #38 

Bust right/Rev: Emperors seated, facing, holding globe between them with Victory above. 

Struck 367-375 at Tréven. (cats. $1500 m FR) ICG EF45—___—_..__________ $1, 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius I (379-395 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 894 Bust/ 
Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding sceptre and globe, resting 



right foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $1500 XF in FR) ICG MS63-------------------- $1,450.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Arcadius (383-408 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 1, RIC 7 
Bust facing/Rev: Constantinople enthroned, head facing right, holding Victory on globe, 
her right foot on prow. Struck 397-402 at Constantinople ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! 

ICG AUSS ----------------------------------------------------------- 222-22 -- 2a nanan nnn nnn nn nanan nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Honorius (393-423 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 903 Helmeted bust/ 
Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (cats. $700 XF in FR) 

ICG ERAS $595.00 ICG AUS5----------- $695 00. JEG AUS§2-— ea ee $750.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Honorius (393-423 AD) gold solidus ND RIC # 1287, C. # 44 
Cf;S. #4244 Bust nght/Rev: Emperor standing with foot on captive foe. 

Struck 402-403 at Ravenna. ICG EF45------------ $750.00° IGG: AUs5- = $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 14, RIC 361-3 

Bust/Rev: Emperor standing. Struck 424-430 at Thessalonica. ICG AUS58-------------------------- $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 15 Bust/ 
Rev: Victory holding long jeweled cross. Constantinople mint (struck 420-422 AD) 

ICA ee $505, 00-1CG MS61-=— ee $750.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16 Bust/ 
Rev: Constantinopolis seated with foot on prow. Constantinople mint (struck 433 AD) 

NOG AL see $550.00" ICG MS63—-— re ee $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16, RIC 257 
Bust/Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing left with foot on prow. Struck 430-440 AD at 

Constantinople. ICG AUSS--------- $550.00 ICG MS63 (ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! )------------ $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 16, 
RIC 293 Bust/Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing left with foot on prow. 
Struck 441-450 AD at Constantinople. ICG MS62---------------------------- $850.00 


ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Theodosius II (402-450 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 18 Bust/ 
Rev: Constantinopolis seated facing right holding Victory on globe. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS§ et OO ee ee $550.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Valentinian II] (425-455 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 918 Bust right/ 
Rev: Emperor standing holding cross and globe with right foot on human-headed coiled snake. 

Ravenna mint. (cats. $950 XF in FR) ICG AUS58------ $750.00 ICG MS60------------------------- $995.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Valentinian III (425-455 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 918 RIC 2010, 
C. #19 Bust right/Rev: Emperor standing holding long cross and Victory on globe with 
right foot on human-headed coiled snake. Struck 426-430 at Ravenna. (cats. $950 XF in FR) 

1G AUS 3 a ee $950.00 

ANCIENT ROME-Emperor Leo I (457-474 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 25 RIC 605 Facing bust/ 
Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Struck 462-466 AD at Constantinople. 
ICG MS61----------- $595.00 ICG MS62-------------- $650.00 ICG MS63----------------------------- 



















ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding staff with reversed Chi-rho 

Constantinople mint (struck 498 AD) Very Rare transitional type! ICG MS64------------------- $ | 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Anastasius I (491-518 AD) gold solidus ND 

FR. 61 Facing bust/Rev: Victory standing holding long cross. Constantinople mint 


(struck 498-518 AD) ICG EF45----------------- AEG TI IGG MAS Hn ee eee $750.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justin | (518-527 AD) gold tremissis FR. 71 

Bust/Rev: Victory walking. ICG AUS0---------------------------------------------------------—- $295.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justinian | (527-565 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 73 
Facing bust/Rev: angel holding long cross and globus cruciger. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUSO0-------- $395.00 ICG AUS58----------- $495.00 ICG MS62----------------------------------- $750.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Tiberius II (579-582 AD) gold solidus FR. 84 

(Sear 422) Bust/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint ICG AU5S--------------------------------- $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Maurice Tiberius (582-602 AD) gold solidus ND 
FR. 88 Berk# 82 Bust/Rev: Victory standing holding cross. Constantinople mint 

WG AS 5 ate $375 Gd se COS ee ee $350.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Focas (602-610 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 93 
S. #620 Bust/Rev: Victory standing holding cross. ICG AU58------- $350.00 

ICG MS60-----$395.00 ICG MS61------- $450.00 ICG MS62--------- $495.00 ICG MS63------- $595.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD) gold solidus FR. 107 
Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas standing/Rev: Cross potent. 

Constantinople mint ICG AU5S0--------------------------------------—-—---———— $295.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constans II (641-668 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 110 

Bost/Rev. (Cross potent. Constantinople ntat ICG AU}38-————— $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constans II (641-668 AD) gold solidus ND 
FR. 119 Busts of Constans II and Constantine [V/Rev: Heraclius and Tiberius standing. 

Constantinople mint ICG MS61---------------------------------------____--_---_—-——————— $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Justinian II (First Reign 685-695 AD) gold solidus 

ND FR. 129 Berk #185 Bust/Rev: Cross potent. Constantinople mint ICG AU58---------------- $495.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Leontius (695-698 AD) gold solidus ND FR. 134 
Ratto # 1728 Crowned bust facing holding akakia and globus cruciger/Rev: Cross potent. 
Constantinople mint. Scarce ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! ICG AU58------------------------------ $1 
ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Constantine V (741-775 AD) gold solidus 
ND FR. 169 Bust/Rev: Bust of Leo III. Struck 741-751 at Constantinople. 


ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! ICG AU58------------------------------------n3 nnn nnn $950.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Theophilus (829-842 AD) gold solidus FR. 207 

(Sear 1673) Bust/Rev: Bust Struck at Syracuse 831-842. ICG EF45-------------------------------- $395.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Basil I (867-886 AD) gold solidus ND 
FR. 218, Ratto #1858 Christ seated on lyre-backed throne, right hand raised in benediction, 
book of Gospels resting on left knee/Rev: Facing busts of Basil and Constantine holding 
patriarchal cross between them. Struck 868-879 at Constantinople. 

ex-Dr. Seventko Collection! ICG AU58----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn $950.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperors Constantine VII and Romanus II (945-959 AD) 
gold solidus ND Sear # 1751 Bust of Christ facing/Rev: Facing busts of Constantine VII 
and Romanus II and holding between them a long patrimarchal cross. Constantinople mint 

ICG AUS0-------------~---=---n-n---na-- nnn nnn nnn nnn $650.00 

ANCIENT BYZANTINE EMPIRE-Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas (963-968 AD) 
gold stamenon nomisma FR. 234 Bust of Christ/Rev: Busts of Virgin and Emperor. 

OST ev stile a) Pip rrs La Pot eS SAE mb, CU WN | 07 aR $950.00 

AFGHANISTAN SH1299 (1920) 5 Amani Amanullah Khan FR. 29 (KM890) Scarce 

(cats. $2000 Unc in FR) PCGS MS62----—--_-_----------__-________--—_______-_-___—_--—-—"— $1 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 25 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 6 (KM36) 

NGC PF63------------- $165.00 NGC PF61---------------------------------------------------------------—- 















AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 50 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 5 (KM39) 

NGC PF63------------------ $250.00 NGC PF66------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) 100 Riyals ND (1971) “Save Venice” FR. 4 (KM40) 

NGC PF62--------------------------- $395.00 NGC PF6S--------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
AJMAN (United Arab Emirates) complete 3 pc. gold & | pc. silver “Save Venice” PROOF set 

KM#PS12 GEM PROOF in original case------------------------------------------------------------------ $850.00 
ALBANIA 1926-R 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog 1 FR. 4 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,900 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS63------------------- $350.00 
ALBANIA 1927-V 20 Franga “Skanderbeg” Zog I FR. 6 (KM12) Bust of Skanderbeg/Rev: 

Winged lion. 5,053 mintage One year sub-type with this mintmark! NGC MS64------------------- $350.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga PROVA Zog I FR. 1 (KM#Pr29) Bust with no stars below/Rev: 

Chariot with PROVA in field above. Scarce (cats. $1500) PCGS MS62--------------------------- $1,250.00 
ALBANIA 1927-R 100 Franga ZogI FR. 1 (KM11a.1) Bust with no stars below/Rev: Chariot. 

(cats. $1250 in KM) NGC MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ALBANIA 1937-R 100 Franga Zog 1 ‘25" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 11 (KM21) 

One year type! Only 500 minted! (cats. $3000 in FR) PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ALBANIA 1968 20 Leke “Sword and helmet” FR. 22 (KMS51.3) Variety with comucopia countermark 

(Paris mint)! EXTREMELY RARE with only 24 pcs. struck in red gold! NGC PF66------------- $450.00 
ALBANIA 1968 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KMS53.1) NGC PF67-------------------------- $225.00 
ALBANIA 1969 20 Leke “Sword and helmet in wreath” FR. 22 (KM51.4) Only 650 minted! 

Listed in KM as “Reported but not confirmed”! NGC PF65--------------------------------------------- $295.00 

ALBANIA 1969 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.2) only 500 minted! NGC PF67------ $295.00 
ALBANIA 1969 200 Leke “Buthrotum Ruins” FR. 19 (KM55.2) Scarce only 200 minted! 

NGC PF0S-------------------------------------------------------- 29-2222 2n nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnnenene $750.00 
ALBANIA 1969 500 Leke “500™ Anniversary-Death of Skanderbeg” FR. 18 (KM56.2) 

Contains 2.8574 oz! Scarce only 200 pcs. struck! GEM PROOF------------------------------------ $1,450.00 
ALBANIA 1970 20 Leke “500" Anniversary-Death of Prince Skanderbeg” FR. 22 (KMS1.5) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF65-------------------- $125.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------ $150.00 
ALBANIA 1970 50 Leke “Argirocastrum Ruins” FR. 21 (KM53.3) Rare only 100 struck! 

NGC PF 66----------------------------------------------------------------- 297-922-2222 202-222-2222 non -n === $350.00 
ALBANIA 1987 100 Leke “Seaport of Durazzo” FR. 23 (KM59) Arms/Rev: Ship in harbor. 

NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222-292-9222 2-2 $195.00 
ALDERNEY 1995 1 Pound “V.E. Day” KM12a Only 500 minted! Contains .4653 oz gold! 

(cats. $350) NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-=- $295.00 
ALGERIA-Algiers AH974 (1567) 1 Sultani Selim I] Jaza’ir mint ICG AUS8-------------------------------- $495.00 
ALGERIA-Algiers AH982 (1575) 1 Sultani Murad III Jaza’ir mint ICG EF45------------------------------ $395.00 

ALGERIA 1996 2 Dinars Republic “L’Emir Abd El Kader” Not yet listed in KM! NGC MS66-------- $250.00 
ANNAM (Vietnam) 12 Tien ND Minh Mang (1820-1841) KM211 

(FR. 7 but incorrectly listed as a 1 Tien) EXTREMELY RARE ICG AUS58---------------------- $1,950.00 
ARGENTINA 1842 2 Escudos “General Rosas” FR. 11 (KM13) Scarce one year type! 

(cats. $1500 XF) PCGS AUS0----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
ARGENTINA 1843 2 Escudos “Sun over mountain” FR. 12 (KM17) Scarce one year type! 

PCGS VF25---------------- $550.00 PCGS AUSS---------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ARGENTINA 1885 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) PCGS AUS55------------------- $125.00 
ARGENTINA 1889 5 Pesos (Argentino) “Liberty head” FR. 14 (KM6) Rarest date of the series! 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------n-- non nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nena $450.00 
ARGENTINA 1995 5 Pesos “50” Anniversary of the United Nations” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF68--------- $195.00 GEM PROOF in original capsule with certificate------------------------ $195.00 
ARGENTINA-Tierra del Fuego 1889 5 Gramos FR. 1 (KM#Tn2) EXTREMELY RARE 

One year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR-highest grade listed there!) PCGS MS62------------------- $4,450.00 
ARUBA 1999 100 Florin “Tradition with Vision” KM19 GEM PROOF ------------------------------------ $225.00 
AUSTRALIA 1855-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9 (KM2) Scarce two year type! (cats. $3000 VF/ 

$7500 XF in KM) PCGS VF25----------- $1,100.00 PCGS VF30------------ $1,250.00 

BOGS VEG 5 tcl $1,450.00 PCGS X40 rer $2,450.00 
















AUSTRALIA 1856-S 2 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9a (KM1) Scarce two year type! PCGS VG10------- $250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1856-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 9 (KM2) Scarce two year type! 

(cats. $3000 in KM) PCGS VF25----------------------------------------------------------------— $1,100.00 
AUSTRALIA 1857-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1500 XF in KM) 

PCGS XF45--------------------- $350.00 PCGS AUS3----------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1859-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------- === 2 nnn nn nnn nn nag nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
AUSTRALIA 1861-S '% Sovereign Victoria FR. 10a (KM3) PCGS VG10--------------------------------- $165.00 

AUSTRALIA 1861-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) PCGS AU55------ $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1862-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0--------------------------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1863-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) Scarcer date! (cats. $1250 XF in KM) 

PCGS XF45------------------ $350.00 PCGS AUS5-------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1864-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AU55----------------------------------—- $350.00 
AUSTRALIA 1865-8 4 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10a (KM3) PCGS F12—_——__——_____——_————— $250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1865-S_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) (cats. $1000 XF in KM) 

PCGS XF45----------------- $250.00 PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------- === --- === $350.00 
AUSTRALIA 1866-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4-cats. $550 XF) PCGS AU53----$250.00 

PCGS AUS55--------------- $295.00 PCGS MS62(Scarce in this grade!)------------------------------ $1,450.00 
AUSTRALIA 1867-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS VF35---------- $150.00 

PCGS AUS55-------- $295.00 NGC AUSS5------------- $350.00 NGC AUS8---------------------------- $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1868-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 10 (KM4) PCGS AUS53---$250.00 PCGS AUS55-------$295.00 
AMSURALIAGLS72-9 -l Sovercion Victoria ER. 1S (KM) PCGS AU53=———— $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1879-M 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 16 (KM7) PCGS MS61----------------------------------- $175.00 
AUSTRALIA 1880-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) RARE date! (cats. $2250 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0------------------------------------- $n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1883-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 12 (KM6) Scarcer date! (cats. $875 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS 3----------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $550.00 
AUSTRALIA 1883-S 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 11 (KM6) PCGS AU53------------------------------------ $250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1887-M 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 16 (KM7) Young head/Rev: St. George 

slaying the dragon. (cats. $175 XF/$575 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------- $250.00 
AUSTRALIA 1893-M_ 1 Sovereign Victoria “Jubilee head” FR. 20 (KM10) NGC AU58----------------- $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1895-M 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 24 (KM13) NGC MS62------------- $175.00 
AUSTRALIA 1895-S 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 23 (KM13) PCGS MS61------------ $150.00 
AUSTRALIA 1898-M 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 24 (KM13) 

NGC AUS5------------------------- $110.00 NGC MS603----------------------------n nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
AUSTRALIA 1917-S 1 Sovereign George V FR. 38 (KM29) ANACS MS62----------------------------- $125.00 
AUSTRALIA 1917-P 1 Sovereign George V FR. 40 (KM29) ANACS MS02----------------------------- $125.00 
AUSTRALIA 1931-P 1 Sovereign George V FR. 40 (KM32) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------- $125.00 

AUSTRALIA 1986 complete 4 pc. gold “Nugget” PROOF set KM#PS49 Set consists of 
the $15-$25-$50-$100 (KM89-92) Original issue price was $1445 

GEM PROOF ai orivinal case with certificate $850.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $5 Platinum “Koala” FR. 67 (KM122) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR67------------------ $65.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $50 Platinum “Koala” FR. 64 (KM125) 2,400 mintage PCGS PR69--------------- $395.00 
AUSTRALIA 1989 $100 Platinum “Koala” FR. 63 (KM126) 2,400 mintage 

Contains 1 oz Platinum! PCGS PR68---------------------------------------$-- nnn nnn $750.00 
AUSTRALIA 1991 $500 “Red Kangaroo” FR. 58 (KMI150) Contains 2 oz gold! 

Scarce only 491 Proofs minted! (cats. $1700 in KM) PCGS PR67----------------------------------—- $950.00 
AUSTRALIA 1998 $200 (2 0z gold) “Kangaroo” Not yet listed in KM! Scarce NGC PF68----------- $850.00 
AUSTRALIA 1999 $100 (1 oz gold) “Two Kangaroos” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69-----------— $450.00 

AUSTRALIA 2000 $200 Platinum (2 0z) “Koala” not yet listed in KM! Only 225 minted with 
this one being #35 of the mintage! GEM PROOF in original wood case with certificate----------- $1,450.00 






















AUSTRALIA 2000 $100 (1 0z) “Year of the Dragon” GEM MATTE BU mn original case--------------- $495.00 
AUSTRALIA-Hutt River Province 1986 medallic Sovereign “Statue of Liberty Centennial” 

Bruce #X20 Statue of Liberty with sailing ships in harbor/Rev: Two kangaroos. 

NGC PF01----------------------------------------------------------- 2-722-922-2222 22 nnn nn nnn nnn nn nanan nanan - == $195.00 
AUSTRIA-Austrian Netherlands 1796-B | Souverain d’or Franz II FR. 348 (KM64) NGC MS63-----$1,250.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1581 2 Ducats Johann Jakob Khuen Von Belasi FR. 531 Saint with shield/ 

Rev: Double eagle. Scarce (cats. $1800 XF) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1659 '2 Ducat Guidobald Von Thun Und Hohenstein FR. 667 (KM164) 

Saint seated/Rev: Arms. (cats. $1250 XF in FR) PCGS MS62----------------------------------------- $950.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1686 '% Ducat Max Gandolph Von Kuenburg FR. 706 (KM192) 

Saint seated/Rev: Arms. (cats. $900 XF in FR) PCGS AUS58------------------------------------------ $650.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1688 '% Ducat Johann Emst FR. 725 (KM255) Saint seated/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $600 XF in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1690 '% Ducat Johann Emst Von Thun Und Hohenstein FR. 724 (KM256) 

Saint seated/Rev: Arms. (cats. $1250 XF in FR) PCGS MS62----------------------------------------- $950.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1729 1 Ducat Leopold Anton Eleutherius von Firmian FR. 745 (KM323) 

Saint seated/Rev: Arms. (cats. $1500 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62----------------- $1,250.00 

AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1755 '% Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 762 (KM383) 
Bust/Rev: Arms. One year sub-type! (cats. $400 XF in FR and KM-highest grade listed) 

PCGS MS02-------------------------------------------------- 222-22 - 2 nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnnnne $495.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1761 1 Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 760 (KM381) 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1771 1 Ducat Sigismund III von Schrattenbach FR. 767 (KM407) 

(cats. $1400 XF in FR) PCGS MS62----------------------------------------------------------------------- $995 00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1777 '4 Ducat Hieronymous Graf Colloredo FR. 779 (KM443) 

Three year type! PCGS MS62-------- $395.00 NGC MS63(Scarce this nice! )------------------------ $495.00 

AUSTRIA 1778 1 Ducat Maria Theresia FR. 265 (KM1974) Bust with widow’s veil/Rev: 
Double eagle. Scarce (cats. $850 XF in FR-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS MS61----$950.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 '% Ducat Hieronymous Graf Colloredo FR. 779 (KM443) 

Three year type! PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
AUSTRIA-Salzburg 1782 1 Ducat 1200" Anniversary of the Bishopric” Hieronymous Graf 

Colloredo FR. 781 (KM452) Rare one year type! Bust/Rev: Temple. PCGS AU55------------ $1,450.00 
AUSTRIA 1584 1 Ducat Archduke Karl FR. 32 Ruler standing/Rev: Arms. Rare this nice! 

NGC MS64-------------------------------------- 2-2-2 nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nana nnnne $1,250.00 

AUSTRIA 1770 2 Ducats Josef II FR. 286 (KM2085) Youthful bust/Rev: Double-headed eagle 
with crown above. Struck as co-regent with Maria Theresia. (cats. $1400 XF in FR/ 

$850 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS5S-------------------------------------------------------------------------==--=- $750.00 
AUSTRIA 1912 100 Corona Franz Josef FR. 424 (KM2819) Scarcer date with only 3,591 minted! 

(cats. $1150 XF/$2000 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
AUSTRIA 1914 4 Ducat Franz Josef FR. 385 (KM2276) PCGS MS61------------------------------------ $295.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 100 Kronen Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce only 2,851 minted! 

(cats. $4250 in FR/$3500 in KM) P/L surfaces! PCGS MS62--------------------------------------- $2,750.00 
AUSTRIA 1924 100 Kronen PROOF Republic FR. 423 (KM2831) Scarce Proof striking 

(not listed in Proof in KM!) and Rare this nice! NGC PF64------------------------------------------- $3,950.00 
AUSTRIA 1927 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) Eagle/Rev: Value between branches. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS65------------------------------------------------------------------=--=- === -==== $495.00 
AUSTRIA 1929 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------- $295.00 
AUSTRIA 1934 100 Schillings Republic FR. 435 (KM2842) 9,383 mintage Scarcer date! 

PCGS MS61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------n nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
AUSTRIA 1935 25 Schillings “St. Leopold” Republic FR. 439 (KM2856) 2,880 mintage 

Scarcer date! NGC MS63--------------- $850.00 NGC MS64-------------------------------------------- $950.00 

AUSTRIA 1936 100 Schillings “Maria Zell Madonna” Republic FR. 437 (KM2857) 
Scarce four year type! (cats. $2250 in FR) NGC MS61----- $1,650.00 NGC MS62------------ $1,750.00 




















AUSTRIA 1937 100 Schillings “Maria Zell Madonna” Republic FR. 437 (KM2857) 

2,900 mintage Scarce four year type! P/L surfaces! (cats. $2250) NGC MS62------------------ $1.950.00 
AUSTRIA 1976 1000 Schillings “Babenburg Dynasty Millennium” FR. 797 (KM2933) 

NGC MS65------- $175.00 NGC MS66------------- $195.00 NGC MS67----------------------------- $225.00 
AUSTRIA 1994 medallic 25 Ecu “Peace/Christmas Bell” not yet listed in KM or Bruce! 

900 minted NGC PF61------------------------------------------------------------------ =" == ==" 5-9-0 $150.00 
BAHAMAS 1976 $100 “Parrot/3™ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 23 (KM77) Scarce 

only 761 minted! GEM PROOF 1m original plastic case-—-----_-—-__--_----________— $195.00 
BAHAMAS 1991 $100 “Columbus’ ships with rowboat in front/Discovery of the New World” 

KMI151 Only 500 Uncs minted! (cats.$250) NGC MS69 P/L----------------------------------------— $195.00 
BARBADOS 1975 $100 “Ship” FR. | (KM18) NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------- $75.00 
BARBADOS 1981 $150 “National Flower-Poinciana over map” FR. 6 (KM33) 

1,140 mintage NGC PF64------- $125.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------- $125.00 
BARBADOS 1982 $250 “250™ Anniversary of Birth of George Washington” FR. 7 (KM35) 

Only 802 minted! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------------------- $195.00 
BELARUS 1996 1 Rouble “50" Anniversary of United Nations” KM31 National arms/ 

Rey: Crane flying over map and U.N. logo. NGC PF69--—-_-_________________--______-_-—__— $195.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant 1 Peter d’or ND Joan and Wenceslas (1355-1383) FR. 21 Bust of St. Peter/ 

Rev: Cross. (cats. $2500 XF) PCGS AU58-------------------------------------------- 9-9-2 $1,650.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant 1 Mouton d’or ND Joan and Wenceslas (1355-1383) FR. 23 Lamb/ 

Rev: Cross. (cats. $2750 XF) PCGS MS61 -------------------------------------------- == $2,450.00 
BELGIUM-Brabant 1647 2 Souverain d’or Philip IV of Spain FR. 85a Crowned bust with 

flat collar/Rev: Arms. Scarce (cats. $3750 XF) PCGS AUS58--------------------------------------- $1,950.00 

BELGIUM-Flanders 1 Chaise d’or ND Louis de Male (1346-1384) FR. 96 Ruler seated 
on throne holding shield (lion on shield)/Rev: Cross. Nice round planchet and fully struck! 

(cats. $1300 XF) PCGS MS64----------------------------------------- 3-3 nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn $1,450.00 
BELGIUM-Flanders | Franc a Cheval ND Louis de Male (1346-1384) FR. 99 Ruler on horse/ 

Rev: Cross Scarce (cats. $2250 XF) PCGS MS63-—---------------------------------_--___-----__—— $1,950.00 
BELGIUM-Flanders | Lion d’or ND Philip the Good (1419-1467) FR. 118 Lion seated/ 

Rev: Arms on cross. (cats. $1250 XF) PCGS AU58-------------------------------------------------—- $1,250.00 

BELGIUM 1853 (100 Francs) “Marriage of Duke and Duchess of Brabant” FR. 6 (KM#MI11.1) 
RARE One year type with only 482 pcs. minted! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc) NGC AU55-----$3,750.00 

BELGIUM 1865 20 Francs Leopold 1 FR. 7 (KM23) One year type! NGC MS61----------------------- $175.00 
BELGIUM 1914 20 Francs Albert “Uniformed bust with Flemish legend” FR. 13 (KM79) 
PCGS MS63----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $125.00 

BELGIUM 1989 complete 4 pc. gold “Ecu” PROOF set KM#PS3 Set consists of the 10-25- 

50-100 Ecu (KM172-175) Scarce only 2000 Proof sets issued! (cats. $2100) 

GEM PROOF in original leather case with certificate-———________________—— $1,450.00 
BELIZE 1978 $250 “Jaguar” FR. 5 (KM56) NGC PF69---$225.00 GEM PROOF in original case----$225.00 
BELIZE 1982 $100 “Kinkajou” FR. 13 (KM70) Only 586 minted! NGC PF67-------- $175.00 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
BELIZE 1983 $100 “Margay Jungle Cat” FR. 14 (KM73) Only 494 minted! 

NGC PF68------------------- $225.00 NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
BELIZE 1984 $100 “White-tail Deer” FR. 15 (KM74) 965 mintage NGC PF69------------------------- $150.00 
BELIZE 1985 $100 “Ocelot” FR. 17 (KM76) 899 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------ $225.00 
BELIZE 1992 $250 “Jabiru Stork/10" Anniversary of Central Bank” FR. 19 (KM105) 

Only 500 minted! NGC PF67/———__—_—_—_ $325.00 NGC PF68--------------------------------------- 350.00 
BERMUDA 1987 $25 Palladium (1 oz) “Ship-Sea Venture” FR. 7 (KMS3) 

BOVE RU Tah COP Naam NEL Coah ts WILLS TEN GA me $495.00 
BERMUDA 1989 $25 “Hogge Money-Ship” FR. 13 (KMS58) Only 500 minted! NGC PF67----------- $195.00 
BERMUDA 1996 $60 (1 oztriangle) “Bermuda Triangle” KM93_ 1,500 mintage (cats. $900) 

Ge PO Fit LISI) CASO. WIEN CORTE CRE manne ener $750.00 

BERMUDA 1997 $30 ('%2 0z triangle) “Wreck of the Sea Venture” KM101 1,500 mintage limit 
(cats. $500) NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $395.00 















BERMUDA 1997 $60 (1 oz triangle) “Wreck of the Sea Venture” KM102 1,500 mintage 

(cats. $900) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------- $750.00 
BERMUDA 1998 $60 (1 oz triangle) “Ship DELIVERANCE” KM114 1,500 mintage 

(cats. $900) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------- $750.00 
BERMUDA 1997 $180 (5 oz triangle) “Wreck of the Sea Venture” KM103 RARE 

Only 99pcs. struck! (cats. $4000) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------- $3,450.00 
BERMUDA 1998 $180 (5 oz triangle) “Ship DELIVERANCE” KM115 RARE 

Only 99 pcs. struck! (cats. $4000) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------- $3,450.00 
BHUTAN 1981 2 Sertums PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P1 

(type of KM60 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE (cats. $1450) NGC PF69------------ $750.00 
BHUTAN 1993 5 Sertum “1992 Olympics-Archer” KM70 NGC PF67------------------------------------- $150.00 
BHUTAN 1994 5 Sertum “1996 Olympics-Taikwando” KM82 NGC PF69------------------------------- $150.00 
BOHEMIA-Vishehrad 1782 1 Ducat Ferdinand Kindermann von Schulstein FR. 100 

Arms/Rev: Legend. Prag mint Scarce One year type! PCGS AUS8------------------------------- $1,950.00 
BOLIVIA 1805 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 

(cats. $2500 in FR) PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BOLIVIA 1806 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 14 (KM81) Plain bust/Rev: Arms. Potosi mint 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUSO0------------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 

BOLIVIA 1822 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 19 (KM91) Four year type! Scarce 
(cats. $4000 XF in Friedberg!) NGC AUS5S0------ $1,250.00 PCGS AUS0------ $1,250.00 

PCGS AUS3----------------------- $1,450.00 PCGS AUSS---------------------------------------------- $1,650.00 
BOLIVIA 1839 8 Escudos Republic FR. 21 (KM99) Uniformed bust of Bolivar/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$1650 XF in KM) PCGS AUS3----------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
BOLIVIA 1842 8 Escudos Republic FR. 26 (KM108.2) Laureate bust of Bolivar to right, 

his name below/Rev: Arms. (cats. $2000 in FR) PCGS VF25------------------------------------------ $650.00 
BOLIVIA 1852/1 % Escudo “Bolivar” Republic FR. 36 (KM113) Scarcer overdate variety! 

PCGS MS0)--------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2 n nnn nn nn nn nnn a nnn nana nnn anne $395.00 
BOLIVIA 1952 35 Gramos “Revolution/Villaroel” FR. 40 (KM#MB4) One year type! 

(cats. $800 Unc in FR) NGC MS62-------------- $495.00 NGC MS63-------------------------------- $550.00 
BOTSWANA 1976 150 Pula “10 Anniversary of Independence” FR. 2 (KM10) One year type! 

NGC PF68---------$225.00 NGC PF69-------------- $250.00 NGC PF70------------------------------ $295.00 
BOTSWANA 1978 150 Pula “Brown Hyaena” FR. 3 (KM13) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 644 Uncs minted! NGC MS61------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
BOTSWANA 1981 150 Pula PIEFORT “Intemational Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM16 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69---------------------------- $750.00 
BRAZIL 1732-M 12,800 Reis Joao V FR. 55 (KM139) Laureate head/Rev: Italic arms. 

Minas Gerais mint NGC AUS0------------ $2,450.00 NGC MS02----------------------------------- $4,950.00 
BRAZIL 1759-R 6400 Reis Jose] FR. 65 (KM172.2) PCGS AUSS---------------------------------------- $650.00 
BRAZIL 1765-R 6400 Reis Jose I FR. 65 (KM172.2) PCGS AUS5---------------------------------------- $650.00 
BRAZIL 1803-R 6,400 Reis Marial FR. 87 (KM226.1) Bust in decorative headdress/ 

Rev: Italic arms. Rio mint Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------------------------------------- $950.00 

BRAZIL 1832-R 6,400 Reis Pedro If FR. 115 (KM387.1) Child head/Rev: Imperial arms and value. 
Scarce two year type! (cats. $1650 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5S----$1,250.00 NGC AUSS------- $1,250.00 

BRAZIL 1855 20,000 Reis Pedro Il FR. 12la (KM468) PCGS MS62------------------------------------- $450.00 
BRAZIL 1857 20,000 Reis Pedro Il FR. 121a (KM468) PCGS AUS8----$275.00 PCGS MS61------- $350.00 
BRAZIL 1867 20,000 Reis Pedro II FR. 121a (KM468) NGC AUS50---------------------------------------- $225.00 
BRAZIL 1897 20000 Reis Republic FR. 124 (KM497) Liberty head/Rev: The Stars of 

the Southern Cross. PCGS AUS5----------------------------------------- nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
BRAZIL 1916 10,000 Reis Republic FR. 125 (KM496) 4,720 mintage Scarce NGC MS63---------$1,650.00 
BRAZIL 1972 300 Cruzeiros “150™ Anniversary of Independence” Republic FR. 126 (KMS584) 

NGC MS61------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn $295.00 

BRAZIL 1972 “150" Anniversary of Independence” 3 pc. Mint set Consisting of the gold 
300 Cruzeiros (FR. 126/KM584) plus two companion coins. All three coins are GEM BU and 
housed in the original leather case-----------------------------------------------------~~~----—=- === $295.00 




















BRAZIL 2000 20 Reais “500 Years-Discovery of Brazil” KM655 GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------—--~ =~ --— nnn nnn nnn nnn $225.00 
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1983 $100 “30” Anniversary-Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II” 

FR. 10 (KM38) Scarce only 624 minted! Unusual six-sided planchet! NGC PF64---------------- $250.00 
BULGARIA 1894 20 Leva Ferdinand FR. 3 (KM20) One year type! NGC MS60-----------------------—- $195.00 
BULGARIA 1912 20 Leva Ferdinand “25" Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FR. 6 (KM33) One year type! NGC MS61---------------------_---__-----___-_____--__-_____—_ $295.00 
BULGARIA 1912 100 Leva Ferdinand “25" Year of Reign/Declaration of Independence” 

FRo 5 (iMis4) Scarce One year type! PCGS AUS _____-_ $1,250.00 

BURMA (Myanmar) 1971 complete 3 pc. gold set Issued by the Government in Exile 

(Patriotic Liberation Army) Set consists of the 1-2-4 Mu FR. 8-10 (KM43-45) Scarce set 

(cats. $250), Alidnree coms ate: Choice BU ———— $450.00 
BURUNDI 1962 25 Francs “Independence” FR. 3 (KM3) NGC PF66------------------------------------—- $150.00 
BURUNDI 1967 complete 5 pc. gold “1“ Anniversary of Republic” PROOF set 

KM#PS3 Set consists of the 10-20-25-50-100 Francs. (cats. $1200) 

GEM PROOF mn. original case with certificate —<— <<< — $950.00 
CANADA-Newfoundland 1882-H $2 Victoria FR. 1 (KMS) NGC AUS8---------------------------------- $350.00 
CANADA 1911-C 1 Sovereign George V FR. 2 (KM20) ANACS MS60----------- $125.00 

ANACS MS602-----------------------_--_-------—__________——- OOOO $150.00 
CANADA 1912 $5 George V FR. 4(KM26) PCGS MS62------- $350.00 PCGS MS63---------------- $450.00 
CANADA 1917-C 1 Sovereign George V FR. 2 (KM20) PCGS AU58-----------------------------------— $125.00 
CANADA 1991 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Snowy Owl” PROOF set KM#PS17 

GEM PROOF in oricinal case with certificate--____ $1,350.00 
CANADA 1992 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Cougar” PROOF set KM#PS20 

GEM PROOF m onemal case with certificate ____—____—— $1,350.00 
CANADA 1993 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Arctic Fox” PROOF set KM#PS22 

GEM. PROOE ms onemalcasecwitht, COLtil Cal Ca $1,350.00 
CANADA 1994 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Sea Otter” PROOF set KM#PS25 

GEM PROOF im ongmal case with cetificate——__—$__—_____—____———————— | $1,350.00 
CANADA 1996 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Peregrine Falcon” PROOF set KM#PS32 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-——-------__-__-_______________-_-____ $1,350.00 
CANADA 1999 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Musk Ox” PROOF set KM#PS47 

GEM PROOF moromal case. with certificate $1,450.00 
CANADA 2000 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Pronghom Antelope” PROOF set KM#PSS0 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-——_—____—_—_________ $1,450.00 
CANADA 2001 complete 4 pc. Platinum “Ducks” PROOF set KM#PSS51 

GEM PROOF in otigmal case with certificate——_____________——_—_—___,, $1,450.00 

CAPE VERDE 1976 2500 Escudos “1* Anniversary of Independence” FR. | (KM14) NGC PF68------ $250.00 
CAYMAN ISLANDS 1975 2 pc. gold & silver “Sovereign Queens of England” PROOF set 

KM#PS7 Set consists of the gold $100 (FR. 3/KM13) and the silver $50 (KM12) 

Both coins are GEM PROOF and housed in the original presentation case with certificate---------- $250.00 
CAYMAN ISLANDS 1977 $50 “Queen Elizabeth I’ FR. 5 (KM22) 1,969 mintage NGC PF69------- $125.00 
CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC (Guatemala) 1825-NG '% Escudo FR. 30 (KM5) PCGS AUSS--$250.00 
CHAD 1970 1000 Francs “Nude girl/10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 5 (KM8) 

ANACS PF64---------------__---_-----__-_-__--—____—__ Fe OO $175.00 
CHAD 1970 10,000 Francs “General De Gaulle” FR. 2 (KMI1) NGC PF65------------------------------ $750.00 
CHILE 1749 4 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 6 (KM2) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $5500 XF in FR) 

Scarce. Recovered from the “Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! 

PCGS AUS55----------------------- $1,250.00 NGC MS61----------------------------------------------——- 1,750.00 
CHILE 1751-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VI FR. 5 (KM3) Small bust/Rev: Arms. (cats. $6500 XF 

in FR- highest grade listed) Santiago mint. All of these pes. recovered from the 

“Nuestra Senora de la Luz” (Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! ANACS MS61----$2,250.00 

PCGS MS6@2------ $2,450.00 PCGS MS63------------ $2,950.00 NGC MS64---------------------- $3,950.00 





CHILE 1772-So 8 Escudos Charles II FR. 15 (KM27) Bust/Rev: Arms with value. Santiago mint 

(cats. $1400 in KM) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
CHILE 1775-So 8 Escudos Charles II FR. 15 (KM27) Bust/Rev: Arms with value. Santiago mint 

(cats. $1250 XF in KM) AU details but sea-salvaged (not sure the exact wreck!)= 

ANACS Net EF40----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1795-So 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 23 (KM54) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1801-So 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 23 (KMS54) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1805-So 8 Escudos Charles ITV FR. 23 (KM54) PCGS AU53--------------------------------------- $850.00 
CHILE 1810-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 22 (KM72) Large uniformed bust/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $3000 XF in FR) NGC AUS5S------- $1,750.00 PCGS AUS8--------------------------------- $1,950.00 
CHILE 1815-So 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 29 (KM78) PCGS AUS3---------------------------------- $950.00 
CHILE 1824 1 Escudo Republic FR. 36 (KM85) 3,400 mintage PCGS VF25----------------------------- $195.00 
CHILE 1825 1 Escudo Republic FR. 36 (KM85) 2,920 mintage PCGS VF25----------------------------- $195.00 
CHILE 1826 1| Escudo Republic FR. 36 (KM85) 4,280 mintage PCGS F15------------------------------- $150.00 
CHILE 1838 | Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 40 (KM99) One year type! 

PCGS VF30--------------------- $175.00 PCGS VF35----------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
CHILE 1838-So 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 37 (KM93) Four year type! 

(cats. $900 XF in KM) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
CHILE 1842-So 8 Escudos Republic FR. 41 (KM104.1) NGC MS61------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
CHILE 1874 2 Pesos Republic FR. 47 (KM143) Four year type! PCGS AUS8---------------------------- $175.00 
CHILE 1875 2 Pesos Republic FR. 47 (KM143) Four year type! PCGS AU58---------------------------- $225.00 
CHILE 1877 10 Pesos PROOF Republic FR. 45 (KM145) EXTREMELY RARE 

This is the first Proof specimen we’ve seen or handled! NGC PF65---------------------------------- $2,450.00 
CHILE 1879 10 Pesos “Liberty standing” Republic FR. 45 (KM145) ex-Goodman Collection! 

PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------------- 2-22 n 2 nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnnes $450.00 
CHILE 1896 20 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 51 (KM158) ex-Goodman Collection! 

PCGS MS64------------------------------------------- 2-29-22 -n on nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn neces $295.00 
CHILE 1906 20 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 51 (KM158) ex-Goodman Collection! 

PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------- 7-22-22 nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnnnne $195.00 
CHILE 1907 20 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 51 (KM158) ex-Goodman Collection! 

PCGS MS063 -------------------------------------- 7-2-2 nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana $295.00 
CHILE 1908 20 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 51 (KM158) ex-Goodman Collection! 

PCGS MS60------------------------------------------------------------------9------ 29-22-2222 2922 n 2 ----n--== $250.00 
CHILE 1917 20 Pesos “Liberty head” Republic FR. 51 (KM158) PCGS MS61-------------------------- $250.00 
CHILE 1947 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM175) PCGS MS62---------------------------- $250.00 
CHILE 1953 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM175) NGC MS64----------------------------- $295.00 
CHILE 1961 100 Pesos-10 Condores Republic FR. 54 (KM175) NGC MS61----------------------------- $250.00 
CHILE 1968 50 Pesos “150 Anniversary of Military Academy/O’Higgins” Republic FR. 60 

(KM184) 2,515 mintage NGC PF6S5------------------------------------------------------------------------ $175.00 
CHILE 1968 100 Pesos “Liberty head and coining machine/150" Anniversary of National coinage” 

FR. 59 (KM185) 1,815 mintage NGC PF65--------- $325.00 NGC PF67--------------------------- $350.00 
CHILE 1976 100 Pesos “3™ Anniversary of New Government” FR. 62 (KM213) 

One year type! 2,900 mintage NGC MS63---------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
CHINA-Republic of China (Taiwan) 1965 1000 Yuan “Sun Yat-sen” FR. 16 (KM#Y541) 

NGC MS61--------- $295.00 NGC MS63------------ $350.00 NGC MS64----------------------------- $395.00 
CHINA-Republic of China (Taiwan) 1965 2000 Yuan “Sun Yat-sen” FR. 15 (KM#Y542) 

NGC MS63------------------------------------~--------- 2-222 nn nnn nn nanan nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $695.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1971 medallic (2000 Yuan) “60" Anniversary of the Republic” 

Bruce #XM616 (cats. $550) NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
CHINA-Taiwan (Nationalist China) 1976 medallic (2000 Yuan) “Chiang Kai-shek 90" Birthday” 

Bruce #KM635 (cats. $650) NGC MS64-----------------------------------------------nnn nn nnn $495.00 

CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1980 300 Yuan PIEFORT (double thickness) 
“1980 Olympics-Archery” KM#P20 RARE only 500 pieforts struck! 
GEM PROOF with certificate----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$1,250.00 
















CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1980 300 Yuan “1980 Olympics-Archery” FR. 6 

(KM#Y23) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1982 1 oz. “Panda” FR. 42 (KM#Y42) Scarce first year of 

the series! (cats. $950 in KM) GEM BU wn original plastic/cello--------------------------------------- $850.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1986 100 Yuan (1 oz) “Panda” FR. 42 (KM#Y105) 

NGC PF61------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn $450.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1987 100 Yuan (1 oz) “Panda” FR. 47 (KM#Y 158) 

2,000 mintage NGC PF68------------- $695.00 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------- $750.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1988 100 Yuan Platinum (1 0z) “Year of the Dragon” 

FR. 24 (KM#Y176) 2,000 mintage NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1989 100 Yuan (1 0z) “Year of the Snake” FR. 28 

(KM#Y184) 3,000 mintage (cats. $575) NGC PF67------- $495.00 NGC PF69-------------------- $550.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1990 100 Yuan Platinum (1 oz) “Panda” FR. 47 (KM735) 

Only 778 pcs. minted! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------- $750.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 50 Yuan (% 02) 50" Anniversary-United Nations” 

KM#Y488 NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------- =~ $= nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 100 Yuan ('20z) “Year of the Pig-Two Pigs” 

KM#Y453. 2.300 nuntase (cats. $375) NGC PF69——_—______________—_—_—_——— $350.00 

CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 complete 2 pc. gold & 2 pe. silver “Ships” PROOF set. 

Consisting of the gold 50 Yuans KM#Y648 “Dragon boat” and Y651 “Junk” plus the 

matching silver 10 Yuans KM#Y647 and Y650. RARE only 1,000 sets issued! 

This is the first set we’ve seen or handled! All four coins are GEM PROOF and housed in 

the original wood box with four certificates----------------_------------___________-__--_-__—- $1,250.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1995 complete 2 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver 50" Anniversary- 

Anti-Japanese War” PROOF set. Consisting of the gold 100 Yuans KM#Y696 and Y697 

plus the silver 10 Yuans KM#Y684 and Y685 EXTREMELY RARE with only 

1,400 sets issued! This is the first set we’ve seen or handled! All four coins are 

GEM PROOF and housed in the original wood box with two certificates 

(one for the two gold coins and one for the two silver coins! )----------------------------------=----=—= $1,750.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1996 100 Yuan (1 oz) “Unicom” KM#Y1014 

1,250 mintage (cats. $575) NGC PF68--------- $495.00 NGC PF69---------------------------------- $550.00 
CHINA-People’s Republic of China 1997 100 Yuan (2 0z) “Penguin” not yet listed in KM! 

2,800 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------—- --$350.00 
COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND Philip IV (1621-1665) FR. 1 (KM4.1) Arms/Rev: Cross. 

Santa Fe de Bogota mint NGC VF20-—_—_____________________ $950.00 
COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND Charles II (1665-1700) FR. 3 (KM14.1) Arms/Rev: Cross of 

Jerusalem. NGC. VF30-------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn $950.00 

COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND (1701-1715) Philip V FR. 8 (KM17.1) Arms/Rev: Cross. 

Santa Fe de Bogota mint. Recovered from the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk off 

the east coast of Florida in a hurricane! VF and comes with a fancy Mel Fisher Center, Inc. 

photo-certificate-———————————-——————-—————————————— nnn $1,750.00 
COLOMBIA 2 Escudos cob ND (1703-1713) Philip V FR. 8 (KM14.2) Arms/Rev: Cross. 

Recovered from the Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk off the east coast of Florida in 

fhe-digst 7) nurriesmet NGC CEA 0 mr $1,650.00 
COLOMBIA 1708 2 Escudos cob Philip V FR. 8 (KM14.2) Arms/Rev: Cross 

Santa Fe de Bogota mint Scarce Recovered from the Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk 

off the east coast of Florida in the July, 1715 hurricane! Nice full date! NGC XF45------------- $2,450.00 
COLOMBIA 1768-PN 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $495.00 
COLOMBIA 1770-PN 2 Escudos Charles IIIf FR. 28 (KM36.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45------------ $595 00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 1 Escudo Charles II FR. 42 (KM48.2) Popayan mint 

PCGS AUS5-------------------- $350.00 PCGS MS602------------------------------------------------------ $550.00 
COLOMBIA 1772-P 2 Escudos Charles IIIf FR. 40 (KM49.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF45-------------- $350.00 

COLOMBIA 1772-P 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 36 (KM50.2) Popayan mint 
(cats. $1500 XF in FR) PCGS XF45--------------------------------------------------------------—---—- $950.00 

a2 |: 














COLOMBIA 1774-NR 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 35 (KM50.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

(cats. $1200 XF in FR and KM) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1776-NR 1 Escudo Charles Ill FR. 41 (KM48.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

PCGS XF45----------------------------------------------------------9-- 92-9 ---- 2-20 n on nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nanan nn $295.00 
COLOMBIA 1781-P 1 Escudo Charles III FR. 42 (KM48.2a) Popayan mint PCGS VF25-------------- $175.00 
COLOMBIA 1787-NR 8 Escudos Charles Ill FR. 35 (KMS50.1a) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

(cats. $1200 XF in both FR and KM) PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1791-P 8 Escudos Charles 1V FR. 52 (KM62.2) Scarce date! (cats. $2000 XF 

in KM compared to $875 for the common dates!) PCGS AUS0---------------------------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1797-NR 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Bogota mint NGC MS62----------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1798-NR 8 Escudos Charles [V FR. 51 (KM62.1) Bogota mint NGC MS62----------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1799-NR 8 Escudos Charles [V FR. 51 (KM62.1) Bogota mint PCGS MS62---------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1801-P 8 Escudos Charles I1V FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint PCGS AU53------------ $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1802-P 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 52 (KM62.2) Popayan mint NGC MS62------------ $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1802-NR 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Bogota mint 

Interesting diebreak on obverse! PCGS MS62----------------------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1807-NR 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 51 (KM62.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

EF details but cleaaned=ANACS Net VF30------------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 
COLOMBIA 1808-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AU53-------- $750.00 
COLOMBIA 1810-P 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS58---------- $295.00 
COLOMBIA 1810-P 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 61 (KM66.2) Popayan mint PCGS AUS55-------- $850.00 
COLOMBIA 1814-P 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 66 (KM64.2) Popayan mint PCGS XF40------------ $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1816-NR 1 Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 65 (KM64.1) Nuevo Reino (Bogota) mint 

Scarce in this quality! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 

COLOMBIA 1818-NR 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 60 (KM66.1) Bogota mmt NGC MS62------- $2,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1827-B 1 Peso Republic of Colombia FR. 73 (KM84) Bogota mint 

“RR” Assayer initials!) PCGS AUS5S------------------------------------------------------------------------ $175.00 
COLOMBIA 1831-P 1 Escudo Republic FR. 72 (KM82.2) Popayan mint PCI F12------------------------ $100.00 
COLOMBIA 1846-P 16 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 75 (KM94_.2) 

Popayan mint “U.M.” Assayer PCI VF30----------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
COLOMBIA 1853-P 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada “Liberty head” FR. 80 (KM116.2) 

Popayan mint PCGS XF40----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
COLOMBIA 1857-B 10 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 79 (KM116.1) Bogota mint 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR) NGC MS02--------------------------------------------------------------------=- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1858-P 2 Pesos Republic of Nueva Granada FR. 83 (KM121) PCGS XF40-------------- $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1860-B 10 Pesos Granadine Confederation FR. 88 (KM129.1) 9,687 mintage 

EF details but ex-jewelry=ANACS Net VF20-------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
COLOMBIA 1868-M 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 101 (KM142.2) 

Medellin mint 7,984 mintage (cats. $2000 XF in FR/$1500 XF in KM) NGC AUS3----------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1870-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

Popayan mint 8,247 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1600 in KM) PCGS XF40---------------------- $950.00 
COLOMBIA 1871-M 2 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia FR. 106 (KM-A1I54) 

Medellin mint ANACS VF20----------- $100.00 PCGS XF45-------------------- $150.00 

NGC MS64(Scarce this nice! )--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
COLOMBIA 1875-P 20 Pesos Estados Unidos de Colombia “Liberty head” FR. 100 (KM142.3) 

Popayan mint 5,240 mintage (cats. $2000 in FR/$1700 in KM) PCGS XF40------------------- $1,250.00 
COLOMBIA 1968 complete 5 pc. gold “Pope Paul VI” PROOF set KM#PS1 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
COLOMBIA 1971 300 Pesos “Topless Indian maiden with Prophet/6" Pan American Games” 

FR. 129 (KM250) PCGS PR66---------------------------------------------------------- 9-2-3 $295.00 
COLOMBIA 1971 500 Pesos “Topless Goddess with son/6" Pan American Games” 

FR. 128 (KM251) PCGS PR66------------------------------------------------------------~--- === === $495.00 

COLOMBIA 1988 70000 Pesos “100” Anniversary-Birth of President Santos” FR. 144 
(KM277) Only 600 minted! NGC PF67-----------------------------------------------------------------—- $395.00 

















COSTA RICA 1974 1500 Colones “Giant Anteater” FR. 28 (KM202) Conservation Coin Series 

2.418 Uncs minted NGC MS67-------------- $75.00 NGC MSGS pais $495.00 
CROATIA 1994 500 Kuna “Izborma Cathedral” KM31.2 1,000 mintage NGC PF67-------------------- $195.00 
CROATIA 1996 500 Kuna “University of Zedar” KM55 1,000 mintage NGC PF68--------------------- $195.00 
CROATIA 1997 500 Kuna Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF67————-_—_—________—- $195.00 
CUBA 1915 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) Scarcer date of the two year type! NGC MS62--------- $395.00 
CUBA 1916 10 Pesos “Marti” FR. 3 (KM20) NGC MS02------------------------------------ 2 nnn $295.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1923 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. 1 (KM9) 4,000 mintage NGC MS65------ $450.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1928 2 Ducats “10" Anniversary of Republic” FR. 7 (KM#M2) 

One year type! NGC MS63--------------- $295.00 NGC MS65----------------------------------------- $350.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1928 4 Ducats “10 Anniversary of Republic” FR. 6 (KM#M3) 

One year type! NGC MS64--------------- $450.00 NGC MS65---------------------------------------- --$495 00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 1 Ducat “1000” Anniversary of Christianity in Bohemia” FR. 10 

(KM#HMS) One year type! Only 1,631 minted! NGC MS64------------------------------------~------—~ $495.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 5 Ducats “1000” Anniversary of Christianity in Bohemia” FR. 8 

(KM#M7) Scarce one year type with only 787 minted! NGC MS64----------------------------------- $995.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1929 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4 (KM14) 1,564 mintage 

NGC. MS63---------------------n-nnn-nn nnn nnn nnn nnn i $1,950.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1931 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) NGC MS63-------- $100.00 

NGC MS 64 ------------------------$--$-n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $125.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “Dr. Svehla/Homage Issue” FR. 12 (KM#M12.1) 

One year type! 1,000 mintage UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AU55----------------------—- $175.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “Dr. Svehla/Homage Issue” FR. 12 (KM#M12.2) 

One year type! Variety with small cross above date! NGC MS62---------------nnnnn-nnwvnnnnmmmnnmnn $395.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 1 Ducat “St. Wenceslas” FR. 2 (KM8) 

NGC MS63-----$100.00 NGC MS64------- $125.00 NGC MS6S------------------------------------ $175.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. 1 (KM9) 4,671 mintage NGC MS61------- $350.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 5 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 5 (KM13) 1,752 mintage 

NGC. MS 63--------n----n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1933 10 Ducats “St. Wenceslas on horse” FR. 4 (KM14) Scarce 

1,780 minted NGC AUS58----------- $1,450.00 NGC MS63----------------------------------------—= $1,950.00 
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1934 | Ducat “Reopening of the Kremnica Mines” FR. 16 (KM#M14) 

Rare only 288 minted! One year type! NGC MS64—-_--__________---_-___—--- $750.00 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1935 2 Ducats “St. Wenceslas” FR. 1 (KM9) 2,577 mintage NGC MS62------ $450.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1904 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian LX of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM72) Two year type! PCGS MS64------ $750.00 PCGS MS65-------------- $950.00 
DANISH WEST INDIES (now the U.S. Virgin Islands) 1905 4 Daler-20 Francs Christian [X of 

Denmark FR. 2 (KM72) Scarcer date of the two year type! PCGS MS63------- $750.00 

PCGS MS 64 -------------------------$-- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $850.00 
DENMARK 1645 “Hebrew” Ducat Christian TV FR. 39 (KM141) Ruler standing/Rev: 

Hebrew legend. Copenhagen mint Scarce (cats. $1800 XF in FR/$1600 XF in KM) 

PCGS MS62 (Rare in this grade! )----------------------------$-~--—--— nnn nnn $2,450.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.3) PCGS AUS3------------- $325.00 

PCGS AUS5——--—--_--_________—_____-_---___-_______-____-—____—_———_--- ee—n—ra $350.00 
DENMARK 1761 12 Marks Frederik V FR. 269 (KM587.4) PCGS AUSO----------- $295.00 

PCGS AUS5----------------------- $350.00 NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice!)---------------------------—- $750.00 
DENMARK 1783 12 Marks Christian VII FR. 281 (KM641.1) Bust/Rev: Crown and value. 

PCGS AUS8-—---—_—--_-----_-__________-__-_-__________—___ Ol er Oe $850.00 

DENMARK 1828 1 Frederick d’or Frederick VI FR. 287 (KM699) Rare one year sub-type! 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS MS6|------ $2,650.00 
DENMARK 1847 2 Christian d’or Christian VII] FR. 289 (KM722.3) Head/ 

Rev: Arms supported by wild men. PCGS MS61-------------------------------------—----—----- $2,450.00 














DENMARK 1857 2 Frederick d’or Frederick VII FR. 291 (KM750.3) Scarce three year sub-type! 
(cats. $2000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR and $2550 XF in KM-highest grade listed) 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------- 29-22-9222 22222 nn nnn nana nana n-- == $1,950.00 
DENMARK 1873 20 Kroner Christian IX FR. 295 (KM791.1) NGC MS64------------------------------ $195.00 
DENMARK 1876 20 Kroner Christian IX FR. 295 (KM791.1) Scarcer date! NGC MS63------------- $195.00 
DENMARK 1908 20 Kroner Frederik VIII FR. 297 (KM810) NGC MS65-------------------------------- $195.00 
DENMARK 1909 10 Kroner Frederik VIII FR. 298 (KM809) Two year type! NGC MS65--------------- $95.00 
DENMARK 1914 20 Kroner Christian X FR. 299 (KM817.1) NGC MS65------------------------------- $175.00 
DOMINICA 1978 $150 “Independence/Parrot and map of Dominica” FR. 2 (KM14_.1) 

Only 400 Proofs minted! GEM PROOF in original case------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
ECUADOR 1899 10 Sucres “General Sucre” FR. 10 (KM56) Two year type! PCGS AU5S5-----------$250.00 
EGYPT 1916 100 Piastres Hussein Kamil FR. 24 (KM324) One year type! NGC MS63--------------- $250.00 
EGYPT 1922 100 Piastres Fuad FR. 28 (KM341) One year type! PCGS MS63------------------------- $250.00 
EGYPT 1922 500 Piastres PROOF Fuad FR. 26 (KM342) One year type! 

Scarce Proof striking! (cats. $1650 in KM) NGC PF63----------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
EGYPT 1938 100 Piastres Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 36 (KM372) One year type! 

NGC MS63---------------- $195.00 NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 
EGYPT 1938 500 Piastres PROOF Farouk “Royal Wedding” FR. 35 (KM373) 

Scarce this nice! NGC PF65------------ $2,250.00 NGC PF66---------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
EGYPT 1955 1 Pound “Chariot” FR. 40 (KM387) Two year type! NGC MS62------------------------ $195.00 
EGYPT 1955 5 Pounds “Chariot” FR. 39 (KM388) Two year type! (1.1957 oz) 

Scarce (cats. $2000 in FR) NGC MS62----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
EGYPT 1976 5 Pounds “Reopening of Suez Canal” FR. 58 (KM460) 2,000 mintage 

Arab Republic NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
EGYPT 1980 5 Pounds “Anwar Sadat/Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty” FR. 66 (KMS517) 

2,375 mintage NGC MS66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 
EGYPT 1980 10 Pounds “Anwar Sadat/Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty” (1.125 oz) FR. 65 

(KMS19) 950 mintage Scarce NGC MS66--------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
EGYPT 1983 100 Pounds “Queen Nefertiti” FR. 116 (KM5S50) GEM PROOF in original cachet------ $750.00 
EGYPT 1985 100 Pounds “Golden Falcon” FR. 118 (KM569) 1,800 mintage NGC PF67------------ $495.00 
EGYPT 1986 100 Pounds “King Tutankhamen” FR. 119 (KM591) 

GEM PROOF in original cachet------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 

EGYPT 1988 100 Pounds “Golden Warrior” FR. 121 (KM648) GEM PROOF in original blue card------ $495.00 
EL SALVADOR 1971 complete 4 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver “150 Anniversary of Independence” 

PROOF set KM#PS4 (cats. $770) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------- $550.00 
EL SALVADOR 1977 250 Colones “18” Annual Governor’s Assembly” FR. 10 (KM152) 
4.000 Uncs minted! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1970 250 Pesetas “Goya’s Naked Maja” FR. 7 (KM20) ANACS PF67------ $125.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1970 750 Pesetas “Centennial of the Capital Rome/Forum and Coliseum” 

FR. 10 (KM27) 1,550 mintage NGC PF63--------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1992 7,000 Francos PIEFORT (double thickness) “Lions” 

Type of KM105 but double thickness! Not yet listed in KM! First we have seen! 

VERY RARE NGC PF61----------------------------------------~---- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $450.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1992 7,000 Francos “Lions-Endangered Wildlife” KM105 

Only 450 minted! NGC PF67-------------------------------------------------~~--- === $3 $225.00 
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1993 30,000 Francos (1 oz) “African Elephant Protection” 

Not yet listed in KM! NGC MS66------------------------------------------------------- === === === === == $450.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 $20 “Haile Selassie I” FR. 33 (KM39) NGC PF65--------------------------------------- $175.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 $50 “Haile Selassie I’ FR. 32 (KM40) NGC PF65--------------------------------------- $295.00 
ETHIOPIA 1966 complete 5 pc. gold “Haile Selassie I’ PROOF set KM#PS1I 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 

ETHIOPIA EE1974 (1981) 500 Birr PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” 
KM#P4 (type of KM68 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69---------------- $750.00 
















FALKLAND ISLANDS 1979 150 Pounds “Falkland Fur Seal” FR. 5 (KM13) 

Conservation Coins Series Scarce only 488 Uncs minted! NGC MS66------------------------------- $650.00 
FALKLAND ISLANDS 1995 50 Pence “50” Anniversary-V.E. Day” KM45b Scarce 

only 100 pcs. struck! Contains 1.40 oz gold! (cats. $1150) NGC PF68------------------------------ $950.00 
FIJI ISLANDS 1978 $250 “Banded Iguana” FR. 3 (KM43) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 810 Uncs minted! NGC MS66---------------------------------------------------------—-----------—- $495.00 
FIJIISLANDS 1986 $200 “Ogmodon Snake/25™ Anniversary-World Wildlife Fund” FR. 5 

(KM56) NGC PF67------------- $225.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------ $250.00 
FINLAND 1879-S 10 Markkaa FR. 4 (KM8.2) PCGS MS65----------------------------------------------—- $125.00 
FINLAND 1879-S 20 Markkaa FR. 1 (KM9.2) NGC MS62------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
FINLAND 1882-S 10 Markkaa FR. 5 (KM8.2) PCGS MS65----------------------------------------------—- $110.00 
FINLAND 1891-L 20 Markkaa FR. 2 (KM9.2) NGC MS63------------------------------------------------—- $195.00 
FINLAND 1910-L 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS64------- $150.00 NGC MS65---------------- $175.00 
FINLAND 1911-L 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS65-----------------------------------------------— $175.00 
FINLAND 1912-S 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS64------- $125.00 NGC MS65---------------- $150.00 
FINLAND 1913-S 20 Markkaa FR. 3 (KM9.2) NGC MS64------- $125.00 NGC MS65---------------- $150.00 
FRANCE-Orange | Florin ND Raymond III & IV (1340-1393) FR. 189 St. John the Baptist/ 

Rev: Lily. (cats. $750 VF in FR-highest grade listed!) Scarce this nice! PCGS AU58------------- $995.00 

FRANCE | Ecud’or ND Philippe VI de Valois (1328-1350) FR. 270 King with sword and shield, 

seated on Gothic throne/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe. (cats. $1500 XF) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64---------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn ne $1,950.00 
FRANCE 1 Mouton d’or ND Jean II Le Bon (1350-1364) FR. 280 Lamb and cruciform staff 

with flying banner/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, fleurs de lis in angles. 

(cats. $2200 XF in FR-highest grade listed) PCGS VF35------ $950.00 PCGS AUS8------------- $1,950.00 
FRANCE | Franca Pied ND Charles V (1364-1380) FR. 284 Armored king sword and sceptre, 

standing under Gothic dais/Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, fleur de lis in 2 angles, 

crown in 2 angles. (cats. $1100 XF-highest grade listed) PCGS MS62-------------- $950.00 

PCGS MS64------------------------------------------ $n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecud’ora la couronne ND Charles VI (1380-1422) FR. 291 Crowned arms of France/ 

Rev: Floriated cross in quadrilobe, crown in angles. (cats. $750 XF) PCGS AU58----------------- $650.00 

FRANCE 1 Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

polylobe. (cats. $2000 XF) PCGS MS63------------ $1,450.00 PCGS MS64---------------------- $1,650.00 
FRANCE 1 Salut d’or ND Henri VI (1422-1453) FR. 301 Madonna and archangel Gabriel 

behind arms of France and England/Rev: Latin cross between fleur de lis and leopard in 

PAGE Pee I AVANAT No 95 GA) EM Oa a ae $1,750.00 
FRANCE 1 Ecud’or du Dauphine ND Francois I (1515-1547) FR. 358 Arms of France and 

Dauphine/Rev: Crowned F and dolphin in angles of cross. (cats. $1100 XF) PCGS MSo1-------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1651-D 1 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 418 Scarce this nice! NGC MS64---------------------- $2,250.00 
FRANCE 1690-D 1 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 429 (KM278.3) Scarce (cats. $1150 VF in FR/ 

$700 VF in KM) AU details but damaged/cleaned=ANACS Net VF35-----------------------------— $450.00 

FRANCE 1694-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 432 (KM303.6) Lyon mint Scarce 

(cats. $4750 XF in FR/$3850 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) PCGS AUS53------- $3,250.00 
FRANCE 1702-1 2 Louis d’or Louis XIV FR. 435 (KM335.7) Scarce Only 1,253 pes. struck 

for this date at the Limoges mint! Rare in this grade! (cats. $4750 XF in FR) NGC MS63-----$4,950.00 
FRANCE 1717/6-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) This overdate 

variety is unlisted in KM! Scarce three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS62--------- $2,750.00 
FRANCE 1717-A 2 Louis d’or “de Noailles” Louis XV FR. 450 (KM428.1) Scarce 

three year type! (cats. $5000 XF in FR) NGC MS603-------------------------------------------------- $2.750.00 
FRANCE 1786-AA 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS5S92.2) Metz mint NGC AUS8-------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-B 1 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KM591.3) Rouen mint PCGS MS62------------- $750.00 

FRANCE 1786-D 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.5) NGC AUS8-------$595.00 
(CG G8 ieee OS TCH NTS ers ca scene $695.00 

— + 
* ™~ 

















FRANCE 1786-1 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.7) NGC MS63----------------------------- $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1786-K 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.8) Bordeaux mint 

PCGS AUS3-------- $550.00 PCGS AUSS-------------- $550.00 NGC AUS8------------------------- $595 00 
FRANCE 1786-N 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.11) NGC AUS8----------------------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1786-T 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KM592.14) Nantes mint Scarce this nice! 

NGC MS064-------------------------------------------- 29-22 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn= $1,250.00 

FRANCE 1786-W | Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KM591.15) Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------ $950.00 
FRANCE 1787-A 1 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 475 (KMS591.1) PCGS AUS5S------- $350.00 

NGC MS602----------------------- $550.00 NGC MS63----------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1788-AA 2 Louis d’or Louis XVI FR. 474 (KMS592.2) NGC AUS58--------------------------- $695.00 
FRANCE 1811-A 20 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 511 (KM695.1) 

PCGS XF45 ------------------------------------------- 2-72-22 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nena nnn nnn enna annem nnn nn nnn nnn nana ne $125.00 
FRANCE 1811-A 40 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 505 (KM696.1) 

NGC MS63 (Scarce this nice! )------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1812-A 20 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 511 (KM695.1) 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
FRANCE 1813-CL 40 Francs Napoleon Bonaparte “Laureate head” FR. 510 (KM696.2) 

RARE one year type from the Genoa (Italy) mint! Only 3,070 minted! PCGS XF45------------- $1,950.00 
FRANCE 1818-A 20 Francs Louis XVIII FR. 538 (KM712.1) PCGS AUS8------------------------------ $150.00 

FRANCE 1822-H 40 Francs Louis XVIII “Bare head” FR. 537 (KM713.3) RARE one year 
type from the La Rochelle mint with a mintage of only 611 pcs. struck! (cats. $2500 XF/ 
$5750 Unc in FR and cats. $3500 XF in KM-highest grade listed with a price!) 

NGC AUSS-------------------------------------------------- 22-22 2- nnn nanan nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnnn= $1,950.00 
FRANCE 1830-A 40 Francs Charles X “Bare head” FR. 547 (KM721.1) NGC MS62-------------------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1831-A 40 Francs Louis Philippe I “Laureate head” FR. 557 (KM747.1) 

(cats. $500 XF/$1200 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------------- $425.00 
FRANCE 1850-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) 

Three year type! NGC MS61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
FRANCE 1851-A 20 Francs “Ceres head” Second Republic FR. 566 (KM762) Three-year type! 

UNC details but cleaned=ANACS Net AUS5----$85.00 NGC AUS8----------- $125.00 

PCGS AUS58-------- $125.00 NGC MS61--------------- $165.00 NGC MS62------------------------- $225.00 
FRANCE 1854-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” Reeded edge FR. 578 (KM783) 

Two year type! NGC MS03----------------------------------------------------------------------=--=--=--= === $250.00 
FRANCE 1854-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” Plain edge FR. 578 (KM783) 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS65--------------------------------------------------------------- === =" === == === === $350.00 
FRANCE 1857-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63-------------- $750.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 20 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 573 (KM781.1) 

UNC details but scratched=ANACS Net AU55----------- $65.00 NGC MS63------------------------ $125.00 
FRANCE 1858-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) NGC MS63------------ $850.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Bare head” FR. 578a (KM787.1) Scarce this nice! 

PCGS MS64------------------------------------- 2-22 nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnnnnnn $250.00 
FRANCE 1859-A 100 Francs Napoleon II] “Bare head” FR. 569 (KM786.1) 

Lowest mintage of the five year type from this mint! PCGS MS63-------------------------------------- $850.00 
FRANCE 1862-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

6,650 mintage NGC MS64 (Scarce this nice!)------------------------------------------ 39m $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1863-BB 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 581 (KM802.2) 3,745 mintage 

PCGS MS03------------------------------------------------------- 2 $n nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 10 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 586 (KM800.1) PCGS MS62--------- $250.00 
FRANCE 1864-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62---------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1865-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) Scarcer date! 

3,740 mintage NGC MS63----------------------------------- nnn nnn nn nanan nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn $950.00 

FRANCE 1866-A 5 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 588 (KM803.1) Scarce this nice! 
PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana nnn $250.00 















FRANCE 1866-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804.1) NGC MS62----------- $450.00 
FRANCE 1866-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 9,041 mintage 

NGC MS063--------------------------$---$------ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $1,100.00 
FRANCE 1867-A 50 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 582 (KM804_1) 

2,000 mintage Scarcer date PCGS AUS55------------- $350.00 PCGS MS63------------------------- $950.00 
FRANCE 1869-A 100 Francs Napoleon III “Laureate head” FR. 580 (KM802.1) 

NGC MS60------ $650.00 PCGS MS62------------ $750.00. PCGS MS63---------------------------- $950.00 

FRANCE 1878-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) 5,294 mintage 
Scarcer date! (cats. $1350 XF/$2000 Unc in KM) PCGS XF40---$750.00 NGC MS63------- $1,950.00 

FRANCE 1879-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC AU58--------- $495.00 
FRANCE 1882-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) 

ANACS MS60----$525.00 NGC MS61---------- $550.00 NGC MS62-------------------------------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1886-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) 

NGC MS602----------------- $595.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 

FRANCE 1899 10 Francs “Rooster” PIEFORT ESSAI Mazzard #2117 RARE NGC PF63-------- $1,450.00 
FRANCE 1899-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS62------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1900-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS62------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1904-A 50 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 591 (KM831) PCGS MS64------ $1,250.00 
FRANCE 1906-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM832) NGC MS62------- $595.00 
FRANCE 1907-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS62------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1910-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) 

NGC MS60---------- $495.00 NGC MS61------------------ $525.00 NGC MS64---------------------- $850.00 
FRANCE 1911-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) NGC MS62------- $550.00 
FRANCE 1912-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) 

NGC MS61----------------- $525.00 NGC MS62---------------------------------- == $550.00 
FRANCE 1912-A 100 Francs “Angel Writing” Third Republic FR. 590 (KM858) 

Rare this nice! NGC MS65----------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,750.00 
FRANCE 1914 20 Francs “Rooster” Third Republic FR. 596a (KM857) PCGS MS65---------------- $125.00 
FRANCE 1935 100 Francs “Bazor” Third Republic FR. 598 (KM880) NGC MS603-------------------- $650.00 
FRANCE 1936 100 Francs “Bazor” Third Republic FR. 598 (KM880) NGC MS63-------------------- $650.00 
FRANCE 1976 1 Centime gold PIEFORT KM#P541 Scarce only 100 struck! PCGS PR67------------ $165.00 
FRANCE 1976 5 Centimes gold PIEFORT KM#P544 Scarce only 100 struck! PCGS PR67----------- $195.00 
FRANCE 1976 10 Centimes gold PIEFORT KM#P547 Scarce only 100 struck! PCGS PR67--------- $225.00 
FRANCE 1976 20 Centimes gold PIEFORT KM#P550 Scarce only 100 struck! PCGS PR66--------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1978 '% Franc gold PIEFORT KM#P607 Scarce only 141 struck! PCGS PR67-------------- $295.00 
FRANCE 1978 1 Franc gold PIEFORT KM#P610 Scarce only 141 struck! PCGS PR67--------------- $350.00 
FRANCE 1986 100 Francs “Centennial-Statue of Liberty” FR. 602 (KM960b) 

NGC PF68---------------------- $225.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------- $225.00 

FRANCE 1986 100 Francs PIEFORT “Statue of Liberty” KM#P973b (type of KM960b but 
double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE with only 50 pieforts minted! 

BER ER UO ar Oncinnt case Willt ColiGdte serge ee $1,450.00 
FRANCE 1990 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Charlemagne” _KM990a 

Contains 6431 oz platinum! 2,000 mmtage. NGC PF68-————______——————————— $595.00 
FRANCE 1992 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Jean Monet” KM1013a 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------ $550.00 
FRANCE 1993 1 Franc “Normandy Invasion” KM1015 NGC PF68---------------------------------------—- $295.00 

FRANCE. 1993 100 Francs “Maria-Marguerite/Bicentennial of the Louvre” KM1021la NGC PF69------ $295.00 
FRANCE 1993 500 Francs (1 0z) “Topless Venus de Milo” KM1025 NGC PF68------ $750.00 

Ge CROOPdt oneal case will Coitiiicato—— $750.00 
FRANCE 1993 500 Francs-70 Ecus Platinum “Brandenburg Gate” KM1035a 2,000 mintage 

NGC PF638---—_-—_-_-___-__—__--_______________________________—______——___————-——— OO $550.00 
FRANCE 1996 100 Francs-15 Euro “Museum Treasures-La Source” KM1125 NGC PF68------------ $295.00 
FRANCE 1999 100 Francs “Rugby World Cup” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PFO69---------------------— $295.00 

FRANCE 1999 655.957 Francs “Roman Art” KM1248 2,000 mintage (cats. $485) NGC PF69----— $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 100 Francs “Marianne” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF68---$275.00 NGC PF69------- $295.00 











pe ie 


FRANCE 2000 500 Francs “Yves St. Laurent” KM1237 Contains | oz gold, .999 fine! 

1,000 mintage (cats. $850) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $550.00 
FRANCE 2000 655.957 Francs “Renaissance Art” KM1250 2,000 mintage (cats. $485) NGC PF69--$295 .00 
FRANCE 2000 655.957 Francs “Baroque & Classical Art” KM1251 2,000 mintage (cats. $485) 

NGC PF09--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-22-29 2-2-2 ----------- $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 655.957 Francs “Art Nouveau” KM1252 2,000 mintage (cats. $485) NGC PF69------ $295.00 
FRANCE 2000 655.957 Francs “Modem Art” KM1253 2,000 mintage (cats. $485) NGC PF69-------- $295 00 
FUJAIRAH 1970 50 Riyals “1972 Munich Olympics” FR. 4 (KM8) Scarcer date of the 

two year type with a mintage of only 400 pcs! NGC PF69----------------------------------------------- $295.00 
GAMBIA 1977 500 Dalasis “Sitatunga” FR. 1 (KM19) Conservation Coins Series 
Only 699 Uncs minted! NGC MS67------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 

GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1916-T 15 Rupien FR. | (KM16.2) Elephant with mountains 
in background/Rev: Eagle. One year type! Scarcer of the two varieties of this issue 

with only 6,395 minted! Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1913-G 10 Marks Friedrich II FR. 3761 (KM282) Scarce 

(cats. $2000 in KM) PCGS MS61--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1913-G 20 Marks Friedrich If FR. 3760 (KM284) NGC MS63--------------------- $350.00 
GERMANY-Baden 1914-G 20 Marks Friedrich If FR. 3760 (KM284) PCGS MS63------ $295.00 

NGC MS064----------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 nanan nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnneee $350.00 
GERMANY-Bavaria 1903-D 10 Marks Otto FR. 3771 (KM514) PCGS XF45---------------------------- $150.00 
GERMANY-Brandenburg-Ansbach 1680 % Ducat Johann Friedrich FR. 337 (KM98) 

Arms/Rev: Figures of Piety and Justice. Scarce two year type! NGC MS62------------------------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Brunswick-Luneburg 1754 '%4Goldgulden (‘2 Thaler) George II August 

(George II of England) FR. 613 (KM324) Three year type! PCGS AUS8-------------------------- $595.00 
GERMANY-Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 1717 % Ducat Ludwig Rudolf FR. 673 (KM770) 

Initials/Rev: Rearing horse. (cats. $500 XF) PCGS AUS5---------------------------------------------- $495.00 

GERMANY-Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 1834 10 Thaler Wilhelm FR. 745 (KM1122) 
Arms supported by wild men/Rev: Value. Scarce four year type! (cats. $3000 Unc in FR/ 

$2250 XF in KM) PCGS MS03--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
GERMANY-Cologne 1 Goldgulden ND Hermann IV of Hessen (1480-1508) FR. 802 
St. Peter/Rev: Arms. PCGS VF30--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 

GERMANY-Frankfurt 1652/1 1 Ducat FR. 976 (KM104.2) Crowned eagle with head to right/ 
Rev: Inscription. This overdate not listed in KM! (cats. $800 XF in FR/$750 XF in KM- 

highest grade listed in both books) PCGS MS62----------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Frankfurt 1817 1 Ducat “300 Anniversary of the Reformation” FR. 1026 

(KM302) One year type! PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
GERMANY-Hamburg 1864 | Ducat FR. 1142 (KM274) NGC MS64-------------------------------------- $595.00 
GERMANY-Hamburg 1876-J 20 Marks FR. 3776 (KM289) PCGS MS64--------------------------------- $225.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1814 5 Thaler George III (of England) KM101 PCGS MS62------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1829-B 10 Thaler George IV (of England) FR. 1158 (KM133) 

PCGS AUS8 --------------------------------------------n-n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1843-S 2% Thaler Emst August FR. 1174 (KM185.1) 

Three year type! NGC AUS3----------------------------------------- ~~~ ----- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
GERMANY-Hannover 1866-B 1 Krone George V FR. 1183 (KM232) PCGS MS63------------------ $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Hesse-Cassel 1629 “Storm” Goldgulden Wilhelm V FR. 1250 (KM110) Arms/ 
Rev: Willow tree bending in storm with Hebrew letters (Jehovah) above. Rare 

(cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS AUS55--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,650.00 
GERMANY-Hesse-Darmstadt 1835 5 Gulden Ludwig II FR. 1232 (KM301) 
Scarcest date of the type! (cats. $3250 in KM) NGC MS63------------------------------------------ $2,450.00 

GERMANY-Mainz 1655 | Ducat Johann Philipp FR. 1656 (KM107) Bust left/Rev: Arms. 

(cats. $1200 XF in FR/$1000 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS62------------------------------------------------------------------—------ $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Mainz 1795 | Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1682 (KM410) 

One year type! Bust/Rev: Arms. PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------------------—- $1,250.00 













GERMANY-Mainz 1795 “City View” Ducat Friedrich Karl Joseph FR. 1685 (KM411) 

Scarce one year type! Bust/Rev: City view. P/L surfaces! PCGS MS61---------- $1,250.00 

PCGS MS063--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GERMANY-Numberg 1650 “Treaty of Westphalia” 1 Ducat FR. 1839 (KM168) Scarce 

One year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$1750 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

Rare in this quality!) NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
GERMANY-Numberg 1/16 Ducat ND (1700) FR. 1895 (KM246) GEM BU------------------------------- $225.00 
GERMANY-Numberg (1700) 1 Ducat Klippe (square) FR. 1886 (KM258) Three shields/Rev: 

Lamb on globe. Date in chronogram! “IMF” mintmaster initials (restruck 1755-1764) 

Scarce Choice BU---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99-2 - === == 922 = $750.00 
GERMANY-Pfalz-Neuburg 1750 | Ducat Karl Theodor KM86 (this type unlisted in FR!) 

Bust/Rev: Order of St. Hubert. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1750 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------- 2 nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Pfalz 1792 1 Ducat Karl Theodor FR. 2042 (KM178) Scarce one year type 
issued on the 50" year of reign! PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------------—- $1,250.00 

GERMANY-Pomerania 1642 | Ducat Christina (of Sweden) FR. 2107 (KM199.1) Facing bust/ 
Rev: Arms. Stettin mint Scarce (cats. $2000 XF in FR/$1800 XF in KM) PCGS AUS55-------- $1,950.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1872-A 10 Marks Wilhelm I FR. 3819 (KM502) NGC MS66------ $175.00 

PCGS MS66--------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $175.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1873-C 20 Marks Wilhelm I FR. 3815 (KM501) PCGS AU53--------------------- $150.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1877-A 5 Marks PROOF Wilhelm I FR. 3825 (KM507) Scarce PCGS PR63--$1,450.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1880-A 10 Marks Wilhelm I FR. 3822 (KM504) PCGS AUS3--------------------- $125.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1888-A 20 Marks Friedrich III FR. 3828 (KMS515) One year type! 

PCGS AUS5S ------------------------------------------ =n nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $150.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1893-A 10 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3855 (KM520) PCGS AUS3-------------------- $125.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1906-A 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3831 (KMS521) PCGS AUS8-------------------- $110.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1912-J 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3832 (KMS521) 

Scarcer low mintage date and mint! PCGS MS63-_—_—______-—_________——__—_—— $295.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1913-A 20 Marks Wilhelm II “Military bust” FR. 3833 (KM537) 

Three year type! PCGS MS62-—__—_-—________-_______-__________________—— $165.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1914-A 20 Marks Wilhelm II “Uniformed bust” FR. 3833 (KM537) 

Three year type! NGC MS63----$150.00 PCGS MS64--------- $175.00 NGC MS65-------------- $195.00 
GERMANY-Prussia 1914-A 20 Marks PROOF Wilhelm II “Uniformed bust” FR. 3833 

(KM537)- [htee-year type! RARE. PCGS: PRO —— $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Saxony 1616 1 Ducat Sophia FR. 2642 (KM126) Initials/Rev: “HIS” with 

the eye of God above! One year type! PCGS AUS8----$450.00 PCGS MS62-----$595.00 

PCGS MS63---------------------------------- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn ni $750.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1630 “Centennial of the Augsburg Confession” 2 Ducats Johann George I 

FR. 2662 (KM421) One year type! (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2000 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8-----$1,950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1630 “Centennial of the Augsburg Confession” 2 Ducats Johann Georg | 

FR. 2701 (KM421) Scarce one year type! ex-Goodman Collection! Rare in this quality! 

PCGS MS63----------------------------- n-ne nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $3,950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1697 “Coronation of Friedrich August I as August II of Poland” FR. 2830 

Arm with Polish sabre/Rev: Crown over legend. Dresden mint (cats. $1200 XF in FR) 

ANACS EF45 ------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1749 1| Ducat Friedrich August Il FR. 2845 (KM887) Bust/ 

Rev: Crowned arms. (cats. $950 XF in KM) Nice luster! PCGS AUS8---------------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1913-E 20 Marks Friedrich August II] FR. 3848 (KM1265) 

ST TRIES RT yO) Ns $395.00 
GERMANY-Saxony 1914-E 20 Marks Friedrich August III FR. 3848 (KM1265) 

Three year type! PCGS MS64-—-_—_—____—_— $450.00 

GERMANY-‘Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg 1660 | Ducat Georg, Ludwig and Christian FR. 3200 
Three half-length busts/Rev: Arms with three helmets. (cats. $1000 XF in FR) 
PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,250.00 













GERMANY-Stolberg 4 Ducat ND Christoph Ludwig II (1739-1761) FR. 3340 (KM#C4) 

Crowned CL monogram/Rev: Stag in front of column. PCGS AUS58----------------------------------- $495 00 
GERMANY-Waldeck 1741 ' Ducat Karl August Friedrich FR. 3496 (KM#C30) Head/Rev: Arms. 

Three year type! (cats. $800 XF in FR-highest grade listed) Scarce this nice! NGC MS62------- $950.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1927-D medallic gold (5 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#Mla 22.47 grams NGC MS61------ $550.00 NGC PF62----$650.00 NGC MS63---------- $750.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Goetz 

KM#MS NGC PF63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (10 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bernhart 

KM#M3 NGC PF61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 
GERMANY-Weimar Republic 1928 medallic gold (20 Mark) “Von Hindenburg” by Bemhart 

KM#M4_ NGC PF62------------------- $325.00 NGC PF64--------------------------------------------- $395.00 

GERMANY-Westphalia 1813-C 5 Franken Hieronymus Napoleon FR. 3519 (KM#C31) 

Laureate head/Rev: Value. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 XF/$2500 Unc in FR) 

PCGS AUS5S5----------- $750.00 PCGS MS63 (Scarce this nice! )-------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1841 4 Ducats “25 Anniversary of Reign” Wilhelm FR. 3615 

(KM#M1) Head/Rev: Seated female and children. Scarce one year type! 6,236 mintage 

(cats. $2000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1898-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) PCGS AUS58------------- $195.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1900-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) NGC MS63-------------- $295.00 
GERMANY-Wurttemberg 1905-F 20 Marks Wilhelm II FR. 3876 (KM634) NGC MS64-------------- $350.00 
GERMANY-Wurzburg 2 Ducat ND (1724) Christoph Franz FR. 3699 (KM273) Arms/Rev: 

Sword and stola. (cats. $800 in FR) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 

GERMANY-Wurzburg | Goldgulden ND (1729) Friedrich Karl FR. 3715 (KM#M4) Bust/ 
Rev: Banner arms in omamental cartouche. Scarce one year type! (cats. $2000 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS5 ------------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 22a nnn n nn nn nn nnn nanan nnn nnn nn nanan nnn $1,450.00 
GERMANY-Wurzburg 1776 1 Ducat Adam Friedrich FR. 3725 (KM409) Bust in square/Rev: 
Madonna and child in square. (cats. $2050 Unc in FR) PCGS MS62------------------------------- $1,450.00 

GERMANY-Wurzburg 1779 1 Goldgulden Franz Ludwig FR. 3730 (KM414) Bust over arms/ 
Rev: Palm tree and shield. Scarce one year type! (cats. $1000 XF/$3000 Unc in FR) 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2922 nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $1,450.00 
GHANA 1960 2 Pounds “Republic Day” KM#M5 NGC PF63----------------------------------------------- $250.00 
GHANA 1965 2 Pounds “OAU Summit Meeting” KM#M4 2,020 mintage NGC PF67------------------ $295.00 
GHANA 1968 2 Pounds “Kotoka” KM#M6 2,000 mintage NGC PF61------------------------------------ $250.00 
GHANA 1981 500 Cedis PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM28 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68---------------------------- $750.00 
GIBRALTAR 1980 50 Pounds “175” Anniversary of Death of Admiral Nelson/Ship” FR. 4 

(KM13) NGC PF67----------------- $275.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
GIBRALTAR 1994 '4 Crown (1/2 oz gold) “World War II-Seaplane Squadron 202 in Gibraltar” 

Not yet listed in KM but same design as the silver KM260a!_ NGC PF67----------------------------- $295.00 
GIBRALTAR 1994 70 Ecus “Mythology-Europa Sowing Seeds” KM493 2,000 mintage 

NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------- 29-2 n nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnnnnnn $165.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1 Noble ND Edward III (1327-1377) FR. 89 Fourth Coinage/Pre-Treaty 
period 1351-1361. King standing in ship with sword and shield/Rev: “E” in center of 

royal cross in tressure. PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------==== $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN % Noble ND Edward Ill (Treaty period 1361-1369) FR. 97 
Arms/Rev: Omamental cross. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1 Rose Noble ND Edward IV (First Reign Light Coinage 1464-1470) 

FR. 132 London mint Ruler standing in ship with sword and shield, rose on bow/ 

Rev: Radiate rose within royal emblems. PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Angel ND Edward VI (Second Reign 1471-1483) FR. 139 St. Michael 

slaying the dragon/Rev: Cross and arms on ship. Cinquefoil mintmark RARE 

(cats. $4750 XF in FR-highest grade listed!) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------- $4,950.00 












GREAT BRITAIN 1 Angel ND Henry VII (1485-1509) FR. 151 St. Michael slaying the dragon/ 

Rev: Cross and arms on ship. PCGS AUS58------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Angel ND Henry VIII (First Coinage 1509-1526) FR. 155 St. Michael 

slaying the dragon/Rev: Cross and arms on ship. PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN I Angel ND Elizabeth I (1558-1603) FR. 199 St. Michael slaying the dragon/ 

Rev: Cross and arms on ship. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1 Unite ND Charles I (1625-1649) FR. 246 Crowned bust left, Roman 

numerals for value behind/Rev: Crowned shield. PCGS AUSS5---------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1662 Charles II Pattern Gold Broad (20 Shillings) KM#Pn32 Bust left/ 

Rev: Crowned arms. Scarce (cats. $3750 in KM) PCGS AUSS------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1680 | Guinea Charles II FR. 287 (KM440.1) Scarce 

(cats. $3250 XF in FR/$1650 XF in KM) ICG AUS0-------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1710 % Guinea Anne FR. 323 (KM527) Scarce (cats. $2500 in FR) 

PCGS XF45 ---------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 n nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1713 2 Guineas Anne FR. 319 (KM531) Scarce (cats. $5100 in FR) 

PCGS XF40------------------------------------------------------- 3-2 nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn $2,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1739 2 Guineas George II FR. 337 (KM578) (cats. $1750 in FR) PCGS AUSO---$1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1745 1 Guinea George II FR. 341 (KM577.3) Scarce two year sub-type! 

PCGS VF30--------- $650.00 PCGS XF45 (cats. $1950 XF in FR/$1850 XF in KM)--------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1748 5 Guineas George II FR. 334 (KM586.2) Laureate head left/ 

Rev: Crowned, garnished shield. Two year type! RARE this nice! NGC MS64----------------- $12,500.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1776 gold Pattern 1/3 Guinea George II] KM#Pn55 Scarce PCGS PR62-------- $1,950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1784 '% Guinea George III FR. 361 (KM605) PCGS AUS55--------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1787 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) Was wom in jewelry and has 

hole at top! Would be a good candidate for jewelry use again!------------------------------------------ $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1789 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) PCGS AUS0-------------------------- --$395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1791 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) PCGS XF45---------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1797 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 365 (KM620) NGC MS63-------------------------- $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1798 1 Guinea George III FR. 356 (KM609) NGC MS60------- $550.00 

PCGS MS63--------------------------------- 22a nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1802 '% Guinea George III FR. 363 (KM649) Three year type! PCGS AU55------ $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1804 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUS3------ $195.00 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------ $n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1804 % Guinea George III FR. 364 (KM651) PCGS AU50-----$250.00 

PCGS AUSS-------------------- $295.00 PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1806 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUSS5-------- $225.00 

PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1810 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367 (KM650) PCGS AUSS5----$225.00 

PCGS AUS58---------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 1/3 Guinea George III FR. 367a (KM650) Scarce date! PCGS AUSS5-------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 % Guinea George III FR. 364 (KM651) PCGS AU58---------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 % Guinea PROOF George III FR. 364 (KM651) RARE NGC PF63------- $2,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1813 “Military” Guinea George III FR. 357 (KM664) Scarce one year type! 

PCGS AU55-------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $995.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1818 '% Sovereign George II] FR. 372 (KM673) PCGS AUS8----------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1820 '% Sovereign George II] FR. 372 (KM673) NGC MS63----------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 376 (KM682) PCGS MS63---------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1821 '% Sovereign George IV FR. 378 (KM681) Rare one year type with 

omately gamished shield! (cats. $3000 Unc in FR/$2700 Unc in KM) NGC MS63-------------- $2,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1823 2 Pounds George IV FR. 375 (KM690) One year type! Scarce 

(cats. $1650 in FR/$1800 in KM) PCGS MS62----$1,450.00 NGC MS63------ $1,750.00 

PCGS MS63-------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,750.00 


V, Sovereign George IV FR. 379 (KM689) Three year type! 

POR Pa Yat ne bg mentees eneprenernionnnenemecanias $650.00 


















GREAT BRITAIN 1825 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS MS64---------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 % Sovereign PROOF George IV FR. 380a (KM700) Scarce 

(cats. $2250 in FR) NGC PF63---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 2 Sovereign George IV FR. 380 (KM700) PCGS MS62----------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 1 Sovereign George IV FR. 377 (KM696) PCGS AUS58------------------------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1826 2 Pounds PROOF George IV FR. 374 (KM701) Only 450 Proofs struck 

of this Proof only one year type! (cats. $5500 in FR/$6000 in KM) NGC PF62------------------ $3,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1828 '% Sovereign George [IV FR. 380 (KM700) Three year type! 

NGC AUS8-------------------- $595.00 NGC MS02-------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1835 '2 Sovereign William IV FR. 385 (KM722) Three year type! 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1836 1 Sovereign William IV FR. 383 (KM717) ICG MS61------------------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1839 '% Sovereign PROOF Victoria FR. 389a (KM735.1) Scarce only 

1,230 Proofs minted! (cats. $3250 in FR/$3000 in KM) NGC PF62------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1871 I Sovereign Victoria FR. 387i (KM736.2) NGC MS61------ $195.00 

NGC MS6@2------ $250.00 PCGS MS63--------------- $295.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1872 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS63----------------------------- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1874 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 387) (KM736.2) Rare date! (listed as RARE 

and without a price in FR/$1800 VF in KM-highest grade listed there!) PCGS XF45------------ $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1876 | Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) PCGS MS64--------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1878 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) NGC MS62---------------------------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1885 1 Sovereign Victoria FR. 388 (KM752) PCGS MS62--------------------------- $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 2 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 39la (KM768) 

One year type with only 797 Proofs minted! NGC PF63----------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 2 Pounds Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 391 (KM768) One year type! 

PCGS MS62------ $550.00 PCGS MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1887 5 Pounds Victoria “Jubilee” FR. 390 (KM769) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------- 2-222-722-2292 2-222 nn nnn nn nanan nn -= $895.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 '% Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 397a (KM784) Scarce 

PROOF only 773 proofs minted! NGC PF64-------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 1 Sovereign PROOF Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 396a (KM785) 

Scarce only 773 proofs struck! PCGS PF64------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 2 Pounds Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 395 (KM786) One year type! 

PCGS MS63--------------------------------------------2---n nn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnnnnnnnnnnnnen $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1893 2 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 395a (KM786) 

Only 773 Proofs minted! NGC PF64------- $2,250.00 PCGS PR64---------- $2,250.00 

PCGS PR65(Rare this nice!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1893 5 Pounds PROOF Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 394a (KM787) 

Scarce one year type with only 773 Proofs minted! (cats. $5500 in FR/$3750 in KM) 

NGC PF02--------------------------------------------------- 22-92-29 n- nono nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $3,450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1899 1 Sovereign Victoria “Widow’s head” FR. 396 (KM785) NGC AUS8------ $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 % Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 40la (KM804) 

PCGS PRO) <a e  e $225.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 1 Sovereign MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 400a (KM805) 

BCGS PRO) ee eee $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 2 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 399a (KM806) 

One year type! PCGS PR61-----$595.00 PCGS PR62-------- $650.00 PCGS PR63---------------- $750.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1902 2 Pounds Edward VII FR. 399 (KM806) One year type! PCGS MS62------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1902 5 Pounds MATTE PROOF Edward VII FR. 398a (KM807) 

One year type! PCGS PR61--------- $1,100.00 PCGS PR62----------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 % Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 405 (KM819) Scarce this nice! 

NGC PF63------------------- $295.00 NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign PROOF George V FR. 404 (KM820) NGC PF64---------------- --$450.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1911 1 Sovereign George V FR. 404 (KM820) PCGS MS63-------------------------- $125.00 















GREAT BRITAIN 1911 2 Pounds PROOF George V FR. 403 (KM821) One year type struck 

in Proof only! 2,812 minted! PCGS PR63---------- $950.00 NGC PF64---------- $1,150.00 

PCGS PR6S---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1936 Edward VII “Abdication” gold medal Fearon #387.7 35 mm., 31.80 grams 

Scarce Choice Matte BU--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1937 '% Sovereign PROOF George VI FR. 412 (KM858) 

One year type struck in Proof only! NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1957 | Sovereign Elizabeth I] FR. 417 (KM908) PCGS MS65---------------------- $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1974 1 Sovereign Elizabeth Il FR. 418 (KM919) PCGS MS65---------------------- $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1982 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS42 Set consists of 

the %-1-2-5 Pounds. 2,500 sets minted GEM PROOF in original case with certiscate----------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1982 | Sovereign Elizabeth II FR. 418 (KM919) PCGS PR69------------------------ $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1983 2 Pounds Elizabeth IT FR. 420 (KM923) NGC PF68----------------------------- $225.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1983 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS44 Set consists of 

the 4-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $775) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------ $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth Il PROOF set KM#PS46 Set consists of 

the 2-1-5 Pounds. (original issue price $1275, currently cats. $910) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------------------—--—— $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 5 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 419 (KM924) PCGS MS67------ $475.00 

NGC MS68 ------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 5 Pounds PROOF Elizabeth If FR. 419 (KM924) This coin comes with 

a certificate stating it is serial # 0001 of the mintage! PCGS PR68------------------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1984 5 Pounds PROOF Elizabeth II FR. 419 (KM924) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------------------------------------—-------—-—--—— $695.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1985 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth Il PROOF set KM#PS48 Set consists of 
the %-1-2-5 Pounds. (original issue price $1395, currently cats. $1175) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------------------------------------------------——~ $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1985 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 422 (KM945) 

GEM BU in original case with certificate----------------------------------------------------9 nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1986 2 Pounds Elizabeth II “Commonwealth Games” FR. 426 (KM947c) 

One year type struck in Proof only! PCGS PR68---------------------------______----___--___-—_ $250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1986 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 422 (KM945) 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-------------------------------_---___----_-____-_____--__— $495.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1986 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS50 Set consists of 
the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $675, currently cats. $535) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------------------------------_--------------———- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PSS2 (original issue price $1595) 
GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------------------------------------—----—-----— $850.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1987 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS53 Set consists of 
the 4-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $675, currently cats. $535) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----------------______________-_—______--- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 1 Sovereign Elizabeth Il FR. 424 (KM943) PCGS PR68----------------------- $150.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 427 (KM949) NGC MS64--------------------------- $450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 100 Pounds Elizabeth II “Britannia” FR. 428 (KM953) 

Contains 1 oz gold! PCGS PR68—-—-—_-------_--—------_---_---_______--_-_______________—_— $495.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1988 complete 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS57 Set consists of 
the %-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price $775, currently cats. $510) 

GEM PROOF in orginal case with certificate —_________————————___ $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PS60 (original issue price $1595) 
2,500 sets issued GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------- $950.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 4 pc. gold Elizabeth II “$00 Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” 
PROOF set KM#PS61 (original issue price was $1595, currently cats. $1600 in KM) 
GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate------------------------------------------—- $1,250.00 














GREAT BRITAIN 1989 complete 3 pe. gold Elizabeth II “500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” 
PROOF set KM#PS62 Set consists of the 2-1-2 Pounds. (original issue price was $775, 

currently cats. $675 in KM) GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate----------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 '% Sovereign “500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 435 (KM955) One year type struck in Proof only! NGC PF69----------------------------------- $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 2 Pounds “500” Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth I 

FR. 433 (KM957) One year type struck in Proof only!’ NGC PF69--------------- $350.00 

PCGS PR69 DCAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1989 5 Pounds “500" Anniversary of the Gold Sovereign” Elizabeth II 

FR. 432 (KM958) One year type! GEM BU in original case with certificate------------------------ $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1990 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS68 Set consists of 
the '2-1-2-5 Pounds. Set also contains a gold plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and 
the Chinese lunar year of the horse symbol! (original issue price $1595, currently cats. $1400) 

2,500 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------- $1,100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 | Sovereign Elizabeth II FR. 424 (KM943) PCGS PR68----------------------- $195.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 2 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 423 (KM944) NGC PF64------ $250.00 

NGC PF009-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1990 5 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 422 (KM945) 3,500 mintage 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1991 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS74 Set consists of 
the %2-1-2-5 Pounds. Set also contains a gold plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and 
the Chinese lunar year of the goat symbol! (original issue price $1750, currently cats. $1500) 

1,500 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate--------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1991 5 Pounds Elizabeth Il FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 mintage 
GEM BU » original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1992 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS79 (original issue price 
was $1750, currently cats. $1600 in KM) Only 1,250 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original 

presentation case with certificate---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1992 5 Pounds Elizabeth II FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 mintage 
GEM BU in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1993 complete 4 pc. “Pistrucci” PROOF set Elizabeth If KM#PS86 (original issue 
price was $1560, currently cats. $1530) Set includes the four gold coins plus a silver commemorative 
medallion! 1,250 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1993 5 Pounds Elizabeth II “40" Anniversary of Reign” KM965b 
One year type struck in Proof only! 2,500 minted (cats. $950) GEM PROOF in 

original case with certificate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1994 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS91 (currently cats. $1550) 

Only 1,250 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1994 50 Pence “Normandy Invasion” _KM966b NGC PF67---------------------------- $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1994 1 Sovereign Elizabeth If FR. 424 (KM943) PCGS PR68---------------------- $225.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1994 2 Pounds Elizabeth II “300" Anniversary-Bank of England” KM968c 

(cats. $470) One year type struck in Proof only! PCGS PR68------------------------------------------ $350.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth If PROOF set KM#PS95 (currently cats. $1675) 

Only 1,250 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 2 Pounds ‘50 Anniversary-United Nations” KM97Ic (cats. $475) 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------~--------- 2-2 nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nana nnn nnn $395.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 5 Pounds Elizabeth If FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 mintage 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1995 1 Ecu “Sir Walter Raleigh and his ship” (colorized) 500 mintage 

GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1996 complete 4 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set 1,250 sets issued 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1996 5 Pounds Elizabeth I] FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 mintage 
GEM BU in original case with certificate---------------------------------------------------=------nn nnn nnn $650.00 
























GREAT BRITAIN 1996 5 Pounds “70" Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II’ KM947b One year type! 

2,750 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1997 2 Pounds “Technology from the Iron Age to today’s Cyberspace Age” 

KM976b One year type with red gold outer ring and yellow gold center! (cats. $675) 

2,500 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------- $450.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds Elizabeth Il FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 mintage 

GEM BU in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds Elizabeth Il FR. 422 (KM945) 1,000 minted PCGS PR68--------- $595.00 

GREAT BRITAIN 1997 5 Pounds “Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s Golden Wedding 

Anniversary’ KM977b Mintage limit was 2750. GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1998 5 Pounds “Prince Charles’s 50" Birthday” KM995b Mintage limit 

was 2000 — actual number struck was only 773 pcs! (cats. $900) GEM PROOF in original 

case with certificate-----------------------------------------------------------------~--------- nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 3 pc. Elizabeth II PROOF set KM#PS108 Set consists of the ’2-1-2 Pounds. 

The 2 Pound is a special “Rugby World Cup 1999” bi-color one year type! The set also contains 

a gold-plated medallion depicting the Royal Crown and the Chinese lunar symbol the rabbit, 

for 1999! Only 1250 sets issued! (cats. $955) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----$750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 complete 4 pc. “Britannia” PROOF set KM#PS110 (original issue price $1595) 

Only 750 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------- $1,100.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 5 Pounds Elizabeth II “Millennium 2000” KM1006b 2,500 minted! 

(cats. $995) PCGS PR69--------------------------------------------------- === nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 1999 5 Pounds Elizabeth II KM1003 Only 1,000 minted! 

GEM BU in original case with certificate------------------------------------------------------------—-----—- $695.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 % Sovereign Elizabeth II KM1001 PCGS MS69----------------------------------- $75.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 | Sovereign Elizabeth If KM1002 PCGS MS63--$100.00 PCGS MS68------ $125.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds Elizabeth If KM1003 NGC MS67---------- $550.00 

PCGS MS68(listed on the slab as being the 42™ coin struck!)------------------------ $575.00 

PCGS MS69listed on the slab as being #187 of the first strikes! )--------------------------------------- $595.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2000 5 Pounds “100” Birthday of The Queen Mother” KM1007b 

3,000 minted! (cats. $950) GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------- $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2001 5 Pound Elizabeth II “Victorian Anniversary” PROOF 

3,500 mintage limit GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------ $750.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2001 complete 4 pc. gold “Una and the Lion” Britannia PROOF set Not yet 

listed in KM! Only 1,000 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------- $1,250.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2002 5 Pounds “Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee” One year type! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-----_----------------_-____________----—-—-_____—— $950.00 
GREAT BRITAIN 2002 5 Pounds “Queen Mother Memorial” One year type! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------ nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
GREECE 1884-A 20 Drachmai George I FR. 18 (KM56) One year type! NGC MS62-------- $225.00 

NGC MS63-------------------------------$--- anna nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
GUATEMALA 1869-R 20 Pesos “Carrera” Republic FR. 38 (KM194) One year type! 

PCGS AUS58----------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $950.00 
GUINEA 1969 5000 Francs “1972 Munich Olympics/10™ Anniversary of Independence” 

FR. 2 (KM32) 2,740 mintage NGC PF69-------------------------------------------n nnn nnn $295.00 
GUINEA 1977 1000 Sylis “Miriam Makeba” FR. 18 (KM48) Scarce only 250 Proofs minted! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------____---_---_-----_—_-— $100.00 
HAITI 1967 100 Gourdes “Marie Jeanne/10™ Anniversary of Revolution” FR. 3 (KM69) 

PCGS PR65--------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
HAITI 1970 200 Gourdes “Revolt of Santo Domingo” FR. 2 (KM70) Scarce date! NGC PF64---------- $495.00 
HAITI 1970 250 Gourdes “King H. Christophe” FR. 7 (KM75) Contains 1.4286 oz gold! RARE 

Listed in KM without a price! GEM PROOF-—--—---—-------__________________________————— $995 00 

HAITI 1975 200 Gourdes “Two topless women/International Women’s Year’ FR. 30 
(kM125)) Only 640 Proots minted! ANACS PF67-——————-----—__----_-____-__—_____———— $125.00 















HAITI 1977 500 Gourdes “20" Anniversary of European Common Market/Map of Europe” 
FR. 32 (KM142) Scarce only 207 Uncs minted! GEM BU mn original case with certificate------- $225.00 
HONDURAS 1888 1 Peso FR. 7 (KMS56) Liberty head/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS MS062-------------------- $850.00 PCGS MS63---------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
HONG KONG 1976 $1000 “Year of the Dragon” FR. 2 (KM40) NGC MS66----------------------------- $495 00 
HONG KONG 1976 $1000 “Year of the Dragon” FR. 2 (KM40) Scarce (cats. $1750 in FR/ 

$1'150:in KM): NGC PEGO see $950.00 
HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) NGC MS64------------------------------ $295.00 
HONG KONG 1977 $1000 “Year of the Snake” FR. 3 (KM42) NGC PF69------- $495.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
HONG KONG 1978 $1000 “Year of the Horse” FR. 4 (KM44) NGC MS64------- $250.00 

NGC MS60------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-22-02 ------------------------------ $295.00 
HONG KONG 1979 $1000 “Year of the Goat” FR. 5 (KM45) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) NGC MS68--------------------------------- $395.00 
HONG KONG 1983 $1000 “Year of the Pig” FR. 9 (KM51) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
HONG KONG 1984 $1000 “Year of the Rat” FR. 10 (KM52) GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
HONG KONG 1986 $1000 “Year of the Tiger” FR. 12 (KM54) GEM BU--------------------------------- $295.00 
HONG KONG 1987 $1000 “Year of the Rabbit” FR. 14 (KM58) GEM PROOF ------------------------- $350.00 
HONG KONG 1997 $1000 “Return of Hong Kong to China” KM71 NGC PF69------ $295.00 

GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
HUNGARY 1 Goldgulden ND Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) FR. 11 St. Ladislas/ 

Rev: Quartered arms. PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
HUNGARY | Goldgulden ND Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) FR. 12 St. Ladislas/ 

Rev: Madonna and Child. PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 

HUNGARY-Kremnitz 3 Ducats ND (circa 1680) FR. 117 St. George slaying dragon/ 

Rev: Christ in boat. ex-Goodman Collection RARE (cats. $3000 XF-highest grade listed) 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------ 2-2-2 n nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nana nn nena nnnnne $2,950.00 
HUNGARY-Kremnitz 10 Ducats ND (circa 17" Century) FR. 114 St. George slaying dragon/ 

Rev: Christ in boat. ex-Goodman Collection RARE (cats. $7000 XF-highest grade listed) 

PCGS AUS8 --------------------------------------------------- 2-7-2 - nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nanan $6,500.00 
HUNGARY-Kremnitz %Ducats ND (circa 18" Century) FR. 119a St. George slaying dragon/ 

Rev: Christ in boat. ex-Goodman Collection PCGS AUS58----------------------------------------------- $395.00 
HUNGARY 1545-KB 1 Ducat Ferdinand I FR. 26 St. Ladislas/Rev: Madonna and child. 

Kremnitz mint (cats. $750 XF) PCGS AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 

HUNGARY 1582 1 Ducat Rudolf II FR. 34 St. Ladislas/Rev: Madonna and child. PCGS AUS58------ $550.00 
HUNGARY 1684 | Ducat Leopold I (the Hogmouth) FR. 51 (KM151) Ruler standing/ 

Rev: Madonna and child. PCGS MS62------------------------------------------------------------------=-- $750.00 
HUNGARY 1733 1 Ducat Karl VI FR. 66 (KM306.2) Ruler standing/Rev: Madonna and child. 

PCGS MS6] -------------------------------------------------------- 7-22-22 22a nn nnn nena nnn nn nnn nn nnn nena nna nne $495.00 
HUNGARY 1751-KB | Ducat Maria Theresia FR. 74 (KM329.2) Ruler standing/Rev: 

Madonna and child. NGC MS62----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
HUNGARY 1799 1 Ducat Ferencz Il FR. 81 (KM410) PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------- $295.00 
HUNGARY 1834 | Ducat FerenczI FR. 8la (KM419) NGC MS62---------------------------------------- $295.00 
HUNGARY 1845 1 Ducat Ferdinand I FR. 82 (KM425) Scarce date! (cats. $450 XF/ 

$650 Unc in KM) NGC AUS8----------------------------------------------------------------------=---- === $450.00 
HUNGARY 1889-KB 8 Forint-20 Francs Ferencz Jozsef FR. 87 (KM467) NGC MS64------------------ $125.00 
HUNGARY 1906 20 Korona Ferencz Jozsef FR. 92 ( KM486) NGC MS61------------------------------ $100.00 

HUNGARY 1907 100 Korona “40” Anniversary-Coronation of Franz Josef’ FR. 95 
(KM490) Scarce original striking! (not one of the modem restrikes!) (cats. $1750 in FR) 
One year type! NGC AU5S--------- $850.00 NGC AUS58-------------------- $950.00 
PCGS MS61------------------- $1,150.00 NGC PF62---------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 






















HUNGARY 1961 500 Forint “150 Anniversary-Birth of Ferenc Liszt” FR. 101 (KM565) 

2,503 mintage NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $650.00 
HUNGARY 1961 500 Forint “80" Anniversary-Birth of Bela Bartok”” FR. 104 (KM566) 

2,503 mintage NGC MS02------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $595.00 
HUNGARY 1966 100 Forint “400" Anniversary-Death of Zrinyi” FR. 106c (KM569) 

NGC PF64----------------- $150.00 NGC PF65------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
HUNGARY 1967 500 Forint “85" Birthday of Zoltan Kodaly” FR. 106e (KM580) 

Contains 1.2169 oz! 1,000 mintage NGC PF64---------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
HUNGARY 1967 1000 Forint “85" Birthday of Zoltan Kodaly” FR. 106d (KM581) 

Contains 2.43 oz gold! Scarce only 500 minted! GEM PROOF-------------------------------------- $1,450.00 

INDIA-Bikanir VS1994 (1937) 1 Nazarana Mohur Ganga Singh FR. 537 (KM#M3) NGC MS62------ $350.00 
INDIA-Bnitish India 1870 1 Mohur Victoria FR. 762 (KM480) Official Gov’t Restrike! 

Scarce NGC MS63 P/L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
INDIA-British India 1918-I 1 Sovereign George V FR. 773 (KM525a) One year type struck at 

the Bombay mint! PCGS MS63------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $150.00 
INDIA-Delhi | Dinar ND Yilduz (1206-1214) FR. 204 Crude figure of Lakshmi seated/ 

Rev: Nagari legend. ICG VF35------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
INDIA-Hyderabad AD1343 (1924) | Ashrafi FR. 623 (KM#Y57a) NGC MS64-------------------------- $350.00 

INDIA-Madras Presidency | “Star” Pagoda ND (1740-1807) KM303 (cats. $275 XF) ICG MS60-----$195.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency 1 “Three Swami” Pagoda ND (1740-1807) KM304 (cats. $275 XF) 

ICG AUS8 ------------------------------------------------------------- $22 n-nonane nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nana anna $195.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency AH1172 Year 6 (1817) 1 Mohur FR. 652 (KM418) RARE 

One year type issued by the English East India Company! Urdu legend on each side. 

This specimen was recovered from the “FAME” shipwreck which sunk off of South 

Africa in 1822! Choice AU -----------------------------------------------------------------9 = --o nnn $850.00 
INDIA-Madras Presidency | Mohur (1819) ND FR. 567 (KM421.1) Issued by the English 

English East India Company! Arms supported by lions; English legend/Rev: Urdu legend. 

One year type! PCGS AUS58------------------ $495.00 NGC AUS8-------------------------------------- $495.00 
INDIA-Mughal Empire AH1090 Regnal year 23 (1702) 1 Mohur Muhayyi-ud-din 

Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir FR. 426 (KM315.45) Surat mint PCGS MS62------------------ $495.00 
INDIA-Orissa 1 Pagoda ND (1200-1400) FR. 699 Elephant/Rev: Scroll. (cats. $250 VF) 

ICG AUS0--------------------------------------------- 2-22-22 nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nana nanan $195.00 
INDONESIA medallic (25 Rupiah) ND (1952) “Prince Diponegoro” KM#M1 NGC MS63-------------- $295.00 
INDONESIA 1974 100,000 Rupiah “Komodo Dragon” FR. 6 (KM41) Conservation Coin Series 

5,333 Uncs minted NGC MS65-------------- $425.00 NGC MS67-------------------------------------- $450.00 
INDONESIA 1974 100,000 Rupiah “Komodo Dragon” FR. 6 (KM41) Conservation Coin Series 

1,369 Proofs minted! NGC PF617---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $575.00 
INDONESIA 1987 200,000 Rupiah “Javan Rhinoceros” FR. 7 (KM46) NGC PF66--------------------- $295.00 
IRELAND 1990 50 Ecu “Red Deer” KM#M3 One year type! NGC PF66--------- $350.00 

NGC PF67-------------------- $375.00 NGC PF68---------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1977 5 Pounds “Viking on horse” FR. 4 (KM29) Rare Reported mintage of 

only 434 Uncs struck! NGC MS617-------------------------------------------n nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $550.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1983 1% Sovereign “Viking warrior” FR. 7 (KM26) This date unlisted in 

both FR and KM! Scarce NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------- nnn 3 nnn nnn $195.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1983 | Sovereign “Viking warrior” FR. 6 (KM27) This date unlisted in 

both FR and KM! Scarce NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------- === === $350.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1983 2 Pounds “Viking warrior’ FR. 5 (KM28) This date unlisted in 

both FR and KM! Scarce NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- == === $495.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1986 I Noble Platinum Elizabeth Il “Viking ship” FR. 18 (KM154) 

3,000 Proofs minted! Contains | oz Platinum! PCGS PR67 DCAM---------------------------------- $750.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1987 5 pc. gold “Angel” PROOF set KM#PS44 (cats. $900) 

All five coins are GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate------------------------- $850.00 

ISLE OF MAN 1994 5 Angel (5 oz gold) Queen Elizabeth II/Rev: Archangel Michael slaying dragon 
Not yet listed in KM! Rare only 94 pcs. struck! GEM PROOF in original case------------------- $2,950.00 














ISLE OF MAN 1996 1/5 Crown Platinum “Camelot Castle/Legend of King Arthur” KM668 

NGC PF69-----------------------------~--~-- =n 2-2 nanan nanan nnn nnnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana nnn nn nnnnnn manne $195.00 
ISLE OF MAN 1997 12 Crown (1/2 0z) “Leiv Eriksson and Viking ship” KM764 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF66------------------ $275.00 NGC PF67------------------------------------------------------------ $295.00 
ISRAEL 1960 20 Lirot “Herzl” FR. 1 (KM30) First gold coin of Israel! NGC MS65---$175.00 

NGC MS66---------------------- $195.00 NGC MS67------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 
ISRAEL 1962 50 Lirot “Weizmann” FR. 3 (KM40) 6,202 mintage NGC PF63-----$225.00 

NGC PF64---------------------------~-~-~~--n 3a nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 
ISRAEL 1962 100 Lirot “Weizmann” FR. 2 (KM41) NGC PF63------------------------------------------- $450.00 

ISRAEL 1964 50 Lirot “Bank” FR. 4 (KM44) 6,014 mintage NGC MS67---$275.00 NGC MS68-----$295.00 
ISRAEL 1964 50 Lirot “Bank” PROOF FR. 4 (KM44) The rarest gold coin in the Israeli 
gold series with only 841 Proofs minted! (cats. $3200 in KM) NGC PF64-----$2,250.00 

NGC PF67---------------- $2,450.00 PCGS PR67-------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 
ISRAEL 1968 100 Lirot “Jerusalem” FR. 6 (KMS52) NGC PF68------------------------------------------- $295.00 
ISRAEL 1969 100 Lirot “Shalom” FR. 7 (KM54) NGC PF67------ $275.00 NGC PF69--------------- $295.00 
ISRAEL 1974 500 Lirot “Ben Gurion” FR. 12 (KM82) NGC PF65----------------------------------------- $325.00 
ITALY-Ferrara | Scudod’oro ND Alfonso II D’Este (1559-1597) FR. 272 Arms/Rev: Cross 

Scarce PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Florence (Tuscany) 1775 1 Ruspone Pietro Leopold FR. 334 (KM#C28) Lily/ 

Rev: St. John seated. Scarce (cats. $1700 XF in FR) PCGS AUS58--------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ITALY-Florence (Tuscany) 1816 | Ruspone Ferdinando III FR. 341 (KM#C61) Scarce 

(cats. $1750 XF in FR/$1250 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5-------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1792 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.1) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $1250 in FR) PCGS VF35--------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1795 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS AUS5------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
ITALY-Genoa 1796 96 Lire FR. 444 (KM251.2) Arms supported by griffins/Rev: Madonna 

and child. (cats. $2000 XF in FR) PCGS XF45----------------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Milan 1787-M_ 1 Sovrano Josef Il KM#CS51 (FR. 312 listed under Austria) Scarce 

(cats. $1350 XF in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------ $950.00 
ITALY-Modena 103 Soldi (1/3 Scudo d’oro) ND Francesco I D’Este (1629-1658) FR. 791 

Legend/Rev: Eagle. PCGS MS62---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
ITALY-Naples 1763 6 Ducati Ferdinando [V FR. 846 (KM#C75) Youthful bust/Rev: Arms. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------ 2020-0222 -n nn nnn enon nnn $1,250.00 
ITALY-Naples 1833 30 Ducati Ferdinando Il FR. 866 (KM#C157) Scarce three year sub-type! 

(cats. $3600 XF in FR) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,450.00 

ITALY-Naples & Sicily 1813 40 Lire Gioacchino Murat (Napoleonic Dynasty) FR. 859 
(KM#C113) One year type! EF details but rims filed-cleaned=ANACS Net F15----$395.00 

PCGS XF45------------------------ $850.00 PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1825 40 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1134 (KM#C107.1) Eagle head mintmark (Turin) 

PCGS AUS3----------------------------------------- nn non n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnnnnn $550.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1825 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1132 (KM#C108.1) Eagle head mintmark (Turin) 

PCGS AUS8 ---------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn ane $950.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1828 80 Lire Carlo Felice FR. 1132 (KM#C108.1) Eagle head mintmark (Turin) 

NGC AUS8 ---------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 noon nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nena $950.00 
ITALY-Sardinia 1835-P 100 Lire Carlo Alberto FR. 1138 (KM#C117.2) PCGS AUS3------------------ $650.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1741 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------------------=-=--=-==== $450.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1746 | Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. NGC MS63---------------------------------------------------=-------=-=--== == $750.00 
ITALY-Sicily (Palermo) 1751 1 Oncia Carlo Di Borbone FR. 887 (KM#C14a) Bust/Rev: 

Phoenix rising from flames. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64---------------------------------------------- $950.00 

ITALY-Venice | Scudo d’oro ND Andrea Gritti (1523-1539) FR. 1448 Cross/Rev: Lion in shield. 
PCGS AUS 8 ——-as-— ann nn ee $950.00 












ITALY-Venice | Zecchino ND Alvise Contarini (1676-1684) FR. 1338 (cats. $400 XF) 

PCGS MS62----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495 00 
ITALY-Venice | Zecchino ND Marcantonio Giustinian (1684-1688) FR. 1341 (cats. $450 XF) 

PCGS AUS58-------------------- $350.00 PCGS MS62------------------------------------------------------ $495 00 
ITALY-Venice | Zecchino ND Francesco Morosini (1688-1694) FR. 1347 (cats. $500 XF) 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $395.00 
ITALY-Venice | Zecchino ND Silvestro Valier (1694-1700) FR: 1354 (cats. $500 XF) 

PCGS AUS8--------------------- $395.00 PCGS MS61---------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
ITALY-Venice 1 Zecchino ND Giovanni Comer II (1709-1722) FR. 1372 (cats. $350 XF) 

PCGS MS61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
ITALY 1814-M 40 Lire Napoleone FR. 5 (KM#C12) PCGS AUS55----$250.00 PCGS AUS58---------- $350.00 
ITALY 1911-R 50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “50" Anniversary of Kingdom” FR. 25 (KM54) 

One year type! PCGS AUS8-------------- $950.00 PCGS MS63 (Scarce this nice! )--------------- $1,450.00 

ITALY 1912-R 20 Lire Vittorio Emanuele II] “Uniformed bust” FR. 28 (KM48) PCGS MS62------ $1,150.00 
ITALY 1912-R 50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III “Uniformed bust” FR. 27 (KM49) 

Scarce four year type! (cats. $1750 in KM) PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
ITALY 1931-R 100 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III FR. 33 (KM72) Bust/Rev: Italia on prow of ship. 

PCGS MS03-------------------------------------------------- 22-2 noon nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nana anne $450.00 
ITALY 1992 medallic Ecu d’oro “35" Anniversary Common Market” 1250 mintage 

NGC PF68-------------- $150.00 NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
ITALY 1996 medallic 50 Euros “Roman Coliseum” NGC PF68----------------------------------------------- $100.00 
IVORY COAST 1966 complete 4 pc. gold “President Boigny” PROOF set KM#PS1 (cats. $1000) 

2,000 mintage GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate---------------------------- $850.00 
JAMAICA 1980 $250 “1980 Olympics” FR. 13 (KM89) Only 902 minted! NGC PF68----------------- $295.00 
JAPAN Manen Koban ND (1860-1867) FR. 17 (KM#C22d) Scarce Choice XF/AU-------------------- $950.00 
JAPAN 2 Bu ND Meyi (1868-1869) KM#C21d XF------------------------------------------------------------- $95.00 
JAPAN 1898 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS62------------------------------------------ $1,100.00 
JAPAN 1899 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS63------------------------------------------ $1,100.00 
JAPAN 1901 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) NGC MS62------------------------------------------ $1,100.00 
JAPAN 1904 20 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 40 (KM#Y34) PCGS MS61----------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
JAPAN 1909 10 Yen Mutsuhito FR. 51 (KM#Y33) PCGS MS65----------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
JAPAN 1917 20 Yen Yoshihito FR. 53 (KM#Y40.2) ICG MS63----------- $2,250.00 

NGC MS63-------- $2,250.00 PCGS MS64------------ $2,450.00 NGC MS65--------------------- $2,750.00 
JAPAN 1986 100,000 Yen “60 Years-Reign of Emperor Hirohito” FR. 57 (KM#Y92) 

ANACS MS68 ------------------------------------------------------- 7-2-2222 non n nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn -n nnn -- === $995.00 
JAPAN 1987 100,000 Yen “60 Years-Reign of Emperor Hirohito” FR. 57 (KM#Y92) Scarce 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------------------------------------ $1,350.00 
JAPAN 1997 10,000 Yen “1998 Nagano Olympics-Figure Skater” KM#Y121 (cats. $650) 

GEM PROOF in original hologram plastic case (but no box or certificate)---------------------------- $495.00 
JAPAN 1998 10,000 Yen “1998 Nagano Olympics-Speed Skater” KM#Y122 (cats. $650) 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
JAPAN 1999 10,000 Yen “10” Anniversary of Enthronement” KM#Y124 (cats. $1200) 

NGC PF69------- $650.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------ $650.00 
JAPAN 2002 10,000 Yen “World Cup Korea/Japan” not yet listed in KM! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

JORDAN 1968 complete 6 pc. SPECIMEN set struck in gold KM#SS4 Set consists of the 
1-5-10-25-50 Fils and the 1 Dirham. All struck in gold from the regular currency coin dies! 
KM#Pn1 thru Pn6 EXTREMELY RARE!! KM lists only two sets struck in gold! Listed in KM 
without a price! Our set is fully MINTSTATE and housed in the original presentation case------ $5,500.00 
(Also included is the matching 6 pc. SPECIMEN set of the actual circulating coins for these 
denominations. KM#SS3_ Listed in KM as only 50 Specimen sets struck (cats. $300) 
This set too is in it’s original presentation case! ) ; 
JORDAN 1977 50 Dinars “Houbara Bustard” FR. 9 (KM34) Conservation Coins Series 
Only 829 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 






KEELING-COCOS ISLANDS (Australia) 1977 150 Rupees “150™ Anniversary” KM10a 

Scarce 2,000 mintage NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
KENYA 1966 100 Shillings “President Kenyatta/Fly Whisk” FR. 3 (KM7) NGC MS65---------------- $150.00 
KENYA 1966 250 Shillings “President Kenyatta/Cockerel” FR. 2 (KM8) NGC MS66------------------ $295.00 
KIRIBATI 1979 $150 “Independence-Traditional Meeting House” FR. | (KM9) 

Only 422 Uncs minted! GEM BU in onginal case with certificate-------------------------------------- $250.00 
KIRIBATI 1979 $150 “Independence-Traditional Meeting House” FR. | (KM9) 

Only 386 Proofs minted! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate------------------------------ $295.00 
KIRIBATI 1984 $10 “5™ Anniversary of Independence/Map” (1.40 0z) FR. 3 (KM13a) RARE 

Only 50 pes. struck! NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

KIRIBATI-Christmas Island 1999 3 pc. gold “Holy Year 2000” PROOF set Consisting of 
the $20 “Angel”, $50 “Three wise men on camels following the Star of Bethlehem” and 
the $100 “Mary holding the Baby Jesus”. All three pcs. are unlisted in KM! Very unusual 
set containing the three “gifts” brought by the three wise men: gold (the three coins) along with 
two fancy glass bottles containing frankencense and myrrh!! First set like this we have ever seen! 
The three coins are GEM PROOF and housed along with the two glass containers in a fancy 

wood presentation Case------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
KOREA (South Korea) 1970 1000 Won “Great South Gate” FR. 5 (KM14.1) 1,500 minted 

NGC PF03---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-222 --22-0222-2 2222222222222 225+ $350.00 
KOREA (South Korea) 1970 2500 Won “Queen Sunduk” FR. 4 (KMI15.1) 1,750 mintage 

NGC PF02--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-7-7 2-29-22 -- 29 nnn nnn nana nanan $495.00 
LAOS 1971 4000 Kip “King Savang Vatthana Coronation” FR. 5 (KM9) NGC PF68------------------- $125.00 
LAOS 1971 8000 Kip “King Savang Vatthana Coronation” FR. 4 (KM11) NGC PF69----------------- $225.00 
LAOS 1971 20,000 Kip “King Savang Vatthana Coronation” FR. 3 (KM13) NGC PF67--------------- $450.00 
LAOS 1971 80,000 Kip “King Savang Vatthana Coronation” FR. 1 (KM15) 

Contains 2.3151 oz gold! Scarce GEM PROOF -------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
LESOTHO 1983 200 Maloti PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P4 (type of KM45 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69----------------- $750.00 
LESOTHO 1988 250 Maloti “Visit of Pope John Paul II” FR. 24 (KMS51) Scarce only 750 minted! 

(cats. $500 in KM) NGC PF66----------------- $395.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------ $450.00 
LIBERIA 1965 $30 “70" Birthday of President Tubman” FR. 4 (KM22) One year type! 

Only 400 minted! NGC PF64---$175.00 NGC PF66--------- $195.00 NGC PF67------------------ $225.00 
LIBERIA 1983 $200 PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM49 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68--------------------------- $750.00 
LIBERIA 1983 $200 “Year of the Scout” FR. 18 (KM46) Scarce NGC PF68---------------------------- $395.00 
LIBERIA 1996 $100 “Chairman Mao Zedong” KM259 1,996 mintage NGC PF69---------------------- $125.00 
LIBERIA 1998 $100 “RMS Titanic-Ship Sinking” _KM365 NGC PF69------------------------------------- $165.00 
LIBERIA 2000 $100 (1 oz gold) Not yet listed in KM! Obverse depicts a USA $10 Indian/ 

Rev: USA $20 St. Gaudens eagle reverse! PCGS PR69------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1930 10 Franken Francis I] FR. 16 (KM#Y11) Scarce one year type! 

2,500 mintage NGC MS61---------------------------------------------------------------- "===" === === $1,250.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1946 complete 2 pc. gold set Francis Joseph II KM#MS2 Set consists of 

the 10 & 20 Franken. FR. 17 & 18 (KM#Y13&14) Both coins are NGC MS64------------------- $495.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1946-B 20 Franken Francis Joseph II FR. 17 (KM#Y14) One year type! 

ANACS MS66-------------------------------n-n 2-2 nnn nnn nnn inna nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nnnn nn nnnnne $295.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1956 25 Franken Francis Joseph Il FR. 21 (KM#Y15) NGC MS63----------------- $195.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1956 50 Franken Francis Joseph II FR. 20 (KM#Y16) NGC MS64----------------- $350.00 
LIECHTENSTEIN 1990 50 Franken “Succession of Hans-Adam II” FR. 25 (KM23) 

NGC PF69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-9 ---- 92 -- == $225.00 
MACAO 1978 500 Patacas “25"™ Anniversary of Grand Prix/Racing car without commercial logos” 

FR. | (KM13) NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------ n= nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnnnn $195.00 
MACAO 1986 1000 Patacas “Year of the Tiger” FR. 9 (KM35) 2,000 mintage NGC MS69----------- $295.00 
MACAO 1987 1000 Patacas “Year of the Rabbit” FR. 10 (KM37) NGC PF67---------------------------- $250.00 
















MACAO 1987 complete “Year of the Rabbit” PROOF set KM#PS5 Set consists of the 
gold 1000 Patacas KM37 (FR. 10) and the silver 100 Patacas KM36 

Both coins are GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------- $275.00 
MACAO 1988 500 Patacas “35" Anniversary of Grand Prix” FR. 13 (KM42) Race car/Rev: 

Junk ship. 4,500 mintage GEM PROOF in original case with certificate----------------------------- $175.00 
MACAO 1989 1000 Patacas “Year of the Snake” FR. 15 (KM45) NGC PF69---------------------------- $295.00 
MACEDONIA 1996 1 Denar “5” Anniversary-UN Membership” KM8 Arms/Rev: Pair of white storks. 

1,500 mintage (cats. $500) NGC PF69---------- $295.00 NGC PF70------------- $395.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MALAYSIA 1976 500 Ringgit “Malayan Tapir” FR. 4 (KM21) Conservation Coin Series 

2,894 Uncs minted! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $525.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1978 5 Rufiyaa “F.A.O. Issue-Lobster” FR. 2 (KMS57b) Scarce 

only 200 minted! NGC PF65---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1978 25 Rufiyaa “F.A.O. Issue-Sailing ship” FR. 1 (KMS58b) Scarce 

only 200 minted! NGC PF67--------------- $750.00 NGC PF68----------------------------------------- $795.00 
MALDIVE ISLANDS 1984 100 Rufiyaa PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” 

KM#P3 (type of KM67 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68----------------- $750.00 
MALI 1967 25 Francs President Keita FR. 3 (KM6) NGC PF66-------------------------------------------- $150.00 
MALI 1967 50 Francs President Keita FR. 2 (KM7) NGC PF67-------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MALI 1967 100 Francs President Keita FR. | (KM8) NGC PF66------------------------------------------- $495.00 
MALI 1967 complete 4 pc. gold “President Modibo Keita” PROOF set KM#PS1 (cats. $1000) 

GEM PROOF in original presentation case (no cert. )------------------------------------------------------ $850.00 
MALTA 1983 100 Pounds PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P3 

(type of KM66 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF67---------------------------- $750.00 
MALTA-Order of Malta 1989 100 Liri “25™ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 68 (KM89) 

2,500 mintage (cats. $425 in FR/$375 in KM) NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- $295.00 
MAURITIUS 1975 1000 Rupees “Mauritius Flycatcher” FR. 2 (KM42) Conservation Coin Series 

1,966 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 

MEXICO 1714-Mo 8 Escudos cob Philip V FR. 6 (KM57.2) Arms/Rev: Cross. Recovered from 
the Spanish Treasure Fleet which sunk off the east coast of Florida in the July, 1715 hurricane! 
Wonderful specimen with strong full date! Scarce this nice! (cats. $8000 XF in KM-highest 

grade listed!) PCGS MS61 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $6,500.00 
MEXICO 1734-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarcer date! (cats. $4850 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUSS-------------------------------------- 2-9-2 n nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1738/7-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce overdate variety! 

(cats. $4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS5S -------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1740/30-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce! This overdate not listed in KM! 

(1740 date cats. $4500 XF in KM) PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1741-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------- 9-2-2 n 22 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1744-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS5------------------ $2,950.00 PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------- $3,450.00 
MEXICO 1744/3-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) This overdate not listed in KM! 

Scarce PCGS AUS3-------------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $2,950.00 
MEXICO 1745-Mo 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 8 (KM148) Scarce (cats. $4500 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS3------------------------------------------------------- n-nonane nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nna $2,750.00 
MEXICO 1777/6-Mo 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 33 (KM156.2a) Interesting overdate variety! 

(cats. $1650 in KM) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1787-Mo 8 Escudos Charles II] FR. 33 (KM156.21) Assayer initials and 

mintmark inverted! (cats. $1500 in FR/$1650 in KM) NGC XF40---------------------------------- $1,150.00 
MEXICO 1806-Mo 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 43 (KM159) PCGS AUSS-------------------------------- $950.00 
MEXICO 1810-Mo 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 47 (KM160) PCGS AUS8--------------------------- $1,250.00 
MEXICO 1814-Mo % Escudo Ferdinand VII FR. 57 (KMI12) Scarcer date of the seven year type! 

(cats. $550 XF in KM) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------------------------------------—---- $450.00 

























MEXICO 1842-Mo 1/2 Escudo “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 107 (KM378.5) ANACS AUS0-------- $150.00 
MEXICO 1844-Go 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 72 (KM383.7-cats. $700) ICG XF45---$550.00 
MEXICO 1851/41-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) 

Chihuahua mint. Scarcer mint and interesting overdate! (cats. $1000 in KM) PCGS XF40------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1857/1-C_ 1 Escudo “Hand on book” Republic FR. 98 (KM379) Interesting overdate! 

NGC AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
MEXICO 1858-Ca 8 Escudos “Hand on Book” Republic FR. 67 (KM383.1) PCGS XF40-------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1860-Ga | Escudo “Hand on book” Republic FR. 101 (KM379.2) PCGS MS62------------- $395.00 
MEXICO 1863/57-Mo '%2 Escudo “Hand on book” Republic FR. 107 (KM378.5) 

CH/GF Assayer initials! Interesting overdate variety!) PCGS AU58----------------------------------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1866-Mo 20 Pesos Maximilian | FR. 62 (KM389) Scarce one year type 

with only 8,274 minted! NGC AUS8------- $1,950.00 NGC MS61-------------- $2,650.00 

NGC MS02---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
MEXICO 1872-Zs 10 Pesos “Balance Scales” Republic FR. 138 (KM413.9) 3,092 mintage 

PCGS AUS8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $995.00 
MEXICO 1893-Cn 20 Pesos “Balance Scales” Republic FR. 122 (KM414.2) Rare date! 

2,062 minted! ANACS AUS3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,150.00 
MEXICO 1893-Mo 1 Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) 5,917 mintage 

PCGS AUS8---------------- $150.00 PCGS MS61---------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 

MEXICO 1896-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) 7,166 mintage PCGS MS63------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1903-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) Small date variety! 

ICG MS63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1903-Mo 5 Pesos “Balance Scales” Republic FR. 139 (KM412.6) 

Only 1,162 minted! PCGS MS64---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $850.00 
MEXICO 1904-Mo | Peso “Eagle” Republic FR. 157 (KM410.5) 9,845 mintage PCGS MS63------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1906 5 Pesos “Hidalgo” FR. 168 (KM464) PCGS MS62------------------------------------------ $85.00 
MEXICO 1919 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC AUS8------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1920 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC AUS8------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1921/11 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171 (KM478) NGC MS64--------------------- $350.00 
MEXICO 1921 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) First year of the series and the scarcest date! 

ICG MS62---------$750.00 PCGS MS62---------- $750.00 NGC MS62----------- $750.00 

NGC MS03----------------------------------------------------- 22-2222 222222 nana nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn eens cen $950.00 
MEXICO 1922 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62----$450.00 NGC MS63------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1923 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62--------------- $450.00 

NGC MS63-------------------------- $495.00 NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1924 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS61--------- $425.00 

NGC MS62-------------------- $450.00 NGC MS63-------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1925 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62------------- $450.00 

NGC MS63----------------------- $495.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1926 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62----------- $450.00 

NGC MS63----------------------- $495.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1927 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) PCGS MS62---------- $450.00 

NGC MS62-------- $450.00 NGC MS63------------- $495.00 NGC MS64----------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1928 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62------------ $450.00 

NGC MS603------------------------ $495.00 NGC MS64---------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1929 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS62----------- $450.00 

NGC MS63----------------- $495.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1930 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS63----------- $495.00 

ICG MS65 (Rare in this grade! )----------------------------------------------------------------------------—-- $650.00 
MEXICO 1931 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) Second rarest date of the series! 

PCGS MS63---------------------- $595.00 NGC MS64----------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1943 (SO Pesos) “Centenario” FR. 173 (KM482) One year sub-type! 

NGC MS63----------- $450.00 ICG MS64------------- $495.00 NGC MS64--------------------------- $495.00 

MEXICO 1944 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $450.00 


















MEXICO 1945 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64--$450.00 PCGS MS65-------- $550.00 

MEXICO 1946 50 Pesos “Centenario” FR. 172 (KM481) NGC MS64------------------------------------- $450.00 
MEXICO 1953 medallic (10 Pesos) 200" Anniversary-Birth of Hidalgo” KM#M9la NGC MS66------ $150.00 
MEXICO 1959 medallic (20 Pesos) “Carranza” Not yet listed in KM or Bruce! NGC MS67------------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1959 20 Pesos “Aztec Calendar Stone” FR. 171-R (KM478) Official Government Restrike 

NGC MS66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
MEXICO 1962 medallic (50 Pesos) “Cinco de Mayo/Puebla” NGC MS66---------------------------------- $495.00 
MEXICO 1985 1000 Pesos “175™ Anniversary of Independence” FR. 182 (KM513) 

One year type! NGC PF67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $350.00 
MEXICO 1992 1000 Pesos (1 oz) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM560 

2,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
MEXICO 1992 500 Pesos (2 0z) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM559 

2,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
MEXICO 1992 250 Pesos (4 0z) “Native Culture-Sculpture of Jaguar Head” KM558 

2,000 mintage (cats. $275) NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1993 100 New Pesos (1 oz) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM587 500 mintage 

NGC PF68---------------- $595.00 NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1993 50 New Pesos (12 0z) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM586 500 mintage NGC PF69--$395.00 

NGC PF70------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2-9 --- 2-2-2222 22 nnn nnn nnn nnn n-ne n= $450.00 
MEXICO 1993 25 New Pesos (4 0z) “Hacha Ceremonial” KM585 800 mintage NGC PF69---------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1994 100 New Pesos (1 oz) “Personaje de Jaina” KM581 500 mintage 

(cats. $800) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
MEXICO 1994 50 New Pesos (2 0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KM580 500 mintage 

(cats. $525) NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
MEXICO 1994 25 New Pesos ('4 0z) “Personaje de Jaina” KM579 500 mintage 

(cats. $325) NGC PF67-----$195.00 NGC PF68------------- $225.00 NGC PF69------------------- $250.00 
MEXICO 1996 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Sacerdote’” KM602 NGC PF69------------------------------------------ $550.00 
MEXICO 1996 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Sacerdote” KM601 (cats. $475) NGC PF69-------- $350.00 

NGC PF70--------------------------------------- 7-22-22 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnnnnne $450.00 
MEXICO 1996 25 Pesos (%0z) “Sacerdote” KM600 (cats. $275) NGC PF69--------------------------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1997 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM626 NGC PF69---$595.00 

NGC PF70------------------------------------------- 2-2-2922 nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnnnnn= $695.00 
MEXICO 1997 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM625 NGC PF69---$350.00 

NGC PF70---------------------------------------- 7-7-2222 - 2 nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnnnnnnnnn $450.00 
MEXICO 1997 25 Pesos (4 0z) “Teohituacan-Serpiente Emplumada” KM624 NGC PF69-------------- $195.00 
MEXICO 1998 100 Pesos (1 oz) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------------------------- $595.00 
MEXICO 1998 50 Pesos (2 0z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF70------------------------------- $450.00 
MEXICO 1998 25 Pesos (%0z) “Aguila” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69-------------------------------- $195.00 
MONACO 1879-A 20 Francs Charles III FR. 12 (KM98) Two year type! PCGS VF30---$165.00 

NGC MS03------------------------------------ 2-22 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn $495.00 
MONACO 1884-A 100 Francs Charles III FR. 11 (KM99) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------- $550.00 
MONACO 1886-A 100 Francs Charles III FR. 11 (KM99) Three year type! NGC MS62--------------- $750.00 
MONACO 1891-A 100 Francs Albert FR. 13 (KM105) NGC MS60--------------------------------------- $550.00 
MONACO 1904-A 100 Francs Albert FR. 13 (KMI105) Rare in this quality! PCGS MS65---------- $1,750.00 
MONACO 1966 200 Francs “10 Wedding Anniversary of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace” 

FR. 32 (KM#M2) NGC MS64--------- $495.00 NGC MS66------------------------------------------ $550.00 
MONACO 1974 2000 Francs Platimun “Prince Rainier III’s 25" Anniversary of Reign” 

FR. 34 (KM#MS) NGC PF64------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
MONGOLIA 1994 2000 Tugrik “Olympics-Boxer” KM114 NGC PF69------------------------------------ $150.00 
MOZAMBIQUE 2'% Maticaes ND (1851) Mary Il FR. 6 (KM34) Scarce VF--------------------------- $750.00 
NEPAL SE1820 (1898) 1 Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS64-------------------------------- $295.00 
NEPAL SE1823 (1901) 1 Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS65-------------------------------- $350.00 

NEPAL SE1826 (1904) I Mohar Prithvi FR. 17 (KM673.1) PCGS MS61------- $195.00 
SCUS NiSh4e BN I as each licawenteeintonincpene apis $350.00 











NEPAL VS1989 (1932) | Mohar Tnbhuvana FR. 27 (KM702) Scarce this nice! NGC MS65-------- $295.00 
NEPAL VS2031 (1974) 1000 Rupees “Great Indian Rhinoceros” FR. 50 (KM844) 

Conservation Coin Series 2,176 Uncs minted! NGC MS64------ $450.00 NGC MS67------------- $495 00 
NEPAL 1998 4000 Rupees “World Cup” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69------------------------------- $195.00 
NETHERLANDS-Gelderland | Florin ND Karel van Egmond (1492-1538) FR. 68 

Knight on horse/Rev: Arms on floriated cross. (cats. $600) PCGS XF45----------------------------- $495.00 
NETHERLANDS-Gelderland 1619 '2 Cavalier d’or FR. 241 (KM17) Knight on horseback/ 

Rev: Arms. (cats. 4900 XF in KM-highest grade listed) PCGS MS60------------------------------ $1,250.00 
NETHERLANDS-Holland 1622 1 Ducat FR. 249 (KM12) Scarcer date! (cats.$600 XF in KM) 

PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $350.00 
NETHERLANDS-Holland 1750 1 Ducat FR. 250 (KM12) PCGS AUS58----------------------------------- $295.00 
NETHERLANDS-Kampen | Ducat ND (1590-1593) FR. 150 Crowned busts of Albert and 

Isabella/Rev: Crowned arms of Spain on eagle. (cats. $750 XF) PCGS AUS3---------------------- $495.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1724 | Ducat FR. 285 (KM7) Recovered from the “Akerendam” shipwreck! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
NETHERLANDS-Utrecht 1751 14 Gulden FR. 288 (KM104) Knight on horseback/Rev: 

Arms. PCGS AUS8--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
NETHERLANDS-West Friesland 1761 14 Gulden FR. 298 (KM130) Knight on horseback/ 

Rev: Arms. PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
NETHERLANDS-Kingdom 1809 | Ducat Louis Napoleon FR. 322 (KM38) Head/ 

Rev: Crowned arms. 2,371 mintage Scarce two year type! PCGS AUSS5---------------------------- $495.00 

NETHERLANDS 1849 | Ducat (Willem II) “Knight standing” FR. 344 (KM83.1) PCGS MS62------ $175.00 
NETHERLANDS 1875 10 Gulden William If] FR. 342 (KM105) One year sub-type! NGC MS65------ $125.00 

NETHERLANDS 1912 5 Gulden Wilhelmina FR. 350 (KM151) One year type! NGC MS62---------- $150.00 
NEW ZEALAND 1990 $150 “Kiwi bird” FR. | (KM77) NGC PF66-------------- $265.00 

NGC PF67------------------- $275.00 NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
NEW ZEALAND 1995 $10 “Prospector” KM94a only 600 minted! NGC PF67------ $325.00 

NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20-2- 2-2 2=- $350.00 
NEW ZEALAND 1996 $10 “Sinking of the General Grant ship” KM98a only 650 minted! 

NGC PF66--------- $325.00 NGC PF68--------------- $350.00 NGC PF69---------------------------- $375.00 
NEW ZEALAND 1997 $10 “Gabriel’s Gully-Prospector’” KM104a NGC PF67------- $350.00 

NGC PF09----------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nnnnne $375.00 
NICARAGUA 1975 500 Cordobas “Naked maiden/Earthquake Relief Issue” FR. 4 (KM39) 

1,120 Proofs minted! NGC PF66----------- $185.00 ANACS PF67------------------------------------ $195.00 
NICARAGUA 1984 1000 Cordobas ‘“50" Anniversary-Murder of General Sandino” FR. 8 

(KM52) Only 1000 minted! Scarce NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
NIGER 1968 25 Francs “Barbary Sheep” FR. 7 (KM9) 1000 mintage NGC PF64------ $150.00 

NGC PF65--------------- $165.00 NGC PF68--------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
NIGER 1968 50 Francs “Lion” FR. 6 (KM10) 1000 mintage NGC PF64---$350.00 NGC PF65------ $395.00 
NIGER 1968 100 Francs “President Hamani” FR. 5 (KM11) 1000 mintage NGC PF63---------------- $495.00 
NIUE 1988 $250 “John F. Kennedy” FR. 3 (KM20) NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- $195.00 
NIUE 1990 $250 “Soccer-Italian” FR. 13 (KM54) NGC PF69----------------------------------------------- $225.00 
NIUE 1992 $50 “Olympics-Discus Thrower” KM71 NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- $125.00 
NIUE 1993 $50 “President John F. Kennedy” KM66 NGC PF68--------------------------------------------- $125.00 
NIUE 1997 $100 “Princess Diana” KM111 NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
NORWAY 1878 20 Kroner Oscar II FR. 17 (KM355) NGC MS63----------------------------------------- $295.00 
OMAN AH1397 (1977) 75 Omani Rials “Arabian Tahr” FR. 5 (KM63) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 825 Uncs minted! NGC MS69------------------------------------------------------—--- === == == === === $595.00 

PALAU 1999 $200 (1 oz) “Shark/Topless Mermaid & ship” Marine Life Protection series 

The shark marine scene is beautifully “colorized” (enameled) by the mint! Scarce 

only 200 minted! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate---------------------------------------- $750.00 
PANAMA 1978 500 Balboas “30" Anniversary-Organization of American States” FR. 4 (KMS57) 

2,009 mintage NGC PF63------------------------------------------------------------------—-- == $595.00 















PANAMA 1979 500 Balboas “Golden Jaguar” FR. 7 (KM62) Scarce only 130 Uncs minted! 

Re cerns $850.00 
PANAMA 1983 500 Balboas “Owl Butterfly” FR. 30 (KM96) Only 469 Proofs struck! 
GEM PROOF in original case--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 

PANAMA 1984 50 Balboas “Lion & lamb/Peace of Christmas” FR. 23 (KM99) Scarce NGC PF69----$295 00 
PANAMA 1984 100 Balboas “Pre-Columbian Art-Native Art” FR. 19 (KM100) 

GEM PROOF in original card in box with certificate---------+-------------------------------------------- $150.00 
PANAMA 1985 20 Balboas “Harpy Eagle” FR. 28 (KM102) Only 817 minted! NGC PF68---------- $100.00 
PANAMA 1985 500 Balboas “National Eagle” FR. 31 (KM103) Rare only 184 struck! 

GEM PROOF in original case------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
PANAMA 1988 200 Balboas “President John F. Kennedy” Bruce #XM16 NGC PF68------------------- $250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1975 100 Kina “Independence” FR. 1 (KM9) NGC MS64---$125.00 

NGC PF05S-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1975 100 Kina MATTE “Independence” FR. 1 (KM9) RARE 

Only 100 Matte specimens minted! NGC MS68----------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1977 100 Kina “Papuan Hombill” FR. 3 (KM12) 

GEM PROOF in original cachet------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $135.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1978 100 Kina “Bird Wing Butterfly” FR. 4 (KM13) 

Only 400 Uncs minted! Unusual seven-sided planchet! NGC MS68----------------------------------- $250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1978 100 Kina “Bird Wing Butterfly” FR. 4 (KM13) 

4,751 mintage Unusual seven-sided planchet! NGC PF69----------------------------------------------- $195.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1982 100 Kina “Royal Visit” FR. 9 (KM22) Scarce only 484 minted! 

GEM PROOF in original cachet--------------------------------------------------------------- 299 -nn nnn nnn $250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1983 100 Kina “10 Anniversary-Bank of Papua New Guinea” FR. 10 

(KM24) Unusual gold coin with center hole! Scarce only 378 minted! NGC PF69---------------- $295.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1984 100 Kina “100" Anniversary-Founding of British and 

German Protectorates” FR. 11 (KM27) Scarce only 274 minted! NGC PF68--------------------- $295.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1990 100 Kina “Queen Alexandra Butterfly” FR. 12 (KM29) 

Interesting, seven-sided planchet! Only 500 Uncs minted! NGC MS69-------------------------------- $250.00 
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1990 100 Kina “Queen Alexandra Butterfly” FR. 12 (KM29) 

Interesting seven-sided planchet! GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------- $295.00 

PARAGUAY 1973 1500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM124 1,500 mintage NGC PF66-------- $395.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 3000 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM136 1,500 mintage NGC PF64-------- $650.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 4500 Guaranies “Alessandro Manzoni” KM106 1,500 mintage NGC PF66------- $1,150.00 
PARAGUAY 1973 4500 Guaranies “Albrecht Durer” KM101 1,500 mintage limit 

NGC PF66-------------------------------------------------- 7-2-2222 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $1,150.00 
PERU 1750 8 Escudos cob Ferdinand VI FR. 12 (KM47) Pillars and date/Rev: Cross. 

Dated on both obverse and reserve! Recovered from the “Nuestra Senora de la Luz” 

(Our Lady of the Light) shipwreck! Rare this nice! NGC AU58------------------------------------- $5,500.00 
PERU 1791 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 36 (KM92) Scarce three year transitional type! Lima mint 

PCGS AUS5-------------------------------------------n nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $950.00 
PERU 1797 8 Escudos Charles IV FR. 40 (KMI01) Bust/Rev: Arms. Lima mint 

“IJ” Assayer initials (cats. $1500 XF m FR) PCGS AUS0---—_—____—___--_—___-----—___—--_— $850.00 
PERU 1819 8 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 54 (KM129.1) Lima mint NGC AUSS5----------------------- $950.00 
PERU 1855 4 Escudos “Liberty standing” Republic FR. 64 (KM150.4) One year sub-type! 

(cats. $750 XF in FR) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------~----------- =n nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
PERU 1863 10 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 71 (KM193) One year type! 

PCGS AUS58------------- $350.00 PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------------------ $450.00 

PERU 1863 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 70 (KM194) One year type! NGC AUS5-------- $550.00 
PERU 1931 50 Soles “Inca” Republic FR. 77 (KM219) 5,538 mintage 

PCGS MS63--------------- $1,100.00 PCGS MS64----------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
PERU 1952 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 80 (KM229) Scarce only 424 minted! 

FP ye i Sincerity tn an erecting $350.00 













PERU 1952 50 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 79 (KM230) Scarcer date! 

Only 1,201 minted! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $650.00 
PERU 1954 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) Scarce 1,808 mintage 

NGC MS03------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 2-222 nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nana nn nn nn nnn nn nana nn n= $750.00 
PERU 1956 5 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 82 (KM235) First year of the series! 

4,510 mintage NGC MS65------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $85.00 
PERU 1956 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 80 (KM229) 1,201 mintage NGC MS65--------- $250.00 
PERU 1956 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) Scarce 1,159 mintage 

NGC MS65 ------------------------------------------------------------- 2-7-2 2-222-222-2220 2222-22222 2-28 -------- $750.00 
PERU 1958 20 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 80 (KM229) NGC MS63--------------------------- $195.00 

PERU 1959 50 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 79 (KM230) 5,734 mintage PCGS MS64------- $295.00 
PERU 1961 50 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 79 (KM230) 1,110 mintage Scarcer date! 

NGC MS66-------------------------------------------------------------- 292-222-2222 nono nnn nn nnn nn nana nn nana nn ne $450.00 
PERU 1961 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) 6,982 mintage PCGS MS67------ $650.00 
PERU 1963 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) 7,342 mintage NGC MS65------- $595.00 

PERU 1964 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) PCGS MS65------------------------ $550.00 
PERU 1965 50 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 79 (KM230) NGC MS66--------------------------- $295.00 
PERU 1965 100 Soles “400™ Anniversary of Lima Mint” Republic FR. 83 (KM243) 

One year type! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
PERU 1967 50 Soles “Inca” Republic FR. 77 (KM219) NGC MS64--------------------------------------- $495.00 

PERU 1968 50 Soles “Inca” Republic FR. 77 (KM219) Scarce only 300 struck! PCGS MS66-------- $650.00 
PERU 1969 100 Soles “Liberty seated” Republic FR. 78 (KM231) Scarce only 540 minted! 

NGC MS65 ----------------------------------- 2-22-22 - nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnnnnn $750.00 
PERU 1994 1 Nuevo Sol “El Senor de Sipan/Pre-Inca Moche Cultural Artifact” KM312 

RARE only 100 Proofs struck! NGC PF64----------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
PHILIPPINES 1864 4 Pesos Isabella If FR. | (KM144) PCGS XF45-------------------------------------- $225.00 
PHILIPPINES 1865 4 Pesos Isabella If FR. | (KM144) Scarcer date! PCGS AUSS5--------------------- $350.00 
PHILIPPINES 1868 | Peso Isabella If FR. 3 (KM142) PCGS AUSS--------------------------------------- $150.00 
PHILIPPINES 1868 4 Pesos Isabella If FR. 1 (KM144) ICG AUS0---------------------------------------- $225.00 
PHILIPPINES 1970 1 Piso “Pope Paul VI Visit” FR. 5 (KM202b) Scarce only 1000 minted! 

NGC MS61--------------------------------------- 7-7 -- nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
PHILIPPINES 1976 1,500 Piso “I.M.F. Meeting/Map” FR. 7 (KM216) NGC MS68--------------------- $250.00 
PHILIPPINES 1976 1,500 Piso “I.M.F. Meeting/Map” FR. 7 (KM216) NGC PF65------ $275.00 

NGC PF61--------------------------------------------- nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 

PHILIPPINES 1977 1,500 Piso “5 Anniversary of the New Society” FR. 9 (KM219) NGC MS64------ $250.00 
PHILIPPINES 1977 1,500 Piso “5 Anniversary of the New Society” FR. 9 (KM219) NGC PF68------- $295.00 
PHILIPPINES 1978 1,500 Piso “Inauguration of New Mint Facilities” FR. 10 

(KM223) NGC MS68-------------------- $275.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------- $295.00 
PHILIPPINES 1980 2500 Piso “General MacArthur” FR. 11 (KM231) 

GEM PROOF in original blue card--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1988 $250 “HMS Bounty” FR. 1 (KM2) 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF68---------- $295.00 GEM PROOF in original case with certificate--------------------------- $295.00 
PITCAIRN ISLANDS 1989 $250 “HMS Bounty ship at sea” FR. 2 (KM6) 2,500 mintage 

NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--- $295.00 

POLAND 1829 25 Zlotych Alexander I FR. 110 (KM#C118) EXTREMELY RARE 
only 66 pcs. struck! (cats. $2000 XF in FR and $3500 XF/$4800 Unc in KM) NGC AUS0----$2,950.00 
POLAND 1831 1 Ducat Revolutionary Period FR. 114 (KM#C125) One year type! 

PCGS AUS8----------------- $450.00 PCGS MS62-------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 
POLAND 1925 10 Zlotych Boleslaw I “900" Anniversary of Poland” FR. 116 (KM#Y32) 

One year type! NGC MS64------------------------------------------------------ nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $95.00 
POLAND 1979 2000 Zlotych “Marie Curie” FR. 123 (KM#Y107) NGC PF68--------------------------- $195.00 

POLAND 1982 1000 Zlotych “Visit of Pope John Paul II” FR. 130 (KM#Y138) 1,700 mintage 
NGC PF68 ------------------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 











POLAND 1982 2000 Zlotych “Visit of Pope John Paul Il” FR. 129 (KM#Y139) 1,250 mintage 

NGC PF67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
PORTUGAL 1720 1000 Reis Joao V FR. 98 (KM182) Arms/Rev: Cross. PCGS XF40------------------ $295 00 
PORTUGAL 1987 100 Escudos Palladium (1 0z) “Nuno Tristao ship/Golden Age of 

Portuguese Discoveries” FR. 159a (KM640c) 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------------------------- $750.00 
PORTUGAL 1989 100 Escudos “Discovery of the Canary Islands/Ship” FR. 162 (KM646b) 

2,981 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495 00 
PORTUGAL 1989 100 Escudos “Discovery of Madeira/Ship” FR. 163 (KM647b) 

2,996 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495 00 
PORTUGAL 1992 200 Escudos “Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho-Map” FR. 169 (KM661b) 

3,500 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1993 200 Escudos “Tanegashima-1“ Portuguese Ship to Japan” KM665b 

Scarce NGC PF69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
PORTUGAL 1994 200 Escudos “Prince Henry the Navigator/Ships” KM670b 

2,000 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1994 200 Escudos “Dividing Up The World” KM672b 3,000 mintage NGC PF69------- $495.00 

PORTUGAL 1995 200 Escudos “Afonso de Albuquerque” KM681b 4,000 mintage NGC PF68------- $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1995 200 Escudos “Solar & Timor Islands” KM683b 4,000 mintage NGC PF67------- $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1996 200 Escudos “1557 Portuguese Establishment in Macau” KM691b 

4,000 mintage NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
PORTUGAL 1997 200 Escudos “Irmao Bento de Gois-Map of China’s Coast” KM700b 
4,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $495.00 

RAS AL-KHAIMA 1970 complete 5 pc. gold & 3 pc. silver “Centennial of Rome” PROOF set 
KM#PS3 RARE (cats. $4000) GEM PROOF in original presentation case with certificate-----$3,750.00 
RHODESIA (now Zimbabwe) 1966 5 Pounds “1* Anniversary of Independence” FR. 1 (KM7) 

One year type struck in Proof only! 3,000 mintage NGC PF63----$595.00 NGC PF65---------- $650.00 
ROMANIA 1890-B 20 Lei Carol I FR. 3 (KM20) Two year type! NGC MS61----$175.00 

NGC MS0)------------------------------------------ nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
ROMANIA 1944 20 Lei Michael I “Three Romanian Kings” FR. 21 (KM#M6) NGC MS63---------- $125.00 

ROMANIA 1983 complete 2 pc. gold & 2 pc. silver “2050" Anniversary of First Independent State” 

PROOF set KM#PS2 Set consists of the gold 500 & 1000 Lei FR. 22 & 23 (KM99& 101) 

plus the two silver companion coins. Scarce only 1000 sets issued! GEM PROOF in original 

case with certificate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
RUSSIA 1756 1 Rouble Elizabeth FR. 100 (KM#C22) Three year type! Scarce PCGS AUS58-------- $595.00 
RUSSIA 1781 10 Roubles Catherine II, the Great FR. 112 (KM#C79b) Bust/Rev: Cross of 

four shields. Scarce (cats. $1800 XF in FR) PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
RUSSIA 1826 5 Roubles Nicholas 1 FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 
AU details but bent=ANACS Net EF40--------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 

RUSSIA 1831 3 Roubles Platinum PROOF Nicholas I FR. 143 (KM#C177) Scarce NGC PF63----- $2,450.00 
RUSSIA 1831 5 Roubles Nicholas I] FR. 137 (KM#C174) Eagle with wings down/Rev: Legend. 

PCGS AUS0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $595.00 
RUSSIA 1833 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas I FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS XF40------------------------ $550.00 
RUSSIA 1837 3 Roubles Platinum Nicholas | FR. 143 (KM#C177) PCGS AUS0------------------------ $625.00 
RUSSIA 1857 5 Roubles Alexander II FR. 146 (KM#Y-A26) RARE in this quality! NGC MS66------ $950.00 
RUSSIA 1862 5 Roubles Alexander If FR. 146 (KM#Y-B26) Scarce this nice! NGC MS66----------- $750.00 
RUSSIA 1863 5 Roubles Alexander II FR. 146 (KM#Y-B26) NGC MS63-------- $295.00 

NGC MS 64 ---------------------------------- nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
RUSSIA 1864 5 Roubles Alexander II FR. 146 (KM#Y-B26) NGC MS63-------------------------------- $295.00 
RUSSIA 1889 5 Roubles Alexander III] FR. 151 (KM#Y42) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------- $175.00 
RUSSIA 1894 5 Roubles Alexander III] FR. 151 (KM#Y42) Scarce this nice!) NGC MS6S5------------- $495.00 
RUSSIA-Soviet Union 1923 10 Roubles (Chervonetz) FR. 163 (KM#Y85) Scarce 

First year of the series! Scarce NGC MS62-------- $350.00 NGC MS63------------- $395.00 

NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == $2 n= $450.00 

























RUSSIA 1992 50 Roubles “Moscow’s Pashkov Palace” KM#Y354 NGC PF69--------------------------- $150.00 
RUSSIA 1992 100 Roubles “Yakutia-Wooly Mammoth” KM#Y375 NGC PF68------- $275.00 

NGC PF09--------------------------------------------------------------- 29-29-92 2- 2a anna nnn nnn nnn nnn nn annem nnn $295.00 
RUSSIA 1992 150 Roubles Platinum “Naval Battle of Cesme/Ships” KM358 3,000 minted 

NGC PF09-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
RUSSIA 1993 50 Roubles “Sergei Rachmaninov” KM#Y453 GEM PROOF in original case 

with certificate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 

SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1997 40000 Pesetas “15" Anniversary- 
Diplomacy Between Venezuela and Saharawi Arab Dem. Republic/Bolivar and El Uali” 

KM38 RARE only 90 pes. struck! ANACS PF68------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
ST. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS 1992 10000 Dobras “Sea Turtle” KMS51 Only 500 minted! 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
ST. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS 1997 2500 Dobras “Year of the Ox” Not yet listed in KM! 

NGC PF69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $295.00 
SAN MARINO 1925-R 10 Lire FR. 2 (KM7) St. Marinus standing/Rev: Three towers. 

Scarce one year type! (cats. $1250 in FR) PCGS MS64----------------- $495.00 

ICG MS65--------------------- $595.00 NGC MS65S--------------------------------------------------------- $595.00 

SAN MARINO 1995 2 Scudi “Nude Woman/50" Anniversary-United Nations” KM336 NGC PF68--$195.00 
SAN MARINO 1996 5 Scudi “PIETA-Mary Receives Jesus’ Body” KM343 NGC PF68---$275.00 

NGC PF69------ $295.00 GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate------------------------------- $295.00 
SAUDI ARABIA 1 Pound ND (1945) “ARAMCO” FR. 191 (KM35) Struck at the 

Philadelphia mint for use in Saudi Arabia! NGC MS62------ $595.00 

NGC MS603---------------------- $695.00 ANACS MS03-------------------------------2-- 2-22 n nanan nnn nn= $695.00 
SAUDI ARABIA AH1370 (1951) 1 Saudi Pound (Guinea) FR. 1 (KM36) One year type! 

NGC MS67-------------------- $175.00 PCGS MS617------------------------------------------------------- $175.00 
SCOTLAND 1553 % Lion (22 Shillings) Mary FR. 31 Crowned shields/Rev: Crown over monogram. 

RARE (cats. $3500 in FR) PCGS VF235----------------------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
SCOTLAND 1601 1 Sword and Sceptre Piece James VI FR. 46 (KM20) Sword and sceptre/ 

Rev: Crowned shield. Scarce PCGS AU55-------------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
SCOTLAND 1602 '% Sword and Sceptre Piece James VI FR. 47 (KM19) Sword and sceptre/ 

Rev: Crowned shield. Scarce (cats. $1650 in KM) PCGS XF40------------------------------------ $1,250.00 

SCOTLAND “Briot Coinage” 1 Unite ND (1637-1642) Charles I] FR. 56 (KMS57) Fine Style 
crowned bust of Charles with orb and sceptre/Rev: Crowned arms. Small letter “B” (for Briot) 

to left of head! RARE (cats. $3350 XF in KM-highest grade listed) PCGS AUSO0--------------- $3,950.00 
SERBIA 1879-A 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 3 (KM14) One year type! 

PCGS AUS0------------ $250.00 NGC AUS5-------------- $295.00 NGC AUS8---------------------- $350.00 
SERBIA 1882-V 10 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 5 (KMI16) One year type! 

PCGS MS61------------------------ $195.00 NGC MS63(Scarce this nice!)---------------------------- $350.00 
SERBIA 1882-V 20 Dinara Milan Obrenovich IV FR. 4 (KMI17) One year type! 

PCGS AUS55------- $150.00 NGC MS61--------- $225.00 NGC MS62------------ $275.00 

PCGS MS0)------------------------------------------------------------ 2-22-92 n nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $275.00 
SEYCHELLES 1978 1500 Rupees “Black Paradise Flycatcher” FR. 2 (KM41) 

Conservation Coin Series Only 683 Uncs minted! NGC MS69----------------------------------------- $595.00 
SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates) 1970 25 Riyals “Mona Lisa” FR. 5 (KM7) 

NGC PF66------- $165.00 NGC PF67----------------- $175.00 NGC PF69--------------------------- $195.00 
SIERRA LEONE 1987 5 Golde “Duiker Zebra” FR. 12 (KM42) World Wildlife Fund Series 

NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- 2-22 nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn $295.00 
SINGAPORE 1969 $150 “Raffles Lighthouse/150” Anniversary-Founding of Singapore” FR. | 

(KM7) Rare only 500 Proofs minted! NGC PF66-------------—--------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
SINGAPORE 1984 complete 4 pc. gold Mint set Consisting of the $1-$2-$5-$10 KM28-31 

(total of 1.85 oz gold) All four coins are GEM BU in the original case with certificate------------- $750.00 

SLOVENIA 1991 5,000 Tolarjev “I“ Anniversary of Independence” KM2.2 NGC PF6S5---$175.00 
ING CPR 7 anwipr ee $195.00 



















SLOVENIA 1993 5,000 Tolarjev “Battle of Sisek” KM11 2,000 mintage NGC PF67------------------- $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “50” Anniversary-Slovenian Bank” KM18 2000 mintage 

NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1994 5,000 Tolarjev “1000" Anniversary-Bishop Abraham-Glagolitic Alphabet” 

KM20 1,000 mintage NGC PF67--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev “50™ Anniversary-Defeat of Fascism” KM24 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF69-----------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1995 5,000 Tolarjev “Aljazev Stolp and Mountain Summit” KM28 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF09-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1996 5,000 Tolarjev “5" Anniversary of Independence/Flower” KM35 

3,000 mintage NGC PF69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 
SLOVENIA 1997 5,000 Tolarjev “Zois Ziga” KM40 NGC PF67-------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 9 (KMI7) Scarce 

NGC PF066-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 50 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution/Ear of Com” FR. 13 

(KM18) Scarce NGC PF67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SOMALIA 1970 100 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution” FR. 12 

(KM20) Scarce NGC PF67-------------- $275.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------ $295.00 
SOMALIA 1970 200 Shillings “First Anniversary of the 1969 Revolution” FR. 11 (KM22) 

NGC PF66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
SOMALIA 1970 200 Shillings “Camel/10" Anniversary of Independence” FR. 7 (KM21) 

NGC PF065 ------------------------------------------------- 7-92-2222 $2 2-22 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn anne $750.00 
SOMALIA 1983 1500 Shillings PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM39 but double thickness) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF69----------------------------- $750.00 
SOMALIA 2001 2500 Shillings “Year of the Snake” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF70------------------ $395.00 
SOLOMON ISLANDS 1982 $100 “Battle of Guadalcanal” FR. 4 (KM14) Scarce only 311 minted! 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1892 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) PCGS AUS58------------------------------------------------ $750.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1893 1 Pond FR. 2 (KM10.2) PCGS AUS5------------------------------------------------ $495.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1927-SA 1 Sovereign George V FR. 5 (KM21) ANACS MS64------------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1980 2 Rand Republic FR. 11 (KM64) PCGS MS67------------------------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1981 1 Krugerrand PROOF FR. 13 (KM73) PCGS PR67 DCAM-------------------- $450.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1982 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1983 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1983 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR67 DCAM------------------ $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1984 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR65 DCAM------------------ $225.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1986 “% Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $125.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 14 (KM107) PCGS PR67 DCAM------------------ $250.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 1988 % Krugerrand PROOF FR. 15 (KM106) PCGS PR66 DCAM------------------ $150.00 
SOUTH AFRICA 2001 1 Krugerrand PROOF FR. 13 (KM73) PCGS PR68 DC(deep cameo)--------- $450.00 
SPAIN-Aragon | Florin ND Pedro IV (1336-1387) FR. 1 St. John standing/Rev: Lily. 

PCGS VF35------------------------------------------------- n-ne nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
SPAIN 1 Dobla de la Banda ND Juan II (1406-1454) FR. 112 Shield/Rev: Arms. Scarce 

PCGS AU53---------------- $1,250.00 PCGS MS60 (Scarce this nice! )------------------------------- $1,750.00 

SPAIN 2 Excelentes ND Ferdinand V and Isabella | (1476-1516) FR. 129 Crowned busts 

facing each other/Rev: Arms on ship. Popular type coin which financed the voyage of 

Christopher Columbus! PCGS XF45---------- $1,950.00 PCGS AUSS------------ $2,250.00 

PCGS AUS8---------------------------------------------------------------- 7-27-22 22-222 = === === === -------- $2,450.00 
SPAIN-Valencia | Ducat ND (1504-1516) Fernando II of Valencia (Fernando V of Spain) 

FR. 86 Bust/Rev: Square shield with crown above. RARE (cats. $2700 XF in FR- 

highest grade listed) PCGS AUSS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,950.00 
SPAIN 1 Escudo ND Carlos I and Johanna (1516-1556) FR. 154 Crowned arms/Rev: Cross. 
Toledo mint Scarcer mint! PCGS AU5S----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

SPAIN 2 Escudos cob ND Philip III (1601-1620) FR. 189 (KM20) Arms/Rev: Cross. NGC XF40---$1,250.00 


PET i: 









SPAIN 4 Escudos cob ND Philip I'V (1630-1647) FR. 203 (KM107.2) Arms/Rev: Cross. 

Seville mint NGC XF40------------ $1,950.00 NGC AUS0-------------------------------------------- $2,250.00 
SPAIN 1590 | Escudo cob Philip If FR. 178 Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint NGC F12--------------- $1,250.00 
SPAIN 1701-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM259) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 

Scarcer variety with flowers at sides of fleece! (cats. $8000 XF in FR/$5000 XF in KM- 

Highest grade listed in both books!) Our specimen is a lustrous PCGS AUS58----------------------- $4,450.00 
SPAIN 1704-S 8 Escudos Philip V FR. 247 (KM260) Arms/Rev: Cross. Seville mint 

(cats. $8000 XF in FR) Scarce this nice! PCGS MS61------------------------------------------------ $5,500.00 
SPAIN 1752-S % Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 275 (KM374) Seville mint PCGS XF45--------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1756-M '% Escudo Ferdinand VI FR. 274 (KM378) PCGS XF45---------------------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1758-M '% Escudo Femando VI FR. 274 (KM378) PCGS MS62---------------------------------- $350.00 
SPAIN 1773-M 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 286 (KM417.1) NGC VF35----------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1774-M '% Escudo Charles II FR. 290 (KM415.1) Madrid mint Rare this nice! 

NGC MS64 eee $650.00 
SPAIN 1778-M 8 Escudos Charles III FR. 282 (KM409.1) Madrid mint (cats. $5000 XF in FR/ 

$3800 XF in KM) Scarce PCGS AUSS------------------------------------------------------------------ $2,250.00 
SPAIN 1781-M I Escudo Charles III FR. 288 (KM416.1) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------- $295.00 
SPAIN 1783-M '% Escudo Charles II] FR. 290 (KM415.1) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1787-M 2 Escudos Charles III FR. 286 (KM417.1a) Scarce date! (cats. $1000 in KM) 

PCGS XF45-----------------------------------------------------------------------2- 2-2-2202 22-22-22 ------------ $450.00 
SPAIN 1788-M 2 Escudos Charles II] FR. 286 (KM417.1la) PCGS XF40---------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1789-M '% Escudo Charles TV FR. 299 (KM433) Scarce (cats. $1200 XF in FR/ 

$1500 XF in KM) PCGS XF40----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
SPAIN 1793-M 1 Escudo Charles TV FR. 298 (KM434) Scarce this nice! NGC MS63----------------- $550.00 
SPAIN 1800/1799-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) This overdate variety unlisted in KM! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS063--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1801-M 2 Escudos Charles TV FR. 296 (KM435.1) Madrid mint 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1802-M 8 Escudos Charles TV FR. 292 (KM437.1) Madrid mint Scarce 

(cats. $2500 XF in FR) PCGS AUS3--------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 
SPAIN 1803-M 2 Escudos Charles TV FR. 296 (KM435.1) Madrid mint PCGS AUS55------------------ $295.00 
SPAIN 1807-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) PCGS AUS8---------------------------------- $350.00 
SPAIN 1808-M 2 Escudos Charles IV FR. 296 (KM435.1) “AI” Assayer PCGS MS62---------------- $495.00 
SPAIN 1820-S 2 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 316 (KM483.2) Seville mint (cats. $400 XF/ 

$800 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS3----------------------------------------------------------------2----- === === === $295.00 
SPAIN 1820-M 4 Escudos Ferdinand VII FR. 312 (KM484) PCGS VF20--------- $350.00 

NGC MS60@2 (Scarce this nice!)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
SPAIN 1822-M 80 Reales Ferdinand VII FR. 321 (KM564.2) Two year type! (cats. $700 XF/ 

$1000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS55-------- $350.00 PCGS MS63 (Scarce this nice! )-------------------- $750.00 
SPAIN 1823-M 320 Reales Ferdinand VII FR. 319 (KM566) Scarcer date of the two year type 

and quite RARE! (cats. $7500 XF in KM-highest grade listed) PCGS AU55--------------------- $6,500.00 
SPAIN 1834-M 80 Reales Isabella II FR. 325 (KM577.2) PCGS VF25------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1841/0-B 80 Reales Isabel Il FR. 324 (KM578.1) This overdate unlisted in KM! 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS63---------------------------------------------------------------- === === $750.00 
SPAIN 1845-M 80 Reales Isabella I] FR. 325 (KM578.2) PCGS VF20------------------------------------ $100.00 
SPAIN 1855 100 Reales Isabella II FR. 330 (KM596.3) Four year type! (cats. $600 XF/ 

$900 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------- 23-2 n nnn nnn nnn nnn nanan $350.00 
SPAIN 1860 100 Reales Isabella II FR. 331 (KM605.1) NGC MS62--------------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1877 (1877) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) PCGS AUSS-----$125.00 

PCGS MS063----------------------------------------- 77 - nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $175.00 
SPAIN 1878 (1878) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343 (KM677) Scarce two year type! 

PCGS XF45-------------------------------------------------------- nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $250.00 

SPAIN 1878 (1962) 10 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 343-R (KM677) Official Government Restrike 
PCGS MS66------------------------------------------------- === nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnnnnnnn= $100.00 








SPAIN 1878 (1878) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) ANACS MS64--------------------------- $195.00 

SPAIN 1880 (1880) 25 Pesetas Alfonso XII FR. 342 (KM673) NGC MS64-------------------------------- $195.00 
SPAIN 1887 (1962) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Baby head” FR. 345-R (KM693) 
Official Government Restrike! PCGS MS66--------------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 

SPAIN 1897 (1897) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347 (KM708) One year type! 
(cats. $2500 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8---$1,350.00 PCGS MS61------- $1,750.00 

PCGS MS0)--------------------------------------------------------- 22-2222 n on onan nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $2,250.00 
SPAIN 1897 (1962) 100 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 347-R (KM708) 

Official Government Restrike! NGC MS65---------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
SPAIN 1899 (1899) 20 Pesetas Alfonso XIII “Juvenile head” FR. 348 (KM709) One year type! 

(cats. $500 XF in FR) NGC AUS58-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
SPAIN 1997 40000 Pesetas “UNESCO/Pagoda de Horyu-Ji” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69-------- $350.00 
SRI LANKA 1998 5000 Rupees “50 Years of Independence” KM160 NGC PF69------------------------ $250.00 
SUDAN 1976 100 Pounds “Scimitar-homed Oryx” FR. 2 (KM72) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 872 Uncs minted! NGC MS68------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
SURINAME 1981 200 Gulden “1I“ Anniversary of Revolution” FR. 2 (KM20) 1,363 minted 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
SWAZILAND 1974 10 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 4 (KM17) 

Interesting scallop-shaped planchet! PCGS PR67----------- $225.00 NGC PF69--------------------- $250.00 
SWAZILAND 1975 100 Emalangeni “Topless Swazi Maiden” FR. 6 (KM27) 1,000 mintage 

PCGS PR68--------------------- $225.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------- $225.00 

SWEDEN 1745 | Ducat Frederik | FR. 64 (KM421) Bust/Rev: Crowned shield. 2,470 minted 
Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR/$2100 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books) 

PCGS MS02----------------------------------- =n nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $1,950.00 
SWEDEN 1868 1 Ducat Karl XV FR. 91 (KM709) Small “ST” variety! (cats. $1500 in FR) 

NGC MS03----------------------------- 2-22 nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nnnnnns $750.00 
SWEDEN 1868 | Carolin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS63--------- $350.00 
SWEDEN 1869 | Carolin-10 Francs Karl XV FR. 92 (KM716) Four year type! NGC MS61--------- $250.00 
SWEDEN 1874/3 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94 (KM732) Interesting overdate variety! NGC MS65-----$195.00 
SWEDEN 1874 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94 (KM732) NGC MS64------------ $100.00 

NGC MS65------------------ $125.00 NGC MS66---------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
SWEDEN 1877 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93 (KM744) Two year sub-type! NGC MS65----------------- $195.00 
SWEDEN 1884 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS64---------------------------------------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1889 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS64----$125.00 NGC MS65---------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1894 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94a (KM743) Scarcer date! NGC MS64-------- $150.00 

NGC MS65 -------------------------------- 2-2-2222 n nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nanan $175.00 
SWEDEN 1895 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93a (KM748) NGC MS65---------------------------------------- $195.00 
SWEDEN 1900 20 Kronor Oscar II FR. 93b (KM765) Three year sub-type! NGC MS64------------- $175.00 
SWEDEN 1901 10 Kronor Oscar II FR. 94b (KM767) One year sub-type! NGC MS64----$75.00 

NGC MS65---------------------------- $100.00 NGC MS66----------------------------------------------- $125.00 
SWEDEN 1925 20 Kronor Gustave V FR. 96 (KM800) Scarce one year type! 

(cats. $1300 in FR) NGC MS03----------------------------------------------------- =n nnn nnn nnn nnn $650.00 
SWEDEN 1992 medallic 150 Ecu “King Gustav II/Ship VASA” 1,000 mintage 

NGC PF67------------------------ $150.00 NGC PF68------------------------------------------------------ $175.00 

SWITZERLAND-Bem 1 Ducat ND (1772) FR. 172 (KM126) One year sub-type! Scarce (cats. 
$2500 XF in FR and $1600 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books!) PCGS MS63-------- $1,950.00 
SWITZERLAND-Geneva 1754 1 Pistole FR. 262 (KM77) Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR and 

$2000 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books!) PCGS MS62--------------------------------- $1,950.00 
SWITZERLAND-Geneva 1755 1 Pistole FR. 262 (KM77) Scarce (cats. $2500 XF in FR and 

$2000 XF in KM-highest grade listed in both books!) PCGS AU58--------------------------------- $1,450.00 
SWITZERLAND-Geneva 1848 20 Francs FR. 263 (KM140) Scarce one year type! 3,421 mintage 

(cats. $1500 XF in FR and $2000 Unc in KM) PCGS MS62----------------------------------------- $1,450.00 

SWITZERLAND-Luceme 1804 10 Francs FR. 327 (KM98) Scarce one year type! 
(cats. $1500 XF in FR and $2500 Unc in KM) PCGS MS63---------------------------------------- $1,950.00 



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SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1758 % Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) PCGS MS62------------------------------------ $350.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1761/58 % Ducat FR. 488 (KM138) Overdate variety! 

PCGS Ms4)-—— ene $295,00 POGS MS63—-—e ee $395.00 
SWITZERLAND-Zurich 1776 ¥% Ducat FR. 487 (KM164) One year sub-type! PCGS MS64------------ $750.00 
SWITZERLAND 1912-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) Scarcer date! NGC MS64------------- $150.00 

SWITZERLAND 1913-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS62--$75.00 NGC MS64-----$100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1915-B 10 Francs “Vreneli” FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS63--$85.00 NGC MS64-----$100.00 

SWITZERLAND 1922-B 10 Francs FR. 504 (KM36) NGC MS64----------- $75.00 

PCGS MS65----------------- $85.00 NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------------- $100.00 
SWITZERLAND 1939 100 Francs “Luceme Shooting Festival” FR. 506 (KM#S21) 

One year type! 6,000 mintage PCGS MS65--------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
SYRIA 1950 1 Pound Republic FR. 2 (KM86) One year type! NGC MS65-------------------------------- $195.00 
TANZANIA 1974 1500 Shilingi “Cheetah” FR. 1 (KM9) Conservation Coin Series 

2,779 Uncs minted NGC MS66----------- $465.00 NGC MS67--------------------------------------- $475.00 
TANZANIA 1974 1500 Shilingi “Cheetah” FR. 1 (KM9) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 866 Proofs minted! NGC PF68----------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
TANZANIA 1992 1000 Shilingi “Visit of German President Weizsacker” Schon # 32 

(not yet listed in KM) Bust with elephant in background/Rev: Arms. NGC PF68------------------- $225.00 
TRANSYLVANIA 1595 | Ducat Sigismund Bathori FR. 152 St. Ladislas standing/ 

Rev: Madonna and child. PCGS AU5S--------- $750.00 PCGS AUS8--------------------------------- $950.00 

TRANSYLVANIA 1657-NB 1 Ducat Georg Rakoczi If FR. 218 (KM298) Bust with fur cap/ 
Rev: Madonna and child. Scarce one year sub-type! Nagybanya mint (cats. $1500 XF 

in KM-highest grade listed) PCGS AUS8----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,950.00 
TRANSYLVANIA 1760 1 Ducat Maria Theresia KM610 Bust/Rev: Double-headed eagle 

with crown above. PCGS AUS5----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
TUNISIA AH1272 (1855) 50 Piastres Sultan Abdul Mejid (with Muhammad Bey) FR. 3 

(KM127) Scarce (cats. $1000 XF in FR) PCGS XF45------------------------------------------------- $950.00 
TURKEY (1867) AH1277 Year 7 250 Kurush Abdul Aziz FR. 24 (KM697) 2,800 mintage 

(cats. $1000 XF in KM) NGC XF45S------------------------------------------------------------------------ $350.00 

TURKEY 1947 250 Kurush “Monnaie de Luxe” Ismet Inonu FR. 105 (KM878) PCGS MS62-------- $295.00 
TURKEY 1964 500 Kurush “De Luxe” Kemal Ataturk FR. 94 (KM874) 2,787 mintage 

NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------------- 7-7-2222 22-9 nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nana nanan $495.00 
TURKEY 1973 500 Lira “50 Anniversary of Republic” FR. 109 (KM904) One year type! 
NGC MS61 ------------------------------------------------------ 72-27-22 n nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nanan $150.00 

TURKEY 1982 100,000 Lira “Islamic World 15" Century” FR. 120 (KM956) Scarce NGC PF65------ $995.00 
TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS 1974 50 Crowns “Centenary-Birth of Winston Churchill” 

FR. 2 (KM3) 4,000 minted GEM PROOF in omriginal case with certificate--------------------------- $75.00 
TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS 1980 100 Crowns “Lord Mountbatten” FR. 22 (KMS0) NGC PF67---$150.00 
UGANDA 1981 2000 Shillings PIEFORT “International Year of Disabled Persons” KM#P2 

(type of KM31 but double thickness!) EXTREMELY RARE NGC PF68---------------------------- $750.00 
UKRAINE 1998 100 Hryven “Kyiv-Pechersk Assumption Cathedral” KM71 3,000 mintage 

(cats. $700) NGC PF68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1853 $1 Type One FR. 84 NGC AUS8--------------------------------- $195.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$295.00 PCGS MS62----$295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1913 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1925-D $2'% Indian FR. 121 PCGS MS62---------- $295.00 

NGC MS0)----------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2222 nono nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nana $295.00 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1926 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$350.00 PCGS MS62-----$350.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1926 $2 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial FR. 123 

NGC Ms6l = $350.00. PCGS' MS63:ere ee ee $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1927 $2% Indian FR. 120 PCGS MS62------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1928 $2% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62----------- $295.00 

PCGS MS6) eee $295.00 NGC! MS63 ae $650.00 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1929 $2'% Indian FR. 120 NGC MS62--$295.00 PCGS MS62-----$295.00 













UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1857-S $3 FR. 127 EF details but polished= 

ANACS Net VF20---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1880 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1881 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1882 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---$250.00 PCGS MS62-----$250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1886-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1887-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62---------- $250.00 

PCGS MS62----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
Pace tA teereaMERICA 1897 $5. Liberty ER: 143° NGC MS62——_—___-_ = $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1900 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $5 Liberty FR. 143 PCGS MS62-------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1903-S $5 Liberty FR. 145 NGC MS62----------- $250.00 

PCGS MS02-------------------------- $250.00 PCGS MS63----------------------------------------------- $495.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1904 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1908 $5 Liberty FR. 143 NGC MS62---------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS60----------------------------------- $295.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1909-D $5 Indian FR. 151 NGC MS60------ $295.00 

NGC MS61---------- $325.00 PCGS MS062----------------------------------------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1911 $5 Indian FR. 148 NGC MS61---$325.00 NGC MS62------ $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1912 $5 Indian FR. 148 PCGS MS62---------------------------------- $395.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1993-W $5 “5S0" Anniversary-World War II” NGC PF68----------- $150.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1881 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1891 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1893 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS61-----$250.00 

NGC MS02--------------- $295.00 NGC MS63------------------------------------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1894 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS61-----$250.00 

NGC MS0@2---------- $295.00 NGC MS63------------------------------------------------------------------ $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1899 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61-----$250.00 

PCGS MS602---------------------------- $295.00 NGC MS63---------------------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901 $10 Liberty FR. 158 NGC MS603--------------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1901-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS61-------- $250.00 

NGC MS03------------------------------------------------- 2-2-2 n-nonane nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn enn en nn nnnene $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1902-S $10 Liberty FR. 160 NGC MS63----------------------------- $550.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1906-D $10 Liberty FR. 162 This type issued for only 

two years from the Denver Mint! NGC MS61 ------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1907 $10 Liberty FR. 158 PCGS MS61------------------------------- $250.00 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2000 $25 (2 oz gold) “Liberty standing/Rev: Two Eagles” 

FR. 193 NGC MS69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $225.00 
URUGUAY 1930 5 Pesos “Constitution Centennial” FR. 6 (KM27) One year type! 

NGC MS61-------------------- $100.00 NGC MS64-------------------------------------------------------- $150.00 
URUGUAY 1954 20 Centesimos struck in gold KM#PnS1 RARE only 100 struck! NGC PF63-------- $495.00 
UZBEKISTAN-Bukhara AH1231 (1815) 1 Tilla KM34 ICG MS62--------------- $250.00 

ICG MS63---------------------- $295.00 ICG MS64--------------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
VATICAN 1 Ducato d’oro ND Pope Nicolo V (1447-1455) FR. 6 Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. 

Scarce PCGS AUS8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1 Ducato d’oro ND Pope Allessandro VI Borgia (1492-1503) FR. 330 

Arms/Rev: St. Peter standing. Scarce this nice! PCGS MS62---------------------------------------- $1,250.00 

VATICAN | Fiorino di camera ND Pope Clemente VII (1523-1534) FR. 60 Arms/Rev 
St. Peter in ship. Rare this nice! PCGS MS61 ---------------------------------------------------------- $1,450.00 



















VATICAN | Scudo d’oro ND Pope Paolo IIIf (1534-1549) FR. 65 Arms/Rev: St. Paul standing. 

Scarce (cats. $1000 XF) PCGS XF45------------ $750.00 PCGS AUS0------------------------------ $950.00 
VATICAN 1734 1 Scudo d’oro Pope Clemente XII FR. 224 (KM854) Arms/Rev: Legend. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS MS64------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1735 1 Scudo d’oro Pope Clemente XII FR. 224 (KM866) Arms/Rev: Legend. 

PCGS MS6)2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN 1746 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce in this grade! PCGS MS65--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $995.00 
VATICAN 1747 | Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) The Church seated/ 

Rev: Arms. PCGS MS62--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $650.00 
VATICAN 1751 1 Zecchino Pope Benedetto XIV FR. 231 (KM943) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce this nice! NGC MS603--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN 1783 1 Zecchino Pope Pio VI FR. 243 (KM1046) Arms/Rev: The Church seated. 

Scarce this nice! PCGS AUSO0-------------- $350.00 NGC MS64---------------------------------------- $995.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1786 2 Doppie d’oro (60 Paoli) Pope Pio VI FR. 385 (KM311) Lily/ 

Rev: Two shields. Scarce PCGS AUSS----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
VATICAN-Bologna 1787 2 Doppie d’oro (60 Paoli) Pope Pius VI FR. 385 (KM317) Lily/ 

Rev: Two shields. Scarce PCGS AUS5S----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1835-B 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 264 (KM1108) Scarcer date! Bologna mint 

Nice luster with some P/L surfaces! (cats. $1800 XF in FR) PCGS AUS58------------------------ $1,250.00 
VATICAN 1835-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) PCGS AUS8---------------------- $950.00 
VATICAN 1836-R 10 Scudi Pope Gregorio XVI FR. 263 (KM1108) Rare this nice! 

(cats. $1700 XF in FR) NGC MS64---------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,750.00 
VATICAN 1866-R 20 Lire Year XXI Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.2) PCGS MS62--------------- $350.00 
VATICAN 1866-R 100 Lire Year XXI Pope Pius IX FR. 278 (KM1383) Scarce 

Only 1,117 minted! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS8------------------------------ $4,450.00 
VATICAN 1867-R 10 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 281 (KM1381.2) PCGS MS63----------- $495.00 

NGC MS65 (Scarce this nice! )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN 1867-R 20 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.3) Year XXII PCGS AUS3-------------- $225.00 
VATICAN 1868-R 20 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 280 (KM1382.3) Year XXII PCGS AUS55-------------- $250.00 
VATICAN 1868-R 50 Lire Pope Pius IX FR. 279 (KM1388) Year XXII Scarce 

Only 1172 struck! (cats. $4000 XF/$6000 Unc in FR) PCGS AUS55------------ $2,950.00 

NGC MS63------------------ $3,950.00 NGC MS65 (Rare this nice!)--------------------------------- $4,950.00 
VATICAN CITY 1929 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) First year of the series! 

NGC MS03 ------------------------- 7-7-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $295.00 
VATICAN CITY 1931 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 3,343 mintage 

NGC MS64------------------ $495.00 PCGS MS64-------------------------------------------------------- $495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1933-1934 100 Lire “Jubilee” Pope Pius XI FR. 284 (KM#Y19) 

One year type! NGC MS65------------------------------------------------~---- 3a nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn $350.00 
VATICAN CITY 1935 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 283 (KM#Y9) 2,015 mintage NGC MS64-------- $495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1936 100 Lire Pope Pius XI FR. 285 (KM#Y10) NGC MS64-------------------------- $350.00 

VATICAN CITY 1939 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,700 mintage NGC MS66-------- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1940 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 286 (KM#Y30) 2,000 mintage NGC MS66-----$495.00 
VATICAN CITY 1942 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 2,000 mintage NGC MS65------- $450.00 
VATICAN CITY 1944 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS64-----$650.00 
VATICAN CITY 1947 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 287 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage 

NGC MS64----------------------- $650.00 PCGS MS65---------------------------------------------------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1948 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) NGC MS65------------------------ $295.00 
VATICAN CITY 1949 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 288 (KM#Y39) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1950 100 Lire “Holy Year” Pope Pius XII FR. 289 (KM#Y48) 

One year type! NGC MS65-------------------------------------------------- nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn $295.00 
VATICAN CITY 1951 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------ $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1953 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS65------- $750.00 
VATICAN CITY 1954 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 

1333. VATICAN CITY 1956 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 290 (KM#Y53) 1,000 mintage PCGS MS66------ $795.00 
1334. VATICAN CITY 1957 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-AS3) 2,000 mintage NGC MS66------ $350.00 
1335. VATICAN CITY 1958 100 Lire Pope Pius XII FR. 291 (KM#Y-A53) 3,000 mintage 

NGC MS65------------------------- $295.00 PCGS MS66------------------------------------------------- $350.00 
1336. VATICAN CITY 1996 50000 Lire “Pope John Paul II” Not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69---$195.00 

GEM PROOF in original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $195.00 
1337. VATICAN CITY 1996 100000 Lire “Pope John Paul II”. Not yet listed in KM! 

GEM PROOF wn original case with certificate-------------------------------------------------------------- $375.00 
1338. VENEZUELA 1875-A 25 Bolivares (5 Venezolanos) FR. 4 (KM#Y17) One year type 

struck at the Paris mint! PCGS AUSS----------------------------------------------------------------------- $450.00 
1339. VENEZUELA 1983 3000 Bolivares “200" Anniversary-Birth of Simon Bolivar” FR. 10 

(KM#Y59) NGC PF68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-- $495.00 
1340. VENEZUELA 1988 5000 Bolivares “Rafael Urdaneta” FR. 12 (KM#Y62) NGC PF69------------------ $195.00 
1341. VENEZUELA 1990 5000 Bolivares “Jose Antonio Paez” FR. 14 (KM#Y65) NGC PF69--------------- $195.00 
1342. WESTERN SAMOA 1980 100 Tala “1980 Olympics-Hurdles” FR. 8 (KM37) 

Only 250 Uncs minted! NGC MS66----------------------------------------------------- 9-2 noon $125.00 
1343. WESTERN SAMOA 1993 50 Tala “1996 Olympics-Discus Thrower” KM90 NGC PF68----$110.00 

NGC PF69---------------------------------------------------------- 7-2-2 nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $125.00 
1344. YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 5 Rials “Falcon head” FR. 16 (KM6) NGC PF68-------------------- $125.00 
1345. YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1969 20 Rials “Camel” FR. 14 (KM9) Scarce NGC PF69--------------- $350.00 
1346. YUGOSLAVIA 1931 1 Ducat Alexander I FR. 5 (KM12.2) With ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia) NGC MS65------------------------------------------------- ~~~ = $n nn nn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 

1347. YUGOSLAVIA 1931 4 Ducats Alexander I FR. 4 (KM14.1) Conjoined busts of the 
King and Queen with sword countermark (for Bosnia)/Rev: double-headed eagle. 

PCGS MS61--------- $650.00 PCGS MS63------------ $750.00 ANACS MS63----------------------- $750.00 
1348. YUGOSLAVIA 1932 1 Ducat Alexander I FR. 5 (KM12.2) with ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia). ANACS MS62------------------------------------------------- nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn $125.00 
1349. YUGOSLAVIA 1933 1 Ducat Alexander 1 FR. 5 (KM12.2) Scarcer date! Ear of com countermark 

(for Serbia). NGC MS64--------------------------------------------- "9-2-2 n nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnnnnnne $225.00 
1350. YUGOSLAVIA 1933 4 Ducats Alexander 1 FR. 4 (KM14.2) Ear of com countermark (for Serbia) 

RARE date! 2,000 mintage (cats. $1600 XF/$2500 Unc in KM) PCGS AUS5------------------- $1,250.00 
1351. YUGOSLAVIA 1987 50000 Dinara “200" Anniversary-Birth of Karajich” FR. 21 (KM130) 

NGC PF68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-222 nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $195.00 
1352. ZAIRE 1975 100 Zaires “Leopard” FR. 1 (KM11) Conservation Coin Series 

1,415 Uncs minted! NGC MS64--------------------------------------------------- $n nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn $495.00 
1353. ZAIRE 1975 100 Zaires “Leopard” FR. 1 (KM11) Conservation Coin Series 

Only 279 Proofs minted! NGC PF69------------------------------------------------n- nnn nnn nnn nnn $750.00 
1354. ZAMBIA 1998 6000 Kwacha “Taiwan Assembly” not yet listed in KM! NGC PF69--------------------- $250.00 


We offer collectors the standard 60 day lay-a-way plan--this requires approx. 1/3 down at the time of invoice-- 
with another 1/3 due in 30 days from invoice date and the final 1/3 in 60 days from invoice date. All lay-a-way invoices 
must be paid in full within 60 days of invoice date! At that time, your order will be shipped via registered mail. No 
interest or handling charges! We offer this service as a courtesy to serious collectors who want to add specimens to their 
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you can pay it off within 60 days--do not ask for the lay-a-way plan as all lay-a-way invoices not paid in full within the 60 
day time period will be forfeited. We do not want to be in that position so if you start a lay-a-way invoice, we expect you 
to complete it as this service is offered strictly as a courtesy to our clients! 




MS60 to MS62 Brilliant Uncirculated to Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS63 to MS64 Superb Choice Brilliant Uncirculated 
MS65 and higher Gem Brilliant Uncirculated 


All coins sold by our firm are guaranteed genuine. 
All Florida residents must add the 6% state sales tax to their orders if the total invoice is under $500. 

All shipments sent within the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are sent via postpaid registered mail—fully 
insured. Federal Express and Express Mail service is available for shipments within the USA and Puerto Rico for an 
additional fee of $15 per shipment, if you would like this service, please add $15 to your payment. 

All international shipments are sent via postpaid registered airmail—fully insured. Express Mail service for 
international shipments is also available at an added charge—depending on the destination, weight and value of the 
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All domestic orders should be paid in the form of a bank cashier’s check or money order for immediate shipment. We 
do accept personal and business checks but allow the bank clearance time prior to shipment taking place (approx. ten 
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All international orders must be paid in the form of a bank draft drawn on a USA bank and payable to us in USA 
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Sorry, we do not accept any form of credit card for payment! 
All coins sold by our firm have a full 30 day retum period (that’s 30 days after you receive the shipment!). You can 
return any coin purchased from us for a full refund during that period, no questions asked and no explanation needed! 

However, after the 30 day period expires, all sales will be considered final. 

If you are sending any coins back to us for a refund, they must be shipped to us via registered mail thru the U. S. Post 
Office and declared for their full value! 

10. We are a mail-order only company with no retail offices! ALL COINS ARE KEPT IN BANK VAULTS! 

We are always in the market to purchase high quality and rare gold coins of the world as well as scarce United 

States gold! When it comes time to dispose of your collection please contact our firm, as we need “fresh” inventory for 
our ads, price lists and client wantlists and we are paying competitive market prices for the material we need! Please 
contact us for additional information concerning our purchase of coin estates, etc. It’s not the happiest of thoughts, but 
we all have to plan for the future! We welcome the chance to purchase your gold coin holdings whenever that time comes- 
-now or at some future date!